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Accommodation & Property

Renting or buying home and business properties.

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Issues with return of deposit 123
28-03-19 13:34
72 4K
Show house purchase premium
28-03-19 0:02
16 4.4K
New Rent Pressure Zone Limerick City East / Navan
28-03-19 21:46
6 860
PTSB Mortgage Offer W/O Cashback At Drawdown
17-12-18 20:18
10 2.4K
Change from house share to renting complete house
28-03-19 9:54
4 600
Any come back
28-03-19 10:05
18 2.3K
Situation with the landlord 123
28-03-19 12:20
70 9.6K
Required Apartment Size
27-03-19 19:38
2 721
RAS - does the room rate have to include bills ?
27-03-19 19:02
6 776
Buy to Let
27-03-19 11:39
15 1.2K
Gave tenant notice now cc ask they to move to Hap 12
22-03-19 10:52
42 6K
House in a bad state. 123
07-03-19 23:31
74 16.8K
Housemate's pregnant girlfriend always around
26-03-19 17:47
19 3.3K
Shoot down my idea
24-03-19 15:16
19 4.2K
Setting market rate rent for rented property
26-03-19 18:04
2 286
Solicitor increasing conveyance fees
26-03-19 13:43
2 947
New Estate - Seoladh Gaeilge
25-03-19 11:38
12 1K
Attic Conversion
24-03-19 22:48
3 1.3K
Ask Me Anything - Property Porfessional
25-03-19 19:00
1 1.2K
Increasing mortgage on rental to offset PPR
19-03-19 17:19
10 1.4K
Question re landlord notice
25-03-19 16:30
3 398
Trying to get a mortgage with poor credit rating
25-03-19 14:37
2 1.6K
Best non-direct debit energy deal
25-03-19 14:05
2 196
Nightmare Tenants 12
23-03-19 1:06
39 10.4K
Need home ASAP, have 170000 cash 1234
11-03-19 9:33
115 24.9K
Convayancing new build
12-03-19 22:04
4 560
House near concrete plant - how close is too close?
19-03-19 16:38
21 3.8K
RPZ query (rent increasing halfway through month)
24-03-19 18:56
0 297
Establishing a Management Company
22-03-19 16:43
15 1.1K
Changing Tenants without Informing Landlord/Agent
06-03-19 18:19
16 1.9K