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Running Through The Wall



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Airport runway - that's a new one !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    pgmcpq wrote: »
    Airport runway - that's a new one !

    Yeh, something different alright, but it sounds better than it is! Great atmosphere and all that, but out and back alomg the same stretch is tough mentally!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 1st July

    Mon: 10 miles, 1:22:44, 8:16/mi
    Wed: 10 miles, 1:18:51, 7:53/mi
    Fri: 5.1 miles, 39:35, 7:46/mi
    Sat: 10.04 miles, 1:19:44, 7:57/mi
    Sun: 8.64 miles, 1:08:19, 7:55/mi

    Just getting some steady miles in this week, no real aim, just enjoying some easy ambling. Managed to clock up 43.78 miles all the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 8th July

    Tue: 5.5 miles, 45:00, 8:11/mi
    Thu: 6.1 miles, 48:25, 7:56/mi

    Sat: Creemore Vertical Challenge

    25k trail race about an hour and a half's drive north of Toronto. Pretty much 50% trail, 50% quiet country gravel road. Didnt really do any specific training for this, longest run I've done in recent weeks was the half-marathon in Ottawa in May. I knew that even though this was only 25k, with the 'vertical' nature, together with tough trail, heat etc, that I could be out there for up to 3 hours.

    Oh, and it rained torrentially for 2 hours before the race, turning it into an absolute mudfest. Forgot the trail shoes of course, so was left with my road runners. Delightful. On the plus side, the rain and thunder+lightning cleared some of the extreme heat that had been hanging around Toronto and surrounding areas over the preceding days.

    Anyway, off I went at 9:15am or whatever time it was, and things were going reasonably well until the second trail section. it was uphill on what can only be described as greasy mud. I was scrambling up the hill using my fingers to get a grip. Not my idea of fun, and if there was an opportunity to cut out at that stage (About 4-5k), I would have taken it! Somewhere in this mess, my Garmin switched off, and I didnt notice it until a while later.

    Thankfully things got better, and I was able to open up the speed on the country road sections and pick up some places along the way, but then kept losing one or two on the muddy sections.

    Anyhow, got there in the end. Got in home in 2:21, for 25th/113 finishers. Avg HR 155, Max HR 177.

    Winner did it in just under 1:43. There was also a 50k, 2-lap race. No way I could have managed another lap!

    Nice race report by the race director here:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 15th July

    Week off running - had been promising myself a week or two off running for a while now, and on one hand, enjoyed putting the feet up but on the other its hard to resist getting out for a few miles. Do some other exercise I hear you say? Hmmmm.

    Did some weights on Thursday and a 20k bike ride with the missus on Saturday... but nothing too strenuous!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 22nd July

    Mon: 6.01 miles to get back into it, 46 mins flat
    Wed: 6.95 miles, 56:21
    Fri: 5.77 miles, 42:25
    Sat: 10.2 miles, 1:19:56; avg 7:50/mi, nice long-ish run

    Sunday watched Mrs. Killerz compete in the Toronto triathlon. In very warm conditions, she did a great job. From a selfish point of view, it was nice to watch an event for a change. Really enjoyed it.

    28.93 miles total this week, easing into it again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 29th July

    Mon: 8.2 miles, joined by the missus for some of it, enjoyable - 1:16:51
    Tue: 7.15 miles, 54:48
    Thu: 8.11 miles, 1:03:56
    Fri: 5.26 miles in 39:31
    Sat: 9 miles, 1:32:46, hit some trails in Northern Toronto with Mrs. K, nice enjoyable early-morning jaunt.
    Sun: 10.1 miles in 1:19:43 - nice end to the week's workouts.

    All runs are done at relatively easy pace at the moment due to high heat, humidity and no major race targets in the near future.

    47.82 miles this week, a nice step up again, all nice gentle runs, no major long distance stuff. Bring on the olympics for some inspiration!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 5th August

    Tue: 10.06 miles, 1:18:15
    Wed: 10.01 miles, 1:16:48
    Sat: 7.75 miles at 7am in the morning in shocking humidity. I have never run in conditions as challenging, certainly not at that time of the morning. It was disgusting. 1:02:19.

