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Ghosts - What are your experiences?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 michellemac

    Hey Mark, i met you and your lovely wife at the paranormal con on sat night. My self and my friend got talking to Colum about Ross Castle, sounds like a great location.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 shoefloozy

    Hi everyone, I'm new to 'Boards' and loved reading so many of your experiences so I thought i'd add mine too.
    A few years back I lived in Seattle and happily married to an army officer who frequently left for long periods for duty, anyway this one time he was due to leave for 3 months, I remember having this really strange feeling that something 'bad' was gonna happen but couldn't put my finger on it. After he left that night I had a horrible dream that he was having an affair with a beautiful girl with long blonde hair, in my dream I could see her so clearly that I never forgot her face. Months passed and and he arrived home acting quite distant with wedding ring missing! Its transpires that he admitted to having an affair with a girl with long blonde hair, a few weeks later some mail arrived for him from said girl which I nosily opened only to find a photograph of the very girl I saw in my dream. It was her!
    That was 7 yrs ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 shoefloozy

    While again living in Seattle some yrs back I had friends who I visited in Portland, Oregon which is about 3hrs away. Anyway this one summer I was on my way home from Portland on the I5 going about 90mph when suddenly I saw a huge face of a man in the sky telling me that something was about to happen but I must stay calm that everything would be ok. I kinda froze cause I thought I was gonna die, suddenly I heard a huge bang, losing control of the car it span around twice and landed in the ditch. I had a blow-out on one of the tires. Luckily a people carrier was driving behind me and witnessed the whole thing, he stopped to see if I was okay. He said if there had a been another car or truck beside me when I span out it couldv'e ended in a fatality.
    To this day I can see the mans face and I would describe him as looking very much like Jesus.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 954 ✭✭✭marti101

    Wow freaky but great stories,any more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 shoefloozy

    2 years ago I held a girlie night in my house, I thought it would be fun if we had a psychic medium to come for the night and give readings. There was 8 girls all family, we had a brilliant night and sat up very late in the sitting room chatting about what the meduim had told us. I remember it was a friday because the late late show was on but we had the tv on mute. well as all sat around we were talking about my little brother who passed away when I was younger, the medium had told my mum she sensed his precence. Then all of a sudden the surround sound came on blaring his favourite song 'Billy Jean' for about 20 seconds then faded away. As we all sat in complete shock I checked to see if the radio or a cd was playing but it wasn't even switched on.
    I believe it was my brother letting us know that he was there listening to us recount our stories.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,721 ✭✭✭✭CianRyan

    +1 on both stories, really interesting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 shoefloozy

    Last year i began to feel a strange presence upstairs on the landing, anytime I passed a certain spot I could sence a menacing being. I was genuinely scared and wouldn't go upstairs on my own because I was convinced something was watching me, something not nice at all! I have lived in this house for 6yrs with my partner. He knew and understood my feelings so for a while he would accompany me upstairs with all the lights on. The night we had the psychic medium I asked her if she would kindly go upstairs and see if she felt anything, as soon as she got to the top of the stairs she stopped and looked at me, her face turned white, she told me she didn't like what she was feeling and seemed uneasy, regardless she carried on and performed a cleansing with burning sage wafting it all over repeating " who or whatever you are, you are not wanted here and you must leave, please leave this house" After that night I have'nt felt the presence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 694 ✭✭✭Tragamin2k2

    shoefloozy wrote: »
    2 years ago I held a girlie night in my house, I thought it would be fun if we had a psychic medium to come for the night and give readings. There was 8 girls all family, we had a brilliant night and sat up very late in the sitting room chatting about what the meduim had told us. I remember it was a friday because the late late show was on but we had the tv on mute. well as all sat around we were talking about my little brother who passed away when I was younger, the medium had told my mum she sensed his precence. Then all of a sudden the surround sound came on blaring his favourite song 'Billy Jean' for about 20 seconds then faded away. As we all sat in complete shock I checked to see if the radio or a cd was playing but it wasn't even switched on.
    I believe it was my brother letting us know that he was there listening to us recount our stories.

