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Renting or buying home and business properties.

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
NAMA properties
07-12-13 0:25
8 1.5K
Contract lease document
18-12-13 13:05
2 297
Deposit return for non-occupation? (rental)
17-12-13 16:48
9 938
Dealing with problem tenant
17-12-13 22:11
5 1K
How much notice?
18-12-13 1:14
1 282
Property letting agent in D15 - Can anyone recommend?
17-12-13 21:35
1 280
Applying for rent allowance.
25-11-13 18:02
17 1.8K
Housing executive Belfast
17-12-13 20:18
1 274
TRS changes
17-12-13 19:48
2 352
Landlord damaged laptop - question 1234
06-12-13 2:06
96 8.8K
Storage heater advice
17-12-13 13:04
5 674
Trouble with Neighbours
17-12-13 10:43
3 1.3K
Issue with neighbour over broken fence
13-12-13 21:49
13 2.9K
Clancy Quay beside Heuston Station? (Old thread) 123
03-11-09 16:22
66 20.9K
Moving out mid month - does landlord work out a daily rate or its strictly by month?
16-12-13 11:54
20 1.9K
Transfering morgage deeds to co-owner - what stamp duty is due?
13-12-13 15:03
2 622
Change of locks
16-12-13 8:01
9 1.2K
Broken shower.
15-12-13 0:28
10 956
Are bedsits illegal?
13-12-13 22:51
16 4.7K
[Wanted] Maynooth rental - long term
20-08-13 12:38
26 2.3K
Cork house prices, second capital, 2014. Please post yer best buys
15-12-13 2:41
2 926
Town centres after the cities to rise
14-12-13 20:10
13 1.3K
Get permission to run business from residential?
15-12-13 14:13
14 1.7K
Reoccurring leak
15-12-13 23:54
0 320
Going 'sale agreed' in 2013 - LPT exemption till 2016?
09-12-13 13:36
3 1.1K
Rights of tenant?
13-12-13 0:31
5 858
Purchasing house with no planning permission for extension (old thread)
15-09-12 12:00
23 27.1K
Girlfriend didn't sign a lease before she moved in
13-12-13 18:08
16 2.1K
Anti Social Behaviour from tenant
13-12-13 15:13
8 1.6K
What form should a 'breach of obgligation' notice to a tenant take?
02-12-13 21:14
24 2.3K