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Irish and world history and heritage matters.

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Discussion of genealogy and help in searching for Irish ancestry.
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object found in wexford need help
27-06-14 15:21
28 2.8K
Irish Times CEO asked for British Guidance on what to publish
11-07-14 14:09
5 881
Words, sayings and their etymologies in Ireland
16-09-11 12:22
30 6.5K
The British Empire and the popularity of Football 123
26-06-14 21:33
62 6.7K
How many Irish died in Concentration camps in WW2?
28-11-11 19:40
22 10.3K
World Heritage site bombed. Again.
10-07-14 8:57
0 329
Searching for a Birth
09-07-14 21:33
5 445
games in Croke park around the time of Bloody Sunday
07-07-14 17:57
12 896
Irish soldiers in Palestine
14-05-14 13:08
8 1.2K
Maternity Hospital Salthill Galway
30-06-14 12:00
4 1.1K
British military presence in Ireland 1906 123
12-05-14 20:12
76 6.9K
Foreign Volunteers in the Irish War of Independence?
17-01-14 0:11
17 2.7K
Dublin WFA meeting 21st June
10-06-14 10:00
1 469
Workhouses in Ireland discussion 12
30-11-11 23:50
33 11.7K
How to date a stone cottage
16-06-14 16:11
3 892
A Protestant Ireland 12...56
08-04-14 10:31
160 13.2K
Listernan Co Cavan
12-06-14 19:48
2 541
The Civiil - - What if...
02-06-14 3:05
16 1.6K
Books about the Vietnam War
30-05-14 20:26
6 665
placename: Phibsboro & Cross Guns Bridge
24-02-12 23:52
8 5K
WW1 Veteran
29-05-14 18:59
9 1.5K
5,000-year-old standing stone vandalised in Meath
29-05-14 13:27
3 817
Irish Creameries
23-05-14 21:43
1 353
Hector Grey's
15-05-12 0:10
17 8K
Was the Republic of 1919....
04-05-14 22:47
16 2K
Historical Sources
04-05-14 15:25
3 492
British Army experiences in Northern Ireland
01-05-14 16:28
21 2K
Aghamarta Castle
07-05-14 22:09
2 1.2K
Where are the Spanish Inquisition records kept?
06-05-14 19:43
3 482
The free state army mutiny 1924 12
19-06-08 14:00
40 10.7K