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Living Abroad

Discussion about living abroad and emigrating.

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Coming Home

For those who have been living abroad and are now either considering coming home or in the process of coming home
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Life in Oman?
13-08-09 19:15
1 646
U35 non student programme or Sponsorship
12-08-09 16:45
0 384
Apartments in Amsterdam?
11-08-09 12:18
1 654
Teaching your child about Irish culture if you live abroad
04-08-09 22:59
5 782
Do you ever miss home?
01-08-09 0:27
8 1.1K
Why do some visitors to Thailand seem to have left their brains on the airplane?
09-08-09 6:50
0 590
Work in Chicago
07-07-09 12:47
13 1.3K
Meet Ups in Dublin before travelling to Vancouver
05-08-09 22:35
0 390
Moving to London Part Deux
06-07-09 1:40
18 2.4K
Long term Visa for Vietnam?
17-07-09 1:44
2 706
Working in Dubai???
02-08-09 18:43
0 605
Work In Toronto
29-07-09 20:45
0 422
Abu Dhabi
15-07-09 13:11
2 1.1K
23-07-09 11:21
3 783
Studying for the GAMSAT at home or abroad
25-07-09 16:09
0 500
Moving to Malaysia in August
30-06-09 11:01
3 625
24-07-09 17:04
1 524
what is the best way to send couple big boxes to US
21-07-09 23:54
2 484
For people who would like to work in Thailand
17-07-09 12:57
0 886
Moving to London
14-07-09 14:05
2 650
33 year old irish guy moving to Liverpool
07-07-09 20:46
1 1.1K
Thinking of moving to Florida, need help!
05-07-09 20:51
12 4.7K
Expired Visa - Brazilian
08-07-09 17:10
0 466
Luggage Shipping
07-07-09 22:29
0 504
Moving to germany!
07-07-09 16:01
3 770
Moving to London at end of year
07-07-09 11:59
1 564
Should i stay or should i go?
19-06-09 16:35
2 686
Moving to Germany Summer 09
24-10-08 3:09
3 845
Lowlands Festival 2009 nl
01-07-09 12:21
1 484
Moving to Zurich
01-07-09 13:48
0 471