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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 Marbles

    o my god Iorweld thats horrible.. doctors can be so rude and usless too. .my doc told me i was "still going through puberty" (bare in mind i was 17-18, and had hit puberty at a young age anyways).. and so went to a gynachologist, but didnt feel any different ater attending her on several occasions. she took me off the pill, and then i stopped getting periods full stop. i get them ocassionally, every 6months or that..oh maple, youll be glad to know, i booked an appt with that dietician. im in the exact same boat -theres not enough info on pcos at all.. i feel i cant really talk about it to anyone, i honestly dont think my friends would understand it to the full extent... i find it embarassing to talk about also 'hi hun, do you lik my facial hair?' *sarcasm*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 95 ✭✭Rej

    I got diagnosed with PCOS recently too. I am about 1 stone over weight, but it fluctuates by as much as 5lbs from one day to the next.
    I have joined a gym and i go about 3 times per week. But I am finding it very difficult to maintain weight loss. I have a regular gym program, with cardio, weights etc..

    Should I concentrate more on cardio to burn fat, or weights to maintain muscle?

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 16,186 ✭✭✭✭Maple

    Rej wrote: »
    I got diagnosed with PCOS recently too. I am about 1 stone over weight, but it fluctuates by as much as 5lbs from one day to the next.
    I have joined a gym and i go about 3 times per week. But I am finding it very difficult to maintain weight loss. I have a regular gym program, with cardio, weights etc..

    Should I concentrate more on cardio to burn fat, or weights to maintain muscle?

    You need to follow a LowGi diet firstly, unless you're eating properly it will be a long hard slog with little result.

    My dietician recommended cardio.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 hot_lady

    Hi Ladies, I’ve just come across this forum. I’ve was diagnosed with PCOS about 10 years ago. My periods stopped completely and my doctor at the time said that there was no need to worry that they might come back!! After about 15 months with no period I went to see a Gynaecologist, I got all the tests and PCOS was confirmed. I have suffered with pretty bad side effects over the years, hairy face, tummy, boobs, fingers , toes, ..EVERYWHERE! Severe craps, constant battle with my weight, food cravings, acne, mood swings, depression, etc. I was put on the pill (dianette) however I was taken off it a couple of years ago (after 8 years) and went back to having no periods. My doctor basically just said I’d have to deal with the consequences.

    Well after another year of no period, and generally feeling unwell, I went to a new gyne clinic in dun laoire last year, its like a women’s heath clinic that you can see a specialist without a referral. Fantastic service, there should be more of those clinics around. The doctor there is REALLY nice, very understanding, and also very knowledgeable about the condition.

    She explained to me hoe women need to have a period to keep themselve’s healthy. I was put on a short dose of hormone treatment to induce a period and then started back on the dianette. Dianette regulates a lot of the hormone problems caused by PCOS and is one of the best treatments available. I was also told that weight can be a major factor in controlling the condition, and even though PCOS suffers have weight issues if you can get it under control the severity of the condition can improve significantly.

    I would advice anyone out there too keep looking until they find a doctor that understands their condition and helps them manage it. Each person is different, but I would definitely recommend seeing a specialist if you are having difficulty getting adequate treatment from you regular GP.

    There is a website called that’s quite informative on all side effects and treatments. They have a forum too - just beware as some of the people on there are a bit OTT with the tales of suffering.

  • Registered Users Posts: 141 ✭✭Libby029

    Some years ago my periods stopped, and I was getting them on average about once every three-four months. I went to a very ignorant doctor who took blood tests to check for PCOS but I never returned to him as he made me extremely uncomfortable.

    Over the years my periods settled down but I have been on the pill for the last 4 years. But reading things about PCOS I do think I have it. I am extremely obese, have suffered with abnormal hair growth, and have a lot of skin tags (which I have heard can be one of the symptoms). God I sound like a monster!! But I find extremely hard to loose weight, I get the most awful cravings which makes me like a lunatic, and lately I have been suffering with PMS which I never really suffered with before. I get very emotional and angry over the smallest of things.

    What I want to know is do I need to come off the pill to be tested for PCOS, if diagnosed what steps do I have to take. ??

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 39 MayaMaya

    Hi ladies,

    Another new poster here.

    I was diagnosed with PCOS and an underactive thyroid 2 years ago. I did my best to lose weight and managed to shift 1 and half stone. I still need to lose another stone. I have been given no treatment whatsoever. I echo the sentiments of a Low GI diet. It's very good for controlling cravings. I am a carb MONSTER!! If I have a binge on carbs my appetite goes wild and I could literally eat and eat for hours.

