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Speedy Gonzales or Slowpoke Rodriguez?



  • Registered Users Posts: 19,508 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    T runner wrote: »
    Thats why i think Canova has one long run (45-50k) at 1.14% race pace suggested in the special phase. I suppose if you can do that its a good base for attempting the faster 35k ones.
    Hi T runner, another cracking race (and report). You're definitely in great shape. Stay healthy in that Annagh race, and don't trip on any branches.

    Quick Canova question: thinking about this 45-50k session; how many weeks out from the goal race would you be, during the special phase? My P&D program is currently in the 'Endurance' phase, moving into the LT + Endurance phase, and I was thinking of doing this session (in a race environment) the weekend after next (around 8 weeks out from goal race). Just wondering if this is too early in the typical Canova training lifecycle and could be counter-productive (leading to peaking too early). It kind of fits in with the P&D way of doing things (focus on endurance early, LT and Vo2max later). I'll probably end up doing the race anyway, just wondering if I should try to target the 1.14% or just take it easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 911 ✭✭✭heffsarmy

    Whens the next marathon? What time are u aiming for?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Stazza wrote: »
    I think the work-outs you have lined up are bang on. Are you planning on dropping in some of the longer sessions, like 4x5k etc? Are you also planning, at some stage, to do some buffering sessions? I'm sure you're on top of your nutrition, but make sure you're feasting on antioxidants - you've got to stay healthy during these heavy sessions.:)

    I have just given up sugar again (processed sugar i.e from a bag) and that usually sorts my nutrition. I will eat a large variety of healthy foods as you suggest. Thanks for the reminder!

    Might try 1 longer session and an alternation (buffering) ill be sure i can complete them before attempting so will have 3-4 sessions bagged before i try.
    Hi T runner, another cracking race (and report). You're definitely in great shape. Stay healthy in that Annagh race, and don't trip on any branches.

    Id say touch wood but that might actually be tempting fate!
    Quick Canova question: thinking about this 45-50k session; how many weeks out from the goal race would you be, during the special phase? My P&D program is currently in the 'Endurance' phase, moving into the LT + Endurance phase, and I was thinking of doing this session (in a race environment) the weekend after next (around 8 weeks out from goal race). Just wondering if this is too early in the typical Canova training lifecycle and could be counter-productive (leading to peaking too early). It kind of fits in with the P&D way of doing things (focus on endurance early, LT and Vo2max later). I'll probably end up doing the race anyway, just wondering if I should try to target the 1.14% or just take it easy.
    IO was thinking of doing it Krusty. Canova suggests a 2hr, 2.15, 2, 30, and 2, 45 mins at fundamental pace to build up.

    I was planning on doing 40k at 1.14 MPish.

    Like P and D that zone is chosen for having similarities to marathon rythm and being lipid, using glycogen and fat.

    If youre going at 1.14 pace i wouldnt add more than 5k to your next longest run that youve completed. I dont think youll peak too early i just think it will be difficult to do, and youre risking an injury if the body isnt used to those runs (near that lenght)

    You could do something like 15k easy 30k @1.4 5k easy. Otherwise just run it easy, but youll know yourself. Id guess it should be a progression of youre training. It should benefit your system but if you cant train properly for a week + after then IMO its counter productive.

    Longest im doing now will be 38k. Thats because the longest ive done at that pace is 33k and thats 4 weeks ago now!! Oh dear
    heffsarmy wrote: »
    Whens the next marathon? What time are u aiming for?

    Rotterdam April 15th.

    Heff, I should be somewhere between 2:30 and 2:35....Ill know for sure in the next 3 weeks when i start trying out marathon effort.

