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Whats the most frightened you've ever been?



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,191 ✭✭✭✭Shanotheslayer

    When I 17 I Was walking home from a party at around 1 in the morning looking for a taxi. Had a few drinks, a bit tipsy nothing further.

    A car pulls up beside me and says '' come here for a minute ''

    In my mind Im like oh Sh!t Im gonna get raped. I say '' No you don't wrong person mate'' and continue walking further along the path. The car reverses saying '' Here come here we're Garda''. At this stage I'm thinking '' **** where the f*ck do I go?''. I say ''No your not piss off''. Just as I start picking up pace walking the car reverses around the corner and I LEGGGGGGGGGGGGGEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD It!

    Started knocking on some random door. Absolutely sh!tting it. Turn around, and see a guard there. So Im like ''oops''.

    Stupid under cover cars giving me a heartattack:/

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,110 ✭✭✭Thirdfox

    Two occasions where I have been seriously afraid, not quite traumatised though.

    1. On an exchange in the US - in Atlanta they have storm sirens that go off when a category 1-5 storm is passing by overhead (all the tv's make put up notices too). I'm an amateur photographer (full time law student ;) ) who thought to myself "awesome, I'll get some pictures of the thunderstorm".

    So I climb to the roof of my apartment block - open up the door and set up the tripod... I could see and hear the lightning flashing all around me but none was good enough for a photo (wrong angles). Just as I decide I need to venture outside to look for a better shot (with my dinky little umbrella) a bolt hits...10-20 metres in front of me

    You can see in this picture - it was the tip of the white building behind the moped.

    The brightness, sound and heat of the strike was so frightening. It felt like a boom had gone off in my face. Cue a lot of swearing and knees shaking for 10 minutes.

    The crazy thing was, after the lightning almost hit me - I reasoned to myself, "well you almost got hit, you have to take a picture now at least or else you almost died for no reason" :pac: which resulted in the photo above (a very poor photo - but it reminds me of the incident - the bolt above is probably over a kilometre away - you can imagine how big it would be 10 metres away).

    2. While travelling around Eastern Europe for my summer holidays I end up in Budapest (very nice city). To go up to their castle you can take a cable car (7 euro?) or walk (long winding road). Being a cheap student, I chose to walk...but noticed a path that seemed a more direct route - it involved climbing up the cliff face though (I still had 8kgs of camera equipment on my back at this point, and Dubes...not exactly climbing shoes).

    About 40 metres up from the ground I notice that the "path" has turned into a smooth bit of rock (the cliff face was at a 70/80 degree incline I guess and I couldn't go back down).

    I remember thinking "if I fall now, this is going to hurt...a lot...probably broken bones". The knees start to shake a little and I feel like I'm swaying backwards off the cliff face. I dig in with my fingers and start inching up... the most awful thing is that the top was only 5-6 metres away - just that it was pure rock (no roots to hold onto). I'm stuck for 4-5 minutes just thinking about my situation - it was a pretty hot cold but I was feeling so cold. In the end I decided "f*** it - I'm going to go for it, if I don't get up I'll end up mighty hurt, but if I try to go down I'll definitely slip and hurt myself".

    So I burst upwards and scrabble on hands, feet, knees, whole body up the last 5 metres until I'm on the tarmac-ed road again. Bloody knees and elbows but no serious injuries. I know though, if at any point my footing had slipped it would have been really serious. Rested at the top for 30 minutes, trying to slow my heartbeat down...

    All because I wouldn't pay the 7 euro ripoff cable car ticket :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,101 ✭✭✭MitchKoobski

    Down the back of my estate was a small little creek with a bridge going across it, went out along a main road and towards a SuperQuinn then. Delaney's chemists was right next to it.
    When i was about 12 my mam sent me down to get some sort of medicine for my younger brother, so i begrudgingly wandered down the back to the chemists. Got as far as the bridge and there were 4 older lads there and they all had bikes. Biggest guy and some skull on him and blocked me from crossing the bridge. Said its "fiver to pass" and i immediatly got scared, but the only money I had was for the medicine and I wanted to be a good kid.
    So i kinda slided my way past him and all his friends started laughin at him. I muttered "****ing wanker" under my breath and went walking off but just before I got out of earshot I hear one of them go "he called you a ****ing wanker".
    Made it almost to Superquinn when i turn around and see all 4 of them coming towards me on the bikes. Trying to play it off i stand up on the rasied grassy mound next to the footpath to let them pass. Big guy comes up and gets in my face and shoving me going "what did you say about me you little prick?". I denied everything up until the point he picked my up and slammed me face first into the concrete. Turns me over, kneels as hard as he can on my face sqaushing my head against the ground as two other guys hold my arms and legs while another searches my pockets.

