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A boat full of carbs



  • Registered Users Posts: 885 ✭✭✭ryan_sherlock

    AstraMonti wrote: »

    I gave a talk to a tech company (no athletes) last week in California - some of the stuff blew their mind (wait, what your saying is, granny was right!!!) - was handy to be able to show them the LA Lakers stuff - things they can grasp and that it is not some funky euro thing.

    On a side note - high quality food/produce was much much easier to obtain this year in the Bay Area (SF) than last year when I was there. If in the US, these guys sell fab meat:

    The meat sticks, liverwurst and pemmican are my (unusual) favorites.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,457 ✭✭✭ford2600

    I gave a talk to a tech company (no athletes) last week in California - some of the stuff blew their mind (wait, what your saying is, granny was right!!!) - was handy to be able to show them the LA Lakers stuff - things they can grasp and that it is not some funky euro thing.

    I'm only a Micky Mouse cyclist and while I find the low carb benefical on bike, it's the benefits in everyday life which I find great. I think there is massive potential in this for many different walks of life

    For example long distance truck drivers, anyone who drives a lot (reps etc), forestry workers where your in remote areas for a long time and eating junk to fight sugar cravings will happen, (that's me 1 day a week!) etc

    Maybe computer programmer types, in one of Peter Attia's video there is a mention of a Swedish memory champion who runs on ketones when in competition..

  • Registered Users Posts: 885 ✭✭✭ryan_sherlock

    ford2600 wrote: »
    For example long distance truck drivers, anyone who drives a lot (reps etc), forestry workers where your in remote areas for a long time and eating junk to fight sugar cravings will happen, (that's me 1 day a week!) etc

    Big thing for me is in travel - really makes it easier, more affordable and healthier (I don't eat expensive crap). I feel a blog post coming on about travel :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,604 ✭✭✭petethedrummer

    Sure didn't our lord himself himself go into ketosis out in the desert.
    Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

    Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

    Stupid devil. You can't tempt an LCHF'er with bread. A ham & cheese omelette and things might have been different.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti

    ford2600 wrote: »

    TC HDL LDL Tri Tri/HDL Ratio TC/HDL

    Jan 13 6.8 1.42 4.8 1.31 0.92 4.78

    May 13 6.3 1.48 4.0 1.64 1.1 4.25

    Nov 13 7.8 1.8 5.4 0.92 0.51 4.33

    So I eventually got back my results.

    TC | dHDL | LDL | TRI | Tri/HDL Ratio | TC/HDL
    6.0 | 2.10 | 3.65 | 0.59 | 0.28 | 2.86

    Doc says the results are great. TC and HDL are marked with a * though, meaning they are out of the norm.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 885 ✭✭✭ryan_sherlock

    AstraMonti wrote: »
    So I eventually got back my results.

    TC | dHDL | LDL | TRI | Tri/HDL Ratio | TC/HDL
    6.0 | 2.10 | 3.65 | 0.59 | 0.28 | 2.86

    Doc says the results are great. TC and HDL are marked with a * though, meaning they are out of the norm.

    They look very similar to my results too (TC higher, my HDL was a bit higher, LDL a bit lower) - ratios good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti

    I contacted my old GP to get the blood results of last year. The only one I have is that my TC was 4.2 at 11/4/2012. I ll post the rest of them when I get them, it would be interesting to see as back then my diet was much different.

    Anyway, I 've been bad with sweets (damn greek christmas sweets) the last few days but I enjoy eating them so I am not crying over it. The rest of it remains in the lchf area, although I need to improve my fish intake, I don't eat enough.

    Wed I was on the bike for a short period of time, maybe an hour, just to spin the legs. Yesterday was the last session in the gym until the new year so it was kinda hard. A whole hour of 1mins intervals at every mins with various exercices, clean jerks with 50kgs, wide and triceps press ups, chin ups, bench presses, 50kgs thrusters and more stuff I don't remember now. I have massively improved since I started crossfit last christmas with the biggest improvement since August that I changed my diet. I think I am getting "bigger" in the upper body (while maintaining the same weight) so I am not sure if that means I am losing something else.

    With things developing in personal life I don't think I ll be racing at all this year, maybe a bit of club racing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,457 ✭✭✭ford2600

    AstraMonti wrote: »
    So I eventually got back my results.

    TC | dHDL | LDL | TRI | Tri/HDL Ratio | TC/HDL
    6.0 | 2.10 | 3.65 | 0.59 | 0.28 | 2.86

    Doc says the results are great. TC and HDL are marked with a * though, meaning they are out of the norm.

    Great results, only down side is anyone that you tell will only hear the 6 bit...

    "Not only is he eating a load of fat but he thinks 6 is a great result"...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti

    Haha yeah, already heard that as I 've my parents over for Christmas. I find it pointless to argue with them, but I still am.

  • Registered Users Posts: 885 ✭✭✭ryan_sherlock

    AstraMonti wrote: »
    Haha yeah, already heard that as I 've my parents over for Christmas. I find it pointless to argue with them, but I still am.

