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Speedy Gonzales or Slowpoke Rodriguez?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner


    Lunch 14k grass and road easy

    PM 9.5k easy pace wi 8 by 100m strides

    Doubtful for that race tommorrow. May do long run instead (sensible option). a cup of tea and chat in the Summit after a hill race is tempting though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,800 ✭✭✭thirstywork2

    Congrats on the win today.sensible option never gona happen when there is a hill race on :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Congrats on the win today.sensible option never gona happen when there is a hill race on :D

    Thanks! Keeping at only one hill race is the problem though! A one off race will be a nice kick to the AnT. Winter league is tempting but were getting closer to marathon time. AnT runs should from now on be at more specific speeds, winter league is right intensity but wrong pace. Ive been rationalising ways to do other races all day. Doing fast reps after a hill race sounds crazy but might nullify and losses of leg speed. Anyway this was my worry with Howth. If I did well id be sucked into the Winter League. Going to try and do summer season so ill have to settle for that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner


    AM IMRA Howth 5.25 k 22.25 1st place (13k total)

    Report. I knew id probably have a chance at at least a top 3 for this one. Ive never been as aerobically fit or strong or light. There might be 1 or two there whod beat me, but id more than likely get a place.

    I did a good warm up taking in the route around the deerpark loop. The deerpark loop descends from the high point of deer park, twisting and turning sharply down through forest skirting Deerpark GC and climbing back to starting point. A Steep climb then follows before a flat section and the final pull up to the Ben of Howth. A direct descent from there back to the GAA pitches for a lap. The same lap is done at the start and we climb moderately after before turning right towards deerpark and a descent and small climb before the derpark loop.

    Got to run half the final descent also during warmup.

    I figured it was narrow in general and if i was going to do well id want a clear line of sight in front of me i.e try to lead off the initial lap.

    Spotted Enduro during the warm up and Martin Bradshaw. It was these two i feared. I always lose to Enduro: any time ive actually been in a position to beat him something unusual has happened---usually just after he took the voodoo doll out.

    The race started very fast. I was trying to hide from the wind but this wasnt easy. Martin was doing the same. Enduro had settled back a bit. When we turned to run the width after the second pitch lenght the pace eased slighly and i moved to the front to enact the plan to lead up the first hill. Managed that and at the top Martin was behind by a few metres with a gap behind to teh chasing group. Enduro was obviously feeling his great efforts from The Art O'Neill and i reckoned a two horse race it was now. Turning right and downhill the small gap back to Martin was still there and i decided to keep the pressure on him.
    After reccing this part i was able to take the descent fast and ran hard through the uphill to deerpark summit and the gap had opened now. If i could manage the twisty descent here id be in good shape. Did that well and climbing back up i sensed a good gap. I could now lower the intensity after my efforts of losing Martin and play percentages.
    Passed a large familly on the climb up the steps and looking down i couldnt see anyone. Just as well as it was steep. On shallower climbs high mileage roadruinning will give you gears like on the flat. On steep climbs unless you train specifically you have only one sustaineable gear: jog slowly. Reached deerpark top again at last. Again i could cruise the subsequent descent recover again before the next horrible steep one.
    The advantage of having a gap is you can time trial evenly in effort it and not have to worry about someone right behind. That means you wont blow on the climbs, which was becoming the major remaining danger.
    Jogged up the horrible steep one. Did reps up this once and it took over 2 mins. As i neared 2/3 up i saw runners climbing below, and after my initial fright i worked out that i ahd a minute +.
    Good. That means i can ease into it after i summit and then pick it up, keeping the effort even i luxury i wouldnt have if id company. Last little climb for the Ben comiong up. Shallower..keep working but keep steady. Down teh far side. Uh oh wheres the path gone. I look back the course and runners are snaking their way towards me. Get it together! OK, i walk back about 25 metres to the last tape and look again. Theres the path! Great off again theres the pitches. Around i go, lovely tail wind, think ive a couple of lenghts of pitches which im delighted with. Lunches are sore. They havent been blown up like this iun ages. Feels like somone was using an air matress pump on them.

