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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Making do - on how little? 12
03-11-06 18:30
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Small Claims Court to process claims online
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Please tell me where I stand
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Replacement product warranty.
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Anyone know who has a large selection of wool carpet remnants
01-12-06 8:45
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Bord Gais Reduce Prices
01-12-06 15:59
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Dixons laptop problem
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Why are Dunnes Stores clothes smaller than Pennies
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VHI, BUPA and all that jazz
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Boots Pricing question
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What is reasonable to expect as a replacment, under warranty?
28-11-06 23:24
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2nd hand VAT ripoff?
27-11-06 17:50
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Carphone warehouse problems - Returning phone
23-11-06 21:53
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Eircom charges on mobiles
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Cancelling NTL digital
28-11-06 21:55
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I've never known such BAD customer service.
16-12-05 16:05
4 2.5K
Wonderful, Wonderful ESB!!!!!
27-11-06 10:23
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Dude, where's my PC?
24-11-06 12:51
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ESB text
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Carpets fitting
14-11-06 14:46
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Bought car: now they are looking for more after payment
18-11-06 19:52
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Poxy Pixmania!
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Laptop repair dragging out...
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