    While this is happening there are cars going past, people going into superquinn and a bus stop full of people across the road. Not a single person helped me.

    By some miracle they find nothing, hop on the bikes after punching me in the face one last time for good measure. I start hobbling to Delaney's while holding back the tears in shock. Actually managed to get the medicine and was about to walk out the door when I see the 4 of them hovering around the car park. I froze with fear and didnt know what to do. Girl behind the counter had to snap me out of it.Used the change I had to use a payphone and ring mam who came down to collect me just as the 4 of em headed off again. Guards couldn't be bothered their arse looking for them because "it could be any lad with a bike".

    To this day I still see the older guy around town. I later found out his name, what school he went to and atm he's a friend of a friend but I haven't said anything. Whenever I even glimpse him around town i get scared to death. But if I ever met him face to face I'd probably snap.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 63 ✭✭mig mag

    I was driving from my house into town one November morning about two years ago. It was really cold and I wrapped the boys up in big warm coats and strapped them into their car seats, The eldest was 2yrs and the baby was only 6 months at the time.
    I rang my hasband before pulling off (he was up the country, just on his way home) I got about a mile or so when the car started to swerve, I thought for a second that I had regained control again and then it was gone. The car swerved from one side of the road to the other and back etc until it hit the ditch at the other side of the road and turned on its roof.
    I looked behind me to check on the kids in the back seat, they were ok but crying. I opened my seat belt and fell on my head! That's when I knew the car was upside down!
    I crawled along th roof into the back and lay under the boys so they would land on me when I opened their straps.
    That was definately the scariest thing I have ever been through and I hope never to experience anything like that again. I am literally shaking as I write this.
    A passing car had stopped to help and I actually nearly slipped crossing the road with the black-ice.
    We were all fine, not even a scratch. The car was a write-off but we didn't care. Thank God (or whoever) for child safety seats!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭punchdrunk

    I was about ten and being babysat by my older cousin
    she thought it would be very funny to lay down on the stairs then squeeze her foot into the gap between the water pipe of the radiator and the wall at the stairs,then start screaming that she was stuck and her leg was broken

    honestly I don't know how she did it she must have been 40 minutes lying screaming and crying there straight faced,not a hint that she was messing!

    of course my first reaction was "I'll call an ambulance" she said I couldn't we'd get in trouble,ok then "I'll call our Nanny" again she says I can't

    this was terrifying because she was putting all the pressure on me,where normally you'd be able to pass the responsibility onto someone much older
    but everything I thought off she shot down straight away

    I was half way to cutting off her leg with a kitchen knife when she couldn't help but burst out laughing....very fúcking funny! :mad:

    I still call her a wagon for doing that twenty years later!

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  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,091 Mod ✭✭✭✭Tar.Aldarion

    I've never been frightened for my own life in any meaningful way. If I did, I die. Only real thing that frightens me are things like an ex going for an operation, I couldn't talk all day with the lump in my throat. Also the doctors not knowing if my mother had cancer or not. Things like that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,183 ✭✭✭storm2811

    Used to have to walk home at night on all the little creepy backroads..would jump a mile if i heard something moving in the bushes and think straight away that it was a serial killer/rapist!:pac:

    But i'd say it was one night at around 3,i was woken up by the sound of someone banging on the door,didn't believe it like,it was 3am on a Sunday!
    Got up anyway to see,and all I saw was the shadow of this man stumblin about outside,nearly crapped meself and went around checkin all the doors were locked and went to tell my mam what was happenin,next thing this hand comes in through the window grabbing around at stuff!

    Never been so scared since,was a good few years ago now that i think about it,would have been about 12!Turned out to just be a drunk neighbour:mad:

    Nearly got ran over by the guards too once..:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,803 ✭✭✭El Siglo

    Well, a few years back I was driving from Silver Creek, Colorado to New York during a blizzard and my car went off the road. Fortunately I was rescued by a local woman by the name of Annie she brought to her home.
    At this point both of my legs were broken, and I had a dislocated shoulder, leaving me bedridden and unable to move, it was horrendous. The woman that rescued me, Annie appeared at first to be a kind nurse with a happy-go-lucky attitude, but was actually mental. While she was feeding him, she lost control over something I had written and spilled some soup on me, but she then apologises calmly. Let's just say things got back really quickly...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,850 ✭✭✭FouxDaFaFa

    El Siglo wrote: »
    Well, a few years back I was driving from Silver Creek, Colorado to New York during a blizzard and my car went off the road. Fortunately I was rescued by a local woman by the name of Annie she brought to her home.
    At this point both of my legs were broken, and I had a dislocated shoulder, leaving me bedridden and unable to move, it was horrendous. The woman that rescued me, Annie appeared at first to be a kind nurse with a happy-go-lucky attitude, but was actually mental. While she was feeding him, she lost control over something I had written and spilled some soup on me, but she then apologises calmly. Let's just say things got back really quickly...

