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HR875 - Prevent self-sustainable people 1234
29-03-09 3:53
107 5.3K
Corporate Media on the Israel/Palestine Issue 12
06-01-09 0:20
53 2.7K
Ontario Tent city residents branded with wristbands..E_tag Bracelets will be next!!!.
02-04-09 21:55
21 1.6K
29-03-09 20:48
4 669
World Freeman Society
02-04-09 16:03
1 495
not really a _conspiracy_ but ...
02-04-09 15:23
0 412
Twin Towers replacement "The Freedom Tower" is out. "One World Trade Center" is
31-03-09 19:01
9 1.3K
RFID: A Generation is all they need 123
25-11-08 21:53
81 7.4K
Is the single €urrency of the "New World Order" now becoming a reality? 123
13-03-09 18:14
70 4.2K
NEW Alex Jones Documentry 12...45
13-03-09 1:56
145 7.9K
Obama and the illuminati? 12...45
05-11-08 22:34
130 11.4K
Government E_tagging sex offenders now likely. The subdermal implant will be next.. 12
27-03-09 5:51
34 2.1K
Any Survivalist / Preperations People? 1234
15-03-09 13:27
94 5.4K
Gordon Brown calls for EU-US Global Rule at the European Parliament.
27-03-09 19:53
24 1.5K
25-03-09 21:04
10 823
alien moon base preposterous!;Or is it!? 1234
01-02-09 15:21
103 16.6K
UK Minister wants government database to police MySpace, Bebo and Facebook , ETC.
25-03-09 11:57
18 1.4K
BLOCK CAPITALS on credit cards etc 123
26-01-09 18:34
80 8.1K
Chemical Attack on the UK
25-03-09 10:53
15 1.4K
China calls for new global currency
25-03-09 2:16
1 465
03-03-09 19:27
23 2.1K
David Icke's reptillian conspiracy 12...1011
27-02-09 11:17
312 17.1K
CT'ers & Skeptics: Collaboration 12
13-03-09 22:56
42 2.7K
Question: Which statement best represents this CT forum in your opinion?
21-03-09 0:19
21 1.6K
Release Madoff or Risk War", Israel Warns US
22-03-09 15:05
10 923
Chuck Norris starts American Revolution!!! 12
10-03-09 4:55
41 3.1K
Galgamarks in Ireland...
17-03-09 6:57
4 789
Mystery Satellite of the north and south poles!?
10-03-09 13:20
13 4.5K
Sodium Fluoride In Our Tap Water
17-03-09 14:54
1 3K
Germany becomes one of the first countries to admit Chemtrails Ops
16-03-09 4:09
5 1K