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  • 30-12-2005 8:27pm
    Registered Users Posts: 456 ✭✭

    anybody else around here obsessed and if so lets talk!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,920 ✭✭✭AnCapaillMor

    Like it, not obsesed with it, 5th season is interesting so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 456 ✭✭Superdub2

    ye ive seen every episode but i dont know anybody else who likes it. i tink its an american prenomenon but im trying to establish if their is many irish people who like it as much as me

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,920 ✭✭✭AnCapaillMor

    I know of a good few people who watch it, nothing like the amount that follow lost or SG1 but its got a decent enough following where i am.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭TonyD79

    Hasnt go much advertising here.Both Channel four & RTE abuse it. If they both gave it half the advertising as Lost and put it on at a good time it would get much a larger fanbase.

    Not into comics but my favourite superhero was Batman until I have started watching smallville.

    Season 5 is probably the best yet and it is doing very well ratings wise in the states. Last year it was up against Lost but since its been changed to thurday nights its up their with the O.C. Which means its more than likely to go on for another year or two and as I watch the stuff from the states I dont really care how Channel 4 or RTE show it.

    Considering though that Superman Returns is coming out next summer I would have thought Warner themselves would try and give it more of a push in the UK & Ireland.

    Lana Lang is very hot. Dont think they should have brought Lois Lane into it and after watching the Christopher Reeves films recently I feel they should have kept more in line with them ie used the same spaceship he crashed to earth in and stuff like that. Also its a pity they couldnt have waited a few years and used Tom Welling(Clarke) & Michael Rosenbaum( Lex) in a big screen adaption . Well considering Tom Welling(28) who plays an 18 yr old clarke is older in real life to Brendon Routh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 456 ✭✭Superdub2

    quite interesting tony, its moved to thursdays? are you in ireland or the states cuz i know its on thursdays in the states and it had been moved from wednesdays. Is it moved to thursdays in ireland.

    also how do you see it if you are in Ireland? ive seen all the episodes from season five so far myself usin bittorrent

    also its only shown on E4, rte and c4 never show it. this is a good series but my favourite wud have to be the third series. ive seen all them.

    Ye it wud have been great if they had used tom welling and michael rosenbaum but they obviously wanted it to be independant from smallville. also there are a lot of inconsistencies in smallville with the superman mythology but you get used to them!

    Eg Lionel luthor rarely played such a prominent role in the comics or the films and Lex was never Clarks best friend but he was his friend in some of the superboy comics

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,953 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    I love the show these days. It's really sprung back from last season.
    Tony wrote:
    and after watching the Christopher Reeves films recently I feel they should have kept more in line with them ie used the same spaceship he crashed to earth in and stuff like that. Also its a pity they couldnt have waited a few years and used Tom Welling(Clarke) & Michael Rosenbaum( Lex) in a big screen adaption . Well considering Tom Welling(28) who plays an 18 yr old clarke is older in real life to Brendon Routh.

    The thing about Smallville is it takes a lot from the comics as well as the films. It's like a mix of pre-crisis Superman, post-crisis Superman and film Superman. As for Tom Welling in the Superman Returns, he expressed disinterest at the prospect claiming he didn't want to be "typecast". Anyway, I think Brandon Routh will do a good job. I'd have loved to see Michael Rosenbaum as Lex in the films alright, he does a fantastic job as Lex Luthor in Smallville, my favourite interpretation of Lex by far.
    Superdub2 wrote:
    Eg Lionel luthor rarely played such a prominent role in the comics or the films and Lex was never Clarks best friend but he was his friend in some of the superboy comics

    They've actually retconned the Clark/Lex friendship stuff into post-Crisis Superman comics mythology starting with "Superman:Birthright". There were a few other Smallville-style retcons in the comics too, looks like the comic writers are taking notice of the show these days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,440 ✭✭✭Dizzyblabla

    I love it too!! although I couldn't tell you one series from the next...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭TonyD79

    rte showed it on friday evenings (after the den) and then and saturday mornings (1st and 2nd seasons)as part of teen programming for a while when it came on to E4.

    Channel four used to show it but i dont think they have even started the 4th series.

