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Taking care of appearance



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,736 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    I can barely remember the last time I wore makeup. My skin is pretty even in tone and I rarely get spots. I don't see makeup as being necessary for looking 'groomed', being washed and clean covers that. most people I know can take it or leave it; there's only been one person I've met who has said that her makeup is essential, and that she would under no circumstances leave the house without it, which I thought was kind of sad.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭SunnyDub1

    I wear makeup nearly all the time.
    Mainly because I feel more confident and better about myself when I have it on.
    I wear different make up for different occasions - work, nights out etc.

    A staff member not wearing makeup became a slight issue in my work place.
    She worked at the main reception in the company.
    She was a nice friendly girl and the job role suited her but unfortunately she put no effort into her appearance (make up and hair wise)
    Without sounding to harsh she was extremely pale and always looked sick & tired, and looked like she hadn't slept in days. She always looks like this, so it wasn't a case of her having a bad day/week.
    It was commented upon a few times by staff members/guests - asking if she was OK, she looked unwell etc etc.. Didn't seem to bother her.
    Not sure if the management has or even can pick her up on it.

    One day during lunch the girls where talking about make up and made a comment about her not wearing any, her response was that she just didn't bother and finds it a waste of time.

    I've nothing against anyone that doesn't wear makeup for what ever reason but if your job role is meeting and greeting potential clients/staff members/guests each day and you haven't the most glowing fresh skin and are always looking pale & tired, there is no harm in wearing a little tinted moisturizer and some lippy to give a bit of color to your face. I think appearance plays a big part in a job role.

  • Posts: 26,052 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    SunnyDub1 wrote: »
    I've nothing against anyone that doesn't wear makeup for what ever reason but if your job role is meeting and greeting potential clients/staff members/guests each day and you haven't the most glowing fresh skin and are always looking pale & tired, there is no harm in wearing a little tinted moisturizer and some lippy to give a bit of color to your face. I think appearance plays a big part in a job role.

    This is the problem with the perception of make up as the default, and no make up as sort of deviancy from norms.

    A lot of men have jobs where they interact with members of the public and I don't think many of them are worried about looking not glowing or pale. Why this should occupy anyones thoughts is a puzzle to me.

    No makeup does not equal a slovenly appearance.

    You've said that girl is good at her job. That should be enough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,154 ✭✭✭Dolbert

    It would never occur to me that a woman not wearing makeup looked unprofessional tbh.

    I wear it most days as I have pale blonde eyebrows and eyelashes, and look completely different without it, to the point where people do a double-take :P Wouldn't be bothered just for going to the shops etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,382 ✭✭✭✭rainbowtrout

    SunnyDub1 wrote: »
    I've nothing against anyone that doesn't wear makeup for what ever reason but if your job role is meeting and greeting potential clients/staff members/guests each day and you haven't the most glowing fresh skin and are always looking pale & tired, there is no harm in wearing a little tinted moisturizer and some lippy to give a bit of color to your face. I think appearance plays a big part in a job role.

    Agree with Candie. Make up should not be considered the default. Perhaps this girl looks pale and tired. But maybe that could be sorted out with more sleep, a better diet etc.

    I have very pale skin, I'm in milk bottle territory and I don't feel the need to wear make up. I've only ever worn it on about five occasions in my whole life and certainly not in the last 10 years. I don't feel conspicuous going out on a night without wearing it and wonder about the mindset of people who can't leave the house without wearing it.

    Also in my experience men don't notice make up unless it's badly applied and don't really care about it either. Any comments I've had in relation to my lack of make up are always from women and are usually back handed compliments 'Ooooh, but you have such great skin, I could never go out without wearing make-up etc' If they think pale skin is so great why are they not displaying their own?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,987 ✭✭✭Legs.Eleven

    Are we talking confidence about your physical appearance or general confidence?

