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Ghosts - What are your experiences?



  • Registered Users Posts: 7 AmbiguousHippie

    This forum is awesome. I've been singing the ghost busters theme song in my head, so sad :D I don't think I've ever had a paranormal experience. I fell down a steep flight of concrete stairs. I woke up feeling very, for want of a better word peaceful. People saw me bashing my head and body on the way down, but I got up without a scratch. My mum thinks it was one of my deceased grandparents looking out for me and my klutzy ways :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 73 ✭✭boogeyman

    Here's my little story....

    When I was 4 years old I was in my room which at the bottom of the hall. I was busy playing away happily. I looked over my shoulder at the door which I had a-jar to see an elderly man peeking around the door at my.

    I'm 24 years old now and I can still vividly remember what he looked like, wearing an old cap and tweed jacket that old guys wear. As you can imagine I was scared sh*tless!!

    I stared at him for a few seconds before running past him and ran all the way up the hall screaming for my lives!! I remember I was very shaken up by this and was scared to be on my own in the house for years after.

    After I described the man to my parents they said I had described an old gran-uncle of mine who had passed away. They got in touch with his wife (who is still alive today at nearly 100!) and she wasn't surprised by what they told her. She said that was just Paddy popping by and said she experienced similar things at her house. I can't really remember him but apparently he was a very nice man who we used to visit when I was very small.

    Thats my story anyway, even though I still remember it as clear as day I put it down to my mind playing a trick on me...or at least I try to most of the time!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,128 ✭✭✭dellas1979

    Id like to add one story of an experience I had.

    A bedroom in my parents house. I stayed in that room for a few years as a teenager but hated it. Actually had a blazing argument with my parents as I did not want to stay in there. That room frightened me (still does!). I used to see shoots of lights going across the room. Ive only ever seen this in one other room in a house I used to rent. Not like lights of a car or anything. Like little lightening bolts.

    Anyways, one night when I was about 20, I was asleep in bed. All of a sudden there was a really loud bang. I couldnt tell if it was inside or outside the house (live in country side - no near neighbours). I got up. My parents were in a room in the other side of the house. Could hear them snoring. I kinda brushed it off. Went back to bed. About a minute later. There was a really loud crash in my room. I hopped back out of bed and found all my necklaces/some jewllery thrown on the (wooden) floor. It made some noise. So at this stage am getting a little freaked and annoyed. I again brush it off and hop back into bed.

    Few mins later, I open my eyes. There is this black "orb" thing floating above my head. The thing is that I wear glasses and am blind as a bat without them even at 20, but I could see the exact outline of it. Im there for a few seconds in total shock with my gob open, when I realise that the room is in this soft type light. I start to scream. The "orb" disappears and boom, the room all of a sudden drops into darkness.

    Needless to say I woke the whole house that night. I was so freaked that for a few months, even a year after that Id sleep with my bedroom door open to let light in. I just couldnt explain it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 cariss1

    I'm a long time Boards lurker and occasional participant but today I feel compelled to join in.
    I will first voice my opinion on what I have read so far and then I will post one of my own tales.

    I started reading this thread a few days ago out of boredom then curiosity and in no time I found myself hooked on the goosebumps a good few of the stories have given me.
    Reminds me of being a teenager reading Stephen King books
    I'm determined to read the thread to the end despite my scepticism of a lot of the stories.

    My Grandmother and to a lesser extent my mother claim to be sensitive to the 'others' and tell me it runs in the family but stronger in females.
    Some of the stories they have told me over the years have creeped me out but I tend to laugh them off despite their insistence that they are telling the truth.
    I mean ghosts?! Come on..... :cool:

    Anyway, her are my thoughts:

    I have on numerous occasions experienced the 'ghost' on the end of the bed/in the room, the crushing weight on my chest/neck, waking face to face with an apparition and aural hallucinations when certain I'm 100% awake.
    Terrifying every time and it leaves me shook for a couple of hours.

    Truth is, it is nothing more than sleep paralysis or conscious dreaming.
    The senses are awake, the bodies asleep and the mind is somewhere in between.

    These phenomenon happen to me during periods of high stress, increased brain/sense activity or extreme fatigue.
    Examples being a death in the family, the night after travelling a long distance (often on holidays), exam time or maybe just after a particularly shameful (but brilliant!) weekend binge.