    You had me until there!:D

  • Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 23,216 Mod ✭✭✭✭GLaDOS

    Great thread. I've never been really frightened, despite being in situations that would excuse it, I kinda feel emotionally disconnected from them, it's odd.

    Cake, and grief counseling, will be available at the conclusion of the test

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,957 ✭✭✭Magenta

    Victor wrote: »
    Troll much?

    Two Turkish guys in a small town and nobody knows who they are OR people you know nothing about you magically know are Turkish.
    Victor wrote: »
    How differently do Turks look to Greeks, Bulgarians, Syrians, Kurds, Georgians, Armenians or any other Mediterranean or Middle Eastern group?

    Out of all the crazy stories in this thread, the one you deduce to be unrealistic is of a girl being beaten up by men.
    Rather than offer her your sympathy or just keep your mouth shut, you start whining some PC rubbish because she happens to say that they were foreign.
    Is that what makes you feel like the big man? Belittling girls who have been assaulted?

    Shame on you. Even more so as you're the mod of Personal Issues. I'll know where not to go for support if I am ever assaulted by men.

    Maybe you should keep your big mouth shut in future.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,802 ✭✭✭beks101

    Yes, the night I took 3 boxes of magic mushrooms, 2 and a half tabs of acid and half a bar of hash chocolate in Amsterdam, then went to Madame Tussauds. I had never been to a Madame Tussauds before, I had no idea that they have a chamber of horrors in there. I went in, totally off my head, expecting to see nice happy celebrity statues, and instead found myself in a place of unimaginably horrific nightmares. I was so scared I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I had wondered why the woman at the start had asked us if we had any heart problems or anything like that. As it was in Amsterdam, they really should have asked if anyone was wasted beyond belief before letting them in.

    I don't have any particularly frightening story, I just had to post to say I don't think I have ever laughed so hard at a post on here in my life.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,127 ✭✭✭✭Leeg17

    Ann22 wrote: »
    Some stories are scarier than others, maybe his ghosts weren't too spooky.

    Maybe it was Casper?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,547 ✭✭✭Agricola

    Not sure if its the most frightened ive ever been but a real shock.

    Lived in a flat with a friend of mine when i started college. Came back one night after a massive session to what I thought was an empty flat as my mate worked nights some weeks.
    I was liein in bed watching the lightbulb spinning around the room (as you do) when I heard this knocking sound coming from somewhere in the flat. Even though i was shítfaced I put it down to me being shítfaced, but it kept on happening. I went out into the dark hallway and nearly had a fúckin heart attack when I just about made out this thing standing at the other end of the hall, all in white. Then it came tearin down the hall at me!
    Of course it was the fella I was livin with. He hadnt gone into work that evenin and decided it would be a laugh to put a sheet on his head and scare the shít out of me.

    I saw the funny side, eventually!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8 Kassilights

    Years ago after been out for my birthday, I came home in a taxi with some friends.
    For some reason I asked them to drop me around the corner from my idea why I got them to do this.
    Anyway I walked across the road and a man walked across in front of me, going in the opposite direction.
    As he went past he looked straight at me and I remember thinking 'Oh God, he looks evil' :eek: and ran, in the middle of the road, towards my house and made it home safe.
    The next day it was all over the local news that a young girl had been murdered in her flat, around the corner from where I lived!!! Her boyfriend was found guilty of her murder.
    I told my sister but never went to the police.