    27.82 miles total this week - less than planned, but feeling some irritation in my left foot - trip to physio planned on Tuesday - hopefully that will help things out a bit.

    So, we will be returning to Ireland from Canada this September. It will be an interesting change to life, but one which I will embrace and I look forward to getting stuck into training back in Dublin and signing up for a few races in the late Autumn and onwards!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 12th August

    Mon: 12.01 mile run, avg pace 7:54, total 1:34:45. Nice long run on a bank holiday Monday, hit some challenging trails.
    Tue: 6.01 miles, 47:28 - morning run. Evening - weights. Went to physio in evening - Plantar F i'm afraid!
    Weds: 50 mins on ex bike - 45 mins Random/ Hills - 13.5 miles, 5 mins W/D - 1.5 miles
    Thu: 10.39 miles, 7:37/mi 1:19:01
    Sat: 13 miles, 1:40. Nice enjoyable evening run, not too warm.
    Sun: 13 miles on the ex bike (45 mins) + weights session

    Definitely my best and most solid training week in some time, and quite diverse for me also! Physio sessions have been helpful also.

    41.41 miles running, 18 miles bike and 2 x weights sessions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 19th August

    Tue: 5.2 mile easy run, 41:28
    Weds Morning: 6.02 miles, 47:40
    Thu: Weights session in the evening

    Sat: Iroquois Trail Test - 32k Trail Race, Ontario

    Up early on Saturday morning to travel to this trail race about an hour outside Toronto. I'd signed up for the 32k as it would be my last race in Canada before returning home, and the wife said she'd like to try her hand at the trails, and went for a 15k.

    Temps were cool, prob down around 12 degrees at the race start, 7:30 am for the 32km runners. Ideal if you ask me. Sun was shining, trail was dry. Picture perfect, awesome. The race comprised an 8k loop followed by 12k out and 12k back along a northern trail. Water stations were about 5km apart on average, which is tough, as this could mean 40 mins on difficult trails, so I carry a handheld water bottle in these races.

    Not having done much training and considering the PF difficulties i have been having, i didnt expect too much from what was considered one of the most challenging of the Ontario Trail Series races. Plenty of ascent and descent and some very rocky trail to deal with, and my goal was to finish inside 3:30 given all of the above factors.

    The 8k loop was fine, about 3km of it was on road, then a descent on fairly runnable terrain, followed by an ascent up it again which took a bit of effort, but i was soon back at the start/ finish, having completed the 8km in around 45 mins, and was off on the north part of the trail. I was at the back of a group of around 10 for this loop, but made up some spots right after that.

    The north part was much more challenging - lots of rock, roots and twists and turns making life very difficult. There were some lovely double-track runnable segments which were great, but overall, you're bounding between rocks! Took on gels at about 50 mins, 1:40 and 2:30 - a strategy which seemed to work well.

    I kept passing people on the trail, which was great, despite taking some of the more difficult parts slowly. I really opened up on the runnable portions and passed a number of people each time. All going well. Hit the turnaround point (20km) at around about 1:55 or so and set off on my return, really picking up speed at this point.

    All was going reasonably well from 20-25km, but then my quads started to seize up a bit and was afraid of cramping from there on in. Kept the hydration up, but i guess my overall fitness just was not there for running 32km at this pace. I dug deep though and kept a strong pace, which was disrupted only once when i tripped and fell face down into the dirt. Luckily i was able to pull myself up and head for home, finishing strongly in around 3 hours and 6 mins, a time i was delighted with, for 15th overall.

    Took my medal and complementary mr. freeze canadian equivalent and lay down on the grass. Cramping took me about 20 mins to straighten out. I pulled myself up (well actually, someone else pulled me up) and over to the food station for an awesome pork sandwich and other tasty treats. Mrs, Killerz debuted strongly, finishing well up the pack in the 15km, taking it home in 1:45, despite face planting and knocking a tooth off the rocks at one time. Fair play to her!

