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Alternative & Indie

Alternative and independent music.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
The Cribs
26-04-12 22:27
18 2.1K
27-04-12 18:00
6 1.2K
04-12-09 0:49
15 1.8K
What happened to Gomez?
19-09-09 20:24
27 4.8K
28-06-12 20:28
0 327
Alternative Ulster documentary on BBC 6 Music
25-06-12 21:31
0 343
Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - Trouble
25-06-12 11:50
0 339
Pills 'n' Thrills and Bellyaches - FREE with the Guardian Today
23-06-12 12:18
2 587
Gems from the 1970's 12
10-12-11 11:07
54 5.7K
New M83
19-07-11 19:30
10 1.8K
Bon Iver - Bon Iver 12
17-06-11 11:43
50 6.7K
Anybody heard Director?
21-06-12 17:09
30 2.1K
New Blur material (?) July 2nd
20-06-12 12:23
0 339
She & Him
16-06-12 16:03
7 834
Radiohead proshot from Coachella
16-04-12 21:14
17 2.3K
So... what are the indie kids dancing to these days!? :P
15-06-12 16:38
4 636
Fiona Apple: The Idler Wheel
13-06-12 12:40
2 533
Where do you go to get music recommendations? 12
07-07-11 14:34
46 4.7K
Songs that give you goosebumps they are so good
08-06-12 18:14
2 732
20-03-10 16:58
5 799
02-11-11 1:51
9 3.2K
Muse - New Album Confirmed (The 2nd Law) Discussion thread.
06-06-12 20:22
0 58
New Beach House album streaming
08-05-12 20:11
11 2K
sinead o connor documentary
04-06-12 11:37
2 830
Mindy Smith
04-06-12 9:37
0 368
Where do you get your inspiration ?
28-08-09 13:02
21 1.6K
LP recommendations?
30-11-07 22:20
23 2.2K
Forbidden Fruit today
03-06-12 14:40
1 701
sinead o connor
31-05-12 7:03
1 816
Ok Computer and Kid A - 8 Bit Style
22-05-12 23:32
10 1.8K