    I watch it using bittorrrent. TV without stupid ads!
    Think it on Monday nites again on E4 starting next week

    In terms of the comics they messed up with their casting of the character Pete Ross as he is supposed to end up with Lana etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,787 ✭✭✭tvnutz

    smallville is not bad,but not great. There is a lot of dodgy writing and acting. Season 5 has been good so far. But season 4 was just terrible! It was some of the worst stuff on TV that year. Cringeworthy stuff. Tom Welling can't act,so I'm glad he is not in the movie. Lana is hot,but she also cannot act. The guys who play Lex and Lional are the only decent actors on the show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,661 ✭✭✭✭MisterAnarchy

    Season 5 is back on form.
    I think it has only been commissioned for 13 episodes this series so that means only 4 more episodes in the US.
    The ratings are good despite it being moved to a very competitive slot so it may be extended.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 456 ✭✭Superdub2

    no it will have the usual 22 o so episodes, just on a mid season break which i dont like!

    I tink tom welling can act but is limited by the character he plays at times. ifyou had see transference from last year when he switches bodies with lionel or splinter from this year you would have seen his acting abilities.

    I agree s4 was probably the least good season (none were bad!) but there were some great episodes like transference for example.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,953 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    Tom was also good in the episode "Splinter" this season, it seems "Face of Steel" can act after all. There are other good actors in the show besides Lex and Lionel, Annette O'Toole (Martha Kent) and Alison Mack (Chloe Sullivan) for example.

    Yeah there were some pretty decent episodes in Season 4, although the season deteriorated very quickly. I think "Transference" was probably the last of the good episodes that season until "Onyx" and "Commencement".

    From what I've heard by the way, the show is getting a 6th season. I hope they do the "man in tights" thing before then though, they're almost through with the "Smallville" story, time to move on to "Metropolis".

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭TonyD79

    It had some terrible episodes like when lana,cloe & lois were witches and a couple more. As for Tom Wellings acting ability he is playing an 18 year old American farm kid and considering brenden rouths (new superman) acting experience mounts to a small cameo role on will and grace I dont think its bad. I dont think he writes the lines and because this show isnt on HBO (Nip-tuck and the Sopranos) the dialogue can be pretty cringeworthy at times.

    Season 5 wouldnt be good if he couldnt act.The two episodes transference(season 4) & splinter showed his acting ability but if you put him on a show like "lost" you could see he could act. He is supposed to be dumbed down and niave or else the introduction of a new character in james Marsters
    wouldnt work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,787 ✭✭✭tvnutz

    I don't think I have ever seen him cry.

    Spoiler seaosn 5.
    His mother was dying recently and he couldn't even portray any emotions that might make us feel for Martha.

    In Season 4 I thought "Run","Transference","Onyx" and the season finale were the only good episodes. 4 out of 22 is pretty bad IMO.

    But ye,season 5 has been good,and with its great ratings this year (up 22% from last season on the most competitive night),it will get a 6th season.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,920 ✭✭✭AnCapaillMor

    heard 4 was sh!te because they were still wokring on a plot for the upcoming movie and did'nt want to conflict with anything on it. season 5 is ok now as they know what will happen. Lana lang babe and all that she is, deserves to be killed horribly, no character apart from the lost michelle rodriguez, has ever annoyed me as much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 456 ✭✭Superdub2

    yep a lot of people seem to have that reaction to lana but i still just want to sleep with her!:D

    it is doing better than season 4 so i see no reason why they wudnt do a 6th season at least, especially with all the attention the new film will bring.

    The show has two strict rules "no flight" and "no tights" or so ive heard, so i doubt we will ever see the tights and if you say he has flown that technically was as Kal-el but he does do a lot of super jumping hese days which is good!

    and there are some excellent actors. MR's Lex is brilliant while JG as lionel is brilliand and the kents are great too.(IMO)

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,953 ✭✭✭✭Stark

    I really hope they break the "no tights, no flights" rule come Season 6. I mean I love how they're sticking to the post-Crisis "No superboy, Clark's powers develop over time" story but with him learning to superjump now and getting ready to move to Metropolis, I think the time will soon come for us to see him don the tights.
    Superdub2 wrote:
    MR's Lex is brilliant
    I've said it before and I'll say it again, I so agree :) He's the kind of actor that makes me want to pay attention to every word he utters even if it was just reading out the phone book. I was especially hooked after Season 3's "Shattered" and "Asylum"; his performance in those two episodes just blew me away. Even the worst of the S4 eps were brightened up by a little Lex/Lionel screentime.

