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Window Shutters
05-05-09 19:27
2 810
Building - Northern Ireland
30-09-09 15:24
4 544
Building over exoisting drains
08-10-09 11:07
1 445
Do I need planning to block up a door?
07-10-09 16:53
8 1.3K
Engineer costs
08-10-09 13:36
0 20
how much concrete do I need?
07-10-09 19:48
8 909
how much is hardcore per tonne?
08-10-09 0:19
0 33
Building a house in 2010 - What's changed ?
07-10-09 21:16
1 605
Tilt N' Turn versus casement
25-09-09 9:57
6 1.3K
Nordic Pine
03-10-09 12:49
2 578
Making house air tight - final touches?
06-10-09 20:46
7 1.6K
Soil Pipe Vent Minimum Diameter?
06-10-09 23:08
7 2.7K
Neighbour's boiler flue venting outside my window
06-10-09 21:01
1 625
Recommended engineers in West Cork?
06-10-09 11:04
3 607
When to get outside steps in???
05-10-09 10:11
6 1.9K
Laying Kerbs+some Prep work (Galway)
06-10-09 13:27
1 689
Bathroom Radio
02-10-09 13:40
6 788
Planning permission
05-10-09 21:14
4 1.1K
Fitting timber floor over carpet
03-10-09 0:09
11 2.3K
gable wall cavity closer
05-10-09 10:02
5 4.9K
25kva condensing boiler
04-10-09 22:48
2 385
development contribution scheme, overcharged??
14-09-09 10:41
16 1.7K
money issues with building contractor
05-10-09 13:01
3 534
RetroFitting DampProof Course?
05-10-09 8:46
3 764
05-10-09 11:13
1 610
3-D design?
04-10-09 21:59
4 562
Just when I thought I was finished...
04-10-09 19:53
1 519
Site Excavation
03-10-09 17:52
3 465
Permission Required For Converting Garage?
03-10-09 16:23
3 551
6kVA or 10kVA ESB Connection?
01-10-09 16:22
4 1.4K