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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Not getting paid
13-05-09 15:30
2 556
working without contract
10-05-09 12:40
1 1.5K
Glortow Holding Ltd - Mercer Accomodation Group
14-05-09 9:55
0 594
National Insurance Number
13-05-09 17:47
1 620
A shop about to close, and bullying
12-05-09 21:06
4 798
Privacy Issue
13-05-09 11:01
2 529
Will a holiday save me?
12-05-09 15:01
2 596
Problem with Work Colleague
11-05-09 0:54
5 917
brothers work issue
04-05-09 20:15
10 1.3K
getting stiffed by my business partner!!!
26-04-09 16:34
8 1.3K
Noisy workmate
24-04-09 0:19
8 1.4K
Job problem
07-05-09 10:53
6 1.1K
am i being paid enough ?- fund accountant
25-04-09 15:28
2 851
redundancy? worried and unsure of my entitlements
06-05-09 20:25
0 373
Cumulative Tax Basis explanation please
15-04-09 20:42
4 16.2K
Confused about situation
05-05-09 15:47
0 297
Part Time Work Entitlements
21-04-09 22:13
3 2.8K
working 7 consectutive days
28-03-09 9:58
11 1.6K
Failed IBM Ipato test...
28-04-09 12:38
4 5.6K
Should I have gotten a warning?
03-05-09 11:35
0 363
30-04-09 13:16
2 583
Boss told lie about me
29-04-09 22:08
2 929
withholding my p45
29-04-09 23:39
0 305
making some one redundant on a first in first out basis
29-04-09 15:56
4 811
Employment Appeals Tribunal
25-04-09 20:37
2 793
Boss is alcoholic
20-04-09 10:50
2 720
Social Welfare query
23-04-09 10:38
11 3.1K
False Accusations
16-04-09 21:21
11 1.5K
The Black Market
22-04-09 18:00
1 510
3 day week
21-04-09 17:16
4 814