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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    VO2 work sucks sweaty smelly ass :(

    Tasty session put down there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    VO2 work sucks sweaty smelly ass :(

    Tasty session put down there!

    thanks it did hurt a lot but as with yours a short while later was like nothing done.- well almost

    Wednesday 18th:
    with me back on the school run Im unable to get the early morning swim in, which I did enjoy so headed over to UL at lunch time for the informal session.
    Which was hard, a rush over and rush to get in,
    session was 2 * 50s and then 5 *100 all by 3
    I slipped in near the back and was glad held my own but near the end was leaving a slight gap,
    once done the pool emptied and I hit another 400 easy

    got home and had to break the news that I have to travel to China for 2 weeks in June, so at the moment either Hell of the West or Athy is at risk :mad: let alone the impact this will have on training.

    SO had planned a run last night, put the kids to bed and completed some work, and looked out at the rain and cold and my heart sank, and with earlier news I called it quits and had family time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thursday 19th:

    A nice run, felt good and comfortable. stopped for a wee and accidently hit the "stop" button on the Garmin, so I am missing ~25min from the run.

    Friday 20th:
    Headed over to UL for my swim and pool closed :( for a water polo thingie.
    Headed home and went for a short recovery run, had limited time as I had to bring the young lad to Hurling, which was cancelled what a day :p

    Saturday 21st:
    The better half was away for the night so I had the kids so was restricted to the turbo, but I was spaced in the morning, struggled to get out of bed and decided to leave the turbo as it getting late to start a 4hour spin, with 2 kids to mind,
    Once the better half came back I hit the road for a long run. The plan was to do 90min and collect Josh (wee man) and he would join me for the rest.

    I felt really good running keeping a nice pace which most of the time felt easy (apart from a few drags) only down side was it pi$$ed, the dry, then hail stones etc.
    So at ~100min collected Josh, as the skys looked like they would open again I threw in a rain cape and they did open so I gave him the cape to keep dry, and gave a few drivers a laugh, the two of us in the pi$$ing rain trying to put a rain cape for a grown man on a 9year old, he was lost in it, but a very funny sight or I thought it was.
    so we battled away in the rain a few slow miles from here but the company was fun.

    Time: 2:39
    Dist: 33k
    Pace: 4:53min/km (4.42 for the first 22.5k)

    Sunday 22nd:
    I started to look at my bike position and try and modify it to be more "triathlon" like, so doing it slowly moved the saddle forward as I had it way back, (approx 4cm move)
    So off I set, felt weird and took a good while to get used to it, not sure if there was any improvement with the move, I was stiff at the end again not sure if this is due to the position of down to a combination this and yesterdays run.

    The route was a 2 lap cct of Doon - LoughBrack -RearCross
    a nice loop which has a 10k climb, not steep but still there, and constant.
    Felt ok power again slightly down but this appears to be the case after a long run the previous day.

    time: 3:25
    Dist 88.34k
    Speed: 26.7kph
    Cad: 73
    Power: 167
    Nor Pwr: 185

    An ok week, missed 2 sessions, 1 due to tiredness and the other as pool closed.
    so total hours down on where I wanted them to be,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 22nd:
    tri Club swim, last one :(

    500 wu
    8 * 50 - getting out and walking to the end, chatting to RedB (very nice bloke)
    8 * 50 - sprinting 12.5 then swim to the end.
    4 * 50 - swimming in a pack, felt a hell of a lot more comfortable than the last time I did this.
    4 * 50 sighting, a bit better trying to kick harder when looking to keep the legs up.

    Hopped into the public lane to bring the number to 3k and went slightly over
    swam a slow 1500,

    Tuesday 23rd:
    Easy lunch time run, 40m and about 8k.

    Pm V02 Session,
    was dreading this and mentally before I started I didnt have the confidence I would complete it.
    got the bike setup and the 2nd half of the footie just after starting so something to take my mind off what's ahead.

