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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Stray kittens
25-06-11 18:55
3 466
Help with jumping puppy
23-06-11 14:01
12 1.2K
Old cat not eating - what to do?
20-06-11 19:28
23 1.8K
Interesting times with a feral cat
25-06-11 14:06
0 404
Anyone lose a Macaw or know what breeder or Vet uses the initials PWSB?
25-06-11 11:22
0 367
new lab puppy
22-06-11 21:39
15 1.5K
Cat scratching post
22-06-11 23:57
3 1.5K
Ginger Kitten Wanted
19-06-11 17:11
9 1.2K
Hen's all dirty
23-06-11 12:58
4 604
Hamster losing balance
21-06-11 15:24
14 3K
Cats are EVIL!
23-06-11 12:42
10 1.4K
Dog Minders South Dublin
24-06-11 1:23
5 2.8K
Urgent ; wandering/lost puppy..
24-06-11 14:39
1 534
wild cat with kittens advice
11-06-11 19:01
10 1.4K
Stud tail in Cat
21-06-11 22:20
6 824
Dangerous spiders in Ireland?
23-06-11 11:46
6 5.4K
Dog friendly campsites
22-06-11 20:27
4 3.6K
Dog Kennels In Mallow/North Cork
20-06-11 12:31
6 5.4K
Bearded collie
30-05-11 12:34
9 3.9K
Dog trainers
10-05-11 12:41
15 3.3K
Puppies Looking for Home
22-06-11 15:56
6 978
Whats the best kitten/cat food
17-06-11 10:17
18 2.1K
Advice needed - my cat is attacking Dogs..
22-06-11 11:49
8 679
Stranger Danger!!
20-06-11 22:06
14 1.6K
Another breast tumour 12
19-06-11 15:39
33 2K
dog dental care
22-06-11 12:17
5 645
Dog kennels in/near dublin
22-03-11 15:54
4 1.6K
Bees swarming in my backgarden
21-06-11 13:01
18 1.5K
Vet in South Dublin/Wicklow
21-06-11 12:42
6 1.9K
Crates/ Travel Boxes
22-06-11 11:55
5 626