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The Boards Better Body Challenge 2013



  • Registered Users Posts: 499 ✭✭Aimeee

    Dotcomdolly thanks for linking that body fat calculator. Will use it myself.
    Going to measure later today/tomorrow and maybe take some pics.
    Unreasonably nervous about this! Don't know why.
    Have never committed to something like this publicly before, maybe that's why?

    Have been watching diet for last two weeks, mainly cut down (eventually out) wheat and sugar. Had a birthday yesterday which was a definite blip on the screen. That was yesterday though, back to normal today.

    I spin twice a week, and gym other days, cross trainer and weights. What would be most efficient use of my gym time. I go there for an hour, however after 20min cross trainer the mind starts wandering and by the time I get to weights, I'm lacking a structure.
    Can anyone advise most efficient use of one hour gym time three or four days a week please?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    I'd do weights first and then do intervals on the cross trainer - if you use a Tabata timer app on your phone you'd go 20secs hard and then 10 secs rest X 5 (or is it 4 can't rem).

    Thought this was apt for reading ourselves for Monday :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,800 ✭✭✭Lingua Franca

    I started back on the couch to 5k plan today so you may as well count me in too. I've taken the photos and they are not pretty. I've also done the weigh in, I'll do the measurements tonight.

    Height: 155cm
    Weight: 79.9kg
    BMI: 33.3 Yeah. :(

    I'll be cutting back on booze, fatty foods and treats but other than that I eat pretty well.

    I don't have a goal since I'll be continuing beyond the 8 weeks, but we'll see how well I do.

    I'll be doing couch to 5k three times a week. I'd like to do an upper body workout on the other 2 days, can anyone recommend one that doesn't involve gym equipment, something that I can do at home?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    A yoga or Pilates DVD might be a good accompaniment to the running?
    Or you could create a circuit for yourself of press-ups, tricep-dips, planks and other body weight exercises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭juke

    I'm in.

    Diet wise, I'm doing ok, I've lost 8 odd kilos since October and am my lightest in a long, long time. Its taken me a few attempts over the last couple of years to get to this point though, so I'll be using the next 8 weeks to keep my focus.

    I have pretty much cut wheat products and junk food out of my diet. I now eat heaps of veg. and snacks are homemade nut bars or dark chocolate. I no longer have sugar cravings, and provided I'm organised, especially in preparing packed lunches, I find it pretty easy to eat well. Not bad for a girl who ate a mars bar for breakfast for about 15 years :o I log food on myfitnesspal, which helps stop me over indulging.

    I don't particularly want to lose more weight (57K @154cm), but I do want to reduce my bf %, so I'll have to get measurements done. Not sure I'm up to photos :p

    I also want have to work on my fitness, cardio specifically. I do 2 free weights sessions a week with a PT, but that's not near enough.

    I also need to stretch/foam roll more, a lot more.......putting this up here may shame me into it sufficiently that it just becomes a daily habit.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 676 ✭✭✭chocolatechips

    Hoping to get my bf% measure in the gym on Monday morning. I'm 154.5cm and at 54kg last time I checked, so realistically just hoping to lower my bf% over the next few weeks.

    My diet has been dreadful lately but that's all changing starting tomorrow.

    I do weight training four times a week now, hoping to run for 30 minutes 5 times a week on the days I'm not working my legs. Add in some wall climbing and Muay Thai and it's going to be a tough ol' 8 weeks. :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,968 ✭✭✭✭Praetorian Saighdiuir

    I'm in.

    Weight: 88 Kgs
    Height: 170cm
    BMI: 30

    Diet: I will be mostly paleo but will deviate when required.

    Exercise: I will be using the work gym, cycling, running and scout pacing with up to 60kg in a backpack.

    Injuries: Plenty.

    Goals: Lose weight and get fitter.

    Good luck everyone, lets make it the best 8 weeks we can!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Am I right thinking there are 9 units of alcohol in the average bottle of red wine?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    That's the maths 4 is the alcohol % so if it's a 750ml bottle of 13% it's 9.75 most wine is about 12% so that works out at 9 units.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,296 ✭✭✭RandolphEsq

    Do alcohol units carry over to the next week?

    /Paddy's Day

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,344 ✭✭✭ErinGoBrath

    Male, 31

    Background & Goals

    I have lost fair bit of weight over the last year and would have a good level of fitness. Problem being I've been carrying a excess weight from childhood so it's proving quite difficult to shift around the middle, need to drop excess bodyfat.

    I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to nutrition. I eat clean all week and consistently let it slip at the weekends. As much as I try to take it easy, some social occasion always seem to pop up. I know I'm not being forced out but I find it extremely difficult to resist. Will work very hard on this to correct.