    15min warm up,
    main set 6*6 @100-105% FTP with 6min recovery. all to be done in the TT position, as I dont have a TT bike or bars yet I rested my elbows on the tops and played imagination bike and I nailed it :D.
    the first 5 were perfect, the last was a bit off but there was another 1, 2 intervals in the legs but as it was almost 10:30 finishing the last one si I called it quits
    the numbers were - 264,263,261,261,263,253

    Felt great getting off the bike, tired but happy out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Wednesday 25th:
    Lunch Time swim, or lunch time suffering
    sets were
    5*100 off 1:55\1:50
    200 easy
    total 2K, in 40min

    started off fast, a bit too fast the front fish coming in 1:20ish, me I was around 1:30 and all 100's seemed to be between the 1:30 and 1:40.
    struggled to hold feet at times as the pace was slightly to fast for me, and my stroke did fall apart when suffering.

    watching the CL again and was meant to run, looking out at the wind and rain did not entice me to get out, but told myself to cop on its not that bad so off I set, and it was, thankfully the stretch in the evening means the first few miles were bright enough so it helped.
    easy run approx 10K in 45min

    On another topic I get an entry for Joey Sprint Sunday, so can pop my cherry, I purchased a handlebar\tri bar combination (not sure of the correct term for these) a few years back and they are sitting in the shed never used or even installed so should I use them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thursday 26th:
    An odd day planned bike ftp session, started putting the tri bars on the bike, took a bit of fiddling to get the gears working and was after 10 when done so laziness kicked and did nothing :(

    Friday 27th:
    short run 8.5K
    time : 40min
    pace : 4:36mi/km

    easy 100
    500 straight easy pace - 9:53
    500 b+b this was easy on the arms but technique was $hit - 10:42
    500 straight 8:30 (Im hoping I counted correctly)
    500 straight -10:30 was broken up in the middle to keep an eye on the young fella.
    easy 800 split up.

    My swim has gone to the dogs the past few weeks, my stroke is shocking and I need to get back to basics and stop trying to push the pace until I get this feeling ok again.
    The end of the swim was a bit of a mess, the young was in the shallow area playing and a few " un desirables" were also messing and hit my lad, now these others were from a well know local family so I stopped the swim and headed over to keep on eye on things, thankfully they got out shortly and I could return but never got back into it.

    Saturday 28th:
    Had in the in-laws over so up early
    I finished off the bike setup last night, did'nt adjust the position so it may be way off, so I tried to spend most of the time in the TT position,
    it felt ok, a bit stretched and to get a nice compact feel was on the tip of the saddle, (may need to look for one of them angular seat posts)
    rode a few miles hard and felt ok, was able to stay in the position,
    it was stiff standing up once home so I will need to look at the position, or stretch more.

    Not sure of the power as the head unit kept dropping the signal, hopefully it's the battery in the wheel or the head unit,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    So my first tri, and I was cacking myself no idea what to expect, I was told I would be fine, but could not relax or believe it,

    Got there early racked the bike made sure I knew where it was, put down the towel and shoes, gear etc all laid out nicely,
    went back to the car and tried to relax, found this difficult. Met @RedB and chatted for a while, at this point I needed to do something so started to do a light warm up and stretch.
    made my way to pool side, and continued to stretch and talk to a few familiar faces,

    over the past few weeks my confidences here is shot, anyway we all got into the lane and swam to the deep end, and got sorted into order I ended up been second the lead fella was aiming for 12:30:confused:
    the rest of kinda agreed to take turns on the front, off we went I tried to hang to his feet and lasted near the 100m's but it was too fast and I was starting to suffer so tried to settle into my own race.
    was tapped on the feet to let the next one through which I did and ended up at the back, which was too slow and I did tap the heels and nothing no one letting me through.
    getting a bit pi$$ed at this stage I had planned to go past the next length but that was it and out we got.
    Swim 15min, not happy with this a lot of work needed.
    still 59 overall so mayb im been hard on myself.?

    T1: 2:30
    the cold when you hit the open air was refreshing.
    big mistake made here, I didnt have a tri suit so wasted a crap load of time putting on shorts, jerseys on a wet body.
    Ran in cycling shoes and will have to change to running with the shoes attached.

    supposed to be my "strong" suit so naturally I was a bit nervous as I personally hate TT's. I felt good on the bike a bit of anger from the swim and t1 helped,
    The aim was to pick a cyclist ahead and chase them down, this worked.
    I did pass someone from Ennis I think and shortly afterwards he passed me again and I had to slow up, not sure of the drafting rules here, in the end I went past him again and the last I saw of him,
    off the bike I nearly came a cropper, right calf cramped and just about held it, legged it in and racked the bike straight out,

    time 40:51
    5th fasted bike,

    t2 57seconds

    the legs were dead, and I just ran as fast as I could, not sure if it was fast or slow. as with the bike picked someone ahead of me and chased them down, it worked, on to the last bit and had 1 more to catch got him just before the line.