  • Registered Users Posts: 456 ✭✭Superdub2

    id have to agree with you aswell stark, while partially blinded by my love for supes id have to agree lex and lionel are brilliant, especially together. Id love to see MR in something else to see if he is really that good.

    Also Kevin spacey is a brilliantactor but i doubt he wud be better than MR

  • Registered Users Posts: 456 ✭✭Superdub2

    Starting on E4 on monday, yippie!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18 Bar'El

    yeah dude smallville is awsome

    seen every ep and thought it has got better over the years
    and season 5 is turning out great at the moment,,,,, i am a little pissed off that i havent seen a new episode since lexmas

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 Mallard

    Smallville is a good show, but not great. It's just restricted by the characters histories. You kinda know the end result of Clark/Lex and Clark/Lana etc so it takes away from the show a bit. You know that Lex and Clark will be enemies, Lana will be left behind in Smallville. Couple this with some very unoriginal idea's for Freak of the Week's (see Season 1 - which was Dawsons Creek with recycled X-Files ideas) and even the latest ep, Lexmas was a recycled ripoff of that Nic Cage movie "Family Man". Good ep but still a bit unoriginal. You know there'll never be a big shocking death either, since they all live in comics continuity bar Chloe and Lionel and maybe Pa Kent (can't recall if he dies in Supe's continuity). There isn't the suspense element you get with Soprano's or even Buffy etc. Even when Chloe went into the house and it exploded 2 seconds later she survived. I shouldn't moan about that though, being a comic book fan, I should be used to characters never really dying.

    Then there's the horrible acting by little Ms. Roboto, Martha Kent and Bo Duke. Lana, I have to say, is a god damn terrible actor. She is hot, no denying but her acting combined with very poor storylines brings her in at a close second to Marrisa from The O.C for the award for worst actress on T.V today. As for Ma and Pa Kent, well that warm and cuddly happy family crap makes me just a little sick. You can just imagine Jonathan stubbing his toe on the couch and cussin', prompting Martha to drop her tray of fresh baked brownies on the floor and rush into the room hollerin'

    Ma Kent: JONATHAN!!
    Pa Kent: MARTHA!!
    Ma Kent: Oh JONATHAN, Thank God you're alright.
    Pa Kent: MARTHA!!
    Little Kent superspeeds in
    Kent Jr: Mom, Dad??
    Ma Kent: CLARK!!
    Kent Jr: MOM!!
    Pa Kent: SON!!
    Ma Kent: JONATHAN!!

    After half an hour of this they sit down for cocoa and good ol' Pa Kent lectures Clark about Jor El or his powers...Again.

    Ehh.. I'm probably too cynical, I do actually enjoy the show, I download it every new ep. Lex and Lionel are great. I hope they push the button on Lex vs Clark this year. It seems to happen at the end of every season but then they make up. Season three was great and "Shattered" was by far the best eppy of Smallville to date. The whole Lana/Witch storyline was a flop and has been totally forgotten about now by the writers, part of the reason Season 4 wasn't my favorite. But 5 has been solid enough overall. As for Clark donning the spandex, I think I read somewhere that Tom Welling won't play superman, he'll only play Clark Kent. So I think the only hope of a Superman in costume is the final scene of the final episode if even that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,787 ✭✭✭tvnutz

    I agree Mallard,the acting is fairly bad and there isn't much suspense at all. It is enjoyable in parts,when the odd episode here and there isn't terribly written.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭TonyD79

    99 % of shows and films you know someone is going to or will never die....doesnt make them bad or "not great"

    tvnutz I agree Mallard,the acting is fairly bad and there isn't much suspense at all. It is enjoyable in parts,when the odd episode here and there isn't terribly written.

    Acting? Michael Rosenbaum as Lex and JG as lionel are far better than anything Buffy could manage!
    Even james Marsters acting and character on Smallville is better than spike

    And as comparing the shows "suspense" to one show-the sopranos is very unfair..what next Superman to good fellas?? two totally different alltogether.

    And if you think its not great why on earth to you download it from the states?!! If the season finales arnt suspenseful I dont know what is!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,787 ✭✭✭tvnutz

    John Glover and MR are the only 2 decent actors,but out of the whole cast there are only 2! The whole cast of Buffy were far far better than anyone on smallville. and spike is far better than Prof. Fine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 Mallard

    Yeah comparing it to Soprano's was a bit unrealistic on my part but I was struggling for examples I guess. They're two different types of show. As for the acting, I thing TW is a great Clark Kent. MR, JG and AM are all good too and overall I like the show, that's why I follow it. It's just what I mentioned before about the show is stuff that really makes me cringe when I watch it's so cheesy. I'll stand by my statement about suspense though. You just know that two episodes into each season the finale of the last won't have changed things and it'll be all back to normal.

