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The Breast Feeding Support Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    DL if you wait until 6 months corrected age then I wouldn't purée. She can eat meat at that age so I'd take a little bit of whatever you're having for dinner without salt and mash rather than purée. O had this in the crèche everyday and I did blw in the evenings and at weekends and it worked fine.

    I just never forced the food so no airplanes or trains to coax her to open her mouth for more. Even doing that is following the blw principle.

    The best advice I got about gagging was to sit on your hands for 10 seconds. If the food hasn't come out by then you should intervene with first aid for choking but the food is usually ejected by that stage. They will have to eat finger foods at some stage and the longer it's left the more they gag as their reflex gets further back towards their throats.

    I can't believe we'll be back to all that in 8 weeks or so. O is so grown up now and just eats what we eat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    DL if you wait until 6 months corrected age then I wouldn't purée. She can eat meat at that age so I'd take a little bit of whatever you're having for dinner without salt and mash rather than purée. O had this in the crèche everyday and I did blw in the evenings and at weekends and it worked fine.

    I just never forced the food so no airplanes or trains to coax her to open her mouth for more. Even doing that is following the blw principle.

    The best advice I got about gagging was to sit on your hands for 10 seconds. If the food hasn't come out by then you should intervene with first aid for choking but the food is usually ejected by that stage. They will have to eat finger foods at some stage and the longer it's left the more they gag as their reflex gets further back towards their throats.

    I can't believe we'll be back to all that in 8 weeks or so. O is so grown up now and just eats what we eat.

    Yeah - we did make that mistake with A... Food was not fun and I feel that she has struggled with eating since 12 months as a result of us trying to force food on her. As soon as we realized how stupid we were being and stopped stressing about it we have ensured its on her terms - she eats it or not - up to her, 3 meals a day and now withher own cutlery etc and I think she's getting sone enthusiasm back - I think having S around eating will help her greatly - and I will never make the same mistake again - ill never coax them into eating! It's my biggest regret.
    My husband & I work shifts and rarely get to eat together - but one of us tries to sit down and eat with A so she can see and learn - she eats pretty much what we eat - but sometimes I wish I cooked more rather than grabbing stuff from freezer... But with time ill get there! It's been a bit chaotic!
    It's interesting about the purée if not purée thing - would be easier not to I suppose and would def encourage A to eat if S is! I'm def holding off til about then - she really has no signs whatsoever of wanting it and luckily doesn't have reflux etc to prompt me. I have heard it can help with reflux a bit alright.
    Don't know where the weeks are going either - I'm kinda sad its going by so quickly....after A we were pregnant again by 5 months! That certainly won't be happening this time!!!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    holding wrote: »
    Just saw this linked to on Facebook and thought it would be useful here too

    Edit: it's 'Timeline of a Breastfed Baby'

    That is a great article - very helpful and reassuring - thanks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 505 ✭✭✭aknitter

    I did the whole combined feeding thing from 3 months with my little lad so we went on solids at I think, 16 weeks. He didn't sleep a night until he was on his 3 meals a day and I had to try to get him to sleep better. I used the Annabel Karmel books and I got ideas of giving him stuff I'd never eat and he loved them - mango and pear lightly poached and pureed was a favorite snack!
    I never coaxed him and gave him a wide variety of tastes etc but at 2 years 4 months he's a very picky eater - no veg but will take anything in a smoothie so I'm trying to not let it stress me. Worst part is when I give him his dinner I always put veg on the plate - baked beans or peas or carrots or broccoli whatever - he just acts as if its not on the plate and eats what he wants! if I had a reaction I would have something to work with but i don't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    I think all toddlers and kids go through phases of being picky or fussy eaters and it doesn't matter one whit how you wean them in that sense.

    Not eating food is a huge source of power for them as they see how manic their parents get when they don't eat.

