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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Rat Forum
28-11-05 2:06
0 474
not eating
24-11-05 9:45
12 492
Praying Mantis
25-11-05 1:50
1 645
Reptile Question
23-11-05 21:40
5 562
Basking Areas For Turtles.
21-11-05 18:06
13 535
Reptile Vivarium
23-11-05 1:33
3 499
Should i get a second dog??
22-11-05 16:45
4 426
Advice needed, injured dog
22-11-05 20:44
7 534
Eliminating Scent of Dog
07-11-05 14:53
7 558
Old stray dog;
22-11-05 17:25
12 672
Going about getting an Irish Wolfhound
15-11-05 16:38
4 665
Cat: excessive licking, biting. Over grooming?
15-11-05 13:56
6 4K
where to buy flea treatment online
22-11-05 13:00
1 457
greenies dog treat may carry danger / news bulletin
22-11-05 8:55
0 339
I've just seen a grey squirrell
16-11-05 17:04
10 676
Where can I get pelletized straw in dublin?
10-11-05 14:46
7 444
Cat noises
18-11-05 16:48
4 479
live animal sales
16-11-05 16:44
12 558
Miniature yorkshire terriers/ yorkies
18-11-05 7:55
10 5.9K
Just buried my cat in the garden and im worried about foxes
16-11-05 16:42
15 2.1K
Get your guinea pigs (and rabbits) out of the cold
17-11-05 15:50
0 356
Looking for female basset hound
13-11-05 2:49
2 2.3K
Dog Grooming
16-11-05 16:39
0 387
New Monitor Cleaner
15-11-05 12:04
1 285
Tropical aquarium help
10-11-05 13:31
3 429
Marking territory
15-11-05 10:03
0 295
what type of bird is this?
15-11-05 0:27
4 319
Do puppies loose there teeth?
14-11-05 12:21
4 369
Reptile Vivarium
08-11-05 18:40
3 582
Neighbours Pup
12-11-05 22:06
1 361