    31.12 miles total this week.

    2 weeks left in Toronto before we leave for Alberta and then back to Ireland!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Nice going - but take it easy with PF.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    pgmcpq wrote: »
    Nice going - but take it easy with PF.

    Yeh, will do, have really reduced my mileage overall, I think its under control... all going well....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Killerz wrote: »
    Week 4th - 10th January


    In other news, I am heading to Canada for 18 months from next month, so i may need to get used to the snow! This does mean that I wont be doing the Connemara Ultra (this year anyhow), but I think there are a few alternatives near Toronto, where i am heading.

    Will keep the training log going in any event.

    Total mileage this week: 27.9
    Total mileage year to date: 49.6

    Well, I ended up being in Canada for almost twice that original 18 month estimate, and arrived back in Ireland last Thursday. Still getting settled and have no internet in the house yet. But will catch my log up and re-focus my efforts over the next couple of weeks!

    Strongly contemplating toeing the line on October Bank Holiday Monday too :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Killerz wrote: »
    Killerz wrote: »
    Week 4th - 10th January


    In other news, I am heading to Canada for 18 months from next month, so i may need to get used to the snow! This does mean that I wont be doing the Connemara Ultra (this year anyhow), but I think there are a few alternatives near Toronto, where i am heading.

    Will keep the training log going in any event.

    Total mileage this week: 27.9
    Total mileage year to date: 49.6

    Well, I ended up being in Canada for almost twice that original 18 month estimate, and arrived back in Ireland last Thursday. Still getting settled and have no internet in the house yet. But will catch my log up and re-focus my efforts over the next couple of weeks!

    Strongly contemplating toeing the line on October Bank Holiday Monday too :D

    I expect all that warm weather training to pay off big time :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    2 Weeks ending 2nd September

    Week 1:
    Tue:Weights session.
    Wed: Bike gym session done before work (40 mins); stretches in the evening.
    Thu: 6.33 miles easy prior to the arrival to Toronto of a friend of ours for the weekend. 49:44
    Fri: Gym session: bike for 40 mins

    Week 2:
    Mon 27th August: 6.4 miles easy, 49:16
    Tue: 7.04 miles easy, 51:49
    Sat: 6.8 miles, my last run in Toronto, 56:27

    Following that last session, moved out of our apartment in Toronto and headed off on holidays for a few days before returning to Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 9th September

    Tue, 4th September: 8.12 miles easy through the city and on the trails of Edmonton, Alberta. This was my first bit of exercise since being on a train across Canada since Saturday night, where a lot of food was consumed. Pleasant run, 1:05:30
    Wed: 30 mins on bike, 30 mins on treadmill (4 miles) in hotel gym, Hinton, Alberta. A superb start to a cracking day!
    Sat: Delightful trail run at Lake Louise, Alberta. Myself and the wife decided that instead of hiking the trail up to the Agnes Lake tea rooms, we would run it! 385 metre elevation gain from the Fairmont Hotel, 2.23 miles up (42:25) - many gasps of disbelief from others we passed on the trail, 2.23 miles back down (24:18). Probably the most picturesque runs I have ever done.
    Sun: 4.38 mile trail run in Banff, Alberta. Very slow run due to (i) tired legs from the day before and (ii) the presence of a number of female and male elks that were sizing each other (and us) up. Got out alive though - 1 hour flat.

    Great week sightseeing in Alberta, and also managed to get some decent exercise in too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 16th September

    Mon: 7.5 miles easy (1:01:32) through the glorious canyons of Drumheller, Alberta. Surreal landscape, lovely run to kick the week off.
    Tue: 5.0 miles easy (40:39) in Sylvan Lake, Alberta - my last run in Canada before returning to Ireland.

