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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Redundancy Matrix
09-12-15 1:12
7 1.6K
Bank holiday entitlements?
01-12-15 10:56
6 1K
Asked for references, then nothing
09-11-15 13:35
26 3.3K
P45 reclaim
20-12-15 22:16
5 413
End of year review:unfairly treated
06-12-15 13:40
20 5.2K
Will this stop me climing the work ladder
15-12-15 15:24
10 1.9K
Being acussed of something I didn't say
17-12-15 18:43
1 1K
Company split - redundancy entitlement effects.
17-12-15 10:37
4 522
Requesting a P45
16-12-15 15:33
6 728
Desperately unhappy in work
14-12-15 22:32
30 6.8K
Till short - will this affect my chances of turning xmas job permanent ?
12-12-15 14:51
7 2.2K
Switching departments in accountancy firm
10-12-15 22:01
1 483
Employer refusing redundancy, need help on next step
10-12-15 12:27
3 1.2K
09-12-15 22:09
6 1.3K
Time 'worked in' or annual leave?????
10-12-15 12:23
5 725
still no call
12-11-15 15:36
17 3.4K
Unfair internship
07-12-15 16:23
5 1.2K
Strike exempt
05-12-15 13:56
18 2.3K
Find work-places,generally,very very difficult
25-11-15 23:01
21 3.5K
Employer won't give me date for overdue expenses
07-12-15 17:56
1 658
Not paid provate painting job
07-12-15 17:03
1 594
Voluntary vs Involuntary redundancy
05-12-15 23:00
2 918
Pharmacist course
04-12-15 0:15
7 966
job offer acceptance dlimma: big vs small company
05-12-15 12:06
5 993
Requesting files from employer.
02-12-15 23:37
2 885
Left over holiday entitlements
01-12-15 16:48
5 912
Contractor...with no contract
04-12-15 10:22
2 510
redundancy due?
28-11-15 23:19
12 1.2K
Job being moved 35 km away - can I get redundancy?
02-12-15 20:06
8 2.2K
Employer unilaterally removing cost of living clause
02-12-15 17:35
1 694