    When Buffy was in season 4 and 5 the acting was all top notch. Not a bad actor to be seen on the show (Dawn was a bit annoying but nowhere near Lana levels). As for the 99% of shows thing, my point was in other sci-fi shows you have the suspense of a possibility of a charachter dying or things drastically changing. The only drastic change in Smallville is when Lex and Clark turn on each other and we all know that's coming.

    God damn I must sound like the biggest Smallville hater around but I like it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,661 ✭✭✭✭MisterAnarchy

    The whole cast of Buffy were far far better than anyone on smallville.
    Are you trying to compare Buffy to Smallville ?:rolleyes:
    One is a comedy with serious moments(Buffy) the other is pretty serious with comedic moments.
    Sarah Michelle Gellar a good actor and the guy from the Maxwell House ads .:D
    You just know that two episodes into each season the finale of the last won't have changed things and it'll be all back to normal.
    Yip I hate the way they do that although this series is quite good as it doesnt have much superfluous padding and fluff.
    The whole Lana/Witch storyline was a flop and has been totally forgotten about now by the writers
    About time,that whole plotline was pathetic.
    I dont know what they were thinking to be honest.
    It nearly ruined the show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,787 ✭✭✭tvnutz

    I didn't compare,TonyD79 did. I still think the actors on Buffy and Angel are far better than smallville,regardless of what kind of shows they are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭TonyD79

    Il put my hands up and say i never watched buffy..but from what I saw of it
    high flying kicks and predictible vampires werent very exciting.

    As for the witches story..very supergirl-esque..still crap..when the three of them were witches(spell) had to be the most cringful TV I have ever seen..I would rather see the writers reduce the season by a couple of episodes than stick a few turkeys in! Look at nip tuck 13/14 episodes in season three-quality rather than quantity

    The whole Lois-chloe act is cringful at times too (dont want to go into details but they ruined the "solitude " episode with their cheesiness).

    Like the x files the writers killed off a few charcters wasting a chance to get potentially a good story line out of them ie Alicia Baker and whitney

    The two actors that are rumoured to be going in the 100th episode will be sorely missed. As regard to suspense..perhaps bring in a few dc vilians in to make cameos as they have done with Flash, aquaman etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭TonyD79

    You just know that two episodes into each season the finale of the last won't have changed things and it'll be all back to normal.

    Well if you have seen Season 5 yet ( States) the finale(S 4) has moved the series on to a totally new path towards Superman vs Lex etc leaving behind the witches , stones, freak of the week storylines etc

    As for the 99% of shows thing, my point was in other sci-fi shows you have the suspense of a possibility of a charachter dying or things drastically changing. The only drastic change in Smallville is when Lex and Clark turn on each other and we all know that's coming.

    As its pre-superman (like the recent Star Wars Films) we know out of the 8/9 main characters 5 arnt going to die. fair point but Id rather know Clarke aint going to really die than see him asend(like stargate) and be brought back to life. With the Sopranos when someones gets hit thats them gone and I do find that very dramatic etc but with most scfi shows they allways think of some cheesy reason to bring the character back ie Battle Star Galactica-Cylons ..

    With smallville things change subtly but i guess cause of the film and restrictive use of other DC characters ( wernt allowed to introduce a young Bruce Wayne - lost's Boone was rumored to have played the part instead of that part which he did) things cant change drastically.

    And besides with the internet know every fan knows when & who is going to pop their clogs. Bet you know who is going to get it in the 100th episode!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,192 ✭✭✭norbert64

    Are you trying to compare Buffy to Smallville ?:rolleyes:
    One is a comedy with serious moments(Buffy) the other is pretty serious with comedic moments.
    Sarah Michelle Gellar a good actor and the guy from the Maxwell House ads .:D
    buffy a comedy, you wanna run that by us again :confused:

    @ S5 of Smallville, are they sure they made the opening titles flashy enuf. :D
    Ep1 was a good start, although with S4, it aint really all that difficult to make summit better.

    Anywho I'm looking forward to the next ep. :cool:
