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Pets & Pet Care

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Vets and house calls
28-10-05 23:47
3 602
New Owner of a Shih Tzu....
28-10-05 20:04
4 533
Rome mandates walkies
28-10-05 4:42
5 373
Mom (cat) and kitten need a home
26-10-05 12:43
6 755
Advice please on dog dominance
26-10-05 11:27
5 457
any locusts for sale
25-10-05 23:41
3 432
neighbour neglecting dog
25-10-05 0:21
12 1.1K
urgent plea for 2 elderly cats.
24-10-05 13:49
7 509
Dog found in Wicklow Mountains
24-10-05 13:06
3 498
Excessive Barking
23-10-05 23:40
2 505
Horsey question
23-10-05 17:09
6 365
Vets online
23-10-05 16:11
8 563
'Happy Pills' for dogs/cats ?
23-10-05 8:26
10 1.2K
Pet Snakes
21-10-05 11:03
18 1.6K
wierd things your pets do!
21-10-05 4:03
20 951
Gerbils plus cage
20-10-05 10:39
0 422
Where does a cat die?
19-10-05 21:14
13 574
unusual spider
19-10-05 15:33
3 462
Pet care / insurance
19-10-05 14:12
5 555
11 mth old German Shepherd needs a home.
19-10-05 9:51
1 468
Keeping cats off the lawn
18-10-05 19:46
19 944
Cavalier King Charles Pups (2)
16-10-05 23:59
13 3.3K
Tanks cheap
16-10-05 17:10
3 339
Guinea Pig Rescue Closing
14-10-05 21:03
0 377
Cat traps in South Dublin/Wicklow
14-10-05 0:14
1 709
Ferrets Vets
13-10-05 10:57
8 877
Feeding a 2 year old Boxer
12-10-05 18:36
5 1.2K
Keeping Cats off the road 12
12-10-05 1:41
33 3.5K
Training with a Vet to become a Veterinary Nurse
11-10-05 18:46
9 4K
Wood for tropical fish tank
11-10-05 18:06
1 366