    Back in Ireland:

    Fri: 10 miles from family home in Blackrock to Dalkey and back. 8 min mile pace, 1:20:14. Nice conditions. Afternoon spent moving and unpacking 40 boxes then, just what I needed.
    Sun: 7.63 miles out around Sandymount and back to Blackrock. Mostly easy miles, but threw in a couple of flyers (Mile 3: 7:11; Mile 6: 6:08) to push myself after much eating of biscuits and pastries over the last few days. 56:04 total, average pace 7:21/mile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 23rd September

    Tue: First run back in my old stomping ground of the Northside - Artane/ Killester/ Clontarf. 6.27 miles, 52:16, plenty of St. Anne's Park action in this one!
    Wed: 11 miles, 1:28:10. Nice to be back, and feel the full force of Dollymount Strand's wind in my face again. Nothing quite like that!
    Thu: 5 miles, 39:25
    Sun: 14.1 miles, just over 10 accompanied by my old running partner and good friend who now lives close by. Nice and slow, about 7 miles on trails in St. Anne's Park, total time 2:03:18.... barely felt it going by.

    36.37 miles clocked up this particular week, my first week settled back in Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    So, there has been a lot of upheaval over the past few months, which has in turn contributed to a mileage drop too (hit 1000 in mid-June and am now up to 1,399.73 (week ending 16th September). But that was no harm as my body needed some rest and I was suffering somewhat from PF.

    I had a wonderful time in Canada, 2 yrs 9 mths or so, and ran some great races - marathons, ultras, short races, trail races etc through all sorts of conditions and terrain.

    I am now settled back here in Dublin and looking forward to getting back into the Irish circuit again. I also had the daft idea that I should do DCM 2012. Won't be going out for a PB, but would like to do it nonetheless. I'm hoping to build on my general base and draw inspiration from some tough trail races this past summer and all going well, I'll have a comfortable day.

    After that, I will focus on a short race in December and possibly January, before building up again to a Spring marathon.

    That's the plan at least....!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 30th September

    So, now I'm a little more settled in Dublin, and working towards DCM 2012 (still not sure what time to go for), while also building up speed again early on in the week, with one eye on a 5-10k in December. Unusual mix, but more focused on speed and short distance for now, with a long run at the weekend to build endurance for Dublin.

    Tue: 9.01 miles incorporating 2 x 2 miles at planned marathon pace (not DCM, more 6:50-7:00 pace). Dont want to jump too quickly into things!

    2.3 mile warmup, 18:07/ 7:53/mi; 127bpm HR avg
    2 miles in 13:33/ 6:42/mi; 164 HR

    2 mins recovery; 0.2 miles, 157 HR

    2 miles in 13:39/ 6:48/mi; 174 HR
    2.5 miles warmdown, 20:34/ 8:20/mi

    Average HR 153bpm, max 182bpm, avg pace 7:38/mi
    Solid session, first real hard work in a number of months.

    Wed: Nice easy 5.25 miler, 40:07/ 7:38/mi
    Thu: 8.08 miles speedwork total of 59:05 incorporating 8 x 400m at planned 5 km pace (17:30 target for December 2012, or 3:30/km). 1 minute recovery easy each time.

    1.86 mile warmup - 14:16/ 7:39/mi
    • 1:23; 162 HR
    • 1:25; 169 HR
    • 1:23; 169 HR
    • 1:25; 170 HR
    • 1:23; 171 HR
    • 1:26; 170 HR
    • 1:24; 172 HR
    • 1:27; 170 HR
    3.46 mile cooldown to take it home. Slipped a little for that last rep, but this reflects my re-introduction to speed-training, and I feel I will get stronger as I move up through the gears in the coming weeks.

    Average HR 150bpm, max 179bpm, avg pace 7:19/mi

    Sat: Long run of 17.33 miles; 2:27:11/ 8:29/mi. Great long run, just putting time in the legs, worked very well. Avg HR 134, max of 164. Super workout! Just wanted to make sure I could still do it! Comfortable throughout.

    39.67 miles this week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 7th October
    Mon: 10.53 miles incorporating 6 miles at planned marathon pace.