    I wear mascara everyday because my eyelashes are blonde at the tips and they look more open with it on. In the past few years, I've started to put a very thin layer of make up on my face when going out and a bit of eyeliner and even more recently, some bright red lipstick but I could take or leave all of it.

    I wouldn't call myself a confident person (probably average) but physically, I'd say I am.

    Wearing make up or not doesn't equate to confidence. Some people just don't like wearing and some do. As others have said, personal hygiene is a different story...

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 4,644 Mod ✭✭✭✭Daisies

    I always find this debate interesting but it's more relevant to me since I moved to Africa.

    Before I left Ireland I wore make up most days, I would go out without it but I felt more "put together" with it on and I certainly would never have gone to work without it. I enjoyed the ritual of putting it on in the morning.

    Here, however, things are very different. Due to the anti malarials I take, which are also an anitbiotic, my skin has cleared up hugely and I rarely wear make up. Sometimes not even on nights out. I think the fact that not many people wear make up here plays a HUGE role. It's not the norm and as such I don't feel any different not wearing it.

    I do still like applying make up and I do look better with mascara as I have quite light eyelashes. Maybe I'll get them tinted when I go home and be extra lazy.

    I do agree with the poster who said the thread title is misleading. Taking care of your appearance is more to do with clean clothes, clean nails and dressed appropriately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 41 ShadyLane

    I wear makeup everyday to work. Nothing major: tinted moisturiser, concealer under eyes, mascara, blush and tinted lip balm. Takes no more than 5 minutes and makes a world of difference. Days off work I wouldn't think twice about leaving the house with no makeup, but I would turn it up a notch for nights out.

    Since moving to this country, my skin is constantly very pale. I look exhausted without makeup thanks to naturally dark under eyes, despite having good skin otherwise.

    At the end of a 24 or 36 hour shift, often with no sleep (I'm a doctor), I would rather people not see how wrecked I feel! That said - I don't tend to notice makeup on others unless it's badly applied or excessively caked on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,305 ✭✭✭April O Neill

    I only wear make-up on nights out, and even then sometimes I don't bother. I never wear it to college or out and about during the day. I just like to let my skin breathe most of the time. I like the process of getting ready for a night out, and often make-up is part of that process that I enjoy, but I can and a lot of the time do go without it. I don't really like the feeling of foundation clogging up my pores, and the effort to go and take it all off afterwards makes me not want to bother with it at all.

    This. All of this.

    I wear make-up so infrequently, I don't bother cleaning it off my face. :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭dearg lady

    This is something I'm recently a bit more conscious of. I never wear make up to work, and my skin has recently become a bit blotchy, so I'm a bit self conscious, but I also don't have much confidence in my make up application skills, catch 22!
    For nights out I've always worn eye make up, and very recently I've started wearing a small amount of foundation, but again, I don't really have confidence in putting it on.

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  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 7,439 Mod ✭✭✭✭XxMCRxBabyxX

    I've always been more concerned with what clothes I'm wearing than make up. I can never really dress down but I can easily go without make-up. When I'm working I'll through a little bit of foundation and eyeliner on but that's pretty much it. During college I never bother with make-up or contacts.

    It's not a confidence thing or anything, I'd be pretty self-conscious, more laziness tbh.

    I'd never judge anyone for wearing make-up or not though

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,791 ✭✭✭ash23

    I wear makeup but don't really notice whether the girls here in work do or don't. Far more noticeable is how they look after themselves.

    Most of the girls here look good, with or without makeup. However one or two make no effort with their hair, their clothes or their appearance. I think that in work it's important to look like you've made some effort. Makeup needn't be part and parcel of that, but rocking up to the desk looking (and sometimes smelling) like you just rolled out of bed, with tatty's just not so much confidence as total laziness in my opinion. I dress like a slob at home sometimes but I'd never go to work without some sort of personal grooming.

    Makeup is part of my morning (although I only wear a little). If I went out knowing I look like crap (I include hair and clothes in that) then I wouldn't feel very good about myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 349 ✭✭Aye Bosun

    I've really good skin and would never ever put any foundation or other crap on it, the only thing that I every put on my face is water, personally I think makeup ruins your skin. I'd wear eyeliner and mas when going out at the weekend, but the rest of time, my face is fresh as a daisy. And I can tell you for free, I'm in no way self conscience or suffering from low self esteem, quite the opposite actually!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,625 ✭✭✭How so Joe

    I never wear makeup, the last time I did was, I think, my debs.
    I don't think I look any the worse for it though. I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself, I dress well if needs be and I look after my hair and nails - they're always neat and clean, although never particularly styled.

    I don't think my self confidence is any lower than someone who wears makeup. In fact, I think it's a damn sight higher than someone who can't go out to the shops without first putting on a full face.

    Looking after your appearance is much more than just make up though, as others have said.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    I wear quite a bit of eye make up going out - I tend to go gothic on the eyes, but other than that I occasionally wear eye liner and mascara in the day time, but mostly nothing.

    Im wouldnt be all that interested in my appearance on a day to day basis. I keep my hair dyed, and I am clean and neat for work but I am totally unselfconscious in public and dont mind being caught in any condition (muddy from a run, dirty from fixing something in the car etc...).

    Mostly I just couldnt be bothered on the make up thing, but also, I actually dont like the feeling of stuff on my skin (Ive nice skin). Ive never ever worn foundation and am still, at nearly 40, not really sure what its for!

    I am so disinterested in my appearance that I have had people double take me on nights out, because I scrub up totally differently to my daytime work look. I suppose Im not that interested in fashion except when dressing up.

    I also have issues with the fake tan thing, I just cant be bothered. Id like to, but its a lot of effort and hassle.

    I do keep my nails lovely, they are my little vanity :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,802 ✭✭✭beks101

    For a long time makeup was strictly a functional thing for me, I suffered from bad skin for years and years and couldn't face the world without the foundation and concealer.

    Now I find those makeup-free days blissful, it's like not wearing my contact lenses, it just gives relief and I feel as though my skin gets a chance to breathe.

    I don't cake it on and don't understand how people can have the time to do that in the morning, it must take ages, I barely have time for breakfast! But I'd wear a light foundation, blusher, eye-liner, mascara and lip gloss every day, a routine that takes about 10 minutes and makes me feel confident, professional. I have a lot of meetings and meet a lot of people during the course of my day, makeup is just one of several things that makes me feel like I'm presenting my best side to the world.

    For nights out I'd give it more time and have more fun with it, but either way I wouldn't think it has anything to do with my self-esteem.

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 9,722 Mod ✭✭✭✭Twee.

    I don't think I look "revolting" without make-up but I certainly look pale and tired. I am quite a plain looking girl. As I said previously, I have oily skin and the resulting large pores and occasional breakouts. I just don't care though! At work my body, hair, face and teeth are always clean, I have a clean, freshly ironed uniform for every shift and I am neat and presentable.

    On my days off I enjoy putting on a little make-up to perk myself up a bit and feel a little less... Plain!

    Slightly OT but should give some of you a giggle: while at a wedding the other night I was chatting to a friend and confessed that I like to take my make-up off one half of my face at a time for humorous comparison (I'm easily amused). Turns out she does it too, I thought I was the only one! Anyone else do this?

    I keep meaning to take a pic for when I do this. So yes, I do it too :D I read the Reddit Make Up Addiction forum and there's always pics like that, so cool to look at.

  • Registered Users Posts: 582 ✭✭✭Pomplamousse

    I didn't wear my usual (light) make-up to work one day last week for the first time as I was wrecked and went for the extra 10 minutes in bed.
    I could sense a few strange looks off the guy I work with and eventually at lunchtime he asked why my face was so red!!
    I didn't even realise it was that bad but won't be doing that again any time soon:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,423 ✭✭✭Morag

    I don't wear make up day today, only on a night out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,981 ✭✭✭ElleEm

    I only wear make-up on nights out, and even then sometimes I don't bother. I never wear it to college or out and about during the day. I just like to let my skin breathe most of the time. I like the process of getting ready for a night out, and often make-up is part of that process that I enjoy, but I can and a lot of the time do go without it. I don't really like the feeling of foundation clogging up my pores, and the effort to go and take it all off afterwards makes me not want to bother with it at all.