    Was there a laptop around? one of the lads spilled beer on his laptop and ever since it plays billy jean randomly with no programs open for about 20-30 seconds :confused::confused::confused::P

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 shoefloozy

    No there was no laptops in the room, no radios were switched on either. Trust me I checked everything, and if it were not for the fact that all the girls were there too nobody would've believed me. My boyfriend is a real messer but he was away that night so we couldn't blame it on him.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 497 ✭✭Musha

    couple of small stories for you all:

    Firstly I would like to mention Thomas our resident ghost who lives in the house i grew up in from the age of 11 and my parents still live in he was a minister who lived in the house at the turn of the last century (1901 census)
    mainly meet him on the stairs or see shadows in the hall, he visits my mum at night when see is feeling stressed sits on the end of her bed, all of the family have seen him including my eldest son when he was a baby, I was in the living room changing his clothes and he starting waving and laughing into the the corner on the room, before we did the house up in the 1980's the door into the living room was there.

    Secondly: when I was in college, we had some really weird stuff happening in our digs, knocking on the walls during the night, things balanced on the edge of the dresser defying the laws of physics ( unfortually before camera phones) myself and a few others inveatigated the house and found out that an RAF man had hung himself in our attic room during the war.

    Thirdly: Our first house that we bought back in '98 3 bed terrace in an county clare village. That was an evil house, I went downstairs one night to get the baby some milk and opened the kitchen door there was a large window in the kitchen and there was something in the back garden not of this world, zombie like creatures, we never had any luck in that house, 2 miscarriages and an unexplained fire that destroyed the kitchen.
    Strangely enough I conceived again two months after leaving that house and had another beautiful baby boy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭rejkin

    Musha wrote: »
    couple of small stories for you all:

    Firstly I would like to mention Thomas our resident ghost who lives in the house i grew up in from the age of 11 and my parents still live in he was a minister who lived in the house at the turn of the last century (1901 census)
    mainly meet him on the stairs or see shadows in the hall, he visits my mum at night when see is feeling stressed sits on the end of her bed, all of the family have seen him including my eldest son when he was a baby, I was in the living room changing his clothes and he starting waving and laughing into the the corner on the room, before we did the house up in the 1980's the door into the living room was there.

    Secondly: when I was in college, we had some really weird stuff happening in our digs, knocking on the walls during the night, things balanced on the edge of the dresser defying the laws of physics ( unfortually before camera phones) myself and a few others inveatigated the house and found out that an RAF man had hung himself in our attic room during the war.

    Thirdly: Our first house that we bought back in '98 3 bed terrace in an county clare village. That was an evil house, I went downstairs one night to get the baby some milk and opened the kitchen door there was a large window in the kitchen and there was something in the back garden not of this world, zombie like creatures, we never had any luck in that house, 2 miscarriages and an unexplained fire that destroyed the kitchen.
    Strangely enough I conceived again two months after leaving that house and had another beautiful baby boy.

    So what did you do when ya saw the thing in the backyard?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 497 ✭✭Musha

    rejkin wrote: »
    So what did you do when ya saw the thing in the backyard?

    Moved :D

    I have no fear of spirts/ghost whatever your prefered reference is, but this was not a nice encounter, in fairness we were never happy in the house from day one but house prices were on the rise and we needed to buy quickly. After that experience and an unexplained fire we put the house in the market and moved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 890 ✭✭✭rejkin

    Well at least ya got out,thats good to hear.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 60 ✭✭lovepink_xo

    my house is built on a (verrrrry old) graveyard & theres an old closed church less than 2 minutes from my house(can see it from my window) ive never really experienced anything other than the odd chill or feeling of someone being in the room with you even though theres not,but i say thats just paranoia. anyways my brother (whos tough as nails and would never get scared of anything) and his friend were in the house alone, brother went upstairs to go toilet,when he came out he seen a white hazy figure in his bedroom (his bedroom is across from the bathroom) his friend also said he heard press doors banging in the kitchen,not hard but enough to hear it.

    my grandmother seen a few things years back that she still says had to be ghosts. once she had visitors at the house and went out the back to get clothes from the clothes line,she saw a little girl playing and she went back and asked the visitors why they didnt bring the child in..they thought she was crazy lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,072 ✭✭✭SeekUp

    Not my story, but my mom's . . .

