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Nets & Comms

General networks and communications discussion.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Reactivating an old pager.... retro tech!
02-07-10 13:46
2 598
Cheap calls to UK mobiles
25-06-10 8:58
2 724
Cat5 Wiring an Old House
29-06-10 11:01
1 592
BlackVPN Speeds ???
01-07-10 9:05
0 1.1K
Changing home phone
30-06-10 11:18
2 685
Screen Sharing
29-06-10 15:39
3 460
Am I being charged ?
29-06-10 15:21
1 442
Phone services with UPC
20-06-10 19:43
6 1.2K
Single mode fibre query
25-06-10 15:36
2 440
I phone!
24-06-10 17:57
0 27
Practical School computer network
22-06-10 9:43
5 840
Basic home network switch query
22-06-10 14:37
8 791
Home Plugs with a ethernet splitter
23-06-10 23:07
2 617
Phone network service engineers in Galway?
23-06-10 12:01
0 415
Computer room networking question
03-06-10 14:29
16 2.6K
Bridged network help
21-06-10 9:23
3 558
Suspicious call from (maybe)Eircom...
22-06-10 17:17
4 742
How to set up redundant internet
17-06-10 1:09
13 1.1K
Turn your computer into wifi router
18-06-10 22:02
0 612
Dial Up Number and Password
15-06-10 14:45
3 689
Small Office Networking help required
15-06-10 16:32
10 1.2K
Phone line not working.
26-05-10 20:01
3 932
HotLining - Call divert
04-06-10 17:29
2 741
Multiple local ip
08-06-10 23:31
1 725 & search engines
15-06-10 9:16
0 1.9K
Whats up with the pirate bay homepage?
29-05-10 17:00
7 1.4K
Level3 announces new MAN for Dublin and further expansion
09-06-10 19:34
0 537
Recording 2 sides of a conversation
31-05-10 18:59
3 613
Giving Priority to Certain Devices
01-06-10 21:40
2 576
What the hell is going on with My Vodafone?
02-06-10 19:17
3 774