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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Crate Training
26-06-11 16:54
14 1.2K
Who made this mess
27-06-11 18:31
5 747
San Franscisco trying to ban all sales of animals as pets
28-06-11 10:04
4 641
Question about cats catching rabbits! 12
25-06-11 12:55
32 2.6K
Water Feature
28-06-11 13:06
10 664
Know anyone who minds birds?
26-06-11 20:40
4 475
Recommend a small dog
27-06-11 11:01
25 1.6K
trap a new wild kitten
25-06-11 18:11
6 722
How do you define "animal cruelty"? 12
25-06-11 0:07
55 3.8K
Pet Passport
28-06-11 9:03
4 596
?dog food advise please? 12
23-05-11 21:40
51 4.4K any experiences?
18-10-07 22:23
10 1.4K
Giving up our Dog
27-06-11 11:06
7 1.1K
Websites to advertise a dog for rehoming?
26-06-11 19:45
11 1.2K
ENGLISH BUL TERRIER where i can get him? not so many on donedeal or other pages..
26-06-11 21:29
3 679
Difficulty after eating a bone
27-06-11 16:50
4 482
Boarding Kennels
27-06-11 10:53
0 376
Just to put a smile on rb owners faces
25-06-11 14:15
8 1.2K
Puppy ejaculation
24-06-11 20:52
20 5.2K
My dog doesn't like the furminator
22-06-11 21:49
14 3.4K
12-03-11 22:35
28 2.8K
Home Boarding in Kildare
24-06-11 14:33
6 932
Dog groomer in Celbridge/Clane area
06-10-07 11:32
5 3.9K
Two Male Dogs
25-06-11 13:35
10 1K
I need to make an extra door/opening for my rats cage, help!
18-06-11 22:14
4 623
Just got a new Kitten
24-06-11 20:22
12 1.2K
UK Bans Wild Animals in Circuses 12
24-06-11 12:19
57 4.4K
Hiding Bones
22-06-11 22:51
12 1.3K
Help me name my Kitten
24-06-11 21:09
22 1.1K
Dog Walker,Sitting in Ashbourne Area
25-06-11 19:30
0 277