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Trying to conceive/Planned parenthood/Assisted Reproduction Chat thread.



  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Hey Neyite, congrats on the + test, welcome to the dreaded two week wait!!;)

    Thanks. Usually I'm not too bad at putting it out of my miind, but last cycle I bawled, so dont know if that was a once off or am I losing my marbles a bit. Probably the marbles.
    Just to let you know, I thought Access Diagnostics did great deals and used them for a good while til I discovered far better deals on eBay, take this for example

    100 ovulation/pregnancy tests for €14.75!!!! And you choose the combination that you want, e.g. 70 ov and 30 pg tests.
    Once I saw these deals I never went back to AD, and now I can pee on sticks to my hearts content cos they're sooooo cheap :p

    :eek: Now that is seriously impressive! Its a disgrace really that you would pay that for 2 tests in a chemist here, yet there is such good value out there on the interwebs. And you do need to check a couple of times an evening anyway if you are around that time.

    I have just bought 80+20 tests, and I am hoping to be knocked up before my stash runs low again, but it will be ebay after that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Neyite wrote: »
    Thanks. Usually I'm not too bad at putting it out of my miind, but last cycle I bawled, so dont know if that was a once off or am I losing my marbles a bit. Probably the marbles.

    I have a wee cry every cycle :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Thanks for the advice DT. I did say to my husband earlier that if we don't have a positive result by next month, then I'll go to my GP.
    I didn't know what I might face, but knowing that it might be something related to the miscarriage makes it easier to make sense of.

    Neyite the very best of luck this cycle, hopefully the two weeks will fly :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Got my Hsg done on Wednesday, so fingers crossed it's cleaned out any blockages I may have & I get a positive next month.

    For anyone that's been advised to get one, it was grand. Sore, but over very quickly & other than a bit of cramping for a day or two afterwards, I was fine. Was given 4 ponstan to take afterwards if I needed them & I only took 1 before going to bed that night, just in case I got pain that kept me awake.

    Since I've been testing, I've always bought these & got a positive result. Don't know how people can afford clear blue & the likes, esp when you've trying for a year or two.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Hey Barbiegirl - Glad u have identified the problem as now you can at least get it sorted and get back to normal, i can imagine its horrible to find a problem, but at least its an explanation and once u've had ur op it will be behind you, think of ya

    Capri - Just wanted to say, we really are at the same point (6 months since m/c) and as u will have read i got my bloods taken last week at doctors which is the start of my investigations. I feel alot better for being proactive! I also went to accupuncture this week, which actually ended up half therapy half accupuncture!! The lady is just so so lovely and i got so much off my chest, she managed to get emotions out of me i didnt reaslise i had, she made me realise how much the m/c hurt me and how its still affecting me now. She thinks i went into a sort of shock, and havent really relaxed since. She thinks im completely stressed (not rocket science!!) and is going to try and help me get over it. She also mentioned how physically cold i am, and after much discussion she has advised me to wear more clothes (sensible footwear and socks etc - as i usually just wear pumps to work!) and drink plenty of warming ginger tea etc - all this is because she told me im too cold to conceive - nothing grows in the cold. Now i know that might sound weird, but i cant tel u how much sense it made to me, im struggling badly with the cold but just thought nothing of it, but its causing my body to tense which is not good for ttc. The actual accupuncture was painless and left me really tired, so it def did something!
    I have more faith that the accupunture will help me conceive rather than the blood tests etc.
    If ya live in the dublin area just PM me and if ur interested ill give u her number and details.
    This is my first experience with accupuncture, desperate times...desperate measures! But just the feeling that she is now helping me and 'fixing' me is a huge relief, and i feel alot happier, less stressed and finally feel hope again.

    Glad to see the forum is busy with folk, its lovely to have people to share the journey with :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    hey DL, glad to hear it's working for you. Will you PM me her info? If I don't get pg this cycle I am thinking of taking up acu too. x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,196 ✭✭✭crazy cat lady

    My SIL had 2 mc's, both pregnancies she conceived very easily and quickly. She then couldn't get pregnant for nearly a year. She then conceived after a few sessions of acupuncture and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 2 weeks ago.

    She was also told that she was too cold. She drank lots of hot water/tea/whatever so long as it was warm! She also seemed to always have a hot water bottle close by! The only thing was that it put her off going swimmming during her pregnancy which she would've found lovely!

    I think the 'cold uterus' thing is an acupunture thing. If you google it, its mostly acupuncturists who will speak of it.