    2 mile warmup, 16:30/ 8:15/mi; 113bpm HR avg
    3 miles in 20:41/ 6:54/mi; 145 HR
    3 miles in 20:34/ 6:51/mi; 161 HR
    2.53 miles warmdown, 20:03/ 7:56/mi; 150HR

    Average HR 143bpm, max 171bpm, avg pace 7:24/mi
    Already seeing improvements on this vs last week.

    Wed: Nice easy 5.6 miler, 43:08/ 7:42/mi
    Thu: 8.83 miles speedwork total of 1:05:25 incorporating 10 x 400m at planned 5 km pace. 1 minute recovery easy each time.

    2.39 mile warmup - 18:46/ 7:51/mi
    • 1:22; 164 HR
    • 1:22; 165 HR
    • 1:26; 168 HR
    • 1:24; 168 HR
    • 1:24; 166 HR
    • 1:24; 166 HR
    • 1:24; 168 HR
    • 1:24; 167 HR
    • 1:25; 167 HR
    • 1:24; 162 HR
    3.03 mile cooldown to take it home.
    Average HR 148bpm, max 176bpm, avg pace 7:25/mi

    Sat: Long run of 16.25miles; 2:07:55. Nice handy run. First 11 miles were at a very respectable 7:44/mi.

    41.21 miles this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 14th October
    Mon: 10 miles incorporating 7 miles at planned marathon pace.

    1.5 mile warmup, 11:59/ 8:00/mi; 121bpm HR avg
    7 miles in 47:27/ 6:46/mi; 152 HR
    1.5 mile warmdown, 10:37/ 7:04/mi; 157HR

    Interesting the higher HR on the warmdown section...probably was a bit too enthusiastic! Fabulous session otherwise.

    Average HR 147bpm, max 169bpm, avg pace 7:00/mi

    Thu: 5.25 miles easy, 39:17/ 7:29/mi

    Sat: Long run of 20miles; 2:43:08 (8:09/mi). Enjoyable first and last long run for DCM. Went reasonably well. Gel (Clif Shot Razz) at 5.5, 11.5 and 17 miles, more or less in line with strategy for DCM, though may push it out depending on pace, and will be having 4 in total. Probably at miles 6, 12, 17, 22 or something.

    35.25 miles this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Weekending 21st October
    Mon: 5.1 miles easy -42:04

    Tue: 7.7miles, 57:52, 7:31/mi, Avg HR 146, Max 159 overall

    This was supposed to be some sort of speed session, but I abandoned it early as was not feeling the strongest:

    1.67 mile warmup, 13:20/ 8:00/mi; 128bpm HR avg
    1 mile in 6:49; 152 HR
    5.03 miles, 37:44/ 7:30/mi; 152HR

    Had hoped to maintain the sub 7's, but that didnt work out too well. Happy enough with 7:30s.

    Thu: 11.5 miles total, in 1:24:35, avg pace 7:21/mi, avg HR 151, max HR172.

    2.5 milewarmup - 19:51; 7:57/mi; 125HR avg
    2 miles in13:36; 6:47/mi; 162HR avg
    0.4 milesrecovery - 3:00; 7:52/mi; 156 HR avg
    2 miles in13:28; 6:43/mi; 166HR avg
    2 miles in14:40; 7:20/mi; 159HR avg

    2.6 miles in19:59; 7:40/mi; 154HR avg

    Nice run, gotsome good speedy bits in there too, plenty of energy, nice to give myself agood run out.

    Sat: 5.22 miles easy in 42:41 - nice stretch of the legs before heading off on one of the lad's stag trip.

    29.52 miles this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 28th October

    Mon: 5.5 miles easy -42:57
    Tue: 6.42miles easy - 48:47; 7:36/mi
    Thu: 6.00miles easy - 46:45; 7:47/mi

    Then off to a 4 day Indian wedding - perfect prep for the Dublin Marathon on Monday!

    17.92 miles this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz


    So, I decided just a few weeks ago (effectively when I came back to Ireland in mid-September, that I would sign up for DCM 2012, just run it, have no major expectations etc., enjoy the day and get some more marathon experience under my belt.