    When I move back to Ireland during the summer I'd really like to try one of the treatments that you guys have tried. Does anyone have a list of the options?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 196 ✭✭Clink

    MayaMaya wrote: »
    Hi ladies,

    Another new poster here.

    I was diagnosed with PCOS and an underactive thyroid 2 years ago. I did my best to lose weight and managed to shift 1 and half stone. I still need to lose another stone. I have been given no treatment whatsoever. I echo the sentiments of a Low GI diet. It's very good for controlling cravings. I am a carb MONSTER!! If I have a binge on carbs my appetite goes wild and I could literally eat and eat for hours.

    When I move back to Ireland during the summer I'd really like to try one of the treatments that you guys have tried. Does anyone have a list of the options?

    Edited to say that my sex drive is also zero. Poor husband. I'm only 28 and would certainly like to get that side of things awakened! Any advice? Anyone else find this with PCOS?


    I would have hoped that you'd be given medication for an underactive thyroid? I've always assumed that I just had PCOS too however after I put on literally a stone in a month despite doing gym three times a week and barely smelling food let alone eating it, my sister insisted I go get tests done. I was hoping that it would come back as underactive thyroid and i'd be given a pill and all my problems would go away?!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 MayaMaya

    Sorry, my bad. I should have been clearer.

    I was given medication for the underactive thyroid. Nothing for the PCOS though. I was told to come back if I was trying to conceive. Is that a common attitude from doctors? Is that how it is for PCOS sufferers, apart from a Low GI diet, nothing can be done?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 196 ✭✭Clink

    MayaMaya wrote: »
    Sorry, my bad. I should have been clearer.

    I was given medication for the underactive thyroid. Nothing for the PCOS though. I was told to come back if I was trying to conceive. Is that a common attitude from doctors? Is that how it is for PCOS sufferers, apart from a Low GI diet, nothing can be done?

    Thanks for that MayaMaya, phew! I though that maybe they take the same attitude as with PCOS. I also think the attituce towards it is terrible, I was told by doc "ah sure you probably have it, we won't bother doing tests and sure all we can do anyway is put you on the pill". I never went back there needless to say as she seemed so dimissive.

  • Moderators Posts: 24,367 ✭✭✭✭ChewChew

    Hi ladies.. .

    I too have an under active thyroid. I was diagnosed over 3 years ago and I am on medication for this. fortunately is has the thyroid function leveled out but unfortunatley it hasnt helped the metabolism. so I also got tested for PCOS cause my periods are non existant but thats my only symthom. I dont have the hair growth etc etc. but I am now on treatment for the pcos but I only started it on monday, so I hope its going to work!!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 39 MayaMaya

    Hi ChewChew,

    Happy to hear that you are being treated finally.

    What treatment did they give you for PCOS? Metformin?

  • Moderators Posts: 24,367 ✭✭✭✭ChewChew

    MayaMaya wrote: »
    Hi ChewChew,

    Happy to hear that you are being treated finally.

    What treatment did they give you for PCOS? Metformin?

    Thanx maya,

    I was on metformin for a trial of 3 months, but could only handle it for 6 weeks. completely lost my appetite and i wasvery ill from it. couldnt keep any food down. so am now on a new one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 MayaMaya

    Keep us updated on how the new medication works out for you.
    I'm looking forward to my move home to Ireland and maybe finally getting some treatment

    I'm wishing you well ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 386 ✭✭Irishshin

    Just came across this thread now.
    I never ever ever had a regular period but it took me until 2003 to actually go and check it out (fear of needles) My regular doctor sent me for an ultrasound, they found nothing my regular doc told me I should lose some weight and go back to him.

    I was not happy with that, went and found me a female doctor who was very nice, took the dreaded bloods and found my testosterone was high so she sent me to an Endo.

    Had to spend 4 days in hospital (loads of bloods, urine collection (they thought I had something else that I cannot remember the name of & vaginal ultrasound). Finally diagnosed in 2004. My endo wanted to put me on the pill but I had done so much PCOS research I knew this is not what I wanted. I suggested Metformin and he put me on that.

    Best thing ever. I started in May 04 and had my first period in July and they were regular for a year before I decided I wanted to go on the pill.
    Chose Yasmin, then moved to Nuvaring.

    Came off Metformin in 06 and Nuvaring in 07 (personnal choice for both) and my periods became irregular yet again. Since then I haven't had a regular one.

    I went back on the Metformin in 07 as I wasn't happy but my periods still arent regular. Stopped Metformin again a few weeks ago but tomorrow I am starting it again. I think Metformin is the right thing for me. The reason I stopped both times was because of food. I had the side effect where it would turn me off certain things and make me feel sick. It was getting so bad I just stopped the Met. I am going back on it though, cos I think it is the best thing for me.

