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Insurance - Aircraft, Maritime & Motor

A place to discuss all things related to motor insurance
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Insurance companies requiring 3 year clean record
07-02-21 20:50
0 164
Passed test. Am I entitled to insurance rebate?
27-01-21 20:10
6 363
Wish to change taxing my car from hackney to private
03-02-21 15:22
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Car insurance claims process
01-02-21 23:08
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Motor insurance questions
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30-01-21 15:15
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2005 - Mini Cooper S insurance
29-01-21 19:40
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Nissan Skyline
29-01-21 19:22
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Learner insurance query
29-01-21 8:31
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Classic insurance - Mini Cooper S
25-01-21 13:54
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2020 Premium increases 12
01-01-21 18:21
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Does a claim for a named driver jack up the premiums the same as the main driver?
20-01-21 22:19
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Expiry date and new cert
24-01-21 12:50
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Help with a stupid question
02-01-21 16:06
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Wakam motor insurance
23-01-21 15:53
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Named driver question
18-01-21 13:47
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Bought car and changed over insurance - new disc?
20-01-21 16:07
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2001 Jaguar S type insurance
21-01-21 14:14
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Does a named driver claim on my main car policy affect my 2nd car policy?
20-01-21 6:08
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GAP insurance in the Irish car market
09-08-16 20:52
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Fulltime student and part-time student car insurance
07-01-21 17:29
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Van Rental Excess insurance
17-01-21 13:55
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Jap car insurance for aged 21
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Declined motor insurance Ireland
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Refusing insurance repair?
07-01-21 11:18
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Temporary car insurance
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Ncb issue
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Private van insurance
06-01-21 12:57
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Mid-policy car insurance change
04-01-21 18:58
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Modified vintage car insurance
09-07-20 16:16
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