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University College Cork.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
PAC Website Trouble on Course Closing Day
30-03-12 17:46
0 608
1st Yr Economics grind
28-03-12 18:04
0 339
22-03-12 9:12
6 990
SU Elections 12
04-03-12 20:07
62 6.5K
22-03-12 23:15
1 754
Cork County Grants
06-02-12 20:21
7 1.8K
2nd Year Politics
21-03-12 17:36
0 368
Student Assistance Fund
18-03-12 16:48
1 769
Idiots set fire to all bins on Highfield Avenue
20-02-12 3:08
22 4K
2nd year Arts
28-02-12 19:08
4 1.2K
Applied Maths
12-03-12 16:23
3 925
What dates do the repeat summer exams take place for second years?
05-03-12 20:07
9 1.7K
M.A English
12-03-12 12:21
0 473
Food Marketing and Entrepreneurship
09-01-12 22:11
4 3K
Downloading legal torrents.
08-03-12 13:50
4 1.5K
Torrents - UCC Internet
06-03-12 9:06
2 1K
Supply Chain Management Masters
03-03-12 18:47
2 1.6K
Earth Science and geology
05-02-12 22:56
3 1.1K
Education in the Physical Science. Help?
03-03-12 13:30
0 576
15-11-11 0:08
17 11.2K
A which type of nursing to do question
01-03-12 21:46
0 455
Clubs and Societies Ball
27-02-12 16:22
2 924
Place to park the car overnight?
21-02-12 18:24
6 821
Irish Higher Diploma in the UK?
28-02-12 2:29
0 530
hotels + train
20-02-12 20:11
9 996
Mini restaurant
24-02-12 20:59
2 952
Elective Languages For All
23-02-12 23:22
0 435
Commerce/Business Information Systems
20-01-12 13:51
5 2K
3rd Class Honours
23-02-12 14:16
0 607
Deleting the UCC Societies Thread
21-02-12 18:59
2 694