    I am going back to my Endo at the end of the month. I know she wants me to start Dianette. But I don't want to go on the pill. I want to have my periods back again without the pill. My gp said the pill the period it produces isn't a real one.

    I have the excess hair, I hate it so much. I have laser treatment on my face for it. Which is working thankfully. I've tried them all, bleaching, waxing & electrolysis. The laser works but is so expensive!

    My weight, I have been trying so hard for years and years. It is very very frustrating but I keep trying.

    Anyways sorry for the book!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,859 ✭✭✭m'lady

    Jumping in after reading all the thread, can I ask is the a link between pcos and an underactive thyroid? just seems to be a good few in here saying they have both? or is it coincidence?

  • Registered Users, Subscribers Posts: 47,294 ✭✭✭✭Zaph

    **** Public Service Announcement ***

    Remember folks that this is not a medical thread and no medical advice can be given. If you're worried about something in particular you should consult your GP.

    Please carry on...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 bondgirl

    Hi, I just came across this thread and thought I would join in. I have PCOS diagnosed 8 years ago and was put on dianette. Came off it a year and a half ago as was having problems with it. Was sent to see endocroligist who put me on metformin. I am on a low gi diet and have lost weight. My hormone levels have come down and I have regular 28/29 day cycles. Best thing ever was being put on metformin

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 95 ✭✭Rej

    Hi all,

    I joined this list earlier on this year after being diagnosed with PCOS, for health reasons I came off the pill after taking it for about 8 years and I wanted to give my body a break. After coming off the pill I didnt have a period for almost 6 months so my doctor at the time sent me to see an endocrinologist who confirmed the diagnosis. As I wasnt looking to have a baby at the time I was put back on the pill and all was grand.

    However, due to my job, I have spent a lot of time travelling in the later part of this year, and my pill ran out in while I was away. I wasnt too worried about it because I was convinced that I had a pretty bad case of PCOS.

    I have been feeling a bit out of sorts the last week or so, and I went to my family GP (different one that the one that diagnosed me), and found out that Im pregnant!! He reckons im about 6 weeks pregnant.

    So that dates back to a couple of weeks after I ran out of my pill at the end of october. My husband and I had thought that we would have difficulty getting pregnant, so are shocked but over the moon!!

    The only things that have changed since my original diagnosis, is I lost about half a stone and as I had been so busy, I stopped worrying about it.

    Anyway, the reason im posting this here on this thread is to give some of you who have recently been diagnosed with PCOS some hope...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,867 ✭✭✭lorweld

    Rej wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I joined this list earlier on this year after being diagnosed with PCOS, for health reasons I came off the pill after taking it for about 8 years and I wanted to give my body a break. After coming off the pill I didnt have a period for almost 6 months so my doctor at the time sent me to see an endocrinologist who confirmed the diagnosis. As I wasnt looking to have a baby at the time I was put back on the pill and all was grand.

    However, due to my job, I have spent a lot of time travelling in the later part of this year, and my pill ran out in while I was away. I wasnt too worried about it because I was convinced that I had a pretty bad case of PCOS.

    I have been feeling a bit out of sorts the last week or so, and I went to my family GP (different one that the one that diagnosed me), and found out that Im pregnant!! He reckons im about 6 weeks pregnant.

    So that dates back to a couple of weeks after I ran out of my pill at the end of october. My husband and I had thought that we would have difficulty getting pregnant, so are shocked but over the moon!!

    The only things that have changed since my original diagnosis, is I lost about half a stone and as I had been so busy, I stopped worrying about it.

    Anyway, the reason im posting this here on this thread is to give some of you who have recently been diagnosed with PCOS some hope...

    Oh thats brill news congrats!!!!!!!:) Best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 386 ✭✭Irishshin

    That is excellent news :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 34 looney-toone

    Hi eyeryone!!

    Im 19 and was diagnosed with PCOS 6 months ago!

    My GP was worried about all the excessive hair growth and referred me to an Endocronoligist. I got to see the specilist 2 days later due to my GP pulling a favour she owed him and have been getting 1st class treatment ever since.

    My Doctor is amazing when i say her first she put me on dianette and vaniqua cream for the facial hair for 3 months and reviwed my case. It had not done much of a difference and i was allergic to the vaniqua so after that she perscribed me with Spironolactone.

    I have been takin them for the past 3 months and hair growth is certainly slower. My periods have regularised sine starting on Dianette also.

    I am about 4 stone over weight and determined to get rid of it this year.