    Canova mentions the importance of internal loads early in marathon training. This run helped my AnT. Unfortunately the externalload is now important as im 12 weeks out now from marathon. I need to hit road racing paces for my LT not hill racing paces even if the internalload is equivalent. So i should not complete the winter league.

    Anyway that was my treat for my training to date and i wont be greedy.

    Now for a not so attractive 9.5 k recovery. aaaahhh

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    Nice report T. You looked well comfortable heading towards the finish. Well done. Question is, does one turn his back on the other WL races now ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,507 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Well done T runner. Should give you a good boost, in terms of knowing where you are right now. Now the fun starts!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,608 ✭✭✭donothoponpop

    Great win and report TRunner, and a non-running volunteer for every WL race left, love it ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Great win and report TRunner, and a non-running volunteer for every WL race left, love it ;)

    I'll be doing my usual CC direction and 2-3 laptops etc but none this side of marathon. Plenty to keep me busy with my 8 month old daughter learning to run!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    nice one T runner, good race....sweet to get top spot!

    from your recent posts you seem to be basing a lot of you current fitness levels to your aerobic base....can you share some of the paces you trained at during this phase and you mileage progression.

    currently im tagetting a 5k next year and follwing that im toying with the idea of running a half marathon, sure enough ill be targetting a PB but the goal for that race is actually to give me a more solid basr heading into a 10k plan.
    during the 7 allocated half marathon training weeks i plan do mainly tempo work and run lots of miles. do you(or canova) advice on doing 2 session a week + a long run or would one session a week be enough + long run....any pace advice for those?


    enjoying following your alternative approach to marathon training, im sure we all have lot to gain from it....keep it up!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    seanynova wrote: »
    nice one T runner, good race....sweet to get top spot!

    from your recent posts you seem to be basing a lot of you current fitness levels to your aerobic base....can you share some of the paces you trained at during this phase and you mileage progression.

    currently im tagetting a 5k next year and follwing that im toying with the idea of running a half marathon, sure enough ill be targetting a PB but the goal for that race is actually to give me a more solid basr heading into a 10k plan.
    during the 7 allocated half marathon training weeks i plan do mainly tempo work and run lots of miles. do you(or canova) advice on doing 2 session a week + a long run or would one session a week be enough + long run....any pace advice for those?


    enjoying following your alternative approach to marathon training, im sure we all have lot to gain from it....keep it up!

    Hi seany, I startedv thisa distance buildup in late september. I tried to run most of my runs briskly. From 10mile pace to slighly slower than marathon pace. My staple run was a 10k run at marathon effort. i cut the distance down when iw as tired so that i could still run at a brisk pace. I did have to take an easy run when i was tired but this was done at a suprisingly fast pace. ie my efficiency had already improved as a result of the faster running. After a couple of months i started adopting the principles of Canovas fundamentalphase. I interpret it as make up any aerobic session you can think of so long as its varied. I threw in a couple of uphill max effort sprint mini sessions at the end of some runs and strides when i felt my form dipping or i was getting stiff. I did do some very easy runs but this was as much for psychological reasons as for physicxalones.

    I did half marathon in mind and i built up my long run, always run at a good clip. I did 1 medium long run a week. Because teh other runningw as fast these were fast and the improvement was in extending their distance.

    Im still doing mostly aerobic but im on high mileage for the marathon so a lot of the runs are definately recovery. I hope to improve my overall speed as the marathon nears.

    My usual sessions now are 1 long fast run. 1 medium long fast run. Loads of 10k recoveries a medium long progression run.

    My volume was: sept-october 80-100k; oct-nov 90-130 k nov -dec 100-160k,
    jan ave 160k ish.

    If iw as doing thsi again id do 1 or 2 more easy runs in the early stages to build higher mileage quicker.

    This is more or less what ive learned from the high mileage:

    The order of our improvement should be building your aerobic capacity to maximum first. If i averaged 120k for say 6 months this time, next time it might be 150k, 180k, 200k. I stilhavent reached my aerobic potential. We each ahve that much improvement potential.