    I don't want to discredit anybodies experience here but for me this discounts a huge percentage of the stories told as the pattern in each one is just too familiar to my experiences for me to associate with the paranormal.

    Many of the other posts, in my opinion, are nothing more than fabrication and I have come to think that a few repeat posters may be looking for attention from the more gullible amongst us with some of the stuff that they are coming out with.
    Straight out of Ghostbusters some of it :p

    A few of the other posts however have softened my scepticism and I would like to think that some people are telling the absolute truth.

    Either way this was one of the more entertaining threads I have found in a while so fair play to everyone (even the fibbers ;) ) for taking part.

    I've rambled on a bit here so I'll tell the humorous story of my first sleep paralysis experience and then my spooky story in separate posts in case anyone's given up on this post by now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 cariss1

    When I was 16 we went to Italy on a school tour.
    My first time abroad outside of Ireland/England and It was a brilliant time.
    The day I returned home I was exhausted, barely had the energy to tell my folks about it over a sandwich and much needed cup of tea.
    I made my excuses around 8pm and hit the sack.

    Now, the house at the time was a renovated old cottage, the type that once upon a time had just 3 rooms but had since been extended out the back to add a kitchen, bathroom and more bedrooms.

    My bedroom, however, led straight off the sitting room which was always comforting as I could hear the television and the murmur of my parents voices through the door as I'd drift off to sleep.

    This particular evening something very strange happened to me.

    I got into bed and pretty much fell asleep instantly.
    A while later I woke again and could still hear the television so I wasn't asleep for long.
    I was lying on my stomach and had my head half under the blankets so tried to roll over and find a cool part of the bed as I felt very warm.

    I couldn't move.
    That's strange I thought, as my eyes were open and I could look around that side of the room but no other part of me would do as expected.
    I told myself not to freak out, stay cool, nothing to worry about, I'm just dreaming, I'll wake up in a minute.

    Then I felt a weight on my lower back pushing me into the mattress, getting heavier and heavier and heavier..... I still couldn't move....... **** it...... FREAK OOOOUTTTTTT!!!!!!!

    I could hear my parents talking in the room beside me, I tried to call for help......
    Hnnnnnnn.......aaaaaahhhhhnnnnnnn,,,,,,,,,,,,gnngnnnnnnnnnnnn........huuuuuuuuunn.......gnnnnnnhhhhhhhh...... my mouth wouldn't work............ nnnnnhhhhhhhhhh....... gggaaaaaaaaaa......... I'm being crushed.......... gaahhhhhhhhhhh............nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnpp

    Then after what felt like an eternity but was probably 15 seconds, I realised that I could wiggle my toes, then slowly my feet then my legs before a few seconds later I was bolting out of my bed, through the bedroom door and into the sitting room where my parents were watching TV.

    They looked at me sheepishly while I, red faced, breathless and sweaty, demanded to know why they didn't come in to the room to help me.

    Them, now also red faced, asked what did I mean why wouldn't they come in and help?

    I told them I was stuck to the bed and thought something was sitting on top of me because I couldn't move a muscle.

    'Oh sorry, we didn't hear you' mum said as she quickly looked back at the telly.
    'Lies', I thought as I went back in to my room, visibly shaking and disappointed with my parents for not being sympathetic about my traumatic experience.
    I fell asleep felling sorry for myself and the incident wasn't mentioned again for a few years.

    I didn't experience it again until I was about 22, a very similar thing happened to me and this time I decided to do some research.
    I read up on sleep paralysis and, having discovered this previously unheard of phenomenon, I couldn't wait to tell my folks that this was what happened to me the night I got back from Italy all those years ago.

    I told them about it over the dinner table one Sunday and they said that they never experienced it but were a little relieved on hearing about it.

    'To be honest' Dad said 'we thought you went to bed early that night because, after sharing a room on holiday for a week, with thoughts of desire for those Italian beauties, that you wanted your privacy'.

    'We heard the noises alright' said mum 'and we were a little bit weirded out when you burst in shortly after asking why we didn't come into help!'

    The conclusion they'd reached was that the paralysis thing was a cover story after I realised I'd been a bit too vocal in the midst of my teenage vigour!

    Sleep paralysis is no joke but I can laugh about it now.
    After that incident I was very spooked at the age of 16 and subsequently mortified at the age of 22. :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24 cariss1

    Ok, time for the genuinely strange one.