    I do believe in it tho, as I do most alternative therapies (they've been around longer than modern medicine for a reason!) When I had my last mc, I was really cold the whole time, couldn't get the heat into me at all. Maybe its coincidence.... who knows!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Thats so interesting to hear CCL! I literally went out and bought fresh ginger, ginger tea bags and loads of thermals today!! Haha! But sure look, ever if it is all mumbo Jumbo (which i dont think it is!) its distracting me, its making me feel better, and even just talking to her has helped me alot. As someone with no experience with this before, and no previous bias, i really recommend it. She herself told me i was right to be going to the doctor for bloods etc and to investigate all possibilities, she does not diss western medicine, i think she believes the two complement eachother.
    Weirdly, several times this evening i have had a sharp tingling feeling about where my right ovary would be, she had a needle there, and it kinda feels like something is going on there!! Im only on day 6 so it couldnt be anything else!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Thanks DL, I'm not in Dublin anymore, but if you could pm me that no. please it'd be great. My folks still live in Dublin, so if all else fails I think I'll book in for a session up there.

    I could go to one here in Kilkenny, but I'd prefer go to one someone else recommends & has found useful.

    Thats really interesting that you say that about the cold & CCL too.
    I know it has been bitterly cold this winter, but my boss is always commenting that I must have blue blood or ice in my veins the way I have the heating on so high in work the whole time! I just find it so hard to get warm at all.

    I'm definitely going to take some action though asap be it go to the gp an/or acupuncture, because I just feel so down this month. At least if I'm doing something I'll feel a bit more proactive :rolleyes:

    I was grand the past month or so, but I think as it nears the would have been due date of the baby I lost, it gets harder to accept what could have been.
    Anyway, enough of my moaning, hope ye're all ok :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    dublinlady wrote: »
    But sure look, ever if it is all mumbo Jumbo (which i dont think it is!) its distracting me

    THIS, exactly. We need all the distraction we can get!! :p

    I am 10 days past ovulation today and starting to cramp. The b1tch of it is it'll be another WHOLE 5 dasy to my period. I wish when you knew you were out that your period would just come already... :rolleyes: I know I'm still early, but I aslo know my body, and I'm counting down the days... :(

    I haven't heard a jot from the HARI clinic either and I'm not happy... feel like they took my money, gave me a clomid prescription and then moved on to the next gullible fool (not saying they did exactly that but it sure feels like it...). I'll be calling them next week.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Babiehope31

    Heya just seen the posts about accupunture I was just thinking about doing that also it seems to be a good practice for when ttc. I was only reading an article in sunday magazine about a lady who used accupunture to concieve and she was 42 which gives me great hope that it works. I understand and feel every emotion that all the women on this are going through its such a relief to hear other womens struggles and that I am not alone. I had a good chat with my sister in law yesterday the first time i have spoken to a family member about it and she gave me some positive information and made me feel better. I am going to start being more proactive, regarding my health, and stay as positive as I can be and believe that one day in the near future we will be blessed with a baby. I wish all the women on here the best of luck. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Hey guys,
    Had another checkup with the Doc and it turns out I have no immunity to Rubella and so had to get the MMR last week! :rolleyes:

    So that puts a halt to our ttc activities for 3 months! After that it will be on to Clomid and fingers crossed... Heres hoping for a BFP in May :D

    Im so irregular that they said they'd prob give me something to bring on AF so I could start clomid. Has anyone had this? (provera I think) and if so how long before AF arrived after taking it? :confused:

    Tks! :)

    p.s I also had a mc in Nov and Iv never been so cold beforehand! Maybe this cold theory has some truth to it!

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    I do think that there is something to Acupuncture. A friend had a MC, then an etopic where she lost a tube, and went to acupuncture. During one of her sessions he felt her pulse and told her she was pregnant. :eek: She was just a few days away from expecting her AF. She got an early test and it was positive. That was a good few years ago, and she is now wondering if she is going to try for baby number 4 :D. All natural, and one or two happy 'accidents' in there too.

    I have absolutely no idea how he told her she was pregnant that early, neither does she.

    If I dont get preggers soon, I'm going down that route. The cold uterus is an interesting theory, I have bad circulation so am nearly alway cold. hmmm....

    On the two week wait at the mo. Meh. Not gonna get my hopes up just yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    I have mt first acupuncture appointment tomorrow as I am just wrecked now for months, so my mate recommended that I do this. Worth a try :-) Happy to see others seem to have some success with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Maybe a few of us should suggest acupuncture as a deal we'd like to see on Boards deals.
    I know it's come up twice in the past few months on Citydeal and both my dad & my brother bought it, but stupidly I didn't, as I'd only recently started going through the motions of gettng hospital referrals & hoped that was enough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Babiehope31

    Made an appointment with Well Woman to get blood tests, My period made an appearance last night I was so disappointed I started crying was really getting my hopes up this month:( ahhh well there's always next time I suppose.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Made an appointment with Well Woman to get blood tests, AF made an appearance last night I was so disappointed I started crying was really getting my hopes up this month:( ahhh well there's always next time I suppose.