    Id say do a big aerobic build upo with all sorts of aerobic paces including strides and 200s for form. Run most of these paces at your racing cadence.
    Do all sorts of tempo runs, progression runs etc. Do races too as reward and for feedback. But races should be your most anaerobic work.

    This run is good for 5ks in the first period:

    45-70 mins @ 1.15-1.25 slower than race pace.

    As the target race nears you should add standard prep sessions (1 per week) for 5k, and bring the key continous run down to 20 mins or under hard.

    e.g 12 by 400 at 5k 1 min rest pace add 2 rteps per week. keep the training mainly aerobinc and high volume and fast, only sharpen close to rtace time.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Nice report T. You looked well comfortable heading towards the finish. Well done. Question is, does one turn his back on the other WL races now ;)

    I think Ill have to SJ. The Winter League is great for fitness and raising AnT. Unfirtunately i need to raise it while running fast road running speeds.

    I would almost have to do speed sessions to nullify the lack of gains in road speed. All running now bar recovery needs to be clipping it at a good lick.

    That means that the Winter League will hurt my marathon time. So ill have to do my marathon running now and my mountain running in the summer.

    I might put trying to qualify in a summer trial as a target and do a very high volume build up again.

    Canova talked about an athlete of his, think he was world record holder for the steeple chase who had no opposition anywhere in the world. He didnt have to train hard and hed walk any steeple race. As a stimulus Canova set him the target of beating Bekele in a 5k in a big meet later that year. Canova said that the training stimulus by applying this target as oppsoed to not applying it could be quantified and was significant.

    After the run yesterday i feel my training has been vindicated and rewarded a little. I am now refreshed and ready to ahve a good cut at the remaining 12 weeks training. So doing the race yesterday was a good training stimulus for me. I now believe in the training and will continue in a committed sure fashion. Doing the winter league would be wandering off the path though, unfortunately.

    Edit: not comparing myself to that guy or anything obviously. His stimulus was tarining to beat Bekele: mine was getting positive feedback from a good result.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Well done T runner. Should give you a good boost, in terms of knowing where you are right now. Now the fun starts!

    I know, i actually better start formulating some kind of progressive plan. Im kind of slowly evolving it as is but time to start adding some pace work soon.
    Have national intermediate on feb 5th. Ill be doing a 1k session this week for that and maybe 2k reps, after that its specialising a bit for teh marathon with an eye on the Bohermeen half early march.

    Possibilities there: full effort HM; 10 mile easy then HM at M pace; 10.5k at M pace---then 10.5k at HM pace. Like the last one at the moment.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Sunday 22/1/2012

    PM 6k recovery


    Threadmill 2hrs easy. Then 20 min rest (playing with baby) then 9.5k at about 4:10 pace.

    Total 34k

    Wanted to run long but decided soft surface of threadmill was best option to avoid injury. Did 9.5 k a little faster outside mainly on grass. I was gobbling dextrose during my threadmill run and at the turnaround of my 9.5k effort i felt drained of energy. I thought this might be glygogen depletion so i decided it would be beneficial to push steady for the return 5k. Hard at start but after a while i was OK again. Maybe it was just dextrose wearing off.

    Anyway threadmill optionw as right one, legs are tired but not sore today.

    I had also been panicking about sessions i should be doing etc as race gers closer but as long as im improving and getting slighly more specific im probably on the right track.

    Recovery today; maybe easy fartlek tommorrow. I think im going to redo my hilly progression run of a few weeks ago this time extended to 4 laps.

    I may add HM pace 2k reps to the mix next week, will see. Will be keeping (rotating)_the sessions taht ahve worked up till now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    T runner wrote: »
    Hi seany, I startedv thisa distance buildup in late september. I tried to run most of my runs briskly. From 10mile pace to slighly slower than marathon pace. My staple run was a 10k run at marathon effort. i cut the distance down when iw as tired so that i could still run at a brisk pace. I did have to take an easy run when i was tired but this was done at a suprisingly fast pace. ie my efficiency had already improved as a result of the faster running. After a couple of months i started adopting the principles of Canovas fundamentalphase. I interpret it as make up any aerobic session you can think of so long as its varied. I threw in a couple of uphill max effort sprint mini sessions at the end of some runs and strides when i felt my form dipping or i was getting stiff. I did do some very easy runs but this was as much for psychological reasons as for physicxalones.