    About 10 years ago, I must've been not long turned 18 as I still drove my motorbike and didn't have a car yet but was able to buy booze in the petrol station out the road.

    We lived out in the shticks of Sligo so a mate picked us all up one Saturday night to go watching DVDs at his place.
    I remember it spot on, we rented out 'Gangster no.1' and we had a copy of 'Trainspotting' which we watched later that night for maybe the 5th time!

    Anyway we landed back at the house, only 2 of us had planned on drinking that night.
    I had a bottle of Buckie (because I'd been to a house party in Galway recently and It was all the rage ;) ) and Felim had a 6 pack.
    That's irrelevant really because when this happened we hadn't started drinking yet.

    Paul and Declans folks are a good typical catholic family and their house had a few religious pictures hanging around the house including a picture of Jesus perched on top of the Telly.

    We were in the sitting room about an hour, the 6 or 7 of us, having the craic and chatting away when one of the lads let a right loud ripper of a fart!
    We started laughing at that and when Felim caught a whiff of the fart he started repeating "The power of Christ compels you" and making the sign of the cross at Davids arse.

    Then one by one the rest of us caught the stench and joined in chatting "The power of Christ compels you" until there were maybe 4 of us repeating it.

    The fecking picture of Jesus fell of the TV.

    No one anywhere near it, volume turned down so there were no vibrations and the room was cosy with no drafts.

    Shocked silence for a few seconds then one of the lads said "feck sake Dave that fart was straight from hell because It even managed to knock Jesus out"
    Cue nervous laughter from all.

    It wasn't brought up again that night or to my knowledge ever again.
    We've all pretty much gone our separate ways since but I think I'll bring this up next time I see any of them and see if its as vivid to them 10 years later as it is in my mind.

    Now as I said earlier I'm pretty sceptical about the paranormal, willing to believe but need irrefutable evidence first.
    I'm also not a religious man, never was and doubt I ever will be.

    The thing is, we definitely disturbed some energy that day and the fact that it was the picture of Jesus that fell off the TV and not the similar sized family picture that was beside it adds gravitas to the religious connotations attached to the incident by what we were flippantly chanting at the time.

    Now some people might call that irrefutable evidence of the paranormal but as for me :confused::confused::confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 Chief Whip

    I'm naturally a skeptic but have had a number of . . . odd experiences I cannot explain. Here is one.

    I edited a college magazine. It was printed in a rural town, who had given us a good deal. In those days, we'd bring down scans of the pages and the printers could run off the magazine from them.

    One day, a friend and I were driving in a large car or van (I forget which) to pick up the couple of thousand editions to bring back to UCD. Suddenly, heading out to Dunshaughlin on a straight treelined stretch of roadway, a large white creature appeared from under the large truck ahead of us. We presumed it had been run over. There was no time to swerve and we felt a thud as it hit the bottom of the car or van.

    Both of us were animal lovers and were horrified at the thought of killing an animal. But something about it seemed odd. It seemed too big to have been a dog, more of a human size. It wasn't some cow or calf - I'm from rural Ireland and would have recognised one immediately. It also seemed to be white or grey-coloured, which meant it did not look like an Irish Wolfhound or something. (It was also too smooth.) When we looked behind to see what it was we had hit, we could see the road clearly behind us and there was nothing there. :eek:

    There was no way something could have been run over first by a lorry and then by our car or van, and survived. The road was straight, so the trajectory should have kept it on the road. But the road was empty. We also had a clear view of the ditches at either side and there was no sign of anything having rolled into them, or having been alive and crawled into them.

    There was simply nothing - not a shred of any evidence. Both of us are serious university-educated people and skeptics by nature. We both saw the 'thing' hit by the lorry ahead of us, roll on the ground after it came out from under it, and hit our car or van with a thud. We had no doubt we had hit something. But neither of us to this day have an idea of what he hell the strange white 'thing' was - it didn't look human, but looked the size of a human and too big to be any animal. Its colour was wrong to be an animal. And we have no idea where it went to.

    Whatever it was, it scared the bejaysus out of us and the whole thing was so mysterious we glanced at each other in amazement, and then sat in silence the rest of the journey, completely puzzled as to what had happened, what we had hit, and where it had gone.