    You could always point to some new studies in relation to low TC/LDL etc. and severe brain issues:
    not smart making

    Lots coming out recently.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,831 ✭✭✭ROK ON

    AstraMonti wrote: »

    With things developing in personal life I don't think I ll be racing at all this year, maybe a bit of club racing.

    Race race lots.

    You may not get another chance for a while.

    Best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti

    A bit of an interesting update as I am fighting a food poisoning for the third day. The only thing my stomach can process is toasted white bread with butter, anything else is a no-no. I find it peculiar the one food I haven't touched for 6months is easier on the dodgy stomach.

    Wishes for a low carb happy new year lads.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,604 ✭✭✭petethedrummer

    AstraMonti wrote: »
    A bit of an interesting update as I am fighting a food poisoning for the third day. The only thing my stomach can process is toasted white bread with butter, anything else is a no-no. I find it peculiar the one food I haven't touched for 6months is easier on the dodgy stomach
    I had a couple of mouthfuls of dodgy fish during the summer and all I could stomach for 2 days was milk. I gave the rest of the fish to the cat and forgot about it. A few days later the cat started looking ropey. It was lethargic and not cleaning itself. Flies hanging around it. I thought it was on the way out with old age. Took about 4 weeks before she came back to normal. It was only then that I made connection with her condition and the dodgy fish.

    but enough about Molly, happy new year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 767 ✭✭✭duffyshuffle

    You could always point to some new studies in relation to low TC/LDL etc. and severe brain issues:
    not smart making

    Lots coming out recently.

    Booked in for bloods next week, anyone have a good list of important things to check? Cholesterol with all the breakdown, resting glucose, anything else? LCHF for 2.5 years but way too much junk lately so not sure what to expect. Am very much looking forward to retesting in 2-3 months already when I clean things up a lot!

  • Registered Users Posts: 349 ✭✭DaithiMC

    Booked in for bloods next week, anyone have a good list of important things to check? Cholesterol with all the breakdown, resting glucose, anything else? LCHF for 2.5 years but way too much junk lately so not sure what to expect. Am very much looking forward to retesting in 2-3 months already when I clean things up a lot!

    If you have been on a low carb diet you should ask for your A1c to be tested, for interest only. Normally used to assess risk of going to diabetes but it also is indicative of glycaemic control and represents the average amount of glucose in the blood over the past 2-3 months.

    I think we will hear more about glycated proteins in the future, sugar binding to proteins and the effects of these is getting more attention with the rise in diabetes and its connection to cardiovascular disease risk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti

    Back for more. Monday was my first day after the christmas break that I was back in the gym. It was hard. Mainly because I didn't do anything for 15 days prior to that and second because my diet went to hell with my stomach issues and the amount of sweets I had around. I felt I had no energy at all and my heart rate exploded within seconds. I plan to get another session in the gym today and cycle around 50-60k tomorrow.

    So today in work there was "Diet for wellness" seminar for those with new year resolutions. I went expecting to hear all the usual food pyramid, low fat crap.. and that's what exactly what I heard. I sat there listening to a lovely lady talk about how you should have 6-8 portions of carbs a day and meat once a week and how to cut everything* fat and all the usual media BS. So I asked her how can someone regulate the insulin levels and stop the cravings if you keep getting into a massive rollercoaster every day. She said she will come back to it later, she never did during the hour presentation but she got me aside in the end and we kept discussing for a bit. Turns out that she in favor of low carb diets but unfortunately because of her position and her company she is not able to move one bit away from what HSE suggests. I was honestly surprised with that, we are talking about a position that affects people life, but I guess "her hands were tied" as she said.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,457 ✭✭✭ford2600

    Just an input on meat choices.

    Today brought me into a piggery. First time ever and even though I knew what to expect, the reality of the life of a factory pig, would greatly strengthen my strong bias for grass fed beef and lamb.

    in summary; concentrate food only, no daylight, very warm 24hrs a day, confined spaces, standing walking sleeping on slatted units over a tank of their own waste, very stuffy.

    Chicken is no better from what I've read and heard about.

    Will raise my own pigs in a year or so; not sure if I could do the slaughter myself

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti

    That's why I am paying 5euro for free range bacon! Raise a pig for me too! Seriously I ll pay :D

    Wednesday I was back in the gym and it was an hour of burpees, chin ups and deadlifts. Started with 40kgs and ended at 155kgs. Happy with that after the Christmas break.

    Thursday I went for a 30k spin, had planned for more but I was shivering half way into it so I turned back. I plan a 60-70k one tomorrow.

    As for food my breakfast has changed a bit, I can't have bacon in the house any more. My missus is expecting and she can no longer stand the smell of butter and bacon. I only have a full fry when I am eating in work. Most of the days I have an omelette with cheese and ham. Lunches the last few days were lamb, salmon, cod and pork fillet with salad or broccoli. Only yesterday I woke up with a craving of chettos, and I just fell for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,164 ✭✭✭Paul Kiernan

    My breakfast is standard (but expensive at this time of year) - berries (blue, black, strawb or rasp) with lashings of cream.