    I did half marathon in mind and i built up my long run, always run at a good clip. I did 1 medium long run a week. Because teh other runningw as fast these were fast and the improvement was in extending their distance.

    Im still doing mostly aerobic but im on high mileage for the marathon so a lot of the runs are definately recovery. I hope to improve my overall speed as the marathon nears.

    My usual sessions now are 1 long fast run. 1 medium long fast run. Loads of 10k recoveries a medium long progression run.

    My volume was: sept-october 80-100k; oct-nov 90-130 k nov -dec 100-160k,
    jan ave 160k ish.

    If iw as doing thsi again id do 1 or 2 more easy runs in the early stages to build higher mileage quicker.

    This is more or less what ive learned from the high mileage:

    The order of our improvement should be building your aerobic capacity to maximum first. If i averaged 120k for say 6 months this time, next time it might be 150k, 180k, 200k. I stilhavent reached my aerobic potential. We each ahve that much improvement potential.

    Id say do a big aerobic build upo with all sorts of aerobic paces including strides and 200s for form. Run most of these paces at your racing cadence.
    Do all sorts of tempo runs, progression runs etc. Do races too as reward and for feedback. But races should be your most anaerobic work.

    This run is good for 5ks in the first period:

    45-70 mins @ 1.15-1.25 slower than race pace.

    As the target race nears you should add standard prep sessions (1 per week) for 5k, and bring the key continous run down to 20 mins or under hard.

    e.g 12 by 400 at 5k 1 min rest pace add 2 rteps per week. keep the training mainly aerobinc and high volume and fast, only sharpen close to rtace time.

    running that mileage really seems to have improved your output without nesessarily doing specific sessions, eg tempo, intervals mo farah, going from winning the new york half, to pumping out 3k-10k at world class my mind it was done after a large aerobic phase(half training).
    months of aerobic base would be ideal, but ill have a much shorter base when i get to it, about 7-8weeks.

    from the above it seems that when i am upping the mileage i should drop the intense sessions, running longer adjusted tempos would be ok, but getting in the med & long runs and doubling up on 10k's would be the best way to go about it.
    from that short but necessary base ill transition to 10k training.

    right now im in the early phase of 5k training, i did 10weeks base but not big mileage, just consistancy running most days....staple was/is 4m easy but this is due to time committments at present.
    in specific phase, ill be doing some of the sessions you outlined, working down from 40min tempo to faster 20min efforts + 200m reps....but the other session will be traditional 5k interval sessions with around 6k @ 5k pace per session, and also tergats CV sessions.

    dont think ill log but will update everynow and then, cheers for the advice.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    seanynova wrote: »
    running that mileage really seems to have improved your output without nesessarily doing specific sessions, eg tempo, intervals mo farah, going from winning the new york half, to pumping out 3k-10k at world class my mind it was done after a large aerobic phase(half training).
    months of aerobic base would be ideal, but ill have a much shorter base when i get to it, about 7-8weeks.

    from the above it seems that when i am upping the mileage i should drop the intense sessions, running longer adjusted tempos would be ok, but getting in the med & long runs and doubling up on 10k's would be the best way to go about it.
    from that short but necessary base ill transition to 10k training.

    right now im in the early phase of 5k training, i did 10weeks base but not big mileage, just consistancy running most days....staple was/is 4m easy but this is due to time committments at present.
    in specific phase, ill be doing some of the sessions you outlined, working down from 40min tempo to faster 20min efforts + 200m reps....but the other session will be traditional 5k interval sessions with around 6k @ 5k pace per session, and also tergats CV sessions.

    dont think ill log but will update everynow and then, cheers for the advice.

    No problem. If you cant get the mileage high, try and run them faster.
    The aerobic phase should be continous comfortablish pressure on your aerobic system. You need medium runs at moderate paces as well as long runs. Recover if youre tired at easy pace, but an easy day might be a shorter moderate paced run.

    When youre in your specific stage do easy days so youre rested for key sessions.

