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Fighting Games

Beat-em-ups: From SF1 to Tekken 6
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Must See Videos
04-05-09 16:06
40 2.9K
Virtua Fighter 5 - anyone here play it?
16-06-09 20:20
15 1.2K
Controller modding - I know this seems like in its the wrong forum but...
19-06-09 19:36
3 570
Are there any arcade sticks that feel as smooth as the X360 pad stick?
14-06-09 21:01
8 688
Street Fighter IV - Bit dissapoited with the prodction of the game
10-06-09 11:34
37 2.3K
Bonus round re-introduced!!
11-06-09 14:08
2 509
Mortal Kombat is and always will be a load of arse
08-06-09 11:02
16 1.4K
Street Fighter 4 Steam Group
12-06-09 16:13
1 571
KOF: The LIVE-ACTION movie!!
11-06-09 12:19
2 442
SFIV Casual meet - Rollcall and how long do you plan to stay.
07-06-09 12:57
35 2.3K
Super Versus Battle 2009
04-06-09 11:04
4 682
SFIV XGC meet on June 13th - anyone up for that? 12
03-06-09 12:08
60 3.3K
SFIV Regular Fightstick - Any good?
11-05-09 3:31
28 2.3K
DSRB - Season 2; Winners, Credits and Thanks
04-06-09 11:48
7 803
Street Fighter 4 PC Technical Details
03-06-09 17:21
3 632
UFC 09 - Transition changing not working for me! >:(
02-06-09 22:41
2 689
Wanted Weapons of Fate
03-06-09 21:25
0 0
Casuals in XGC next weekend?
24-05-09 15:15
49 3K
Problems with shoto characters with fight stick
25-05-09 11:57
39 6.4K
Fibber's Magee
02-05-09 2:43
23 2.5K
UFC 09 Undisputed - is it just me or is a button masher?
29-05-09 2:52
8 1.1K
Irish Online XBOX Ranking for SF IV
29-05-09 1:07
9 1.3K
Upcoming fighting game events in Ireland.
24-05-09 22:50
6 1.2K
Street fighter 4 online....
30-05-09 21:52
7 766
Fight Night : Round 4
29-05-09 11:22
1 642
Tekken blog on IGN
30-05-09 0:39
0 723
XGC SFIV Tourny Sat May 23rd.
21-05-09 20:53
34 2.7K
Xbox Live Tag
06-05-09 10:26
15 1.5K
Irish Online PSN Ranking for SF IV
20-05-09 20:06
17 2.1K
King of Fighters XII
16-05-09 12:43
7 1.1K