    My sister reminded me of this years later and I had no memory of it...must have suppressed it, but now I can remember it clearly and can still see those evil eyes!!!:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭Erica<3

    If I'm brutally honest, it was the first time I overdosed and I came very close to dying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,333 ✭✭✭bad2dabone

    I'm a pretty strong swimmer and love the water, have my scuba licence and have done open water swim races. A few years ago I was in greece on a day trip to a secluded island with my gf at the time. The sea was magnificent and the day was spectacular, sunny and bright, just perfect. So I decided i'd dive in off the rocks where we were and go for a swim. First thing i noticed was it was a bigger drop to the water than I imagined and the rocks which we were on were an overhang. Anyhow I did my swim and returned to where the GF was sunbathing and tried to climb back onto the rocks, but the current was pulling me in under the overhang, the current was pulling me under the goddamn rocks!
    Trying to fight the current was the first time I had really come up against the sheer power of the sea, I was like a piece of wood just being tossed around against these sharp rocks. I was deep into panic and couldn't get the words out of mouth to call the gf, so i was literally hanging on to the overhand my my fingertips with my head being dipped in and out of the water. I don't know how I managed it but I got a massive burst of adrenaline and managed to pull myself up over the rock and lay there panting on the ground. MY GF took her walkman off and was like "What's wrong with you?"... I was like "I NEARLY DROWNED!" "no you didn't! " " I DID!" "ah stop messing!"


  • Registered Users Posts: 656 ✭✭✭hurleronditch

    Thirdfox wrote: »
    I'll get some pictures of the thunderstorm".

    So I climb to the roof of my apartment block

    Did this not strike you as an incredibly stupid thing to do in a lightning storm?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 185 ✭✭M.Pool

    there are some seriously frightening senarios posted here.
    My is not serious but gave me a fright at the time.

    I was in Mexico on holidays with a friend. We paid for sun loungers on the beach and as it was a really hot day we dragged the loungers under the shade of a couple of palm trees. I was half dozing with my eyes closed when I felt something on my left shoulder. I swiped at it without opening my eyes. My friend looked over and really casually said, "you've got a cockroach on your shoulder". I screamed, leapt up, did a kind of mad hopping dance on the beach. The cockroach had long gone by this stage but I was so freaked out I couldn't stop shivering. That was the day I learned that cockroaches have wings, do fly and like to drop out of palm trees.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,944 ✭✭✭Jay P

    I cycled up Patrick's Hill in Cork a few weeks ago for the exercise and to see what the view was like. For anyone who doesn't know, it's a monsterously steep hill just outside the city. At the top, it's easily 45 degrees down. Anyhoo, on the way down I built up a scary amount of speed. At about halfway, I realised I'd need to slow down fast. So I put on the brakes fairly heavily. I came to a stop sign but was going too fast, and passed it just as a car was pulling out. I'd say I missed it by about six inches, and I was going at least 30mph. When I got to the end, I had to get off and sit down for a good five minutes. I was shaking like a leaf the entire way home then :o

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  • Registered Users Posts: 131 ✭✭Nihilist21

    I've had quite a few frightening experiences. The one that most readily comes to mind was one summers day, it was beautiful weather outside so decided to go out and have something to eat out in the garden. Anyway I was sitting on this rock eating and I thought I heard a gust of wind, but didn't actually feel any, so I looked behind me and saw nothing and then when I turned to my front there was a swarm of bee's no more than a foot from my face. I remember just taking off and legging it down the road, I can't recall running as fast in all my life. I dunno why I ran down the road rather than into the house, must have been an amusing site for anybody watching mind you!

    Actually there was another experience with bee's, whereby one flew into my mouth as I was walking, the really loud muffled buzzing sound it made flying around my mouth was really terrifying and I remember desperately trying to spit it out before it went down my throat. It was the sound more than anything that was awful about that though.

    There's another experience with an animal of sorts which also made me run off screaming, but nobody ever believes me on that!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,001 ✭✭✭recylingbin

    I once knocked a piece of toast which had honey on it off my plate. It fell, spinning to the ground. It happened in slow motion, all the while I was thinking NOOOOOOOOOOOO, the carpet is ****ed. I was paralysed with fear. A fear bourne out of the knowledge that it would take hours to get that **** cleaned up properly.
    It landed honey side up. I was so relieved that I voided my bowels.

  • Posts: 17,378 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Was cycling along a country road in the pitch dark with the lights on when I was maybe 10 years old.. Then I notice this white thing following along the trees on the right of me and I swear to God, I've never felt so scared in my entire life. My heart jumped out of my chest full sure it was a ghost for about twenty seconds.. I was in the middle of nowhere and this thing in the trees across from me.
    Felt like some eejit afterwards when I realized the front light had a hole on the right side of the casing and it was shining perfect onto the trees.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 924 ✭✭✭Elliemental

    Thomas828 wrote: »
    I remember round about 1982 or 83 when I was 11 I saw a documentary about what would happen if a nuclear warhead hit London. It described all the effects, the blast, the firestorm and the fallout, all in the minutest detail, what would happen to the people and everything around us, both during and after the bomb, what things would be like for the survivors and how those survivors would die... It scared the living crap out of me. I really was in fear of my life, and for everybody!