  • Registered Users Posts: 911 ✭✭✭heffsarmy

    I'll be there myself aiming for a similar target, gonna try some of your marathon sessions. I only started training two weeks ago, I was out for a few weeks with an injury. I'll be watching your blog with interest, Good luck with the training, see you in Rotterdam.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    heffsarmy wrote: »
    I'll be there myself aiming for a similar target, gonna try some of your marathon sessions. I only started training two weeks ago, I was out for a few weeks with an injury. I'll be watching your blog with interest, Good luck with the training, see you in Rotterdam.

    You too! Not a million miles from Daniels with 2 big runs per week. I wont be taking any chances with them though: i wont be doing any sessions that im not confident of being able to complete.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Tuesday 7/2/2012

    Lunch: easy 8k inc West pier. Good location for a dedicated recovery run.

    PM run home 13k inc 11-12 by 80-100m strides

    The form felt better than in a few weeks..felt upright and relatively strong.
    I originally assumed that it was due to having done a XC race last weekend and not a hill race but that wouldnt explain all of it.

    I did a core session (a small one on monday~)..first one in a while.
    Im starting to think that as well as strenght from a core workout, a lot is actually gained from muscle memory.

    I.e you do a core workout with good technique and posture the previous day and then you run your session with good remembered posture and form.

    I have noticed that when i eat well and do my core workouts i seem to be stronger in these sessions.

    Well i should have done a core workout yesterday in prep for tonights long run so.

    Will be brisk tonight, but controlled. The last 30 mins will be tough as ill be breaking ground i broke 4 weeks ago as well as some extra, but this run should set me up to progress to the longer and then harder efforts ahead.
    35k planned. Roast chicken for dinner after will be devoured!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 784 ✭✭✭Stazza

    Good luck with the long run tonight. Think of the roast chicken in those last few miles and you'll fly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Stazza wrote: »
    Good luck with the long run tonight. Think of the roast chicken in those last few miles and you'll fly.

    THanks, I did and it worked. With 9k to go i was still running away from the house and feeling low when i remembered it. Once i turned home the roast chicken was calling me, big time.

    Wed 9/2/2012

    34.5k 3.59 (.85) pace (6.26 mile pace)

    Happy with the run. Didnt feel great starting and everytime i was trying to get into it something happenned to twart me: difficult road crossings, pit stop, people in the narrow back alley behind Blackrock dart, Siberian huskey pups chasing me and playing with me as if i was one of the pack (i wasnt hallucinating).
    Anyway, got a titbit of simple advice today from a successful marathoner: keep it controlled. So i just concentrated on staying relaxed not pushing and it worked.

    Last 2k were toughish. But the goal was extension at a lipid pace so 2k at the end is expected. In fact it means that the high mileage since my 33k run one month ago has sustained some of the gains from that. I was afraid of going flat today after 1h45.

    My objective for the last 10k was to keep the 3:59 ave pace on my garmin without having to grind too much. Just about managed.

    I think ill be doing 2 more of these for definite. (more if i need a relatively easy session to replace a harder one: this was hard today but should get easier).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 784 ✭✭✭Stazza

    Well done. Confidence has got to be sky high after that run. You've a great platform to build on. Recover well and make chicken soup with the left overs, of course, that presupposes that there are left overs.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Thursday 9/2/2012

    Lunch: 5k easy wi Corework

    PM: 13 k easy

    Friday 10/2/2012

    10 k easy

    Saturday 11/2/2012

    am 10k easy
    pm 10k easy

    Sunday 12/2/2012

    Annagh Hill race: report to follow

    Monday 13/2/2012

    Lunch 16.5 k easy
    PM 9.5 k easy

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,120 ✭✭✭GoHardOrGoHome

    Ehhh.... where's the report?! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    I was worried about this one. I had no specific training for the long steep initial climb, there was going to be a lot of rough stuff there-after and there might be faster runners than me on the fire-road to drop.