    Time: 20:57 ( a PB for the 5K - well first 5K so not hard)
    11th fasted

    Overall 11th
    2nd in the age category. missed this by 1:20 more than I lost in the pool and t1 :(
    No one passed me in either the swim or bike.
    happy with the day and result,

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Deffo a bit of under performing in the pool compared to what you can do, but a cracking result all the same considering the top 5 were all of the TI junior squad

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Took Monday off to relax after the weekend and felt it was needed.

    have a slight dilemma this week, it is supposed to be a recovery week.
    however I have the LCM on at the weekend and next week will be\should be a recovery week to get over the marathon. So I have extended the phase to a 4 week and 1 recovery. Not sure if this is the correct thing :D

    Tuesday 1st: Summer is here and looking out, it really feels like it.
    Simple lunch time recovery run, had a small window as had to be back for a meeting,

    Time: 40min
    Dist 7.8k
    Pace 4:53min/km

    V02 Session.
    10 min warmup spinning the legs with a few high revs at FTP
    Main set
    10-20 2min @110% FTP 1min recovery. Got 16 done.
    the first 12 were @ ~283 watts,
    last 4 were @~274w, the last one I struggled and was the number was below 10watts drop in power I wanted,

    Good set and I was in a real world of pain for these, the more reps done the more of the 2min it hurt, which I suppose if the point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Wednesday 2nd:
    Lunch time swim.
    a few less people in today and I fitted in down the back, I wanted not to have to push the pace and swim the set, I found that I was trying to force the efforts and my stroke was crap so Im thinking that this was me learning to swim bad :confused:

    so down the back and just swam and tried to concentrate on my stroke.
    total 2k

    the young man had hurling training, so I took the opportunity to do a set.
    goal was 10*1K @10k pace 200m recovery doing laps of the pitch
    the first few were fine, the pace feel off after that, lost count and thought I was done on the 9th, but alas had one more to do, not sure if I was just fcuked or mentally not there but the pace was way off so just warmed down and watched the rest of the training session,
    sets #:3:55,3:58,4:02,4:06,4:15,4:08,4:15,4:19,4:20,4:38 for half
    was tired after the run and happy when it was done.

    Thursday 3rd:
    Swim - back to basics
    200 warmup
    500 kicks, 25m per side, for 200m remaining was 6 kicks and a pull to change side, trying to breat on bad side.
    100 swim
    500 Fist\swim 25 fist - 25 swim
    100 swim
    500 B+B - I noticed a few problems or what I understand as problems doing these and spent the full 500 trying to work on them.
    100 swim
    500 catchup - noticed when breathing on bad side my legs dropped, could feel them dropping in the water:(,
    100 c/d

    total 2600m

    back disliking swimming,

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    That was me saluting you this lunchtime on your run :). Just popped in to the South Court to collect GLR race numbers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    RedB wrote: »
    That was me saluting you this lunchtime on your run :). Just popped in to the South Court to collect GLR race numbers.

    I did recognise you, took a second to figure out if the flashing lights were for me or the artic behind me ;)

    Friday 4th:
    As above a very easy lunch time run.
    time 40min
    dist: 6.6k
    pace: 5:19min/km

    200 wu
    2000 (was between this and 2.3 lost count) straight, after reading RedB long swim I realised I hadn't done a long one in a while
    had planned to hit the 3k but the young man finished lessons and wanted to play so he won.