    Other good aerobic fast runs:

    Progression run from marathon pace down to 10k or 5k pace: (depending on target race)

    eg warmup then 5 mins M pace, 5 @ HM, 5 @ 10 mile, 5 @ 10k, 5@ 5k

    Or a hilly circuit 3-5 k (on road is fine)

    WU then 1st circuit steady, 2nd moderate, 3rd moderate-hard, 4th hard.

    Do strides and core work to keep form good.

    Keep the aerobic sessions changing: the body gets "good" at sessions and the gains are reduced after 3 similar sessions.

    Dont get into a rut. Keep the training interesting and challenging. If the mileage is low, up the average aerobic pace.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Tuesday 24/1/2012

    Lunch 11k easy.

    Nice loop run taking in Killiney obelisk. only Little soreness and fatigue from weekend so happy.

    PM 12.5 k easy run home

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Wed 25/1/2012

    AM 12.5 easy run into work.

    PM 18.75 k inc 8 by 3min hard jog 2min (ave 3:22)

    Good to get this done: it was part of a club XC session so i did it fartlek on the way home. Into wind and rain the pressure was on my legs not my aerobic system. In fact i was recovered after only 20-30 secs each time.

    The session called for 4 by 400 to finish but i was thoroughly soaked and cold and erred on the side of caution which is my new motto.

    Its probably time to introduce faster than M pace running on a weekly basis now. Next week Ill slow it down a little and extend the session to say 8-9 by 4 mins. I may introduce M effort at the end of the midweek long run next week and 20 200s this saturday at Rep pace.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    Recent quote from T-Runner log
    " Keeping at only one hill race is the problem though! A one off race will be a nice kick to the AnT. Winter league is tempting but were getting closer to marathon time. AnT runs should from now on be at more specific speeds, winter league is right intensity but wrong pace."

    All lies! As T goes out and wins again today ;) Well done again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Thursday 26/1/2012

    Lunch easyish 10.5k

    PM 9.5 k recovery

    Friday: 27/1/2012

    Lunch 6k and Strides

    A medium long was required but was a it fatigued and so decided i might ahem do the IMRA race at Ticknock instead.

    Saturday 28/1/2012

    AM Race

    Ticknock Winter 9.8 ish k. 41.29 1st place.

    PM 6k recovery

    I didnt feel great about this. Nutrition had been poor all week (rewarding myself for winning Howth i suspect).

    Had put on a Kilo and felt relatively sluggish. Wasnt really looking forward to a hard race.

    Anyway. Plan was to stay near the front until the upper carpark (3 mins running) and then to up it. This was in defence against a fast runner who might wish to accelerate on the tarmac to get a lead onto the flat offroad track.

    Had a look around. Enduro who would be stronger today, John from my club who normally beats me but was on the mend from injury and Niall, was who i recognised. There was also a very strong guy doing a serious warmup routine in an Ireland track and field tracksuit. He looked very strong and fit, International tracksuit or not.

    Anyway the race started the usual gallop up the road for 150 metres. People actually fading after 100 metres! I was in the top 3 on the single track and then just behind Niall S. I knew Niall was strong from remembering him finish way ahead of me in Dublin Intermadiate XC, knew he is a duathlete/triathlete and therefore a good climber. Nearing the carpark, i tried to pass as i needed to be leading to do the acceleration plan on the carpark. Niall seemed to give me loads of room to pass and said something with my name that i didnt quite get. I said howya Niall back as i assumed it was jkust a hello from a clubmate.

    In hindsight i realise he must have said, "im not in the race", as it transpired he had missed reg. Anyway turning onto the tarmac i accelerated quite hard and leaving the carprk/tarmac road and turning left onto the off-road path I noticed out of the corner of my eye that id over 10 metres and Niall was not chasing with a similar gap back to the chasing group. And no sign of the man who warmed up in the Irish tarcksuit. Good. Good.

    Now i wanted to run strongly, without killing myself, over the flatish next 1.5k or so till the first climb. Hopefully i could put in a good gap with a free road ahead and then control my effort after.