    My shortened training program centered around a couple of 17 mile runs and a 20 mile run, the last one being 16 days before the main event, and averaged just over 8 minute miles for that. Based on prior experience of marathon training, I thought this might get me somewhere between 3:10 and 3:15 but was not sure I had the endurance to carry that for a further 6 miles. Added to that I would be away from lunchtime on Thursday through to 10pm on Sunday at an Indian wedding in Birmingham. Not ideal, but I wasnt pushing for a fast time, so I just enjoyed that event, ate a lot of curry, did a lot of dancing etc.... And I do not regret any of it.

    The race itself:

    Got up early and was in town (Mont Clare Hotel is a great staging area!) by 7:45 or so. Togged out and was just near the bag drop by about 10 past 8 and it was at this point I was interviewed for the Irish Times website (i'm first on the voxpop):,AAABogn1yyk~,LkRilRH4ked-KiuAGufxuwxBRihpFiRS&bctid=1930751836001

    I was explaining to the interviewer all about my 4 days of curry..... was probably lost on her!

    Anyhow, was in the pen and positioned next to the 3:15 pacers by about quarter to 9. Bin bag on, I was feeling reasonably good, but my legs felt tired even before starting. I would have to draw on my ultramarathon experience for this!

    Took a while to get the Garmin signal, but managed it with a few minutes to spare. Ripped the binbag off incredible-hulk style and off we went! Tight corner on to Leeson Street at the start always bemuses me - why not just start it on Leeson Street altogether?

    Anyhow, all going well, into the Phoenix Park (very tight again around by the zoo), and there was absolute carnage at the water station there in the park - it seemed to come out of nowhere, no notice, people falling over each other, and it was in the road rather than at the side! Madness. Anyhow, got my bottle of water and had my first gel at 6 miles. Hit 10km at 46:18.

    On out of the park and around Chapelizod where the support really began, and further into Kilmainham where the crowds were also fantastic. Mrs. Killerz was out supporting at the Luas bridge near Fatima, which gave me a bit of a boost. Then through Dolphins Barn where the crowds make the route really narrow, Tour de France style - nice, before the long drag up along the road as we approach 13 miles, second gel taken at 12 miles.

    Hit the halfway mark in 1:35:59, which I was happy with. Still comfortable overall, but tired. No problem! Conditions were ideal - cool if a little damp, but perfect for running. Feeling fine still as we passed KCR, Bushy Park, and great crowd support at Terenure and Rathgar. On through Dartry and then the lovely downhill into Milltown. Great support there, including appearances from Mommy Killerz and Sister Killerz, complete with banner! 3rd gel was taken at approx. 17 miles.

    The uphill out of Milltown took its toll and I was feeling it now as we turned towards Clonskeagh and along that long road up to the back of UCD. I dont like this part of the course at all, its always where the initial tiredness hits me and you can see the road looming up in front of you. Nonetheless, I sucked it up and continued on, hitting 20 miles in 2:25:09. Grand.

    Up that heartbreaker that is Roebuck Hill before the downhill on Fosters Avenue. Then over the UCD flyover - another area amongst my least favourite parts of this race.... Continued on, down Nutley Lane and hit the water station there. Was planning on having a gel around this time, but had a stitch and didnt want to add to it. Focussed on my breathing on the part of the course I really hate - Merrion Centre thru to RDS - very little support and just a long road.

    Pulled through and eventually had my gel when passing the Berkeley Court hotel - probably too late for any real effect but why not I suppose. Pushed on then into town and into the final mile. Felt my legs really tense up at this time so slowed myself a bit as I wasnt really chasing a time. Just concentrated on getting around College Green then. I decided to whip the crowd up into a frenzy then as I was passing the Molly Malone and they responded with great gusto, I must say. Nice. A couple more twinges in my legs reined me in a little and I just kept my head down and aimed for the line, which I crossed in 3:10:55, bettering my last (and best) DCM (2009) by about 25 seconds. Result. Marathon #13 in the bag. 760th overall. 26.43 miles per the Garmin, 7:14/mile pace, avg HR 158bpm, max 182bpm.