    Threads. Believe it or not, we watched this in our English class at school. For what reason, I cannot recall. But we did.

    My scariest experience in life was about 10 years ago, while at Uni. I had a part time job in a Spar shop, and we were help up one night by a guy with a gun. My colleague and I had to empty all the tills while the nut in the balaclava bellowed orders at everyone in the shop, waving the gun around.

    And my first ever Belfast bomb scare was quite scary, too. But everyone else was so damn casual about it, I had to show nerves of steel and pretend to scarcely care like everyone else.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 433 ✭✭Gang of Gin

    I remember being in my friend's mam's car when I was about 7 or 8. It was a bit of an old banger, and there were 6 kids in it...4 in the back and me and another one in the front (these were the days when you could get away with that!) I was sitting nearest the passenger door and the car went flying around a corner and suddenly my door opened and I was hanging out! My head was as low as the bottom of the car and I could just see the ground rushing below me :eek: My terrified friend beside me was just pulling me by the arm and everyone else in the car was screaming! We laughed about it afterwards but I can't imagine what my friend's mam was thinking. I'd say she was dreading telling my mother!

    Heh. I've always wondered if this had ever happened to anyone else and assumed surely it had. This pretty much was my experience too. Quite distressing at the time, and laughs after. In hindsight the laughs were more of a nervous variety.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 433 ✭✭Gang of Gin

    In distressful moments, when one is given to flight, isn't that 'sprint' in terror absolutely electrifying? Both in a good and bad way, I'm sure. It's as if gliding, hardly registering your feet touching the ground. Taken completely with adrennalin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,110 ✭✭✭Thirdfox

    Did this not strike you as an incredibly stupid thing to do in a lightning storm?

    Obviously it was not an open roof (the camera would get wet ;) ) - though I had been considering venturing outside.

    I'm the kind of guy that runs towards volcanoes and tornadoes (unfortunately I was too late to catch one that passed through Atlanta that year) to catch a good photo.

    And I like the pun ;)

    Other near death experiences may include a piano falling on me at the age of 4 in kindergarten. Not in the ACME sense - upright piano that toppled over rather than grand piano falling on me standing on an X marked on the ground.

    Bird getting sucked into plane engine during takeoff during our trip to Italy. (The subsequent 9 hour ryanair wait was worse though - and they didn't even give us our legal dues of free water :( )

    Deciding on the last moment not to go to Manchester shopping centre the day it was blown up by the IRA (lived in Manchester for 3.5 years).

    So either way - I'm either incredibly lucky not to be killed or unlucky... haven't broken a bone yet though.

    Though did need emergency surgery after Dance Dance Revolution...turns out I got appendicitis (something misdiagnosed by the ER doctor until my mother threatened to sue if they didn't run a blood test). Haven't been to hospital since.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,142 ✭✭✭M three

    Ann22 wrote: »

    When he was about 3 he disappeared in Pennys one day for a fair few minutes..I sent my older son who was 13 to stand at the door in case he wandered out. I nearly had a heart attack that day too. Some of the staff were helping me look. I was shaking with terror..turns out one of the sharp eyed girls spotted him crouching on the ground under a stand of clothes. The wee villain was hiding on me!!

    why is it kids do that? was in a clothes shop recently and saw a woman getting freaked out looking for her daughter, she found her hiding in a rail of clothes.

    scariest thing that happened me was when i was about 15, was eating dinner, too quickly, and my mam walked out the back door. i started choking on a large piece of potato and couldnt cough it out, i was there banging on the table like a lunatic and trying to roar and i managed to cough it up. was shook! mother wonders back in and wonders why everything on the table was upside down!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 433 ✭✭Gang of Gin

    Erica<3 wrote: »
    If I'm brutally honest, it was the first time I overdosed and I came very close to dying.

    On what?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,183 ✭✭✭✭Will

    Was out one night sitting in a bar with a few mates. All going well when my mate goes "guy I know is calling in to say hello". Not a bother, more the merrier. Anyway the dude turns up, well dressed and very talkative. Something wasn't right though, it was like I heard him before. So I go over and introduce myself.

    "Hi, I'm Will nice to meet you"

    "Ah you!! You cnut!! I'm Degsy!!!"