    When my mom was a girl, my grandparents were looking to move into a new home. They were interested in one particular house whose original owner was apparently quite racist. He had died, and his son, who didn't share his father's views, was happy to sell the house to whoever wanted to buy (and could pony up the cash!). My grandparents went to view it and brought my mother along. They were being shown the basement, which was at the bottom of a flight of stairs leading down from the kitchen. While the adults were talking, my mother looked up the stairs and saw a skeleton "standing" at the top. She never felt scared, and it didn't seem menacing at all, so she continued to stare at it. Eventually, it kind of wavered and then just faded away.

    They ended up buying the house - and my parents and I went on to live in it until I was 12 - without any other incidents.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,072 ✭✭✭SeekUp

    Pink Bunny wrote: »
    I used to do that also, so does my baby. In fact I would hazard a guess that most babies do.

    I wonder if that's a common thing for all babies? I have a couple ideas on that myself but wonder what you others think.

    Oddly enough, my cat does the same thing. She'll sit, stare, and meow at a spot high up the wall, sometimes even standing on her back legs or jumping on a piece of furniture to get higher. I always assume that she's hearing the noises of the pipes or something in the walls!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 stanneon

    we were riding home in our school bus one late night when we encounter an accident, a kid suddenly cross the street and our school bus bumped on him. the driver quickly picked up the kid and he decided to get us back to school before he carry the kid to the hospital.
    It was getting dark that time, while we were at the school grounds I saw a lady wearing very white dress on the 2nd floor of our school, I immediately tell my friends about it and we all saw a lady in white.... then I realize that he lay has no head, maybe I was imagining it but when I look at it again, she really is headless!!! and I felt that she was stating at us... we decided to go there and confirm it, we went there but she was gone.... we report it to the guard and to our surprised, we are the only people at the school... after that we heard some one playing a flute! everything, was dark, the lights were turned off but we are still hearing it... that's when our school bus came and carried us back home... I was 7 then, now I'm 20, and I still can't forget about that spooky experience...

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,992 ✭✭✭✭partyatmygaff

    Nothing really freaky or extremely frightening happened to me thank god except for one thing I still cannot explain, I was at a very old church dedicated to St.Mary and being the inquisitive 5 year old that i was at the time, I heard 3 calls of what sounded like a dove when I looked down into the well(BTW this church was not in Ireland it was over in my parents country and i was on holiday there) Told my mam and she was amazed and told the priest and all.
    True story too.
    My grandmother (maternal) according to my mother, around the same time she died, My uncle who was still in his teens at the time and was at home had a vision of our Lady at the end of his bed and he described it as saying that somehow the minute he saw her he knew his mother had passed away.

    2 reasons im sticking with my religion for life

  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭alexjk

    my story isn't particularly interesting, nothing "happened " as such but it's the only time i've ever seen anything that was witnessed my people other than myself. i was about 16 at the time and me and my younger sister were talking over the wall to my cousin who lived next door at about 9pm. suddenly i became aware that there were two people standing at the top of my cousins driveway and i mentioned it her and she asked them if they wanted to see her father (he's a mechanic and we lived in the countryside so people would often need car help from him) but they said nothing, and they didn't really have distinguishable form from one another, nor proper faces as such. we said to each other that we'd go to meet them at the top of her driveway but in the 5 seconds it took to do that, they were gone, just disappeared right before our eyes. said goodbye for the night pretty sharpish at that point!

  • Registered Users Posts: 647 ✭✭✭corcaigh1

    The mother told me a story about my cousin who was staying at my uncles house..her father (he and my father who were brothers are deceased at the time) one night on her own with her two kids.. anyways she put them to bed and went to bed in a separate bedroom down the landing. Sometime after she was awoken to the sound of what sounded like very loud footsteps up and down the landing so she got up and went out and there was smoke billowing from the kids room..she ran in and pulled them out of the bed (they were still asleep) which was beginning to go up in flames..she managed to control the fire and the kids were fine. Turns out she forgot to turn off the electric you can guess what would inevitably have happened if she had not have heard the banging which she believes to have been her father or mine..freaky ****.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 60 ✭✭[WoW]

    cool thread spent most of today reading everyones stories!
    nothing has ever happened me but my uncle,years and years ago, was in a field/bog type thing when he heard a woman screaming and thought it was a banshee. he kept walking and past a little stream then the screaming stopped. (apparently if you cross water it will stop). the next day his uncle died.