    The whole thing freaked us out so much neither of us dared mention it to anyone in case they thought we were mad. But we both had seen it and felt it hit our vehicle and then . . . seem to disappear into thin air.

    It happened 20 years ago this year and I have never forgotten it. Something about it, the mystery over what it was and where it went to, still bugs me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,618 ✭✭✭Mr Freeze

    cariss1 wrote: »
    Sleep paralysis is no joke but I can laugh about it now.
    After that incident I was very spooked at the age of 16 and subsequently mortified at the age of 22. :D

    No Joke indeed.

    The 1st time it happened to me was terrifying.

    Just lying alone in my bed on my side, thought I was awake, suddenly I felt something moving behind me pressing on my back, I believed it to be a large snake or something demonic, shocked at the thought that they were real and this was the end of me, I couldn't move a muscle as much as tried and I couldn't roar for help. I thought it was going to wrap around me and crush me.

    Then it stopped after a while, and I stayed there in the same position looking at the wall afraid to move, not knowing if it was a dream or not, but realised that it had to be.

    Its happened loads since, and sure this thread is about Ghosts, and I am lucky enough never to have experienced them so I best leave it at that, but sleep paralysis is hell when you don't know what it is and believe it to be real.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,556 ✭✭✭Micky 32

    Heard an interesting and nice story yesterday. One of my customers i do some work for told me their 20 year old some tragically died from an aggressive cancer a couple of years ago. His girlfriend before he died was pregnant with someone elses child ( they had split up and she met someone else and got pregnant but it didn't last. when he was diagnosed as terminal they got back together). Before he died he told her he would always look over them...

    After he died there was a christening for the child ( i think, or some function going on). The mother of his girlfriend jumped and said " There's ******!". She apparently saw him for a second in the corner. The get together was being filmed. When they went back over the video he apparently can be seen on it at the point where the woman jumped and saw him! His father has a still video picture of him and claims he can be made out on it. I didn't ask to see it because i didn't feel right about that, so i don't know if it's one of those cases you see something you want to believe..

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭kingelmo

    Firstly these replys are just brilliant...

    Iv had a few weird experiences..

    firstly, my dad had depression and committed suicide in the wee hours of the mornin in our family home while we were all in bed.. we lived there for years after.. my mother re-married and we moved in with my step father leaving my bothers in the old house and no problem...

    We done this house up recently and rented in out to a young couple with 2kids.. they ran out of the place - said there was an awful feeling of someone watching them(this house is in the coutry not the town), second couple moved in and stayed there for one month, they left -saying they saw a man standing between the kitchen and sitting room, wearing a long dirty shirt and work boots and a gun!! We never told them about my father!!

    I am currently living in the house and its perfect.. I love the house and remins me of my younger days.. No problems at all. I guess he just wanted the house to stay with the family!!

    Secondly, I moved in with my step father when my mother remarried, its an old farm hours (about 100 years old) its a two story house. there is 4bedrooms upstairs, 3 of which are empty and me in the furthest over room. In one room inpaticular the room is always FREEZING!! even when the heating is on and ud be melting up there it wud still be cold.. My boyfriend hates this house, he thinks its the freekest thing ever.. One night he went upstairs around 10pm and notice this room's door was open(its always closed) it was pitch black up there, he peered in the door to see a white blurr standing by the window.. my bf was gone grabbed me and left the house.. Asked my step father about that room the next day.. His father died in that room at 10pm,30 years ago from a heart attack!! Freaky stuff

    And finally, went to a town near on the sea coast a few years ago with my boyfriends family and his aunt and uncle from america. We stood infront of a statue in memory of the people who died in the titanic for a picture.. My BF uncle from america took the photo (he is a keen photographer) after taking the picture we all looked at it and shockly to see another person in the photo.. there was 8 of us standing for the photo but on the camera there was 9 people in the picture!! My BF's uncle and aunt stared crying when they saw the picture!! The 9th man in the picture was my BF's uncles father who died in the titantic.. A perfect picture of him and he is looking out to see.. the picture printed off the same and is hanging on the wall at home!!