    I am like this. The idea of wearing a pasty powedery mask every day is horrible to me.

    I do wear full make- up on a night out though, and love the smell of it. I know I look better with make up on, but I couldn't be bothered on a regular day. If I was going out to do something nice during the day, I would sometimes throw on a bit of eyeliner and mascara. I have quite sallow skin, and drink a lot of water so my skin is alright. I never understand those girls who say "oh, I get spots/ have bad skin so have to wear make up". I only really ever get spots after i wear make up so often wonder if it's the mask of foundation that causes the spots!

    And in relation to the title of the OP, I would echo what the other posters say. Wearing make up does not mean that one takes more "care" of their appearance than one who does not. I shower and wear clean clothes every day, that to me is "taking care of my appearance"!

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  • Moderators, Regional Abroad Moderators Posts: 26,928 Mod ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Morag wrote: »
    I don't wear make up day today, only on a night out.

    I'd be similar - I only really ever wear make-up when going out or if I have to dress more formally than usual at work (client visits etc). I don't really feel that I need it, and I'd rather not clog up my skin unnecessarily.

  • Registered Users Posts: 268 ✭✭KCC

    Dolbert wrote: »
    It would never occur to me that a woman not wearing makeup looked unprofessional tbh..

    I think make up is an essential part of looking groomed and agree with the other poster that particularly it is important for women meeting the public or in working in a professional environment. There is a difference between looking clean and looking groomed. Most women where I work wear make up and I thought it was more the norm than not.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    KCC wrote: »
    I think make up is an essential part of looking groomed and agree with the other poster that particularly it is important for women meeting the public or in working in a professional environment. There is a difference between looking clean and looking groomed. Most women where I work wear make up and I thought it was more the norm than not.

    Nonsense, as one example, my GP doesnt wear make-up and she is totally professional.

    Make up has nothing to do with being professional.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Politics Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 81,309 CMod ✭✭✭✭coffee_cake

    I'd wear makeup if I had a client meeting, a bare minimum of it but still some.
    I don't think I'd notice/think badly of anyone who didn't though

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,264 ✭✭✭✭Alicat

    I don't wear make-up to work generally, and only do so when I feel like it. I keep my (dry) skin well moisturised, my hair clean and brushed, and maybe some lip salve (but only because dry lips are rather unsightly). I look presentable and I'm excellent at my job. I do not need to wear make-up to work and I'd tell them where to go if it was ever suggested. I would wear it on nights out, and wear the basics (bit of foundation, mascara etc) on the weekends while out and about.

    I get that some people love wearing make-up, and wouldn't judge them for it. If they want to wear it every day, then that's their own decision. People can do what they like with their own time.

    However, it's the women who cannot leave the house at all without putting their make-up on that I feel sorry for. I mean, they're trapped by a fear of their own face. They need an hour to get themselves ready just to pop down to the shops for some milk. Funnily enough, these women are the ones who appear to have an abundance of confidence, always the life and soul of the party, but they have panic attacks at the thought of someone seeing them without their mask.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,390 ✭✭✭The Big Red Button

    I wear make-up on work days, the bare minimum though - foundation, eyeliner and bronzer. Sometimes mascara and/or lip-gloss.

    I have OK skin, don't really get spots, but it only takes five minutes, and I feel better with make-up on.

    If I had to go to work without make-up on, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest, but, as I said, it only takes a few minutes, so I don't see any reason not to. (If I was prone to spots etc, I'd very likely not wear any, if I thought there was a link there.)

