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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
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Would you pay him?
13-06-13 16:20
13 1.8K
flight operator obligations
13-06-13 13:38
3 502
Faulty item, cost of postage?
13-06-13 13:38
1 335 Asking for proof of address?
07-06-13 23:10
7 2.5K
Clubcard Deal Issue Westport House
13-06-13 11:20
0 378
Nearly Caught Out
10-06-13 20:38
3 1.7K
Furniture delivery, missing part, unavailable
02-08-09 16:46
2 769
Help! I need some advice!
21-05-13 18:58
27 3.4K
Prize I won but I've to add money to it..
10-06-13 17:46
12 2.4K
Eircom to Vodafone 12
19-11-12 11:59
42 7.7K
MORE problems with menupages not posting negative reviews
01-02-13 22:49
12 2.4K
Phantom Voicemail charges on 3
11-06-13 20:06
0 365
HTC one phone issue
06-06-13 9:29
2 606
Faulty MacBook - they won't refund me . . .
07-06-13 12:40
13 1.7K
Chain Fast Food Store with Blue-Moulded Buns
10-06-13 18:24
12 1.5K
Ticketmaster refund due to lineup change?
02-06-13 10:42
6 1.9K
Word of Warning - <SNIP>
26-05-13 15:54
24 4.9K
stay away from "<snip> Heating & Plumbing"
27-05-13 20:37
3 1.1K
Debt Collectors 12
02-06-13 12:17
42 6.3K
Cost Plus Sofas
07-06-13 14:11
2 995
Automatic car hire
06-06-13 14:27
28 2.6K
Use of Stairs
08-06-13 1:18
4 768
Denied phone credit
06-06-13 13:37
8 1.3K
Refund from personal trainer
06-06-13 11:15
5 1K
Taste of Dublin Misleading numbers
30-04-13 10:52
19 3.7K
Liga complaint (Jacob Fruitfield)
02-06-13 10:47
14 2.5K
Carphone Warehouse
28-01-13 15:14
5 927
Cost Plus Sofas
05-06-13 14:48
7 615
what is littlewoods ireland is?
05-01-12 14:29
8 6.6K
Quick Question on Returning Earphones
05-06-13 16:15
1 347