    PCOS is not a gynocological problem according to my doctor, it is more endocronilogical and adronegen and hormone function needs to be regulated from the time of diagnosis!

    Ladies, make an issue of this with your doctor and dont let the failure of treatment happen to you!:eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 35 sunstar

    hi just wondering does anybody know would electrolysis or laser work on red hair?also is it very noticable when you get either of this done like is there marks left on the skin afterwards straight away?does anybody have any idea of the price of eith electrolyis or laser?

    thanks a mil:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭aloevera

    hi everyone
    i was told i ha pcos 4 years ago. am 16 stone now however dont look it apparently but i would be thrilled to lose 3 stone by september.... i was on a low gi diet and lost 9pounds in a month.

    however due to a break up followed by other probs i piled it all back on. facial hair is becoming an issue. :mad: especially my chin. and also my abdomen.

    does anyone suffer from purple painful lumps on the inner thigh aka Hidradenitis Suppurativa ?? only recenty did i find out that this is infact related to pcos. . .

    my diet is starting monday.

    no bread,potatoes,yoghurts, take away food obviously, fizzy drinks, lucozade = devil - full of sugar..., keeping away from tea and coffee...
    im gonna aim to go swimming 4times a week (1 hour session) and for a walk 3 times a week (30 mins)..

    i am gonna weigh myself and write to the post as an incentive..

    Maybe others could do the same, we could influence each other.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭aloevera

    hi sun star, i looked into laser and apparently my hair isnt dark enough.....

    apparently it has to be quite dark etc..

    electroysis may be more suitable for you :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 35 sunstar

    aloevera wrote: »
    hi sun star, i looked into laser and apparently my hair isnt dark enough.....

    apparently it has to be quite dark etc..

    electroysis may be more suitable for you :)

    is this effective?is it sore?is it dear?sorry im only a student and i dont know if i can afford but i would love to get it done..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    aloevera wrote: »
    hi everyone
    i was told i ha pcos 4 years ago. am 16 stone now however dont look it apparently

    When i weighed 300lbs people would tell me i didn't look it, what they should have been telling me was to hit the gym and lose some weight for my health is nothing else.

    Fair play though, you seem to be determined and thats a good thing.

    but i would be thrilled to lose 3 stone by september.... i was on a low gi diet and lost 9pounds in a month.

    Never get caught up on the what you lose in the first month, especially on low carb, low gi diets. When you cut down how much carbs you are taking in your body works of stored ones in the form of glycogen. Glycogen is heavy enough within the muscle and is also stored with water, which is also heavy. For the first two weeks dismiss any weight loss as being water and glycogen, or else you will end up feeling bad when the latter weeks don't match up to it. People normally break at 3 or 4 weeks, because the hinge too much on early weightloss and don't understand that it was not fat they were losing, but stored energy and water. Will you have lost some fat? Yes , and that is a good thing. Think 1 to 2 pounds a week for healthy weightloss.
    however due to a break up followed by other probs i piled it all back on. facial hair is becoming an issue. :mad: especially my chin. and also my abdomen.

    Breakup results in two things, comfort eating and stress. Stress release Cortisol which is what you don't want as it makes the good things harder for the body to do and the bad things ( like poor sleep, adding weight etc ) easier for the body to do.
    does anyone suffer from purple painful lumps on the inner thigh aka Hidradenitis Suppurativa ?? only recenty did i find out that this is infact related to pcos. . .

    Sorry, i'm a guy and have very limited knowledge on PCOS so i will leave this for somebody else to help you with.

    my diet is starting monday.
    no bread,potatoes,yoghurts, take away food obviously, fizzy drinks, lucozade = devil - full of sugar..., keeping away from tea and coffee...
    im gonna aim to go swimming 4times a week (1 hour session) and for a walk 3 times a week (30 mins)..

    That looks good but i would very much like to see what you WILL be eating and when. Undereating will kill your diet quicker than anything....i consistantly had this battle with female clients to make them realise that eating is a good thing....and the right excercise plans will allow you and need you to eat a lot more than you think they will. If you want to post your daily diet, what you plan on eating and when then i will be happy to have a look for you. g'em, one of the Mods here is a nutrition wizz, so i'm sure we could get her to have a look aswell.
    i am gonna weigh myself and write to the post as an incentive..

    I would suggest taking pictures of yourself, under the same light, in the same place, every two weeks that you are on the diet. You live in your own body and see it every day, the phsical changes that come about will not always be obvious unless you can look back. Looking at a 2, 4 or 6 week old photo and seeing how far you have REALLY come can be either the greatest motivator or a firm kick up the ass if your plan is not working as you want it to.
    Maybe others could do the same, we could influence each other.