    I'd recommend that every parent reads My Child Won't Eat by Carlos Gonzalez. It's a fantastic book and will put your mind at ease. No child has ever starved themselves and it's not the end of the world if they don't eat their vegetables :)

    Our son didn't eat for 3 weeks last Christmas. He had a terrible viral infection so he was quite sick and he ate next to nothing for all of Christmas. We had to buy a belt to hold his trousers up as he'd lost a good bit of weight but he had it to lose. I was beside myself but I just kept in mind what Carlos Gonzalez said and true enough he started eating again once he went back to crèche in January. I could see that despite his apparent lack of appetite and his illness he'd still suck a chocolate off a gammy leg so I knew he'd be alright!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,043 ✭✭✭MurdyWurdy

    aknitter wrote: »
    I did the whole combined feeding thing from 3 months with my little lad so we went on solids at I think, 16 weeks. He didn't sleep a night until he was on his 3 meals a day and I had to try to get him to sleep better. I used the Annabel Karmel books and I got ideas of giving him stuff I'd never eat and he loved them - mango and pear lightly poached and pureed was a favorite snack!
    I never coaxed him and gave him a wide variety of tastes etc but at 2 years 4 months he's a very picky eater - no veg but will take anything in a smoothie so I'm trying to not let it stress me. Worst part is when I give him his dinner I always put veg on the plate - baked beans or peas or carrots or broccoli whatever - he just acts as if its not on the plate and eats what he wants! if I had a reaction I would have something to work with but i don't.

    That's interesting that the solids helped him sleep better at night. I'm at my wits end with my little man and sleeping.He's dropped a night feed so instead of feeding at say 2.30 and 5.30 he has one feed at 4.30 or 5. So he sleeps 8.30 until 4.30ish with a dream feed at midnight and a feed at about 8.30. It sounds great but he is soooooo restless so he wakes up every 30 minutes needing to be given his dummy and soothed back to sleep. Usually I hsve to let him sleep on me for a while. So the sleep I get is no better - I just don't know what to do to help him sleep better.

    I know it affects him because when we have a bad night with him waking up loads (like last night) he'll go back asleep for ages after his 8.30 feed. So I can go back to sleep too which is great but it doesn't work if I have to be anywhere :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Drdoc

    MurdyWurdy wrote: »
    That's interesting that the solids helped him sleep better at night. I'm at my wits end with my little man and sleeping.He's dropped a night feed so instead of feeding at say 2.30 and 5.30 he has one feed at 4.30 or 5. So he sleeps 8.30 until 4.30ish with a dream feed at midnight and a feed at about 8.30. It sounds great but he is soooooo restless so he wakes up every 30 minutes needing to be given his dummy and soothed back to sleep. Usually I hsve to let him sleep on me for a while. So the sleep I get is no better - I just don't know what to do to help him sleep better.

    I know it affects him because when we have a bad night with him waking up loads (like last night) he'll go back asleep for ages after his 8.30 feed. So I can go back to sleep too which is great but it doesn't work if I have to be anywhere :(

    My little guy is the exact same Murdy. He's 20 weeks now and it seems to be getting worse. The longest uninterrupted stretch he'll do any night is 2 hours, then he cries every 15mins - 1 hour for the rest of the night. He settles back with white noise/soother very quickly. It's exhausting!

    I was wondering if it could be reflux related? My other theory is that he used to always feed to sleep and so when he has a brief awakening he realises boobys not there and cries. I've worked the last few nights on putting him down awake in the cot and I have seen a bit of an improvement....

  • Registered Users Posts: 505 ✭✭✭aknitter

    I found that as they come up to the weaning phase they can wake more - its a sign they may be ready for soilds. I like the idea of BLW but I'll take my que from the baby, if I think he's ready for solids before 6 months I'll give him solids.

    Murdy, food was only side to my fellas sleep habits, but it was a comfort at that point to know that he could sleep the night. With his eczema he still wakes up at night and now he comes into us! But we just lead him back to bed and put cream on him if its needed.

    Drdoc - could your baby be ready for solids?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Drdoc my little fella is also 20weeks and sleeps better if i put him into the cot slightly awake.

    I read in the BLW book that waking at night is not a sign that they need solids. Im going to wait until he shows an interest in food. Hes looking interested when we re eating but he's also interested when im brushing my teeth! Definity a few weeks away yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Drdoc

    Yeah Nead it's like as if he managed to get some deeper sleep by falling asleep in the cot as opposed to being transferred in when asleep.