    All the above stories are 100% true, just taught id share my experiences

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,391 ✭✭✭fro9etb8j5qsl2

    Just wondering if anyone has heard of any strange happenings in the grove island area of Limerick? I've been living there for 6 months now and have had some frightening experiences. My mother has told me that the land was always reputed to be haunted even when it was open fields. Can anyone shed any light on it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭Cunning Stunt

    Just wondering if anyone has heard of any strange happenings in the grove island area of Limerick? I've been living there for 6 months now and have had some frightening experiences. My mother has told me that the land was always reputed to be haunted even when it was open fields. Can anyone shed any light on it?

    Would love to hear about those experiences :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,538 ✭✭✭flutterflye

    Same time every night I feel a cold breeze follow me, and hear noises, and 'feel' something.

    I am not superstitious, and do not believe there are spirits or anything.

    But I doubt my own lack of belief for a short while every night!

    Anyone think of logical explanations?

  • Registered Users Posts: 889 ✭✭✭Bajingo

    kingelmo wrote: »
    Firstly these replys are just brilliant...

    Iv had a few weird experiences..

    firstly, my dad had depression and committed suicide in the wee hours of the mornin in our family home while we were all in bed.. we lived there for years after.. my mother re-married and we moved in with my step father leaving my bothers in the old house and no problem...

    We done this house up recently and rented in out to a young couple with 2kids.. they ran out of the place - said there was an awful feeling of someone watching them(this house is in the coutry not the town), second couple moved in and stayed there for one month, they left -saying they saw a man standing between the kitchen and sitting room, wearing a long dirty shirt and work boots and a gun!! We never told them about my father!!

    I am currently living in the house and its perfect.. I love the house and remins me of my younger days.. No problems at all. I guess he just wanted the house to stay with the family!!

    Secondly, I moved in with my step father when my mother remarried, its an old farm hours (about 100 years old) its a two story house. there is 4bedrooms upstairs, 3 of which are empty and me in the furthest over room. In one room inpaticular the room is always FREEZING!! even when the heating is on and ud be melting up there it wud still be cold.. My boyfriend hates this house, he thinks its the freekest thing ever.. One night he went upstairs around 10pm and notice this room's door was open(its always closed) it was pitch black up there, he peered in the door to see a white blurr standing by the window.. my bf was gone grabbed me and left the house.. Asked my step father about that room the next day.. His father died in that room at 10pm,30 years ago from a heart attack!! Freaky stuff

    And finally, went to a town near on the sea coast a few years ago with my boyfriends family and his aunt and uncle from america. We stood infront of a statue in memory of the people who died in the titanic for a picture.. My BF uncle from america took the photo (he is a keen photographer) after taking the picture we all looked at it and shockly to see another person in the photo.. there was 8 of us standing for the photo but on the camera there was 9 people in the picture!! My BF's uncle and aunt stared crying when they saw the picture!! The 9th man in the picture was my BF's uncles father who died in the titantic.. A perfect picture of him and he is looking out to see.. the picture printed off the same and is hanging on the wall at home!!

    All the above stories are 100% true, just taught id share my experiences

    Can you show us?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17 NewNewBird

    Ok so i just happened to stumble upon this thread by sheer accident.....and it interested me so much i joined just so that i can post and get involved!! So here goes.....Ive always in some way wanted to believe in ghosts and the paranormal but i come from a very logical family and well it wouldnt really be an active subject at home!! So for that reason any experience I've ever had I always passed off and tried to explain it to myself in some scientific way but after reading other posts I feel my experiences are just as a rational as anyone elses. Unfortunately because of my failure to fully be convinced over the years alot of things that happened scared me and i tried to forget or block out the very minute details but the stories at large are still very much in my head :confused:

    Ill start with mam had 3 brothers and when I was about 9 one died suddenly during the night (late one Sunday night) so she was told early on the Monday morning and then came to tell me. What freaked me out was I had a dream about him, and as dreams happen in the short time before you wake I assume that subconsciously I knew something bad had happened and this caused my dream. The good thing was my dream was very pleasant and his death was a peaceful one. Im not sure my mam believed me and probably assumed it was just me being a child and wanted to ease hearing of the death or something, until a few years later I had a dream about a very close friend of hers. I had only met the man once a few months previous so I thought this dream was quiet strange and told her. We shrugged it off and maybe a day or so later we hear he had passed. Same thing with my gran uncle again some years later this time on my dads side. I had some guilt knowing that he was ill but never having got around to go visit him. Had a dream maybe a week after I kept putting off, the visit next day he passed away. Then when I was 16 a second uncle passed away. The thing about this was it was just a brief second between being awake and trying to go asleep on a saturday night that I thought about him. not a dream just a flash if you like. The next afternoon we got a phonecall saying he had passed away in the early afternoon having been to mass that morning. Again he died suddenly in fact within seconds from a major heartache (I feel like the fact it was just for a second that he crossed my mind has some connection but perhaps I'm reading too much into it). Eventually my mother did start to see a pattern but we have never talked about it. There have been plenty of occasions where I will out of the blue think of someone who I may not have seen or thought about for years or even occassionally I have a dream and soon after I've found out they have passed away but the ones i have detailed are the major ones which stuck with me. Is there anyone else posting here who has experienced this. I must say it did scare me an awful lot when I was younger but it hasnt happened for maybe 2 or more years.
    I have plenty more experiences but they are of a totally different category if you like so im going to start a new post.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17 NewNewBird

    And yet theres more!! These are slightly more 'active' experiences. As it happens just as I was finished typing my last post the bulb in my bedside light flickered.......other than electricity going i have never seen it to that. Bulb is not loose either :confused: Im really hoping it was electricity!! Wish I had the radio on and I would have known :rolleyes:

    Back when I was about 6 or 7 we had a dog whose bed was in an out house just at the end of a very small field beside our house. The field is pretty creepy late in the evening as theres alot of big trees and theres a derelict house at the end of the field adjoining. Its late in the evening but not dark just dusk and I'm heading to feed the dog and sort him for the night half way down the field I stopped. I did'nt intend to and to this day I dont know why I did but I could'nt move not even my arms or open my mouth. Then I felt a freezing cold around me. It felt for all the world like I was frozen solid in an ice block. I presume it was only seconds but it felt much longer. Needless to say I turned for my own house and someone else fed the dog that night and for sometime after :D. My parents put it down to a scare and my immagination and so did I until 3 years ago when I was 18 I had another very frightening experience.

    My boyfriend at the time was droppin me home one night. Cant remember the exact time but definitely between 10pm and 1am. It was probably closer to the 1am time because eveyone was in bed when I got home. We were travelling from the town that he lives in to mine 20mins out the country. Less than 10mins out the road from town a local fellow died in a road accident about a year or year and a half previous to this time. He would have went to school with my ex and I would have vaguely known him. We had just passed the monument in his memory at the spot where he died when a shape appeared at eye level in front of the windscreen maybe 3 feet from the car. The only way I can describe this shape is it was almost a perfect triangle except the edges were soft and blurry it was as big as a football and a grey colour, it did not shine, it was a dull foggy smoke like thing but solid and dense looking. I have exhausted every explaination with this one. It was not another car as there was not another car on the road at the time we had'nt seen a car since town and did'nt see one for at least 5mins after. There was no fog, no rain, nothing it was an extremly clear still night. There was no lights that could have caused any kind of a haze as there is nothing at either side of the road but ditches and fields and there was no body anywhere in the area. There was definitely no smoke or anything. Basically it frigntened me so much I tried tirelessly to find a rational explaination but I could'nt :(. I said nothing but then realised my ex hadnt said anything for a few minutes either so I sheepishly asked did he see it and I got a very frightened response of yes. So both of us are petrified and when we get home my ex said he had been having a scared feeling for a week or more like he was going to have an accident and he felt that this was some kind of sign/warning/protection from his friend. So he leaves to go home and 30-40mins later rings me to tell me he got home ok.....but about 100yards up the road from where we had seen this blur there was a woman in the middle of the road waving him down. Being concerned something would happen her he stopped and she said she was very distraught and needed to get to a neighbouring town. Taking sympaty he said he would bring her into this town but she would have to find her own way after that. She was very upset and had been involved in a row with friends or family or something. The next day he described the woman to a family member and they were able to identify her as a local who was a suspect in aiding in a local murder. To this day I am convinced that the thing we saw definitely was the deceased friend of my ex and definitely was a sign or warning about the rest of the nights events.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,046 ✭✭✭enniscorthy

    hi all - came up with great idea - if someone could edit the whole thread - repackage into book - be great read and no.1 seller at christmas - brian

