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Living Abroad

Discussion about living abroad and emigrating.

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Coming Home

For those who have been living abroad and are now either considering coming home or in the process of coming home
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Are you getting home for Christmas? When? 12
30-11-06 18:01
51 1.8K
multi region dvd player
15-12-06 21:09
5 576
Life may be an Internet highway
15-12-06 5:01
5 449
Did you emigrate by choice?
08-12-06 12:35
19 1.1K
What's better where you are than in Ireland? 12
22-08-06 10:46
35 2.4K
Canada (Toronto)
19-11-06 0:36
13 910
Travelling to US- Need advice
01-12-06 1:30
1 392
Finally legal here in the states 12
01-11-06 18:30
31 1.9K
jobs in aus
03-12-06 22:51
2 519
Away from these shores.
08-11-06 19:23
9 951
cost of living london v dublin
17-11-06 23:47
5 2.2K
May Move to Australia I need advice
14-11-06 12:31
7 1.4K
What's the weather like where you are?
04-11-06 15:17
23 1.1K
scary things
18-07-06 9:49
13 808
Moving to Rome, need advice
22-11-06 21:15
0 371
what 2 do in oz in may
16-11-06 20:36
9 635
Popular media in Irish centres abroad?
16-11-06 13:46
5 761
Do you actually miss Irish People?
16-11-06 16:42
25 1.4K
Living in Poland
20-11-06 13:58
1 487
London Beers - Friday 17th November, Porterhouse Covent Garden
08-11-06 18:32
4 568
Irishin Germany (Berlin)
14-11-06 8:32
3 458
anybody here from austria or germany??
16-11-06 11:42
1 436
Sydney, Australia
26-08-06 12:03
20 1.8K
Election Campaign ads
31-10-06 5:42
5 497
Anyone here from the UK?
24-10-06 22:28
26 1.4K
Anyone know of any Oz forums/online magazine type updates about the country
24-09-06 23:41
5 483
Would you move back to Ireland? 1234
01-09-06 1:47
91 5.1K
A Piece of The Oul' Sod at $15 a Sprinkling
30-10-06 16:25
4 666
Drivers Licence - Sydney
11-10-06 21:41
8 837
views on irish americans 12
18-10-06 20:07
31 2K