    Long bike
    Up early and out so I could try and get back before the family woke.
    Did try and ride a sets at IM pace which didn't really work as my heart was not in the spin but I kept going or trying to.
    Time: 2:54
    Dist: 82.1k
    Spd: 28.3
    Power - ~170w,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Sunday 6th:
    Tried to figure out the pace to run it at, always a great way to start not sure how fast you want to try and run.
    Look at the pace for a 3:15 then a 3:20 and never felt I could hold that for the full distance, so set the virtual partner to a 3:25

    Got into the start a bit later than I intended and went about my warm up, felt stiff and not great so stretched and tried to relax,
    So the plan was to start behind the 3:15 balloons and in front of the 3:30 and keep them behind me.
    So off we set and I was with the 3:15 group and not overly happy, but hung in there as I hoped it would go as I warmed up fully,
    As the miles ticked by I found myself slightly ahead of the 3:15 group and wondering what to do, stay going or ease up.
    so Kept going met up with Alex, was talking to him last year so had company now and we were at the same pace so perfect as we were coming into UL we had a nice group and still ahead of the 3:15. At this point I was waiting for the boom and for me to blow (where it happened last year) but it was fine,
    the next few miles flew by, past the 1/2 way in 1:35 was happy with this and still expecting the pace to drop off,
    As we made our way back to DooraDoyle I found myself on the front of the group so ran it at my pace and I felt good, before long we were back in the city again and this time I was feeling the pace, but only 7miles to go.
    Still on the front leading we hit the fist hill on the back end, up by Thomond Park and I just put the head down and suffered over the top looked around and of the 4, 1 left so i easd off and waited for him and set about pacing again. turned up back the GSS grounds and forgot how long that hill was, so again head down and never looked up, got over the top and still going strong, then I felt it a slight twinge in my leg (outside of the shin) and feeling fcuked but only 3miles to go,
    At this point I started to go the maths and see if I could actually go sub 3:10 and I was slightly outside it, but tried to up the pace and that twinge turned into a cramp so hobbled and tried to relax it and this worked a bit, past mile 25 and I ran this as hard as I could (greed is a biatch) but in my fastest mile, then into the city and my leg just cramped and I hobbled the last few hundred meters,

    lost one place.
    Still I have a new PB, and more of a surprise when I was aiming for slightly under 3:30.

    Time: 3:11:57 (Pb by 3min)

    Once home, I was fine, had to bring the young man for a spin so lowest gears I had and spun for 6 miles, then a game of hurling but once he suggested a game of soccer I said no, was unable to run any more,
    Yesterday my legs were in bits and they know they exercised, and even this morning there still sore and tight.
    I will bring out the wavin pipe tonight and roll them or at least try.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Excellent stuff BM. I was wondering what happened when I saw your first post this morning and no mention of the GLR!
    Well done on holding that pace even though it was faster than intended :rolleyes::D. A good day all round :).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Great running BM and a nice pb.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Up till Wednesday my legs were still very sore, that run did hurt. so took the 2 days off and relaxed,
    One thing is Im starving this week, more than usual not sure if its food or sugar I need.
    Also I am having to hold myself back as after the weekend I am dying to get stuck back into the training, but do not want to rush it as it did take a good bit out of me.

    Wednesday 9th:
    Lunch time swim, 2100
    met the tri club for this,
    set was 5*100,4*100,3*100,2*100 with 2*50 as a recovery inbetween,
    I then did an easy 300 to bring up the distance.

    the main 100's were off 1:50 with me coming in around 1:40
    tried not to push the effort I wanted to try and "swim" it, and not splash my way to hit the times,
    felt slightly better in the water.

    Thursday 10th:
    Had my gear to hit the pool but work volume went through the roof and a few problems meant this was skipped.
    So jumped on the rollers, picked these as opposed to the turbo so i could ride them in the TT position, a few hairy moment, but I did 45min no problems at what felt like an easy pace.
    I had to stop after 45min as my left knee was getting very sore,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Friday 11th:
    Frist run back and took it easy.

    Dist 7.5k
    Pace 5:52min/km

    Swim 3500ish
    200 easy
    100 fist
    100 catchup
    100 single arm,
    100 pause on the recovery arm,
    500 B+B but could not find my band :(, so put the buoy between my ankles.
    4 * 500 -not paying any attention to the clock just trying to swim
    got all this done and the young man was still playing so I got a few more east lengths in.
    to finish 100 front scull (i no like these)

    Saturday 12th:
    Long spin cancelled as we got a txt for a football blitz as 10, so I got to have a bit extra sleep.
    Once home got an easy run.

    dist 13.5k
    Time: 1:05
    Pace 4:45min/km

    Got home and the family went shopping, so Stuck the bike on the turbo and watched the Giro.