    Got the goody bag, had a stretch and hit Abrekebabra, the pub, Supermacs, then home. Felt reasonably okay the next day - not too stiff. Just aswell, as I was starting a new job!

    Great race once again. Dublin Marathon is well organised, well supported and I have a great fondness for it. Minor gripes about some tight corners but that is just picking holes in this race.

    Good confidence booster that I can bang out a 3:10 on very little training and a taxing weekend before it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 4th November

    Mon: DCM - 26.2 miles, as described above
    Sat: 8.8 miles easy - 1:06:33; 7:34/mi
    Sun: 5.7 miles - 43:18; 7:35/mi

    40.7 miles this week

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 11th November

    Main objective this week was to get going on the 'running home from work' concept that I followed when I worked in Ballsbridge before I left in Canada. I used to work in Ballsbridge, and run home 2-3 days a week, getting in anything from 6-10 miles, 6 miles being pretty much the shortest route. In Toronto, I lived a 5 min walk from work, so it made sense to just go home first and get changed. Now I'm based in at Baggot St, and its a 5 and a half mile or so direct run home.
    Tue: Debut run home: 5.75 miles - 40:40; 7:04/mi. Zipped home fairly quickly!
    Thu: 8.2 miles easy - 1:03:57; 7:48/mi
    Sat: 11.5 miles - 1:27:06; 7:34/mi

    25.45 miles this week.

    Decided I needed more pockets for carrying stuff... ordered a spibelt - loving it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 18th November

    Mon: 8 miles home - 1:01:43; 7:42/mi
    Wed: 10 miles, total 1:14:35; 7:27/mi
    Fri: 12.3 miles - 1:31:31; 7:27/mi
    Nice run, could get to like these Friday evening runs!

    Mild weather this week, kinda like summer again!

    30.3 miles this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 25th November

    Mon: 9.5 miles home with 10 x 100m strides towards the end:

    8.13 miles; 59:31; at 7:20/mi
    1.26 miles; 8:58; with strides: 7:06/mi

    Wed: Short run-directly home - 5.7 miles - 43:08; 7:37/mi
    Thu: 5.5 miles; 43:02; 7:50/mi
    Fri: 9.2 miles - 1:07:41; 7:21/mi
    Sun: 16.5 miles- 1:56:00; 7:02/ mi. I have been blessed in that I have had the opportunity to run in many places in the world, but I have to say, running out along the causeway, out to Bull Island looking back over Dublin Bay today was some of the most incredible scenery I have ever seen. Sun beaming down, calm waters in the bay, barely any wind. Crisp and cool. Glorious. Wish I could have bottled that run. Was there around 11am. Stunning.

    Cooler weather, but still ideal running conditions for the most part.
    Must start wearing my HRM again

    46.4 miles this week. 1,742.52 miles this year.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Week ending 2nd December

    Mon: 8.2 miles w 10 x 100m strides. 1:04:44. Avg 7:54/mi
    Wed: Had been feeling quite sick the previous day (headcold/ flu), but was nonetheless looking forward to getting out and hopefully ridding myself of the flu in the process! 6 miles in 45:20; 7:33/mi.
    Thu: 10.35 miles home from work. 1:19:17; avg 7:40/mi. Avg Hr: 125, Max: 152
    Fri: Ran into work for the first time today, tired enough at the start as had been running the night before. 7 miles in 56:05. Lovely to hit the waterfront at Clontarf, seeing the sun getting out of its remarkably cloudy pyjamas.
    Sun: 14 miles total, broken down as follows:

    7 miles, 52:37; avg pace 7:31/mi; avg HR 130
    3 miles, 22:05; avg pace 7:21/mi; avg HR 150
    1 mile, 6:48; avg HR 152
    3 miles, 23:06; avg pace 7:43/mi; avg HR 152

    Solid enough week, continued progress. Encouraged by low HRs.
    45.55 miles this week.