    I play football 3 times a week and I'm also training for the Wicklow Mountain 1/2 marathon on the 2nd of March so the exercise schedule pretty much writes itself. I would love to cram in some weight sessions but will struggle to find the time / energy, thankfully we cover a fair bit of HIIT work & circuits in football training so it's not like the muscles aren't being put through their paces.

    Once the 1/2 is finished (all going well!) I plan on getting back to the compound lifts in the gym.

    Goals being:
    - Get below 13st for the first time since my teens
    - Lose excess stomach & chest fat (drop bf%)
    - Breaking the habit of poor nutritional discipline at weekends
    - Shop for clothes without stressing!

    Typical week Training:
    Monday|Football training
    Tuesday|Running (VO2/speed intervals/distance)
    Wednesday|Football training
    Saturday|Match 90 mins
    Sunday|Running (VO2/speed intervals/distance)

    - |18/02/2013|25/02/2013
    Neck|14.5| -
    Chest|39.5| -
    Bicep|13| -
    Wrist|6.5| -
    Waist|37.5| -
    Hips|37| -
    Top of legs|24| -
    Knee|17| -
    Calf|14.5| -
    Body Weight|13st 6.5lbs | -
    Body Fat|25.7%*| -

    * Calc'd online based on weight & height. Can't be accurate

    Good luck folks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 499 ✭✭Aimeee

    Did my measurements.
    H; 150cm
    W: 68kg
    BMI; 30.2

    Just used the body fat calculator and am coming up at 25.9%, so not sure how correct that is. Thought it would be a lot more.
    Small wrists here too Dotcomdolly, 6.5". I'll take it as a sign that there's hope for me yet! :)

    Thanks for the tip re gym workout. I've just devised a routine there for gym, gymboss for timing.

    Main Goal: to feel better about me! Weight loss will be a bonus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 272 ✭✭notGill

    So here are my measurements:

    Height: 191cm
    Weight: 94kg
    BMI: 25.8

    I wouldn't normally use BMI because I know how skewed it is.

    I'll take my pictures in the morning and take my measurements for that handy little chart!

    My background is I'm training for the Wicklow 200 (Cycling) and I want to drop a few kilos to help me on the hills (always dropped on the hills at training).

    I've stopped doing weights in the gym because it is counterproductive trying to put on muscle mass when trying to lose weight and cycling circa 160km a week. I get on a big spin once a week and for the rest of the week I'm on the bike in the gym or on the rower doing HIIT. I also walk a bit and that will be my go to on rest days.

    I've hit a plateau so I might re-introduce some compound lifts and drastically revamp the diet.

    Here's to success! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭decisions

    I'm in, I don't have measurements yet but I'll edit them in when I do them.

    Totally fix diet and make excercise a habit not just an occasional spur of the moment thing. Oh and survive the Mocks!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 23,556 ✭✭✭✭Sir Digby Chicken Caesar

    I'm in. been losing weight for a while now but motivation/willingness to exercise continues to elude me, hopefully being told I *have* to something 5 times a week will get me going

    height: 178cm
    weight: 78kg

    I'll grab a measuring tape whenever I can and take measurements of what needs measuring.


    oh, ill be taking photos next weekend as I took photos on the 24th of dec and jan already to track progress. after next week I'll take them every weekend or second weekend, whatever the thread calls for

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 dura01

    Hi All
    Done the measurements

    Weight 117.5 kilos
    Body fat % 37 (omg)
    Height 169 cm

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Right so, since I prompted his challenge to get going, I am in. Fitness, diet goals/mission statements, weight in and measurements tomorrow. I will be logging on my fitness log

    Great to see the uptake and hopefully I will keep up with everyone:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,213 ✭✭✭daenerysstormborn3

    I'm in and I'm in with both feet because I am about to post my stats...

    Weight: 99kg
    Height: 5ft 7"
    Age: 25

    I have lost 13lbs since around the second week of January. I'm in a gym and my goal is to go 5 days a week and use the other 2 days as active rest days. I currently go 4 days a week and have 2 active rest days so it shouldn't be too difficult. My diet is good but I tend to loosen the strings a bit for weekends but for the 8 weeks I'm going to try to be a bit more strict just to see what results I can achieve.

    My goal ultimately is to lose about 4 stone.
    My goal for these 8 weeks is to clean my diet, to go to the gym 5 days a week and see what results I can achieve. I don't really want to put a number on it right now because I'm terrible for punishing myself so I just want to see what I can achieve if I stick to that plan.

    Good luck to everyone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,818 ✭✭✭Gauge

    Alrighty, I'm nervous as I've never done a challenge like this before and definitely not one with other people but count me in!