    Met Kiwirunner and Ciaran on the Luas. Kiwirunner is excellent on the rough stuff and is usually faster than me on the not so rough stuff. He had been doing more aerobic trail running recently in NZ. Wasn’t sure if that was good or bad (for me).
    Onto the bus pops Alan Kelly. I had worked out that for Alan to win the League, he’d need to show and beat me on this race. Hadn’t planned for Alan and he had planned for me, I had no doubt. I knew what his tactics might be too…follow me through the rough sections: strike during the fast ones. There was Enduro who would be more at home here (although he would play it safe late in the race he disclosed to me before the start) and as we neared the Gap someone pointed out Pablo T. So much to fear here.
    A smooth bus journey and just a number pickup instead of registration helped calm the apprehension (well done to D’Pop an excellently organised race and the excellent bus idea has set a precedent for others to follow). Was able to get out quickly to recce the start and finish. Met Enduro and Martin F who were also sussing the climb. Seemed to be a small sheep track just to the left of the initial stumpy trail which looked a nicer option.
    I climbed the 400m elevation where I saw that the final 50m was not as steep. Good to know.
    Traversed and took in the descent.

    Off we went. Martin F taking a huge lead with another lad. Pablo T, Alan and Eanna Cunnane were close by. Kiwirunner just behind me. Eanna C is a runner of strong pedigree slowly working back to fitness, a dangerous opponent if he’s in the game.
    Pablo T took it up, then Alan K took it as it was getting steeper. He had no choice I was not going to take it before my switching to the sheep path trick.
    After a minute I skipped over to the sheep path. Maybe this would unnerve Alan, inflate the (I’m new to this stuff doubt). Not at all he skipped in right behind me in second, where he wanted to be. Eanna was third and the rest of the podium hunters just behind. Had elevation set on my Garmin and just kept jogging steadily.
    There’s my wall crossing point, over I go. Alan takes it better and almost lands in the lead. Kiwirunner has crossed earlier and is now almost attached to the group of 3, Eanna in third. I keep jogging, feeling OK…I noticed Alan and Eanna are walking. The climb starts to vary slightly in gradient. I make sure not to recover during the shallower bits as I’m feeling good. This means that the lads either have to walk faster or jog for these bits. I noticed small gaps opening and closing for these sections. Good that means these bits are hurting them (I hope). We reach 400 metres and it gets shallower. I keep the effort constant. There won’t be any rest now. Same effort but covering the ground faster. The lads are still there which is worrying but I’m feeling fine although the length of the climb is getting to me slightly now. There’s the gate. Ok I’m going to take off as soon as I’m through there.
    Through I go, I try and kick. Nothing there she*T!. I push but I’m slogging. Change of plan. Out of the corner of my eye I see that I’ve actually got 15 metres. The transition from steep walking to running is difficult. Blood has to be moved to accommodate the running movement. I can’t go any faster but I’m disappearing into the mist. I’m clear now and stupidly I’m talking a line away from the main path. The path is muddy but its flat and fast and I’ve adequate grip.
    On the descent I’m wasting time leaping over heather unnexessarily still off-path. I hear the tell-tale splashing of two runners closing on the path to my right. Annoyed I cross back onto the path and let go on the descent. Not forcing it but just steady effort and letting gravity do the work. I’m expecting to be passed any minute but the footsteps recede. That means that neither Kiwirunner (or Pablo T in hindsight) are in that group, so it’s Eanna and Alan). I jump over the wall and see no-one coming down the hill. Good. I cant see them : they can’t see me. Turn left and analyse the route quickly: There’s the wall continuing: I know from the satellite view on the map that we don’t cross that (there’s an inviting gap). Yep there are the markers and a nasty mini hill to climb. I need to be up and over that before the posse gets here. Schlllopppp!!! The mud monster has me. I’m thigh deep in a huge mud hole. Struggle out of this, my face covered in mud some in my eyes but nothing serious.