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,046 ✭✭✭enniscorthy

    ghost experiences vol. 1 what you think

  • Registered Users Posts: 433 ✭✭raveni

    hi all - came up with great idea - if someone could edit the whole thread - repackage into book - be great read and no.1 seller at christmas - brian
    I wonder would there be any legal issues behind that, would you have to get all of the posters permission or whoever runs boards' permission, or could you just do it no questions asked. I imagine it'd be quite easy for someone to include some of the stories from here in a book and say they were stories they had got from interviewing people or something.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,005 ✭✭✭CorkMan

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  • Registered Users Posts: 39 shoefloozy

    I think that's a great idea, There's certainly enough stories on here to fill it too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭PatientBear

    It's not that expensive to get a book printed and bound, but it is a pain in the ass selling it! However, I think the concept is great. I've worked on a couple of book publications in the past and it's not a major big deal to produce a book, just time-consuming to edit.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭PatientBear

    Wow, I have just read the first 11 posts and I had to stop because they were so damn creepy!!!

    Brrrrrr!!!!! Time to flick on the box and forget all this stuff!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 598 ✭✭✭dyer

    id imagine most people came here to share their experiences freely because im assuming (as much as myself, they couldnt do it anywhere else) so feck off with your book.. and well continue this great thread.

    didnt mean to be negative btw.. it is a good idea..

    but with every story told.. might give just a little bit more incentive and confidence to someone else to tell theirs and i think your ideal would destroy that completely and stop whats happening here.

    ad finitum.. just my opinion :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,005 ✭✭✭CorkMan

    Not to mention the issue of copyright. Everyone would want a cut of the pie.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Tragamin2k2

    gary linekers book of ghost storys

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    personally speaking i think writing a book printed with the experiences in this thread would ruin the thread.
    Some have come on here to share an experience that they had that they either can not explain fully, or to share it in a relatively anonymous way.
    Writing a book and quoting this thread would leave any tom dick or harry to potentially make a mockery out of it.
    Just my 2c anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,194 ✭✭✭saa

    Wow whats with the massive blocks of text, have you no respect for us skimmers.

    Family holiday in a bungalow
    use to the the landladies family home, children moved out she didnt say but obviously the husband passed away, back of house looked out onto a graveyard the house was probably built over much older graves.

    I was three at the time, slept in a room facing onto the cemetary so that wasnt the issue there was one room that myself or any of my siblings would not go into I remember screaming and putting my feet against the door frame when my dad was telling me that that was my bed

    none of us slept in that room, I'm not sure if its a ghost as such but some kind of bad energy there for sure

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭PatientBear

    I posted this in Mythology before I found the right area for it...anyway, here's a more detailed version.

    I was living in a house in Phibsboro as a student with three other guys. One of the guys was Irish and would go home on Fridays to Kildare and come back Sunday. The other two were Erasmus students (French and Spanish) and all three of us stayed at the house all week.

    Anyway, myself and the Spanish guy went off one evening to visit friends, and before we left the Spanish guy went in to turn off all the lights (he was cost conscious!). We left and when we came back, some lights were on. I assumed we'd just forgotten, but he was adamant he'd gotten them all off. So we assumed it was the other Irish guy who had come home...

    We go in, the Spanish guy called for the Irish guy and we heard a voice upstairs say 'yeah', which was fine because he usually came back Sunday evenings. Then the Spanish guy goes upstairs for a while, and I'm knocking around the living room, and then the Spanish guy comes down and says our other housemates aren't there and the place is empty.

    We're confused because we both heard the voice, so we go up and see the attic is open (I'm pretty sure I left it open earlier, but the voice is freaking us out). We decide to call the gardai and they come and look and say everything is fine. Then they leave, and the two of us try to watch TV. We give up after a while and discuss the voice we heard.

    At that moment we hear this mighty crash from upstairs, exactly like a table filled with crockery which has been lifted one inch and then dropped*. We flee the house and call the cops again, and again the find nothing (but they do ask us if we have been smoking drugs!). We don't go back and spend the night with friends.

    Later I heard that the nearby mill in Phibsboro used to be a workhouse, and I have generally formed the idea that is the area itself which is a bit disturbed. I heard that another student who stayed in the mill (it was converted at that stage) had to sleep with the lights on because they saw things.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,207 ✭✭✭Pablo Sanchez

    Thats freaky alright, whatever about lights coming on by themselves but hearing the voice! How long did you stay in the house after this?
