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Wild Camping

Forum for discussion of Wild Camping
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Spectacles Found on Hungry Hill
11-11-11 21:49
0 394
Length of ice axe shaft...
10-11-11 10:57
7 1.3K
luckla plane crashes - 14 killed
24-08-10 8:52
13 2.3K
Gelert 45L Rucksack.
10-11-11 19:15
0 567
Found walking pole and glasses
07-11-11 11:35
0 409
walking routes in meath and louth
02-11-11 16:14
8 2.8K
The Wicklow Way?
25-10-11 0:26
4 2.6K
Slieve Donard
28-10-11 13:41
0 470
Roads around Sally & Wicklow gap?
26-10-11 20:47
1 497
Bringing gear back to Great outdoors
09-10-11 11:36
10 1.3K
Sleeping Bag
03-10-11 21:23
9 1.3K
20% off clothing at Barrabes
17-10-11 14:47
2 2.6K
Orienteering Club in the Midlands?
18-10-11 20:39
1 435
Ramblers Way gear
05-10-11 14:45
8 2.8K
National Convention Centre Abseil?
05-10-11 10:38
0 1K
Wild mushrooms and general foraging lesson
27-09-11 10:29
11 2.5K
mosquito net?
25-09-11 19:36
3 696
Advice on a good online shop for rucksacks?
27-09-11 22:44
3 1.3K
Trekking Insurance Recommendations
29-09-11 10:10
4 721
The Comeraghs
30-08-11 13:58
17 3.5K
National Trails Day
13-09-11 11:22
4 1.4K
The Four Peaks of Ireland...
27-09-11 10:50
9 1.2K
The Devils Glen - current condition.
27-09-11 9:14
1 578
Knocksink Wood - where is the car park?
25-09-11 20:56
3 2.8K
NewTrail Opening in Dublin City for Walkers, Runners and Cyclists !
26-09-11 14:55
0 590
Nepal Accommodation
22-09-11 23:06
1 511
Wicklow Way & Lugnaquilla - Wild Camping Every Night Viable?
11-09-11 18:56
8 7.3K
The Husky Trail Lapland
19-09-11 22:09
2 659
New Greenway Opens in Dublin for National Trails Day
23-09-11 14:35
0 658
17 y/o boy lived for 5 years in forest of Germany
23-09-11 7:37
3 831