    Definitely not ready for solids here either. No real interest at all as far as I can see, just doesn't seem developmentally ready really. Luckily my phn is great and is pro holding off til 6 months. I heard recently of a girl who is in hiding from her phn as she is afraid of her wrath if she finds out baby has not been started on solids yet!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    Just bought fenugreek today. Going to see if it helps with my supply. My right boob is very low, I have been feeding off it every feed and eating oats, and it has helped a tiny bit, but hoping this will help too. The left one is doing great and having a great time feeding her now. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    When my first was 20 weeks I introduced the baby whisperer pick up out down (PUPD - google it!) method. I also removed her soother - so no sleep prop as she woke looking for it all the time! This worked miracles on her and she slept thru til 11 months when we hit a rocky patch again. Before that she never slept thru and was exhausted! I 100% recommend if! It's gentle and supportive to teaching good sleep hygiene and does not involve crying or leaving your precious baby!! Had started again with S whose 16 weeks but she's sick now so all out the window as snuggles are essential as she can't lie flat from the mucus affecting her breathing. I'm exhausted :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Drdoc

    dublinlady wrote: »
    When my first was 20 weeks I introduced the baby whisperer pick up out down (PUPD - google it!) method. I also removed her soother - so no sleep prop as she woke looking for it all the time! This worked miracles on her and she slept thru til 11 months when we hit a rocky patch again. Before that she never slept thru and was exhausted! I 100% recommend if! It's gentle and supportive to teaching good sleep hygiene and does not involve crying or leaving your precious baby!! Had started again with S whose 16 weeks but she's sick now so all out the window as snuggles are essential as she can't lie flat from the mucus affecting her breathing. I'm exhausted :(

    Thanks DL. Yeah I had read up on it and was all set to do it but fortunately thus far he hasn't cried enough to need to do it. This is 5th night in a row he's fallen asleep in the cot so I'm fairly happy.
    Am trying not to remove one prop (boob) and replace it with another (soother)! I don't mind using white noise as a prop; bought him a slumber bear and so far so good, he lets out a cry, white noise starts and he goes straight back to sleep.

    That's awful that your little one is so blocked up. I suppose its coming into winter now, they'll all be getting sick soon. Hope you get some sleep tonight and she's a bit better tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Drdoc wrote: »
    Thanks DL. Yeah I had read up on it and was all set to do it but fortunately thus far he hasn't cried enough to need to do it. This is 5th night in a row he's fallen asleep in the cot so I'm fairly happy.
    Am trying not to remove one prop (boob) and replace it with another (soother)! I don't mind using white noise as a prop; bought him a slumber bear and so far so good, he lets out a cry, white noise starts and he goes straight back to sleep.

    That's awful that your little one is so blocked up. I suppose its coming into winter now, they'll all be getting sick soon. Hope you get some sleep tonight and she's a bit better tomorrow.

    Slumber bear sounds cool! I'm off to google!
    Sounds like ur little one on right track - as they say - if if aint broken don't fix it! Anything that means sleep is good - I really hope we can get sleeping soon - it's so under rated!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    dublinlady wrote: »
    When my first was 20 weeks I introduced the baby whisperer pick up out down (PUPD - google it!) method. I also removed her soother - so no sleep prop as she woke looking for it all the time! This worked miracles on her and she slept thru til 11 months when we hit a rocky patch again. Before that she never slept thru and was exhausted! I 100% recommend if! It's gentle and supportive to teaching good sleep hygiene and does not involve crying or leaving your precious baby!! Had started again with S whose 16 weeks but she's sick now so all out the window as snuggles are essential as she can't lie flat from the mucus affecting her breathing. I'm exhausted :(

    DL am curious how she reacted to removing the soother? Was there a period of adjustment or did she get over it quickly? We are considering getting rid over selves as she is waking more and more looking for it through the night which is "fine" at the moment while she's in out room but we will be looking at moving her to her own quarters in the next couple of weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Drdoc wrote: »
    Thanks DL. Yeah I had read up on it and was all set to do it but fortunately thus far he hasn't cried enough to need to do it. This is 5th night in a row he's fallen asleep in the cot so I'm fairly happy.
    Am trying not to remove one prop (boob) and replace it with another (soother)! I don't mind using white noise as a prop; bought him a slumber bear and so far so good, he lets out a cry, white noise starts and he goes straight back to sleep.