    I know I’m going to be seen now. Up I go, I hear shouting behind…more shouting. Someone has gone wrong. (In hindsight it may have been Kiwirunner; Eanna and Alan told me after they were chasing me for a while before they lost sight and went wrong.
    Ok. Direct and hard now. Couldn’t possibly be another. Shhhloppp. In to my thigh again trying to steal a corner on an innocuous looking puddle. Change of plan, again. Wide berth of anything resembling a puddle, it could be a quick sand lake in disguise. Ran either very close to the wall on the left side or close to tree trunks on the right. This worked well and I got a good rhythm going. Steady effort, eyes working to save the seconds. I had picked out this section as important. If you can get momentum here over the ups and downs you’ll make time.
    Onto the downhill fire road and I’m cruising nicely. Not worrying to much about underfoot terrain; just avoiding brushings and keeping momentum. My Garmin tells me 4.4k has passed and right on cue (thanks D’Pop!) the road begins to rise. When it switches back I look into the mist-no-one and I sense it’s a big gap as its very silent. I have a slight inkling that I may have had a bit of luck here- the gap should have been smaller.

    Anyway, I’m still feeling good and the gap means I can plan the climb. With as even an effort as possible. I keep a good climbing cadence, not ascending too fast but steady: any time it flattens I accelerate and slow again into the next climb. I pass Isabelle Lemee who tells me there’s no-one coming and then later shouts up that there’s still no-one. That’s good. As it flattens out before the lakes I’m running a minute before I realise I’m dawdling and that anyone chasing will be covering tis ground quickly. Here’s the lakes: skirt the left hand of first two straight through the second. It’s cold I’m Surprised even though I’m expecting it. (If the day was very cold I would have worn leggings out of respect for this lake). A shock to the system again and I accelerate as I had planned to force myself back on track. The descent arrives quicker than expected. Cruise the steep parts; push the flat parts is the tactic. After a poor “cruising” of the rougher than expected first fire road I am more aggressive: a hairy moment on the second last rough descent over rough stones and then I’m finally sure I have it. I punish the little pools in the right hand rut of the second last flat bit for the crimes of their Mud pool cousins by splashing straight through them and run strongly to the line. Not that far back Pablo T holds off Kiwirunner in a battle for second.

    I thought Alan K and Eanna C were very unlucky. If they hadn’t got wrong, they would have been within a minute coming onto the fast fire road with most of the rough stuff behind. If they get sight of me on the ridge then all bets are off.
    Anyway delighted I did the winter league now. I’m fitter than I’ve ever been, and this is the enjoyment part. Marathon training from now on.

    For anyone hill runners keen to improve id have the following advice: Your aerobic capacity decides which mini league of runners you are competing against (or which decade in minutes you finish in)---subsequent sessions only decide if you gain a place or two from there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,608 ✭✭✭donothoponpop

    Brilliant report T. No mention of recovery, on a course where its very easy to slack off and recover in sections, kudos on getting the WL, good reward for your training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Brilliant report T. No mention of recovery, on a course where its very easy to slack off and recover in sections, kudos on getting the WL, good reward for your training.

    Thanks D'Pop. I guess it was an even effort mostly. Slightly steadier on the flats. Just under LT on the climbing. Because the legs are very strong the hard descents dont take as much out of me so getting recovery there.

    My recovery has vastly improved on the high volume of training ive noticed: both in time after a hard race or session--- and in minutes after a hard effort in a race. I suppose heavy lactate sessions (tough hill reps for instance) will enable you to dig that little deeper but again 80% of the gain seems to come from a higher aerobic capacity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,508 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    A 3 for 3 clean sweep against some really strong talent should give you some perspective of the kind of shape you're in. I look forward to purchasing your book 'The finer points of Canova training and how it improves hill-running performance' by T-Runner; in the near future.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Thanks Krusty, Hopefully the book isnt called 'The finer points of Canova training and how it improves (marathon destroying) hill-running performance'

    Youll be penning a book yourself judging by how your marathon sessions are going. I better actually get down to a few Canova specific sessions soon so!!

