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Kilkenny City & County

Kilkenny City & County
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
good hairdresser in kilkenny
30-11-09 21:32
3 1.2K
Indie night in SET?
02-11-09 22:40
28 2.7K
The Kilkenny Inn Hotel
03-12-09 17:09
4 911
Polish Language Classes
04-12-09 15:32
0 487
Bertie Aherne book signing in Kilkenny 12
01-12-09 0:24
54 4.5K
Set Theatre Listings 12
29-08-09 15:45
40 3.6K
Mother and Toddler Groups
30-11-09 13:21
1 856
100 Free Classic Burgers @Eddie rockets Kilkenny
17-09-09 20:21
15 3.1K
Lazy Gardai
29-06-09 18:00
9 3.3K
A new book on old set of Maps of County Kilkenny from 1819
20-11-09 19:44
9 1.4K
Kilkenny to Introduce Own Currency??
14-11-09 16:03
21 2.8K
Omens Bad for Brewery?? 12
08-05-08 23:30
59 4.9K
HMV to MacDonagh? 12...45
02-10-09 15:45
131 17.1K
Alarm Sensors
16-11-09 11:01
2 749
20-11-09 15:22
7 1.1K
Whats that Kilkenny? 123
17-11-09 23:16
87 5.8K
Extreme Pizza
15-11-09 20:04
22 2.9K
House Raffle
16-04-09 12:14
18 3.1K
help with song lyrics
04-11-09 2:02
1 1.1K
Rothe House: Impressions?
16-11-09 12:19
3 704
High Street Paving, Bollards and Seating getting replaced?
14-11-09 13:36
7 1.1K
Does anyone climb around here...?
16-11-09 14:53
3 673
Canvas painting - Pictures reproduced
17-11-09 10:50
4 736
piano lessons
17-11-09 10:00
1 660
OBDII Readings
14-11-09 1:12
6 810
Salsa dancing? dancing???
15-10-09 21:49
10 1.5K
Aylward Messes up
09-11-09 10:29
8 1.3K
text scam - chernobyl
27-10-09 21:03
2 829
02-11-09 16:44
7 1.2K
Anything to see in Kilkenny this weekend?
11-11-09 14:44
6 864