    There is a Diet and Nutrition Forum here where you can keep a diet log, or the Fitness Forum where you can keep your activity log. Both communities are massively helpful and filled with support.

    I like the determination here, the very best of luck and i hope you reach your goal.

    You have about 32 weeks between now and September, that gives you plenty of time to reach your goal with consistant and honest effort. The best of luck with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 thisisme

    Never get caught up on the what you lose in the first month, especially on low carb, low gi diets. When you cut down how much carbs you are taking in your body works of stored ones in the form of glycogen. Glycogen is heavy enough within the muscle and is also stored with water, which is also heavy. For the first two weeks dismiss any weight loss as being water and glycogen, or else you will end up feeling bad when the latter weeks don't match up to it. People normally break at 3 or 4 weeks, because the hinge too much on early weightloss and don't understand that it was not fat they were losing, but stored energy and water. Will you have lost some fat? Yes , and that is a good thing. Think 1 to 2 pounds a week for healthy weightloss.QUOTE]

    Great advice. Ladies please bear in mind rapid weight loss can cause problems of its own. I have PCOS and started taking Metformin (Glucophage) in March 08. I was very sick with it - extremely loose bowel movements (IYKWIM) and bad cramps etc. Lost 1 stone as I everything made me sick and passed down almost straight away. Became pregnant in May 08 was delighted with quick result. I lost weight during the pregnancy and one week post partum I was down a further 2.5 stone. Went from a size 14/16 to a 10/12. Had put on most of weight in the 2 years after coming off pill - same eating habits as before. Few treats and erratic eating times but generally what I was eating was nutricious.
    Grand you would think: not so 2 things that can trigger gallstones (apart from a very unhealthy diet which I didnt originally have) are pregnancy and rapid weight loss. Ended up in extreme pain and had to have them out a couple of months after the birth. (was breastfeeding so tried to hold off as long as I could as needed hospital stay)

    Slowly but surely is the only way.
    I would suggest taking pictures of yourself, under the same light, in the same place, every two weeks that you are on the diet. You live in your own body and see it every day, the phsical changes that come about will not always be obvious unless you can look back. Looking at a 2, 4 or 6 week old photo and seeing how far you have REALLY come can be either the greatest motivator or a firm kick up the ass if your plan is not working as you want it to.

    genius! never thought of that. Want to loose another 7-10 lbs tone up some great motivating tool. Will def try it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭aloevera

    Wow thanks Dragan, excellent advice !!

    taking pictures - i like that idea, cheers!

    oh dont worry i wont be starving myself or should i say i am not starving myself...

    ok ill take my diary over to Diet and Nutrition Forum.. :)

    on my fourth day and have to say im feeling better already.. i.e not as sluggish, its amazing what positivity, exercise and little changes in diet can do :)

    thanks for the inspiration dragan and good luck with your diet :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 207 ✭✭aloevera


    it is effective but takes a good while to get rid off completely...

    as ar as i can remember when i got it done,aka 4-5 years ago it was 9euro a session,which was either 10 or 20 minutes.

    its not sore, but more tingly, annoyingly tingly!!

    best of luck with it and let me know how you get on :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 386 ✭✭Irishshin

    I never used the Pill as treatment for PCOS. I think it masks the symptoms (my opinion). I started Metformin a few months after I was first diagnoised in 04 and it helped bring my periods back regularly. I went on the pill a year after I first started Metformin. A year later decided to come off it as I did not need it. My periods went all irregular again for well over a year and it was just last November they have started to come back regular again with the help of Metformin. I am pretty lucky with Metformin in that I only have the side effects when I first increase my dose. The only other side effect I constantly have is being turned off certain foods even just by thinking about them. And other things like eggs just make me sick, but I know what to avoid now.

    In regards to the laser / electrolysis.
    I had both.
    Electrolysis worked somewhat for me. I did find it painful while it ws being done and dreaded going, it did leave my skin all red after for a while. I think it was 3/4 years ago when I got this done.

    In between I used Vaniqa and thought it was fantastic but you have to use twice a day everyday. As soon as you stop using it or forget to put it on once or twice you can see the hair coming back in.

    I am getting laser done at the moment and I find it excellent. I started it in December 07 and have had approx 5-6 sessions in 2008. This year i will have 3.
    I had a mixture of dark & light hair but she did say it would work on me. It hurts way more on the lip then anywhere else. It only hurts when you get the laser there is no pain after and my skin was never red after. It is costing me €150 a session but well worth it.

    I am also trying to lose weight at the moment
    Its so so so hard but I keep on going! I have to :)

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