    But, definately the Canova style high volume fundamental phase with all sorts of different paced aerobic running has been a huge stimulus to my fitness.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 784 ✭✭✭Stazza

    Well done T. Everything seems to be ticking along nicely. I think the title of your book should be: 'Canova's Mountain Goat'.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Tuesday 14/2/2012

    13k easy.

    Annagh Hill still in the legs so i think Ill run easy this evening and do my planned 7 by 2k tomorrow morning.

    A few things I need to tick as im entereing a crucial phase.

    Nutrition: Absolutely no sugar of the granular variety to be added to food. Energy to be supplied by nutritious food only which should aid training and avoid illness.

    Core: Essential to do 3 workouts a week. They only have to be 15 minutes but i cant be weak in this area and expect to run tall and relaxed in these specific sessions.

    Volume: Slipping a little as race tiredness sets in. Need to recover with easy doubles and re-establish my 160k weeks for 2-3 weeks (until Half marathon).
    Then i can recover as needed between hard sessions.

    Form: Strides 10-12 by 100m relaxed at least once a week.

    Hills: Maintain hill gains by doing Canovas 10 by all-out uphill sprints once a week.

    Flexibility and maintenance: Need to stretch a little (dynamic or static) any time im feeling a little tired or stiff. Badly need a massage.

    Going to do Bohermeen half on 3rd March. Also thinking of Renaultzerun 20 miler at Eastwall/Docklands. 4 by 5 mile laps. For the latter im thinking 5 mile easy (4:20 pace) and 15 miles at race effort, whatever that will be.

    Sessions should be stepping stones to these. Ill have a: 6 X 3k at HM pace; and a: medium long run with some @ M effort.

    Should do a Canova style long run with pace variations also...Ouch.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner


    Lunch 11k easy

    PM: 13k easy inc. 12 X 100m relaxed fast strides.


    Lunch 6k easy inc corework and stretching

    Needed the strides yesterday to shake teh weekends race out of the legs. Not quite recovered for a session but will do that on this evenings commute.

    Plan is for 7 by 7 mins. Wind is against so not ideal but the speed will be significantly up on hill running for LT work.

    Weekend long run still in the planning stage. I think i might throw in 13k at a harder effort. Run would be 34k in total. The 38k fast long run run would be the following weekend and this should be a better stimulus than in the reverse order. Bohermeen half is the following weekend so probably a 70-80 minute run in the lipid range and perhaps some 200s in that weeks lead up.

    Next weeks midweek session would be 6 X 3k OR 6 by 10 mins.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Ticking along nicely. Well done on recent race wins. Looking forward to seeing what times you run on the road. Best of luck

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Thursday 16/2/2012

    Lunch: 6k easy with Core work.

    PM: 23k inc. 7 X 2k (ave 7:14)

    Not great on paper but into a stiff wind and hilly enough. That said im definately missing the 3-4 LT sessions/Long fast runs that i missed due to my hill racing.

    No panic. I may have to address this or not. I remember reading that Johnathon Wyatt was able to come from hill running to track racing ina relatively short time. A bit of reading may be required to see if i can apply a little tweaking to cram in a little speed and what suitable half sessions or two might suffice.

    I noticed a couple of form issues. Core is weak, but im addressing this.
    I also noticed my trailing leg is coming through very low. I wasnt looking for this but i noticed it felt sluggish and it was an effort to pull it through. When i picked my legs up it came through easily: ran faster but this was more of an effort (not used to it). The reason is that most of my running has to date been slower than race pace with my average speed (of all training runs) tailing off significantly due to recent racing.

    Ill read up on Wyatt but a couple of half speed sessions as well as more focused strides and drills are probably in order.

    Maybe a 5k at not quite full effort might do the trick...will see.

    This means that i wont really be able to get a good track on what my internal load is until my average speed (on faster than pace runs) starts to match my fitness. Hopefully things will come together in a few weeks, will just plug away.

