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Discussion of genealogy and help in searching for Irish ancestry.
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Maritime books?
07-09-14 22:35
1 356
Question about the Berlin Wall
31-08-14 22:08
20 1.6K
National heritage week. 20-28 August 2011
23-08-11 23:14
6 1.3K
Good Book on The French Revolution and one on Robspierre
20-08-14 1:21
9 845
Free State roof tiles
11-08-14 19:55
11 2.2K
WW1 Soldiers Traitors? 1234
09-07-14 23:49
110 9.6K
Regarding the illegality of the Confderacy during the US Civil War
28-08-14 5:51
2 517
History based jobs for BA History graduates
25-08-14 2:47
3 733
Feline Warriors of WWI
22-08-14 21:15
4 467
Ave Augustus
20-08-14 20:48
7 623
Brussels Zaventem - Potential for Historical Wanders?
21-08-14 12:24
4 369
Sectarian attacks by Republicans during the the Troubles. 12
15-07-14 13:17
41 4.1K
Heritage Week
12-08-14 10:47
1 433
British Telephone Boxes in the Republic 12
06-01-12 15:20
33 13.7K
Maureen MacDonagh O'Mahoney
10-08-14 12:54
0 350
Battlefield Clean-ups?
09-08-14 17:33
2 464
Irish Lives in War and Revolution: Exploring Ireland's History 1912-1923
08-08-14 19:23
0 477
Building after the British left 1234
25-04-14 20:37
105 9.8K
Judges & Courts in Ireland after '22
06-08-14 18:01
3 410
WW1 regiments - did they mix them up?
02-08-14 10:15
5 588
When is an army an 'Army' in History 123
17-07-14 21:25
90 5.4K
How many people died in the Tan War & Civil War.
15-07-14 12:35
4 1.2K
can anyone identify these? (great blasket island)
28-06-14 21:09
4 1.2K
The Earls of Barrymore DNA Project
30-07-14 6:59
0 424
Old Republican photo, need help identifying the people in it?
30-04-11 23:52
14 5.8K
Central Remedial Clinic Old Photos or Videos
29-07-14 16:48
0 326
General Mahon: Inventor of Mayonnaise..or not.
24-02-12 17:12
9 3.2K
Cork - Rebel County
18-07-14 15:12
12 1.1K
TCD free online course on Ireland 1913-1923
21-07-14 11:54
0 331
Larkin 1819 Galway Map
15-07-14 16:02
0 461