    Aww, poor you. You came to the right place, we have all been there - I sobbed my heart out 2 weeks ago. Had been very stoic until then. You will feel much better in a day or so, and getting a lot of stuff ruled out in the tests was a relief for me personally - hope its the same for you.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    I know how you feel Babiehope, I seem to have spent most of this weekend in tears too, its a crap way to feel :(

    You're in good company here though :)

    I've booked a session of acupuncture for Thursday lunchtime, so fingers crossed :)
    I'm going to try a local acupuncturist near where I work & see how that goes. If its not good then I'll try the one in Dublin.
    Its €50 per session where I'm going, is that about average?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Babiehope31

    Hey thanks for the well wishes I got my bloods done today so its a start on ttc journey. My Other half has to get a Semen Analysis done we have to ring the rotunda to make an appointment so will do that tomrow. Feeling better today, I figured that all the negativity is not going to do me any favors although its hard not to feel bad when its something you long for. The doctor told me to start taking folic acid as its important for women who are ttc and for when you finally do get pregnant so I got some in the chemist on my way home. I can't wait for the day when I can put a success story up, I have been following all the boards and threads on ttc and there have been some uplifting stories that make you feel like it will happen. Miracles happen. as they say "good things come to those who wait" lord knows we have waited long enough so we have to be blessed soon here's hoping .

    Baby dust to all :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,846 ✭✭✭barbiegirl

    Hi girlies
    I had my first session of accupuncture yesterday and like a lot of you he said I'm cold. That my kidneys and spleen are cold, which makes sense as the small of back is always cold. He said this is what is causing our problems, plus my extreme tiredness, very dry skin, heartburn, sore lower back and brittle nails :-)
    So if what he says is true I'll be like a 23 year old by the time we've finished. lol
    Anyway I've to go back again next Tuesday, he thinks it will take roughly 3 months to sort everything, with accupuncture and herbs. Plus with fibroid op next week I'm staying positive that we can get there in 2011 :-)
    Babydust to everyone, the longtimers and those just starting the process

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  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Had to refill my prescription for bromocriptine today - my god, what a hassle. My specialist must have prescribed the rarest drug on the planet, made from unicorn horns or something.

    Last time, I went to 7 chemists before I finally found one with it in stock. Asked them then if they would continue to have them in stock, and the pharmacist said yes. So today I go to the other side of the city on my lunch to get them, and hey presto, no drugs for me. Had to go back to work so decided to ring around. Chemist number SEVENTEEN that I called happened to have half a packet for me, and very nicely left it in the local spar for me to collect, as he would be shut before I got there.

    Seventeen fricking chemists dont have a drug that treats a tumor that about 10% of the population are supposed to have. Its not like I can take a disprin instead. GAHHH! Think I will have to stockpile :p

    I missed a couple in the last couple of days and today my boobs were sore. I had gotten so used to it before when I had soreness constantly, I thought all wimmins had throbbing bewbs, and I never understood how women could play sports where they could get knocked about, for me that would be too painful. I needed to cup mine if I ran - and mine are like disprin on an ironing board. God help women with high prolactin who have anything bigger than a B.

    But on the plus side, shows the drugs are working. Yay.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Neyite thats mad :o Fair play to you for persevering to find a chemist that stocked it. That was lovely of the pharmacist to leave it into the shop for you!

    Barbiegirl, I'm delighted to hear your acupuncture went well, I've my first appointment tomorrow lunch time, It feels good to be doing something proactive :)

    Babiehope, I hope you wont have to wait too long for your Rotunda appointment

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Hey ladies!! Hope ya all doin well!
    Sounded such a nitemare tryin to get hold of that stuff neyite! U'd think it would be more common as ya said!
    I just had my 2nd acupuncture session which was good, just quite emotional! But at least I've started to work thru my issues with someone who seems to know what they talking about!! Day 11 now for me so a nice weekend of relaxing and u know what planned!! Will no doubt be back on moaning about the two week wait next week!! At least will get my first blood test results next week, hopefully all will be well!
    Have A good weekend anyway girls, baby dust to all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Hi ladies, well I had my first session of acupuncture today. The acupuncturist was the loveliest lady, she really was, but I have to say I didn't feel any different.

    Reading your stories where you attended acupuncturists that talked you through your issues or were able to tell you about coldness etc
    I didn't have any of that!
    Now I did go on my lunch break from work, so was pushed for time. The session was lovely & relaxing & the acupuncturist gave me excellent info about charting/basal temp etc
    Maybe my expectations were a bit unrealistic, or perhaps I'm just being impatient (as usual! :o)

    I'm going to see my gp tomorrow as the acupuncturist did say she suspected I may have a cyst or infection, as I'm having constant dull to sharp pains in my ovaries.
    Fingers crossed I'll get some answers tomorrow so :)
    Dublinlady, enjoy your weekend. Fingers crossed the 2 week wait will fly :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Quins5

    Hey, hope everyone is well,
    these accupuncture stories sound pretty good!

