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University of Limerick.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
05-02-14 22:52
6 2.2K
Disgraceful UL jobs Vacancy
14-11-13 0:21
22 4.9K
Grad ceremonies on DVD
06-02-14 10:39
2 352
Exam Results -Thursday 23rd 9am 12
20-01-14 14:30
74 8.6K
room number
04-02-14 21:40
1 291
Dublin/Limerick daily commute ?
27-01-14 16:42
10 2.5K
Changing course?
29-01-14 2:35
4 570
UL law plus or NUIG civil law
04-02-14 12:38
0 843
Exam Finishing Times
03-02-14 23:30
2 368
Registering For Modules..
02-02-14 16:07
0 293
Sulis Issue
01-02-14 15:32
1 340
car sharing galway to limerick
01-02-14 15:24
1 366
Does the 304 bus go out to Dooradoyle?
30-01-14 17:45
3 563
Part time Jobs in castletroy/UL/city centre area
30-01-14 18:17
0 397
application for UL
29-01-14 22:52
2 475
Is there anyway to do medicine in Limerick, but in Limerick only?
09-04-13 16:16
14 2.6K
Where is GEM?
28-01-14 15:12
3 458
Entry Requirments For Postgrad Course.
29-10-13 21:16
14 1.8K
Tennis courts
28-01-14 18:29
0 364
Discretionary Bands
24-01-14 11:13
15 2K
MA Ethnomusicology Elective module
28-01-14 10:45
0 211
27-01-14 18:47
3 535
Alternative Coop Programme Module Registration
27-01-14 9:18
1 389
CoOp Grading System
23-01-14 10:50
6 832
Is it relatively safe?
21-12-13 22:10
14 2.5K
Insurance Book Needed - Insurance Law In Ireland
15-01-14 11:03
2 437
DARE scheme
23-01-14 22:23
1 774
Printing the crest?
15-01-14 12:06
8 1.4K
Repeats in 4th year
23-01-14 8:42
1 403
Mature Students- what's your opinion on UL?
09-05-12 11:35
9 3.1K