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Astronomy, Space & Astrophotography

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NGC 2403
12-03-14 20:39
3 1.1K
Live launch of Soyuz
25-03-14 22:11
2 601
Big bang discovery. amazing isnt it?
18-03-14 20:51
12 1.8K
Trajectory from flying objects
16-02-14 14:57
17 2.6K
Mount Repairs
19-03-14 10:07
1 657
Falling star/debris 6am this morning
12-03-14 11:39
15 1.7K
nasa seeks coders to hunt asteroids
12-03-14 11:33
0 797
Celestron Binoculars Q
10-03-14 15:30
2 838
Astronomy Apps
03-03-14 10:39
1 919
Newbie Questions
04-03-14 12:05
1 815
Jupiter viewing
28-02-14 21:07
9 1.4K
Northern lights Jan 9th 12
09-01-14 16:45
35 4.7K
M51 Mono - 80ED/HEQ5/Atik
01-03-14 23:03
0 861
Well according to the BBC
01-03-14 1:39
2 877
Possible fireball sighting by UK pilot (attrib to UFO..)
06-01-14 14:38
9 2.8K
Asteroids Pound Distant Pulsar
22-02-14 10:45
0 786
Where can I find the stars?
26-01-14 12:40
23 2.8K
Asteroid 2000 EM26 Passing Earth. Watch online 2PM tonight
18-02-14 2:34
3 1.1K
free Coursera module - Science of the Solar System
17-02-14 12:51
0 842
Your essential space related DVDs?
04-02-14 21:22
8 1.3K
M42 Timelapse
09-02-14 14:48
0 928
Astronomy & Space on Twitter (who to follow?)
20-01-14 10:27
2 1.1K
Massive Australian Precambrian/Cambrian Impact Structure
05-02-14 15:33
3 986
Meteorite falls in Chelyabinsk, Russia 12...67
05-02-14 12:25
203 23.4K
In Saturns Rings -new Imax film
04-02-14 1:08
0 586
2 Fireballs fall from the sky over Mitchelstown
29-01-14 20:28
1 742
Supernova in M99, possibly
28-01-14 14:34
0 720
Apollo 1 fire 47th anniversary
28-01-14 1:10
1 619
Nova in M82 Galaxy
22-01-14 23:52
14 2.4K
Two billion planets in our galaxy may be suitable for life 123
05-11-13 14:22
63 5.4K