    Lunch is either a) ham and cheese omelette, b) meat, egg, tomato, cheese salad with loads of hellmans or c) barbecued fry cooked outdoors (rashers, sausage, tomato, egg, black and white pudding). Tesco value puddings have the lowest carb count. Their sausages are only 3% carb but taste crap so I now have Superquinn which are 5% carb.

    Dinner is whatever the family are having without the potato, pasta or rice. I often have cauliflower instead - plain boiled, mashed with butter or my favourite, cooked in the oven covered in grated gruyere and cream until almost dryed up. It's delicious!

    If I get hungry I'll have a tomato or two with cheese and plenty of mayo. I also have about 400ml (20g carb) of milk per day in tea or coffee.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti

    Debunking The Milk Myth: Why Milk Is Bad For You And Your Bones

    It's the first time I am reading something like this, needs much more reading to come to a logical conclusion.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 407 ✭✭Tec Diver

    I've been LCHF for a year now. I don't like to use the word "never", but I can't see myself going back to high carb foods.
    My goals this year (training wise) include running marathons and ultras and lots of cycling and a couple of adventure races. All with a minimal amount of carbs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti

    Yesterday's training an hour in the gym with hard flat out work without breaks, I was very very close to puking, first time after a loooong time. Today I went out on the bike for hill repeats intervals. What I noticed is that my glutes were doing a lot of work, I haven't noticed that before so I think it's the squats in the gym that's helping. What I also noticed though is that my recovery times were bigger, but probably a sign of not spending enough time on the bike.

    As for food, I had eggs with bacon in the morning, followed by a lunch of prawns, cod and salad. Snack was nuts and 100g of jerky beef. An apple before getting on the bike and just some chocolate milk with protein after.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,457 ✭✭✭ford2600

    some chocolate milk with protein after.[/quote]

    Hopefully your skeletal system won't collapse during next gym session after all that milk...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,457 ✭✭✭ford2600

    AstraMonti wrote: »

    I was going to post link on farming forum for the craic.
    Not sure they'd see the funny side!

    Personally milk doesn't suit me, other than that I don't know anything on subject

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti

    I 've no idea really if the article I quoted above has any truth in it. I 've grown up with milk, I used to drink 3 liters a day until I was 14. But the combination chocolate milk and protein powder is ideal recovery drink for myself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,457 ✭✭✭ford2600

    AstraMonti wrote: »
    I 've no idea really if the article I quoted above has any truth in it. I 've grown up with milk, I used to drink 3 liters a day until I was 14. But the combination chocolate milk and protein powder is ideal recovery drink for myself.

    Used to drink two pints straight from tank as a teenager for thirst until I noticed link between milk consumption and being chesty.

    Never liked taste of factory milk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 767 ✭✭✭duffyshuffle

    AstraMonti wrote: »
    So I eventually got back my results.

    TC | dHDL | LDL | TRI | Tri/HDL Ratio | TC/HDL
    6.0 | 2.10 | 3.65 | 0.59 | 0.28 | 2.86

    Doc says the results are great. TC and HDL are marked with a * though, meaning they are out of the norm.

    Just got some the bloods back, been LCHF for 3 years now but lately and especially Christmas had lots of junk so wanted to test now then again in a few months. Have similar results (but worse) to above I think, any comment on it or what the best ratios and ranges etc?
    TC: 5.77
    HDL: 1.74
    LDL: 3.66
    Tri: .81

    Back eating so much Brussel sprouts, cabbage, and all the non starchy veg I can, read the calorie myth and found it very interesting, could be worth a look if you haven't read it. Heard it on Dave aspreys podcast, author is Jonathan Bailor. Back in the gym since Christmas too so chasing your numbers now :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti

    We are not far away on the results, and if you didn't have the junk over christmas you might have been "better". Only time will tell!

    Yesterday was in the gym again, but I wasn't feeling great. Probably because I had a bag of crisps before .. (I know I know.. I didn't even like eating them!). It was tough anyway. The worst part was the band pull. We wore an elastic band and the trainer was holding against it while we were trying to run across the room. Was gasping for air by the end of it, had to sit down for few mins to clear my head.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,718 ✭✭✭AstraMonti

    Horrible.. just horrible. Avg Temperature: 0,1 °C on a 2h spin. I 've been out with colder weather but today was just so miserable, my hands and toes were frozen in the first 30mins and I was all soaked and shivering despite the 5 layers of clothes. Was planning to get to Laragh but it was a miracle I reached the lakes.

    I had a 3 egg omelette with cheese and bacon in it for breakfast and I shouldn't had; due to the cold I couldn't get my stomach going so I started digesting it when I got back home. I didn't have any lunch, just nibbled on some olives and cheese but for dinner I am preparing a mustard/honey type of pork fillet.