    Age: 26
    Height: 168cm
    Weight: 67.5kg
    BMI: 24

    I have lost just over 2kg since January 7th. My goal is to lose 4-5kg before May 25th, to reach a weight that would put me right in the middle of "average" BMI. I plan to spend the next 8 weeks continuing with the NROLFW program 3 days a week, bootcamp once a week, and fitting in some other exercise as well, and eating as cleanly as possible while cutting down on wheat, sugar, and processed foods. I also want to quit drinking diet fizzy drinks for the next 8 weeks as well.

    My diet is generally okay but I have a habit of relying on carbs too much and occasional binging when I deviate from my routine.

    Brutally unforgiving pictures were taken this morning, along with up to date measurements.

    Good luck to everyone else involved!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,536 ✭✭✭A2LUE42

    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 15' 10"

    Was 16'8" on Jan 8th, but have been struggling to get below the 15'10".

    Goal is to break into the 14 Stone x Lbs range and to get into 34 inch Jeans again.

    Exercise will be Rugby, Soccer, Badminton with some swimming and running.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,750 ✭✭✭accensi0n

    I'm in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Gauge wrote: »
    I plan to spend the next 8 weeks continuing with the NROLFW program 3 days a week,

    I'm starting tomorrow :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,305 ✭✭✭Zamboni

    Starting Stats
    Height 188cm
    Weight 94.7Kg
    Took some pics earlier. I entitled them "bulk gone bad".
    Aiming to drop around 5 kilos for the challenge. A sub 90Kg would be nice.
    Best of luck folks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,827 ✭✭✭Prodigious

    Not looking to gain/lose any weight. Aim to improve my diet and build muscle. Unfortunately I've no tape handy. Took photos. I'll be doing running every second day, and wbb1 every other day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7 NDGirl

    Day 1 Week 1

    Weight: 73 kg
    Height: 5 ft 9

    Mini Chocolate binge there at the weekend in anticipation of the next 8 weeks :o.

    Dreaded photoshoot & measurements to take place tomorrow morning.


    Clean up diet. Chocolate is out the window now. Had eradicated all other processed sugar and that's gone now too.
    Had intended to give up the booze completely but I think i'll just make sure I don't go over 10 units per week.

    Good luck to everyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 285 ✭✭The Caveman

    Morning All

    Ok, I am in,

    Day 1 of 56

    W : 94 KG
    H: 185 cm

    Male, 33

    Main aim is to loose 5 kg...

    So would like to be just under 90KG in 8 weeks

    Doing the Operation Transformation 5km run on Saturday

  • Registered Users Posts: 487 ✭✭BlueIsland

    Im in also for the 8 weeks.

    Age: 29
    Sex: M
    Height: 6 ft
    Weight: 243 pounds

    Cant find my bloody calipers but will get it somewher in next couple of days. Have done all the other measurements.

    I have lost 11 pounds since start Jan basically.

    Aim for the next 8 weeks is to drop another 14 pounds. If more goes, great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 dura01

    Hi All

    Week 1 Day 1

    "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step "

    As the saying goes Today is the start of the 8 Week Challenge
    This is a milestone day for me as I aim to lose 8Kg in 8 weeks but this is just the start as I plan and hope to achive a 50 kg weight loss over the next 25 weeks in total, I have always struggled to lose weight and have tried every diet on the planet at this stage to no avail and found out 3 moths ago why ?????
    I had an underactive Thyroid which has explained the weight .
    Thanks God I found a great endo in The Bons Tralee who has put me on the right track and put me on the right meds .

    So Happy Days
    A new Slimmed done me is on the way !!!!!!!!

    I have taken the measurements and the pics
    I will show the beginning pics and finishing pics on Week 8

    Weight 117.5 kilos
    Body fat % 37 (omg)
    Height 169 cm

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,390 ✭✭✭Stench Blossoms

    Height: 157cm
    Weight: 131.6lbs
    Bf&: 25.8%

    Took pics. Wasn't happy with the back pics.

    Goals for this is to drop my body fat. Weight doesn't really matter to me. I was 118lbs this time last year and my waist is still the same size.

    Going to continue with NROLFW and add a 2 5km a week as well.

    Diet wise I'm aiming for keto.

    Best of luck everyone :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 910 ✭✭✭PauloConn

    Day 1 meanurements:

    Weight: 86.8kg
    Height: 1.78m
    Bodyfat: 23.29% (4 point measure)
    Age: 34
    Sex: M

    Well, 1 weekend away = +2kg, not a good start but anyway.
    Going for bf testing tomorrow and will pic and measure when i get home this evening.
    Plan is to continue training 5-6 times a week in the gym with weights, spin, bootcamp, bw training and then get out for walks in the evening and after meals.
    Aim is to make 80kg by end of challenge although have a stag in between. Also looking to drop some inches on the gut and keep everything else about the same or maybe slighly bigger (chest, neck, arms, thighs and calves).
