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Nickola Telsa/NASA free energy coverup 12
11-11-08 19:30
31 3.1K
You're probably up to no good! 123
06-04-09 11:33
70 3.5K
italian ufo vid - very clear
16-04-09 21:05
21 1.4K
New surveillance law unveiled
17-04-09 18:52
3 501
Skeptics 123
25-02-09 14:55
61 3.2K
NWO -OWG question
17-04-09 0:47
8 799
Smalia. Perfect location for a rigged 9/11 spectacular to justify a global (NWO) navy 123
22-11-08 19:03
65 4.2K
is this enough 12
04-04-09 16:50
59 5.7K
Run_to_da_hills look here!
14-04-09 14:38
1 459
Book Resources
11-04-09 0:24
11 988
Fox News Promotes the use of Verichip implants in Alzheimer's patients
10-04-09 21:56
19 1.5K
Joe Duffy collision Accident or Deliberate ?
12-04-09 23:06
15 1.6K
Mind Control
11-04-09 13:58
4 840
Conspiracy of Conspiracies?
11-04-09 18:39
6 861
The G20 moves the world is a step closer to a global currency
08-04-09 22:18
19 1.3K
Best Reason Ever To Vote No To Lisbon
09-04-09 18:00
10 770
What worries you more Economy or Terrorism?
09-04-09 19:56
3 470
UK Police are copying Google with their latest Orwellian weapon against the public.
05-04-09 21:58
26 1.7K
I smell a conspiracy! 12...56
03-04-09 15:27
156 8.6K
Suggested: Single topic discussion process
07-04-09 2:08
12 1.1K
Photo ID to be needed to collect welfare
06-04-09 21:42
23 1.7K
EU demands ALL Internet records to be stored for a year in pre Lisbon Orwellian move. 123
05-04-09 23:08
80 3.4K
anglo irish banks the big question??? 12
21-12-08 11:21
36 3.8K
Why do sceptics care?
04-04-09 21:04
18 2K
05-04-09 23:39
9 2.6K
British UFO Files Released 12
24-03-09 8:00
40 3.4K
The Best Way To Rob a Bank is To Own One
05-04-09 14:47
1 312
04-04-09 16:51
3 526
Police ordered to release 7/7 footage
05-04-09 0:32
4 545
Is Alex Jones a Zionist Shill?
30-03-09 19:04
18 1.6K