    another thing related to him, my uncle's father (my grand father) opened his front door one morning and found a frog sitting in the doorstep and it tried to get in when the door opened. this happened again a few days later. granda was suspicious of this (something about wild animals in the house means bad luck) a week later my uncle died at sea. this was probably just a coincidence but i found the first one spooky.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭sambuka41

    Since i was about 10 i've seen a man in a bowler hat that no one else has been able to see!!!! Sounds crazy!! It only happens every once in a while, he is usually in the distance just watching. Once while driving in kildare he appeared in the middle of the road, i had to hit the brakes so not to hit him, then he was gone.
    I have a photo of the wall in my old apartment where his face was on the wall .unfortunately its a few years old and i took the pic wit my phone and the quality is fairly bad.
    He doesnt frighten me. My family are all very young so its not a grandparent or great-grandparent.
    I dont usually see things like this but there has always been unusual stuff happen around me, esp with electronic equipment.:P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭Blue-Eyed

    Luckily nothing of the likes has ever happened to me. And that's excellent, because I definetly couldn't handle ghosts :( I get scared

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    sambuka41 wrote: »
    Since i was about 10 i've seen a man in a bowler hat that no one else has been able to see!!!! Sounds crazy!! It only happens every once in a while, he is usually in the distance just watching. Once while driving in kildare he appeared in the middle of the road, i had to hit the brakes so not to hit him, then he was gone.
    I have a photo of the wall in my old apartment where his face was on the wall .unfortunately its a few years old and i took the pic wit my phone and the quality is fairly bad.
    He doesnt frighten me. My family are all very young so its not a grandparent or great-grandparent.
    I dont usually see things like this but there has always been unusual stuff happen around me, esp with electronic equipment.:P

    Would love to see the picture. That kind of story I find more interesting than most.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,083 ✭✭✭sambuka41

    Its not very good quality and some ppl see the image others dont. But that really falls on the quality of the photo. In the "flesh" it was very obvious to me anyway!!!!!!!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 90 ✭✭Blue-Eyed

    He seems like a really fun guy :D I hope he's friendly to you! :p

    -Blue- :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,015 ✭✭✭✭Mc Love

    Havent read the whole thread or anything, but a mate of mine told me a story about one of his cousins. Supposedly he was returning from the pub one night ( and he wasnt that drunk and he knew a field he could cross to cut ten minutes off his journey home) so it was about 12 midnight and the field was pitch black and all of a sudden he walked into what seemed to be a wall. He could see from the moonlight that it was infact a wall. Now he had taken this trip in the past and there was never ever a wall there (when he checked in the morning there wasnt one either) so he tried to climb over but it seemed too high, then tried to go around it, so he walked for like 5 mins and then ten mins back the other way and couldnt get past it. He then sat down, closed his eyes and prayed. when he opened his eyes, the wall was gone, and he returned home.

    Can anyone explain what phenomen this was? Or was he off his ovaries?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 568 ✭✭✭TheLoc

    There's an explanation for everything. I find that anyone who believes in this stuff it happens to (coincidently). I think its a form of paranoya and worry/stress also.
    I've never believed in it and nothing wierd has ever happened me. One of my best friends when I was a kid then constantly said he beleived in it and loads of stuff kept happening him, of course when he was on his own. Also, at night my GF sometimes sees chinese samurai's in our bedroom and can't sleep at all cause she's generally scared. I think its pure funny. it's obviously her imagination because if it wasn't I should see it too. I just think its all in the head. sorry. I've never heard of someone never believing in it and suddenly something wierd happens them!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Your mate's cousin was a bit drunk per chance?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14,015 ✭✭✭✭Mc Love

    Maybe he was, but tis a bit fecked up! Dont know why i bothered reading this thread! Damn imagination!! Wouldnt be able to sleep for weeks now!