    Time 2hours
    Dsit 63k
    avg pwer 170, nor 180.

    Sunday 13th:
    Planned an early start, woke at 7 - perfect a nice 3.5 hours, relaxed for a min and then looked at the watch now 7:30 still ok 3 hours will be fine, get up in a second, $h1t it was now 8 :eek:.
    So up and out,
    A nice morning except for the wind, never got going the body was feeling tired and not awake.

    Time 2:20
    Dist 60k
    Avg Pwr 167, Nor 182 with a few adhoc IM efforts in there.

    Not happy with my power o/p at the moment, seems low and while I can hit the power I need on the turbo with no problems the road is different.

    Another recovery week over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 14th:
    200 wu
    Main set
    12*100 off 2 min (in on 1:53 average) - didn't push the pace
    5*200 off 4min (in on 3:53 average)
    3*300 off 6min ( in on 6min so took 10 sec rest)
    100 very very slow.

    Tired not to push pace and concentrate on my stroke, as i find if I try and hit faster pace it falls to bits so I just want to try and work on what I think is ok before I start upping the pace.
    total 3500

    Tuesday 15th:
    Missed the lunch time run, had back to back meetings so no joy.

    VO2 Session.
    Legs feeling very tired and heavy before I start, but the session had to be done.

    10min wu
    6*3min >115% ftp, 3min recovery (305,302,299,296,289,292)
    tried to do a 7th but the power was way down and could not hit the min numbers so recovered for 5min
    10min @80-90% FTP this felt good no problems straying in the range.
    average pwr 214,
    I could have done another 10 as I felt comfortable and not under pressure at all.
    however it was late and almost bed time.

    Have to look at the height of my bars, found it very difficult to stay low during the VO2 sessions and near the end sat up to maintain power.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Wednesday 16th:
    Lunch time swim,
    Got into the pool before the set started (for a change) and got a warm up.

    Main set
    3 reps of
    2*200 in ~3:30
    1*100 in ~ 1:40
    2*50 easy

    feeling better in the water, still trying to make sure I have quality over anything else.

    Did laps of the GSS pitch again while the youngest trained.
    didnt have a plan going into the session as feeling a wee bit on the tired side.
    The first K was sluggish, tried to do a progressive run but this turned in to a tempo feeling effort.
    the main km splits were 4:20,10,00,3:58,4:14,10,12,08,12
    Should have done another k, but when looking at the lap count forgot to remove the frst k, warmup.

    dist: 10.86k
    Pace 4:21min/km

    Thursday 17th:
    went for an easy lunch time run, plodded along at 5:02min/km for 5.5k
    to try and loosen out the legs didnt work

    planned threshold session, and wanted to change it around a bit
    so plan was 10min wu
    then 1,2,4,8,16,32 with 1 min recovery between the efforts @90-95%ftp
    legs were not in it from the start, and i knew it was going to be tuff.
    but got to the 16min effort and my left calf cramped up and had to stop to loosen it out, (it hurt alot:o) got back on a struggled to hit the 8min mark, it was not a matter of suffering as the legs were not sore just empty
    Took a two min recovery, and reset the session
    did 4,3,1,
    pwr: 253,254,250,249,235,246,252,261

    Was empty and dizzy getting off the bike,
    Left knee is a bit tender after this: ummmmmm :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Friday 18th:
    Was heading out for my lunch time run and I was shattered, body was really tired so I changed my mind, got re dressed and headed back to work, felt guilty for it.

    a nice 300 wu
    1K B+B. - no idea of time just swam,
    200 fs
    1K paddles - actual 500 as half way through got a tip on the head and the young man was finished swimming and his usual crowd to play with were not there so session over.
    did some sculling in the deep end while the young man dived in and out.