    That's awful that your little one is so blocked up. I suppose its coming into winter now, they'll all be getting sick soon. Hope you get some sleep tonight and she's a bit better tomorrow.

    Massive fan of white noise here too. We have Ewan the dream sheep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    I'm now a huge fan of olbas oil for children. A was totally bunged up last week and it really helped her sleep. I bought nasosal this week on recommendation from a pharmacist and it's very good. There's usually a bit of baby snot for removal after squirting it and since starting using it the nasal congestion has really cleared up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Drdoc

    Digs wrote: »
    Massive fan of white noise here too. We have Ewan the dream sheep!

    Yeah it's mad the way they can be crying, hear white noise and just go silent.
    I haven't heard of Ewan the dream sheep but he sounds cuddly!
    Slumber bear wouldn't be the best looking bear but its his inner box I care about!
    DL he's great, most of the baby shops have him. He plays white noise or lullabies or your own recording for 5 mins when baby cries or hits him. Wish I'd discovered him weeks ago, instead I was leaving my phone beside him playing a white noise track over and over again! Couldn't text anyone!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Drdoc wrote: »
    Yeah it's mad the way they can be crying, hear white noise and just go silent.
    I haven't heard of Ewan the dream sheep but he sounds cuddly!
    Slumber bear wouldn't be the best looking bear but its his inner box I care about!
    DL he's great, most of the baby shops have him. He plays white noise or lullabies or your own recording for 5 mins when baby cries or hits him. Wish I'd discovered him weeks ago, instead I was leaving my phone beside him playing a white noise track over and over again! Couldn't text anyone!

    That is hilarious we were the exact same!! Everyone used to know if you couldn't get me L had my phone on airplane mode!

    I actually went to get Slumberbear in Dundrum and couldn't find him, the girl in Mamas and Papas said Ewan was his cousin, he does the same thing. He's nice and cuddly too! My hubby downloaded the same white noise app onto his ipad as sometimes she likes the sound of the hoover of all things. It is mad though, the odd time when she fights sleep and you put it on her eyes instantly begin to roll!

  • Registered Users Posts: 505 ✭✭✭aknitter

    Another hoover fan here too! Or try the hairdryer if in need of a quick fix!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Can thrush cause a pain deep in the boob? I have an awful pain deep in my boob no lumps or bumps. C was on antibiotics last week she always has a white coating on her tongue so can't tell from that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    cyning wrote: »
    Can thrush cause a pain deep in the boob? I have an awful pain deep in my boob no lumps or bumps. C was on antibiotics last week she always has a white coating on her tongue so can't tell from that.

    Yes - it was the only symptom I had of ductal candida - barely any visible signs !
    Needed prescription for 2 weeks of meds! Cleared it up no probs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    You don't want to know the words going through my head right now ;) I've a doc appt at 915 Monday morning as is, hopefully I can last until then I like to try and avoid Southdoc! It would take me waiting until C was almost weaned and 13 weeks pregnant to get thrush!! Ouchy pain though

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 680 ✭✭✭icescreamqueen

    Does anyone top up their little one with a bottle at night? My little one is 4.5 weeks now and I'm exclusively breastfeeding but I'm not sure if baby is getting enough milk from me as the day goes on. She just just doesn't seem satisfied. I think im having problems with my supply. Also, I said if I breastfed for 3 months, I'd be happy. Does anyone have any advice on gradually introducing the bottle now? I'm just a bit clueless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    cyning wrote: »
    You don't want to know the words going through my head right now ;) I've a doc appt at 915 Monday morning as is, hopefully I can last until then I like to try and avoid Southdoc! It would take me waiting until C was almost weaned and 13 weeks pregnant to get thrush!! Ouchy pain though

