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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Is is not discrimination ? 123
07-01-16 11:54
77 8.2K
Renegotiating salary after probation?
12-01-16 20:00
11 1.9K
Advice on deciding what working area is best in Ireland?
11-01-16 10:14
0 482
Annual Leave Entitlement
10-01-16 22:55
2 897
universal social charge
09-01-16 13:24
10 1.2K
How to react after being dismissed? 12
08-01-16 1:10
36 6.8K
Employee disputing holidays 12
05-01-16 15:07
46 12.2K
What neutral Industry on Linkedin
07-01-16 11:30
8 898
Threats from subordinate/reportee 12
27-08-15 21:55
37 6.2K
Death threats from customer
29-12-15 7:46
8 3K
Night to day shift rotation
06-01-16 17:10
3 821
employee problems
05-01-16 21:22
9 1.9K
Timesheets and professional development
03-01-16 16:17
4 916
Never signed contract - holiday pay?
02-01-16 23:00
14 1.2K
No P45 - Please help!!
01-01-16 20:43
6 893
Can a HSE temporary contract be changed to permanent?
27-12-15 14:44
5 4.5K
Breaks at work
23-12-15 18:41
3 1.6K
24-12-15 7:51
4 1.2K
Thinking of leaving the civil service
30-12-15 21:42
4 2K
Having to put current employer as reference on job application
25-12-15 13:14
6 1.3K
Is today a bank holiday
28-12-15 21:51
9 1.6K
Overpaid wages - Repayment
27-12-15 18:36
30 3.9K
Lost on my way to success.
16-12-15 23:32
13 2.7K
Company went bust. Employment duration letter
26-12-15 22:45
2 786
Holiday Query
23-12-15 22:56
3 775
not what you know its who you know. 12...67
11-08-15 14:32
207 35.3K
Official reprimand by email
22-12-15 11:10
11 2K
Witnessed something horrific in work today...
19-12-15 1:27
12 4.9K
Has anyone tried surinder singh route?
21-12-15 13:22
2 710
I want to quit my job without having a job lined up. Am I mad? Looking for advice. 12
08-12-15 11:54
32 5.7K