    Saturday 19th:
    I should have realised from yesterday my big plans for the weekend were in vain. was planning a 140ish K spin this morning with a nice brick on Sunday.
    but alas. The better half had to head home Saturday so I was baby sitting.

    brought the turbo out the back and rode, 10 min warm up and then into a steady effort off 200w, for 90min
    got off the bike grabbed the runners and was heading for a run and I was called the young man wanted to join me so he grabbed the bike and off we set.

    A nice run a few slow places on drags waiting for his good self but solid enough run.

    time 1:40
    Dist: 50k
    Spd: 30km/hr
    Avg Pwr:196
    Nor Pwr: 198

    Dsit 13.4
    Time 1:05
    Pace 4:42

    Sunday morning was a write off, no chance to get on the bike, then Rugby training when home spent the afternoon cutting grass,
    Finally around 9, I had to get out so short run
    legs were dead and heavy; never work up.

    Dist 12.6
    Time 1:00
    Pace 4:47min/km

    A bit pee'd with the end of the week as I was hoping to have a larger volume.

    Need to start adding core work to the training session, as my back is getting sore again and this is one weak area for me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 21st:
    Wetsuit arrived during the week, and was dying to get out and try it (there is a "hole" in the sleeve it does not go through but worried that it may weaken so may have to return it.:(

    anyway bags packed and heading into join @MCOS and the tri club for my first open water swim, and the youngest came up and asked me not to go. he wanted me to stay, they was no backing him down so unpack - a slight bit pi$$ed off but they come first.

    no training for the rest of the day as could not be ar$ed.

    Tuesday 22nd:
    VO2 session, mind was elsewhere so loaded up Sufferfest downward spiral.
    and off we went.
    2 sets of 2:00\1:45\1:30\1:15\1:00\0:45\0:30\0:15 with the same recovery as the interval,
    set 1 were all >330w (up 30watts on the last time I did the set)
    set 2 were >315w (up 10 watts on the last time)
    Spun the legs for 3 min and then out the door for a run

    legs heavy setting off but tried to keep the pace up, simple 11min out and back

    Time: 21min
    Dist: 4.8k
    Pace: 4:23min/km

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Wednesday 23rd:
    Lunch time swim, after missing Monday's swim I wanted to get this in.

    100 wu
    main set (1*200, 3*100, 2*50)*3
    I felt good in the water, never let feet go and was happy and very comfortable during the sets, maybe this was because I had feet to hold, who knows:p
    The 100's were off 1:45 and I was coming in around 1:30\35
    a nice easy 100 to cd and get back here to work.

    Evening Run:
    Did laps of the GAA pitch again, always an odd feeling running around this while young fellas sitting around smoking and laughing at you, or maybe its just paranoia

    The legs and body were tired starting off
    10 min warm up
    6*800 with 500 recovery.
    Ran the 800's with no idea of pace just ran on the verge of been uncomfortable,
    I was tired and the pace did drop off for the last two.
    reps - 3:53,3:56,4:07,3:56,4:00,4:07

    ran a few more laps of the field just to try and loosen the legs out.
    Once home I tried to do some core work but the body was tired, I had work to do and mentally could not get into it,
    The 20min here is so much harder than a 2hour run:(

    Anyway on the plus side, I am going to enter the Hardman and get the IM distance done, So I have to readjust training.

    Anyone got suggestions to how to up the training or should I change what Im doing as to be honest no idea if its correct.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Anyone got suggestions to how to up the training or should I change what Im doing as to be honest no idea if its correct.

    I don't see too much that you are doing wrong - swim is going great as well - some nice fast 100's there! I think Finks competitive plan is up somewhere on the Limerick site - if you compare your training to that I think it will reflect well

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    catweazle wrote: »
    I don't see too much that you are doing wrong - swim is going great as well - some nice fast 100's there! I think Finks competitive plan is up somewhere on the Limerick site - if you compare your training to that I think it will reflect well

    Thanks, nice to know im not too far wrong.
    I will compare what I am doing to Finks and see what I can change.

    thanks agian.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    What date is Hardman?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    What date is Hardman?

    13 weeks away - 25th August.

    Loads of time to refocus his current training ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Goo training BM. There were only 4 or soout at Worlds End on Monday and everyone but myself turned back after 400m. I'll be there again on Monday for 3k straight. Feel fre to park at my gaff and we can car pool if you like.