    Yeah it's very sore :( being pregnant might mean different treatment too - I had forgotten about that ! U poor thing - if it gets worse maybe go cos you don't want a systemic infection. I tried pumping as feeding her was so sore and it was slightly better - but not alot. Try probiotics maybe tomorrow? Eugh that sucks :(

    S Is really not well - had to get help for A today so I could stay in bed with S and help her sleep - she's feeding well - too well in fact - fairly constantly - it's her only comfort at the mo, nothing else will calm her. What's worse is I think I'm coming down with it now too. Shivers and exhaustion. I only have her settled and I'm sneezing! At least she's not off her milk tho / I'd rather it be this way, much less stressful -- just tiring!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Oh DL I hope you all feel better soon.
    A had that in July and I got it from her and then got a flu like virus. The one consolation to being sick yourself is that you're making the antibodies to help her get better.

    cyning ouch!

    A is having night terrors today. Seriously! She starts crying hysterically in her sleep but doesn't wake up. She's done it 3 times today. We had friends over this afternoon and the mum said her little one had them at 4 months. I then googled it (as you do!) and yes there is such a thing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,043 ✭✭✭MurdyWurdy

    Oh DL I hope you all feel better soon.
    A had that in July and I got it from her and then got a flu like virus. The one consolation to being sick yourself is that you're making the antibodies to help her get better.

    cyning ouch!

    A is having night terrors today. Seriously! She starts crying hysterically in her sleep but doesn't wake up. She's done it 3 times today. We had friends over this afternoon and the mum said her little one had them at 4 months. I then googled it (as you do!) and yes there is such a thing.

    It could be worse, my husband suffers from night terrors! He regularly wakes up screaming thinking there's a burglar coming in. Then he goes back to sleep almost immediately and I'm the one lying awake completely freaked out! It's the number one reason we don't co-sleep :)

    Hopefully she'll grow out of them soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Night terrors sound awful!! I'd heard of them in toddlers but not In babies nor adults!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,043 ✭✭✭MurdyWurdy

    dublinlady wrote: »
    Night terrors sound awful!! I'd heard of them in toddlers but not In babies nor adults!

    Just realised my post makes it sound like my husband and I don't co-sleep! We do sleep together- the baby just doesn't sleep in the bed with us in case hubby has a night terror and starts thrashing around :)

    He doesn't even remember when it happens, it's me who gets the rough end of the deal because I can't get back asleep. It is awful though - I'd imagine it must be horrible to see it in a baby or toddler :(

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  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Does anyone top up their little one with a bottle at night? My little one is 4.5 weeks now and I'm exclusively breastfeeding but I'm not sure if baby is getting enough milk from me as the day goes on. She just just doesn't seem satisfied. I think im having problems with my supply. Also, I said if I breastfed for 3 months, I'd be happy. Does anyone have any advice on gradually introducing the bottle now? I'm just a bit clueless.

    Seek advice from a breastfeeding expert like La leche or Cuidu in your area if you feel that you have problems with your supply. Its unusual that you may have supply issues but I can understand why you may suspect it:
    Cluster feeding - babies cluster feed in the evenings. It feels sometimes like they are insatiable or that they are getting nothing. But its just the way that they are increasing your supply for the increasing appetite they have.
    Boob fullness - when you first start producing milk, your boobs can feel huge and full. As your supply steadys out over the weeks, you lose that feeling of fullness but there is still plenty of milk there, even if they feel empty. Boobs are never fully empty.
    Growth spurts - babies go through growth spurts and need to temporarily increase their intake for this spurt. Your little one is about 1.5 weeks away from one.

    Provided you are getting lots of wet and the occasional dirty nappy, its likely that baby is getting plenty. Its hard to trust your body to provide but it does. If you are in doubt though, do get it checked out.

    I introduced a formula feed at 3 months felt that earlier was too young and breastfeeding was going well, but in the mean time, try to express milk and freeze it. That way you can get the baby used to a bottle. I had to medicate my baby initially so used to put an oz of expressed in a bottle with the meds and he got that before every breast feed. He was too hungry to refuse the bottle, but still hungry after a single ounce to switch if you know what I mean. I think I did it from 7 weeks.