    I have a question I hope someone might be able to shed some light for me... Iv been told i'll be starting Duphaston in April to bring on a period as Im so irregular and then due to start Clomid (yippeee!) :D

    Im just wondering if anyone has taken duphaston and if so how long after taking it did your period begin? I was told id have to take 1 tablet twice daily for 7 days.....

    I really glad to be getting the ball rolling and i just want to know what to expect...:)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Hi there, I have never posted or done anything like this before but I thought I'd give it a try.. I'm in my mid 20's and we have been trying to conceive for a year & a half. A few years back I had an unexpected pregnancy but I never knew I was pregnant until I miscarried, it was hard but we weren't ready for a baby & left it at that. When we started trying I thought we'd be lucky enough but nothing happened for a year & mid last year I was over the moon to find out I was pregnant only to miscarry a few days later at 5 weeks.. Nothing has happened since, my partner has been checked & his swimmers are great I however had a hormone check which was great but as I dont have a 28 cycle instead 30-32 days they can't figure out when I ovulate.. All my friends now have kids & another has one on the way, I find it so hard to not stress or think about it all but it plays on my mind constantly.. The worst is that I don't really have anyone to talk too.. M friends try & understand but they can't.. Some advise would be greatly apreciated :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Tigress, welcome ;)

    Firstly, sorry for both of your losses, that is terrible. (((hugs)))

    Secondly, congratulations - 32 days is perfectly normal. The 28 day thing is largely a myth; every woman is different, and as long as you are regular(ish) pinpointing ovulation should be easy.
    The Luteal Phase (the days post ovulation and before your period starts) is the timeframe that rarely changes for a woman, whereas the Follicular Phase of the cycle (leading up to ovulation) can often vary, and it's usually that that puts a womans cycles out now and then.
    The Luteal Phase can range from 10 to 16 days, but the average is more like 14 days. So with a 32 day cycle I would suggest you are ovulating around day 17/18 (counting back 14 days from 32), again that is perfectly normal (I would love to have cycles like that, however I need medical intervention to do so).
    I recommend that you have sex every three days up to cycle day 10 (day 1 being the first day of full red flow, not spotting). Then every second day until day 16, and then every day for 3 days, skip a day and then go once more for good measure. After sex stay lying down for 20 mins to 1/2 an hour (as recommended by my gynae), even propping a pillow under your bum so as to tip your cervix back and help the swimmers get to their destination quickly.

    Best of luck, keep us updated ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭DetectivFoxtrot

    Well my period came yesterday. Have been spotting for 9 days so knew it was imminent....

    Started my last round of Clomid today (round 6, am assuming it's my last as I was only given a 6 cycle prescription) Will be getting onto gynae this week re next steps. I want to get an HSG done asap.
    Am also going to enquire re acupuncture, so keep the stories coming - good or bad! Time to start looking at some new options ;)

    Hope you're all having a great weekend.:) I've a bloody cold :rolleyes:

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Got my Hsg done on Wednesday, so fingers crossed it's cleaned out any blockages I may have & I get a positive next month.

    For anyone that's been advised to get one, it was grand. Sore, but over very quickly & other than a bit of cramping for a day or two afterwards, I was fine. Was given 4 ponstan to take afterwards if I needed them & I only took 1 before going to bed that night, just in case I got pain that kept me awake.

    Hi Trying Hard - did they tell you on the day if it looked all right in there? They did with me in galway - just said 'it looked good' but it was a good reassurance at the time.

    Like that, my HSG was seriously uncomfortable for about 5 seconds, but the rest was no more than period pain type discomfort. I really hope that you are one of the ones that get lucky after a HSG, sadly I didnt, but I'm confident that my prolactin meds will work. Already my boobs are not sore anymore. I have an appointment with the Endocrinologist at the end of March, and getting my bloods checked next week so I will see if the meds are having any effect.

    Fingers crossed on the HSG for you!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Neyite wrote: »
    Hi Trying Hard - did they tell you on the day if it looked all right in there? They did with me in galway - just said 'it looked good' but it was a good reassurance at the time.

    Hi Neyite, yeah the doc said looking good, which I took to mean all looked fine, rather than me or my private looking good haha! :)

    Not back until March to get the results of my 2nd set of bloods back. Hoping that I'll have a positive before then - due in 9 days, so fingers crossed, but if not, then I'm hoping my prolactin will be back to normal, so I don't need to go down the mri / tablets route!

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