    My mind wasnt really on the job, i was over micronavigating instead of just relaxing into as straight a line as possible. 10 mins in and im climbing up a wide fireroad. Had been looking behind and trying to gauge my lead instead of just getting on with it and i was breathing hard too.

    Further up the hill i saw back to Niall and a similar gap back to the group. I had been hoping that a fast start might have stung Niall backwards into a fight to stay in second but he wasnt slowing. The time gap was quite substantial, but his proximity was, ofcourse magnified by the climb. I should have just relaxed and climbed in a measured fashion. Stupidly i couldnt rest until all runners were out of sight. I upped it again and turning right onto a rocky climb i was working very hard and not climbing taht quickly to be honest.
    Relief as we turned left onto another flat track and the arrival in significant numbers of mini pools which would be a constant prescence until we were off two rock. Again im micronavigating every bloody pool, tiring myself out instead of relaxing. I remember forcing myself to ease up here, my pace slows a little but im relaxing a bit now. The effort is somewhat less than tempo as i turn and pass the marshall at the bike track. I immediately miss the turn off and am called back. I can see a fair distance behind now and there is no-one and i reckon that i have over 90 seconds.

    That means i can power down the engines somewhat and i proceed at a steady pace my mind now wandering to twisted ankles and thus reverting to my clumsy, over cautious progress over the ground. I am tempted to run on the parallel bike track, it is superior and firm, but especially as the leading runner i must do the right thing and proceed through the muckier option.

    I see the open mountain ahead at last, one more climb and it will be over soon. Take the wrong turn up the cycle track again, spot my mistake, back down, and out onto the real stuff. My effort is still steady and although i up it a little for this climb its some way off a proper concentrated race effort. My concentartion has long gone TBH and ive been preoccupied with looking behind and anything but focusing on the task at hand.

    I eventually see some runners pop out. Closer than i expected but still too far behind i think.

    Ill cut the story short, ran down far too easily, joking with Brian Furey marshalling, slowing to a ridiculously cautious pace on the old WW.

    I decided, thankfully to up to a steady effort it for the final semi climb and descent. If i didnt Alan Kelly (tracksuit man, nice fella and a ood prospect who intends to do more races) who had ran through the field impressively in his first hill race, would have seen me and may have had the time to close in. Which would have meant id have to beat a track runner in a sprint on the last 150 metres of road, which in fairness would have been exactly what i deserved.

    Anyway, i love hill running but im certain this has hurt my marathon training. Its too close to be doing AnT races in a horribly regressive manner in mountain running times which bear no resemblance to paces at this intensity that actually would be beneficial at this point in my cycle.

    Ill probably finish the winter league. Trooperstown is probably the most suited of the winter series to marathon training, but Annagh Hill is closest time wisen i.e Winter league completed by earliest date for me.

    Thinking of 200s this week to re-adjust speed. Medium long run today or tommorrow (have to be today i guess). 36k run at a fast pace on wednesday night.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Sunday 29/1/2012

    Afternoon: 90 mns progressive running on treadmill. Started at 3' incline and progrssed pace from 5mn per Km to about 4:10. After 60 mins reduced incline to .5' and progressed from 4 mn - 3:48 - 3:36 every 10 mins

    Good choice of session i think. Was able to iron any kinks out from yesterday early in the run. Once the body was handling it was able to ptogress the session without risking injury.


    9.5 km very easy.

    Total 31.5k

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Monday 30/1/2012

    Recovery Day:2 runs

    6k recovery
    9.5k recovery

    all good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Tuesday 1/2/2011

    Lunch 9.5 k easy

    PM 12.5 key easy run home inc 5-6 x 100m strides.


    PM session.

    This was meant to be a long run (36-37k) in the lipid range (within 15% of marathon race effort burning a desirable mixture of fat and glycogen). Left my water bottle belt and emergency gel at home so this was out. I was dissapointed as it was very still and i could get a good idea of where i am on the very flat (and windless) coastal route.

    Plan B was a hilly progression run.

    I did this run a month ago with 3 loops. The loop is 4.72 km long and is quite hilly as its the tightest road loop you can do of Killiney hill that is external to the park.

