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Talbots Inch Kilkenny
20-10-09 19:35
4 2.9K
"Irish Times Data" - Rigorous?
24-03-15 11:15
5 1.4K
Negative publishing and publication-bias
13-03-15 20:44
11 1.9K
Clinical research without life sciences?
02-03-15 17:44
4 1.2K
Applied Biosystems
06-02-15 21:54
3 1.7K
Do you Sci-Fi?
11-01-15 0:59
9 1.7K
Research positions in health sector?
29-01-15 14:48
2 961
Social Research / Policy making / Career Advice
21-01-15 11:00
7 1.2K
Really stuck with a hypothesis
22-01-15 18:06
16 2K
‘How to be a Successful Digital Academic to Boost your Career’
07-01-15 23:25
1 1K
Somebody researched what?
22-12-14 1:51
10 1.5K
Welcome cyberwolf77
19-12-14 0:41
14 1.5K
Sitting in the cave
20-12-14 1:14
6 1.2K
R: Compositional Data Analysis
19-02-10 11:12
6 2.8K
Pherastar - does anyone use one?
12-12-14 10:49
3 918
First steps
18-12-14 1:55
0 664
Footnotes in Word 2010
13-12-14 15:57
1 939
Thesis Idea!
20-11-14 21:46
10 1.4K
Pubmed server cannot be found?
17-11-14 21:37
8 1.8K
Research Methods.Testing literacy in children
04-11-14 23:28
2 900
SFI to fund five new research centres
21-10-14 15:17
4 1.1K
Factor analysis- varimax and correlations?
13-10-14 14:20
2 735
Tuberculosis in Ireland
07-10-14 12:33
1 676
Organisations and learned societies - Memberships?
07-09-14 3:36
9 1.7K
Let's Talk Data: 4 Variable Types
02-06-14 10:58
2 1.1K
Surveys: Could it get worse?
09-08-14 0:35
4 1.3K
Is there a difference between holding a PhDs and having real world skills
22-08-14 19:03
27 2.8K
Second-named author
02-06-14 6:59
14 2.6K
Career options
15-08-14 12:20
10 1.3K
Literature Reviewing / Journal Access
02-02-14 17:55
6 2.3K