    Psychologically i found the idea of last nights session difficult. After finishing the winter league i had the sensation of "job well done lad, take a rest my son". That should have occured to me. Have been building up since early October really so its not surprising to have a little psychological weariness.

    With this in mind i think i need to target the Bohermeen half for good time. The thought of it even perks me up. Ill run slighly slower than HM race pace for the first few K (its also vital to run a strong overall effort for the bigger picture; out hard and fade is a bad day at the Rotterdam Office) and push on then.

    If i do the 20 miler on the docks ill know closer to the day how much to do at M efort.

    This mornings weight was just 61 kg. Lightest I have been in many years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 830 ✭✭✭ocnoc

    Just out of curiosity, do you find double running works better than getting all the mileage in in one run?

    Cudos on the winter league. Looks like it wasn't all sh1t talking on the route up Tonelagee :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    ocnoc wrote: »
    Just out of curiosity, do you find double running works better than getting all the mileage in in one run?

    Cudos on the winter league. Looks like it wasn't all sh1t talking on the route up Tonelagee :pac:

    It depends. I have increased my volume significantly (60-80%). To do this traditionally you follow the no more than 10% increase blah blah rule.

    You can increase more by adding doubles--- you reduce greatly the risk of injury as your run times are not greatly increasing but your run frequency is. That means that you are recovered at the start of the extra mileage so to speak rather than adding the extra mileage onto the end of a run where youre more likely to risk injury.

    Ive obviously ahd a very positive adaption to my aerobic capacity as a result. Frequency of running means veins are opened twice a day, the cardiovascular system is stimulated twice and so on and the bodt takes account of this and makes appropriate adaptions. (these are only my opinions BTW).

    What i could change is that i would so one of my daily regular runs longer, the other shorter (in teh build-up)--that would be more specific to the marathon. The latter stages i wont change: 2 specific sessions per week---recovery between keeping overall volume high.

    The reason i dont is that physically i couldnt jump from 80-100k pw to 150-160k pw and run 16-18k in one of my runs every day. The volume would have to drop to 130k ish and that would be less of a stimulus to my aerobic capacity than what i do now; which is paramount.

    Ideally: high volume in doubles with one run longer than the second in the build up. Both runs at fastish aerobic paces, variation desireable. One long run day (run 13 times).
    Specific: 2 specific sessions per week---recovery between keeping overall volume high.

    second best option: high volume in doubles; fast aerobic paces if possible; lenght of each run of secondary importance. One long run day (run 13 times or whatever is poss).
    Specific: 2 specific sessions per week---recovery between keeping overall volume high.

    Thanks re. Winter League. Some of the scalps stayed away though..........

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    T runner wrote: »
    It depends.............
    Ideally: high volume in doubles with one run longer than the second in the build up. Both runs at fastish aerobic paces, variation desireable. One long run day (run 13 times).
    Specific: 2 specific sessions per week---recovery between keeping overall volume high.

    second best option: high volume in doubles; fast aerobic paces if possible; lenght of each run of secondary importance. One long run day (run 13 times or whatever is poss).
    Specific: 2 specific sessions per week---recovery between keeping overall volume high.

    Actually, the real reason that the runs are as they are is because thats what i can manage at work and thats the lenght of the commute home.

    Therefore things may not change much next year. The stimulud might have to come by running more kilometers moderate/steady instead of easy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Friday 17/2/2012

    AM 13k easy into work....very slow to start.

    A bit of cycling at lunch and home 1 hr say easy

    PM: 10k easy.

    Ran this at 4:20-30 pace. Was going to run it slower but in a moment of clarity i knew that this pace would give me the recovery my body needed. And i was right. Sometimes when your feeling tired you tend to run recoeries too slow and only half recover. Ran at the correct pace; flushed my legs out completely and feel back to normal again. A good recovery run.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Saturday 18/2/2012

    AM 11.5k easy

    PM 9.5k easy

    Total 20k


    35.75 k @ 4:12 pace 2:30 approx


    AM 11.5 easy
    PM 9.5 easy

    Was going to extend a run i did involving external laps of Phoenix Park with perhaps one lap done at tempo pace.