    Spilts were

    Lap 1 19.00 (4.02)
    Lap 2 18:36 (3:56)
    Lap 3 17:58 (3:48)
    Lap 4 17:37 (3:44)

    Average 3:52 No wind 18.9 km

    I did the session 4 weeks ago with the following splits.

    Lap 1: 20:24 4:19 pace
    Lap 2: 18:52 4:00 pace
    Lap 3: 17:47 3:46 pace

    Average: 4:01-2 light-moderate wind

    I completed 3 laps yesterday in 55:34 with the fastest still to go; 4 weeks ago in 57:03;

    It was windier 4 weeks ago and the last laps were comparable in time so may have left more in the tank for the last one then but its improvement for sure.

    Average 3:52 Vs 4:01-2

    One more session of 5 laps in a months time and if I can drop to 3:42 Ill be very happy indeed. The improvement will be partly due to LT improvements from recent LT races and partly due to continuing AT developement.

    Ive been analysing the affect of the hill racing on my training. Im missing the continous fast runs in lipid range. (Long and medium long).

    My recovery is really good especially for a mainly AT session like last night.

    Theerfore i can fit a lipid paced run on the flat on the next two fridays (racing both sundays). That would be 60-70 mins at say 3:50-55 pace (not a full session), with Saturday to recover before Sundays race. The body is recovering so well i think im definately ready for the bigger harder sessions. Extensive intensive as Renato might say. They will come in a couple of weeks. It might work out perfect as then ill have a relatively short run in of hard specific workouts and i can control my peak more easily.

    I have the National Intermediate on Sunday but my mind has been wandering to the race the following week.

    I sense sharks circling the good boat T Runner.....will i need a bigger boat? The harpoon is getting sharper, but as its my last WL race a very blunt kitchen sink will also be on board.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 784 ✭✭✭Stazza

    Nice session: good improvement on previous session with an extra loop thrown in. Waiting to see how you cope with the hard core stuff in a few weeks; looks like you'll deal with it without any hiccups - got my fingers crossed for you. Stick at it and keep focused,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Stazza wrote: »
    Nice session: good improvement on previous session with an extra loop thrown in. Waiting to see how you cope with the hard core stuff in a few weeks; looks like you'll deal with it without any hiccups - got my fingers crossed for you. Stick at it and keep focused,

    Thanks Stazza. Ill have to do 1-2 couple of long fast ones 34k, 37k but im looking forward to the big sessions.

    After my Hill race on Annagh hill i have 9 weeks. Assuming a 3 week taper thats 6 weeks of sessions ie 12 sessions. 2 long fast runs and perhaps a 10k leaves 9.

    Ill probably do 2-3 at HM pace which will be 6-7 big ones which should suffice.
    TBH only the last 2-3 might resemble in intensity and duration a Canova session (based on an elite female schedule im loosely following: well reading at the mo!).

    As i was aerobically underdeveloped (and still am relatively) so this highly aerobic emphasis should be correct and specific to my needs on race day, while encouraging development into teh future.

    My first Canova day after my LT racing interlude will be wednesday 15th Feb.

    Either a long run there or im tempted to do a special block: 24.5k fast into work and 24.5b k back.

    Had a look through your log, excellent progress keep it up. I incresed my volume at roughly the same rate for this build up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 784 ✭✭✭Stazza

    The 24.5km in to work and back looks like the 24.5km and 25.5km special extensive block session in week 7 of Cheromei. You better be careful you don't get sacked for walking around work like a zombei after a 24.5km blast. That's some workout to kick-off the Canova stuff - I'm wondering if I have the energy to get around my 3.5 miler tonight.:eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    Stazza wrote: »
    The 24.5km in to work and back looks like the 24.5km and 25.5km special extensive block session in week 7 of Cheromei. You better be careful you don't get sacked for walking around work like a zombei after a 24.5km blast. That's some workout to kick-off the Canova stuff - I'm wondering if I have the energy to get around my 3.5 miler tonight.:eek:

    Good point! Can't have that. No in hindsight I think I do need to get my extensive work back on track and that session is too much too soon. A special HM session would suit that evening with the 33k run I did previously at the weekend. I'd probably need another 36-37k run before tackling the really big ones.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner


    Lunch 10k easy

    Pm run home 12.5k


    Lunch 8k easy

    Pm moderate 70 mins @ moderate pace 3.52 ave

    On mainly Tarmac, some sand, some trail. Comfortable but felt endurance for last 10 mins. I did progress the pace a little and that 10 mins will hold my endurance decline a little till I get back to the big runs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner


    Easy 10k recovery

    Sunday 5/2/2012

    15k including Natonal intermediate 10k XC.

