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Software and hardware for computer graphics.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Artifacts while gaming, never overclocked.
18-06-08 18:10
3 531
Graphics Card Dying?
12-06-08 16:03
5 553
Graphics card
19-06-08 15:23
0 377
First GTX280 review
14-06-08 7:59
32 2.7K
2x8600gts vs 1x7900gt
12-05-08 21:05
15 1.1K
Nvidia 177 seies drivers leaked
14-06-08 12:01
0 991
Just how much do we actually need to spend...
11-06-08 23:41
2 805
9600GT sli vs 8800gts sli
29-05-08 17:21
6 649
Macromedia Fireworks/photoshop people, canvas Query!Help
09-06-08 22:17
5 627
New Graphics Card
10-06-08 14:38
0 400
display driver "nvlddmkm" encountering problems and shutting down Crysis
05-06-08 19:22
3 642
Geforce GTX 280 / 260
18-05-08 20:49
24 1.9K
Radeon 9800 XT to TV
15-05-08 14:42
12 778
Summer releases
28-05-08 16:46
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Info on all current cards
18-05-08 19:31
4 694
9600GSO -> 8800GTS softmod
02-06-08 14:10
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Better bang for the buck
31-05-08 10:58
18 1.1K
8800GTX will not stay in 1600 x 1200
30-05-08 15:40
0 342
SD Card photo problem
30-05-08 7:55
0 431
9800 gx2 vs rsx
29-05-08 20:40
1 481
Hybrid SLI
28-05-08 17:10
3 598
Can't set my new monitor's native resolution in Windows (1680x1050)
25-05-08 10:24
6 6.2K
How can I use both connections on my graphics card at once?
24-05-08 1:41
2 584
Who would supply a 15" touch screen monitor?
24-05-08 1:41
2 734
Evga Precision
13-05-08 21:20
1 464
is a HD 2400 XT or 512MB ATI® Radeon® 3870 any use
21-05-08 11:59
11 841
9800GTX problem
21-04-08 21:43
25 3.4K
22-05-08 8:36
0 596
Need some advice
18-05-08 19:07
5 585
Radeon HD4870 Benchmark
01-05-08 3:41
19 3.3K