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Living Abroad

Discussion about living abroad and emigrating.

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Coming Home

For those who have been living abroad and are now either considering coming home or in the process of coming home
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1890 number
24-08-06 13:16
2 2.7K
accommodation in Luxembourg
21-08-06 22:09
0 565
London - drinking
09-08-06 17:34
16 844
Leeds - any and all info greatly appreciated
19-08-06 13:59
5 586
what timezone are you in 12
06-07-06 11:36
42 1.4K
Anybody working at sea?
04-08-06 6:43
12 771
16-08-06 17:38
2 452
What's the opinion of those who's gone before (to America)?
30-07-06 22:17
12 919
Anyone going to OZ?
13-08-06 15:10
1 427
Irish Cars Going Abroad
15-08-06 23:37
1 382
returning home
31-05-06 9:47
21 1.1K
Anyone speak Greek?
05-08-06 0:14
7 681
Just moved to Melbourne 12
03-03-06 3:13
40 2.5K
Calling the States from Ireland
13-07-06 17:04
11 10.2K
Getting a Credit Rating in the US
18-07-06 19:21
5 589
Will Bank of Ireland exchange Hungarian Forint?
28-07-06 22:31
2 588
08-02-06 22:57
3 548
Russian or Polish?
27-06-06 20:15
4 564
Living in Cambridge UK?
23-07-06 2:03
0 663
Moving firms to Ireland?
21-07-06 8:17
10 527
Shopping in florida?
10-07-06 19:36
7 701
Moving to Italy
16-07-06 19:43
0 579
Moving to the US
21-06-06 0:21
14 994
4th of July
04-07-06 5:36
4 982
Can you keep your old passport when renewing?
07-06-06 18:35
12 8.5K
Thinking of moving abroad... check this out first
01-07-06 21:41
0 1.2K
Dole for Irish people while job-hunting within EU
29-06-06 23:17
4 3.2K
Irish people abroad websites
28-06-06 20:47
4 611
Help! Need Dublin info
24-06-06 16:41
1 406
Moved to the states - geting taxback
14-06-06 17:42
2 606