    Monday 6/2/2012

    AM 16k easy

    PM 10k easy

    Race report.

    Day plans started badly. A starter on the car that packed in meant that i nearly didnt make it. With all buses and trains gone things were looking bad. Luckily one of the cars with club runners was running late on the M50 and iw as able to jump in a taxi and meet it half way back into town, and we made it down with an hour to spare.

    I badly wanted to make this as its not usual that im in a position to contribute to the club on this type of occasion. We were down a few runners and i felt that this was where i was needed.

    I knew the course more or less since 2010. This was going to be a case of start steady and work through if ever tehre was one.

    The masters race confirmed this, and experienced runner telling our group that anyone who went out hard was reduced to slogging after the first lap. This was good tactics becuase people would die like flies out there. A team getting 4 runners in with reasonable tactical runs could easily medal.

    Only 80+ runners and many free pens at the start meant another reason for starting fast had diminished.

    Thats aid i did start a little slow, a picture showing me about 2/3 down teh field at the first hill.

    I didnt speed up just kept steady for two laps and was passing runners all the time. After two laps of 6 There was a group about 20 secs ahead with a guy i had marked. I knew that if i finished ahead of him it was looking like a top 15. After 2.5 laps i was feeling good but kept my steady going as i was still passing.
    Ill cut a long story short but should have pushed on here.

    That said i made steady progress and kicked on in the second last lap. Finished close to teh top 20 which was my prerace target. With two team mates in the top ten and another guy having a similar progressive run to me, we bagged a well deserved team silver.

    There were stronger clubs there but you have to use the noggin in 10.5k races of muck and hills.


    Too steady. Only really hurting to past the last guy i could catch. We both were running against the course tape (only good ground left) on teh final bend. He took the novel approach of pulling the tape out with a trailing hand to force me muckward! It was personal then...)

    Leg turnover somewhat diminished due to Hill races

    Forgot to run afst during teh fast bits!

    3 mins behing winner (discouraging).


    Helped the team to a national Silver.

    Reasonably Good tactics.

    Had a heavy week of traininga nd was a little tired lining up. No 1k sessions or hard tempos done in prep (hill races were very fluctuating in effort). So 3 minutes behind the winner is not bad for in essence a steady run.

    Good for my marathon prep.

    Easy running on monday was correct. Ill be resting before/after all sessions now. Annagh hill on Sunday and the following wednesday im back on strick marathon training duty. How much the winter league diversion will cost me will remain to be seen.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,307 ✭✭✭T runner

    While i think of it:

    Next phase will resmble Canovas special phase. ie endurance will be extended on long runs without any real intensity and there will be some reps at afster than M pace done in relatively short but not too short sessions. (total running 26-32k).

    Special phase will be from (9 weeks left to 7 weeks left)

    Two long runs 34-5k and 37-8k.
    Two special sessions: e.g 7 X 2k wi 2 mins jog; and 6 X 3k with 3 mins jog
    1-2 medium long runs of 90-100 mins.

    Then getting more specific ill start mixing intensity into the long runs twice a week. With one moderate run of 70-80 mins at 3:55-50 pace in the lipid zone if recovery allows. Ill let condition govern how tough these sessions are erring on the aerobic side.

    With the heavy session/substantial recovery approach i should only need a two week taper...well see though.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 784 ✭✭✭Stazza

    I think the work-outs you have lined up are bang on. Are you planning on dropping in some of the longer sessions, like 4x5k etc? Are you also planning, at some stage, to do some buffering sessions? I'm sure you're on top of your nutrition, but make sure you're feasting on antioxidants - you've got to stay healthy during these heavy sessions.:)