    I was hobbling for the first half hour and with some residual tiredness from recent racing and training i made a pact with myself to run this easy.

    I hadnt really planned it well as the external laps meant i was dealing with a lot of traffic on the loop. I cut into the park and was fighting wind for a while. Felt fine at 2hrs so upped it a little (wind assisted) running the last 30 mintes at sub 4 minute pace. I honestly only felt my upper thoghs warm up then.

    In the end it was a P and D style run rather than a Canova fundamental/special long run and no harm to mix it up.

    Feeling very stiff again for yesterdays recoveries too.

    A PM from Seanynova (thanks Seany)made me realise that a big contributor towards my form and strenght was the steep canova style uphills. This also helps stiffness as the range of motion is increased.

    Such a session is called for this lunchtime. My Special session this week will be my midweek long run with pace added to the end. A tough 38k fast long run at teh weekend will be my longest of the campaign. No easy sessions after that as the goal and taper comes into sight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Tuesday 21/2/2012


    10k Easy (inc 5 by 15s up steps 100% effort.)


    13 k easy (about 4:10 -15 pace)

    Up till Monday i had been very worried that i had overcooked: overreaching training hard through a racing period. My lower legs (under calves) felt achingly sore evry morning. I was stiff, tight, inflexible just managing to hobble. My long weekend run wasnt really run with any freedom.

    One run later and all is well again. I managed 5 hard uphill reps of Killiney hill. This gave me flexibility and power back to my ankles and legs and blew away any stiffness. Running home at 4:10 ish pace felt good. A little residual tiredness but nothing unusual.

    To further the push to help range of leg movement and speed, im going to do 20 by 200 at 10k-5k pace or equiv fartlek tonight. This should heklp tommorrows session which will either be a 25k run with 40ish minutes at tempo. Or else Canovas 6 X 3k at HM effort with 3 mins jog. Think its time to start doing the hard ones TBH. This will be a good builder and should kick in for Bohermeen 9 days later.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner


    East Day: 7.8 k X 2 (massage in between).

    Will probably do the continous run instead of the 6 X 3k (or 10 mins). Not good to do a session day after a massage so will do a fast medium long run as a compromise. 45 days to go....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Thursday 23/2/2012

    25k @ 3.46km (6.04m)

    Brand new bouncy pair of lunar racers out of package this AM, an excuciating but very necessary massage last night and some of the doubts haunting the last week or two receded. I was advised to take it easy today by the giver of the massage so i opted for the continous run rather than the session. eh...that box ticked i decided i would go hard within the easy confines of the continous run. So went hardish from the start with the intention of holding a strong pace for the duration. I found hills particularly tough and i reckon it might be to do with residue in the blood needing clearing out after the massage. Anyway recovered quickly after each rise. Most of it was along the coast into a stiff breeze so im very happy with the pace. ..(although first couple of k was winmd assisted and elevation dropped 25m over the run). Got into a comfortable rythm second half.

    I notice a slight ache around the stabliliser muscles near my pelvis (i guess?) and a reminder to get my core in order. Form not great for second half so gains to be made here.

    An encouraging run and timely confidence booster. If i can do my 38k long run at a slower but strong pace, then i should be in good shape for my HM and the 4-5 big specific runs before i start to taper.

    3 things i did right this week:

    1. massage
    2. renew uphill sprints.
    3. Was pro-active when things were not going well (that should be first)

    Feel im kinda back on track now after the risky racing period. Fingers crossed. Right...time for Inspector Morse!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,508 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    T runner wrote: »
    Thursday 23/2/2012
    I was advised to take it easy today by the giver of the massage
    = 15 miles at just over 6 minute/mile? My interpretation would've been a bit different! Stonking run for a Thursday night.