    RE the IM training: With Hardman in sight. A couple of 6 hour hilly bikes between now and then will set you up nicely. A recce of the ROK too.

    Build it all slowly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    There were only 4 or soout at Worlds End on Monday and everyone but myself turned back after 400m. I'll be there again on Monday for 3k straight.

    I'm hoping to make it there this Monday too but will be much slower than you lot so that should make it 2k for me :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thanks all for the help and support,

    So to get the journey started, it was decided time to hit the open water and try on a wetsuit, found my way to Worlds end, (not a great name for someone getting in the open water for the first time), had a call from one of the tri club and it would be his first of the year so a bit of company, but thankfully not one of the more experienced swimmers,
    So read the instructions on putting on the wetsuit, even a youtube vid and I was set.
    Got there a bit early and started all going well struggled to get my feet in put after a bit of wedging this was done and went to do the top and balls had it on backwards :eek:, so off with it and start again.

    No problems this time, I even like the way it holds in the stomach makes me feel a bit slim.

    So all set and we go the edge and it even looked cold, thankfully I was over heating from the effort of putting on the suit so in I went,
    The first few seconds were fine and was wondering what all the fuss was about, then I felt the suit filling up and gulp was it cold.
    We swam to the far side and then up along.
    Felt great, and the water was fine a nice patches where the sun hit it and a few not so.
    Had my first when I realised I was not sighting enough, swam in to an overhanging tree.
    Had to stop once or twice to keep an eye on the boats, and wait for Paul,
    We were swimming for about 21min (including stops) and had to turn back as I had limited time, but would have loved to keep going.
    On the way back had second fright was pushing the effort a bit, looked up and aimed for a tree looked up again a few stokes later and was almost in the middle of the river,
    Anyway I loved it, was a ball
    Est dist: 2.09K
    Est Time: 43min not sure if this included the waiting time in the water.

    Got home, played with the kids put the wee man to bed and brought the rollers out the back and rode in the remaining sun, and the sweat rolled off me it was hot with no wind to cool me down, thankfully only 2 neighbour can see me to laughh at a middle aged man on a stationary bike in bib shorts.

    5min wu
    30min @220wats
    5 min cd,
    drank 2 liters once i got off. i was parched.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Friday 25th:
    was up to my eyes in work so had to leave the lunch time run, was only a recovery one so not worried.

    500 wu - arms were tired, 3rd day in a row swimming and my arms were tired.
    1K B+B - this was done nice and slow
    1K Paddles - felt good and noticed I was able to feel the catch at times (like holding the water)
    500 fins - kick sets.
    500+ - lost count here, just swimming 100\200's while the wee man played.

    Saturday 26th:
    Bike -
    Run -
    Up early plan was a Brick session,
    Brought the turbo out the back and was setting it up, and I coped my self on, put it away and hit the road for an hour instead, it was heavenly out

    few min warmup
    1 hour - at 1/2 im pace.
    Avg 201w, Np 213
    avg 30k

    Off the bike and about to run and wee man joined me for a cycle so had company.
    The loops was 11k, and from the start my legs never got going, not sure if it was the hard(ish) bike or the heat or something else but it was not nice

    Time 55min
    Dist 11.1K
    Pace 4:57min/km

    Sunday 27th:
    Was tight for time so I planned a loop that i could easily turn if I was running out of time.
    the first few k were slow and my body took time to wake up.
    Once "awake" I tried to ride at im pace (approx 200w- not sure if this is too high) The spin its self was nice, went up the Glen of Aherlow and the view from the top was :cool: once down spotted a road never travelled before so off we set, road surface was not great but stunning views again. Ended up near Dundrum (co Tipp) and spotted another new road with a new climb and it was steep hitting 12%, the road off it was shocking.
    the spin was not the fasted, but with two climbs in it, need to sort out climbing legs
    Anyway after 3 hours I felt great no problems and wanted more.

    Time 3:10
    dist 90k
    Pwr avg 175- Nor 200
    Spd: 29.1
    Cad: 71

    Got home full of energy and about to go for a run and was asked to play golf by the young man, so off we set for 15 holes.
    A nice way to spend the rest of the afternoon,

    Don't think I will get to the ow Monday,
