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Photographic art, equipment and advice.

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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
POTW 489: 28/9/19 - 4/10/19
02-11-19 15:24
1 275
Saving and storing photos from PC
31-10-19 17:26
4 295
POTW 488: 21/9/19 - 27/9/19
28-10-19 11:12
4 424
Studio Helper Required For Studio Shoot.
31-10-19 21:12
0 188
POTW 486: 7/9/19 - 13/9/19
14-10-19 9:01
6 464
Advice on choice of video recording equipment
22-10-19 22:45
10 325
POTW 487: 14/9/19 - 20/9/19
23-10-19 10:16
4 273
Bulk printing
02-07-19 14:35
9 759
Best quality photo books
13-12-16 6:43
4 947
16-10-19 10:32
8 273
Printing site
08-10-07 19:45
2 544
Where to sell gear?
07-10-19 16:48
6 434
Flickr Copyright rules
14-10-19 10:12
11 559
Taking photos of people at sporting events
07-10-19 13:06
7 761
Fair use of others photographs
12-10-19 9:44
3 342
POTW 485: 31/8/19 - 6/9/19
04-10-19 11:01
2 422
Suggestion- insight into photo of the week
03-10-19 22:13
2 268
Forensic/crime scene photography.
03-10-19 18:46
8 531
POTW 480: 27/7/19 - 2/8/19
26-09-19 9:53
2 235
POTW 483: 17/8/19 - 23/8/19
26-09-19 10:13
2 202
POTW 482: 10/8/19 - 16/8/19
26-09-19 10:04
1 192
POTW 484: 24/8/19 - 30/8/19
27-09-19 16:13
1 144
POTW 481: 3/8/19 - 9/8/19
26-09-19 9:58
0 141
Canon 1dX2 importing issues with older Lightroom/desktop OS
10-09-19 12:27
3 209
Planning for Golden Hours
11-09-19 10:43
4 261
RAW editing Q
10-09-19 12:20
5 414
Studio lights
23-08-19 20:41
4 311
Looking for Photography groups/workshops/courses in Galway
24-05-18 21:04
5 476
POTW 477: 6/7/19 - 12/7/19
22-08-19 15:42
2 322
POTW 479: 20/7/16 - 26/7/19
23-08-19 22:40
1 247