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IT Carlow

IT Carlow
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Lecturing in Carlow DIT - how to join
11-01-07 15:55
7 1.3K
RIP Laguna
22-12-06 14:50
12 981
Poker Society
16-01-07 6:40
2 403
RAG Week 07 - WHEN?!?!
12-01-07 21:22
8 837
Horizon Lans - February 100Places 24Hours
26-12-06 18:46
13 670
Bebo and youtube
04-12-06 18:14
22 1.1K
Carlow, whats it like???
07-01-07 10:07
13 846
Happy Christmas
20-12-06 11:12
11 447
wheres me jumpa - the last week of college 12
08-12-06 15:54
56 1.7K
Su 2006/07
19-07-06 20:50
22 632
BSC In IT Support
13-10-06 10:21
15 1.2K
on the hunt!!
30-11-06 13:10
8 729
Chipper near IT Carlow?
22-11-06 22:51
15 1.9K
29-11-06 15:56
6 693
I met him.....
26-11-06 22:48
9 668
One module to go...
21-11-06 22:09
2 406
17-11-06 18:24
3 386
Driving Theory Test CD
20-11-06 18:21
1 438
Electronic engineering/Computer games course.
08-11-06 17:26
6 790
debating society
31-10-06 21:21
12 564
20-10-06 16:21
10 694
the second coming
31-10-06 15:26
14 691
Communications & PR Party
26-10-06 15:09
0 338
02-10-06 14:20
14 790
20-10-06 20:14
4 588
DJ Society
21-10-06 15:51
0 513
hoodie design
25-09-06 14:51
9 1.2K
Sports rehab course-any feedback?
18-10-06 20:24
2 707
Sky Digital in Carlow
08-10-06 19:17
7 897
Society Contacts
31-08-06 17:00
17 852