    In my old workplace, they had an external company come in to speak to the newest batch of graduate recruits about 'professional appearance'. Amongst a few other controversial pieces of 'advice', the girls were advised that they should top up their makeup at least four times a day (after they first put it on at home.) Firstly, when they arrive at work, they should check it to ensure it's still flawless. Secondly, before lunch, and thirdly, after lunch. And finally, before they leave the office to go home in the evening - they should check it before leaving the building - to ensure that they're upholding the firm's image, for anyone that sees them leaving the building in the evening. :rolleyes:

    There were numerous complaints, and HR apologised profusely (and I'm sure they'll never hire that company again!!)

    While I wear make-up, I honestly could not tell you which of my colleagues do, for the most part! Some wear obvious make-up - such as striking mascara/eyeshadow etc. But, apart from that, I just can't tell.

    And I don't particularly care, either. So long as the person is doing the job they were hired to do, and has a clean and professional appearance and demeanour, who cares?!

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 7,458 Mod ✭✭✭✭CathyMoran

    I do tend to wear lipstick if I get a chance but that would be the extent of it - I do take a pride in my appearance but I have never worn foundation or whatever that stuff is, am happy with my skintone - having said that I wear expensive lipstick. I do go through phases of wearing nail varnish...I used to always wear perfume but that changed when I became a parent. I do have eyeshadow and mascara but have worn it twice in the past year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,681 ✭✭✭confusticated

    ElleEm wrote: »
    I do wear full make- up on a night out though, and love the smell of it. I know I look better with make up on, but I couldn't be bothered on a regular day. If I was going out to do something nice during the day, I would sometimes throw on a bit of eyeliner and mascara. I have quite sallow skin, and drink a lot of water so my skin is alright. I never understand those girls who say "oh, I get spots/ have bad skin so have to wear make up". I only really ever get spots after i wear make up so often wonder if it's the mask of foundation that causes the spots!

    Bad skin doesn't always mean spots though. I can see why you don't need to if you're sallow-skinned, but plenty of people are prone to blotchy skin or redness, and a bit of foundation over that can work wonders. Also, some spots are hormonal and make up won't make a blind bit of difference to them - if a bit of concealer over them makes someone a bit more confident, what difference does it make to anyone else?

    I wear makeup at work, for the same reason as I wear smart clothes - it differentiates my home life from my work life, it's like putting on my "work face". I don't know how many of the girls at work wear it or not, it's not a job where we deal with the public or anything. Makes no difference to anyone else I think - obviously though someone bright orange with full going-out makeup on would get a few funny looks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,512 ✭✭✭baby and crumble

    I never wear makeup, because I feel a bit weird in it- like a guy in drag or something! Luckily I got my mums great skin and super long eyelashes naturally (they hit against my glasses even with nothing on them!), but I do take some might say unnatural interest in my hair. I get a cut every month and I have a collection of hair pomades and combs that is a bit mental. I hate hate hate wearing clothes that aren't clean. If I get a tiny stain during the day I'll freak out about it until I can get to change. I always wear scent too. I'm terrified of being one of those overweight people that smell. I'm completely paranoid.

    I read an article once about how when you're overweight you have to work extra hard to make sure others see you as presentable. Like, what passes for sexy bed head on a slim woman would be seen as lazy on a bigger woman. Another reason I'm paranoid about looking neat!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,196 ✭✭✭quaalude

    KCC wrote: »
    I think make up is an essential part of looking groomed and agree with the other poster that particularly it is important for women meeting the public or in working in a professional environment. There is a difference between looking clean and looking groomed. Most women where I work wear make up and I thought it was more the norm than not.

    Do other posters feel like this?
    I've in my mid 30's and I've never worn make up in my life, not even once.
    No-one has ever commented negatively to me about it. I have clear skin, and I use moisturizer every day.
    Is it something people even notice? I assume a woman is not wearing make-up unless she has very obvious make up on - lot of dark make up around the eyes or bright lipstick or something.
