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Insurance - Aircraft, Maritime & Motor

A place to discuss all things related to motor insurance
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Will insurance company check to see if you have penalty points? 12
12-04-21 16:37
39 6.4K
Trike insurance
20-04-21 13:57
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Covid discount?
20-04-21 14:45
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9 seater insurance, private use only
12-04-21 17:34
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Car insurance named driver licence
15-04-21 21:37
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Brexit car value increase and insurance claim value 12
15-04-21 19:57
34 2.3K
Diesel vs petrol and insurance?
14-04-21 13:49
1 206
Telling insurer about penalty points?
12-04-21 18:26
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33 year old first time driver
12-04-21 18:28
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Does windscreen insurance cover leaks?
10-04-21 11:29
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123Go insurance
10-04-21 15:18
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Car insurance
13-03-21 14:40
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Driver licence endorsement
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Lorry hit my car 12
06-04-21 19:38
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Can someone add you as named driver without consent?
07-04-21 12:57
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Cheaper online quote than renewal notice with same company
20-03-21 10:33
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Van insurance
02-04-21 13:37
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Multicar type policy - any new options?
09-03-21 15:01
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If I cancel my car insurance
01-04-21 19:02
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Insuring a commercial minivan as a car?
01-04-21 23:04
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31F, concerned I won't get insured
28-03-21 9:26
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Swaping my European licence for an Irish, will I retain the same
26-03-21 19:20
1 156
Refused insurance for my son
26-03-21 14:06
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Car insurance abroad (driving in Ireland)
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Loss of use claim
23-03-21 11:24
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Car insurance start date
21-03-21 19:12
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Exhaust upgrade and insurance
20-03-21 15:10
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Car insurance - No claim bonus question/opinion
20-03-21 13:11
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No wonder car insurance is through the roof
19-03-21 11:59
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Motorbike no claims for car insurance
15-03-21 22:57
1 209