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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Convert those bike and runs into new money or we cannot take you serious as a triathlete, miles and mile pace is sooo last decade:)
    had planned to convert to the new money, as it appears to be the norm but simply feels like work :o

    7.1K recovery run, with 6 strides
    Pace 5:07 min/km
    Hr 133\151

    legs felt tired the hole run, and hr was higher than I expected. did throw in 6 strides (never did these before) and not sure if done correctly, did them on the downhill's to ensure pace also tried to make sure of high knees (will youtube this later)
    was followed by a wee puppie for 2 miles who refused to go home, felt bad as he may have gotten lost so i had to turn around and head back the way I came and lost him close to where he picked me up.

    Force reps :
    10min warmup
    changed the main set from 4*3
    4,4,5 reps
    2.5 min recovery between the reps and 5min between sets
    avg max power 619.5 watts (up from 471 the last time)
    A nice increase in max power since last time doing this. especially as it was near 10 starting, sitting on the couch getting lazy, desperate housewives came on so it was a decision between some pain or the bike, so off I went and got changed.

    Was planning a long swim, however my shoulder is still sore, just a niggle when I move it. especially if i extend it up so opted out of the swim as I am fearful it could get worse,
    so opted to do a nice bike session.

    5min wu
    60 min tempo
    avg watt 222
    avg cad 75
    speed 33.61kph
    hr 133\151
    (avg power for the last 10 min 233)
    5 min wd

    I got off the bike feeling good and felt like I had a good run in me, almost suggested it but sense prevailed and hit the shower.

    At the moment I am feeling some improvement, mentally feeling fit - not sure my body has cought up.

    weight is still too high and put on 3-4lbs over Christmas as I looked at choc's and pudding:mad:.
    resting hr has hit lowest it been in donkeys years (38:D)

    have had a few light headiness experiences, not sure if this is low blood pressure or just tiredness from Chirstmas so will keep an eye on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Run - Hill reps -

    The reps were ok did feel the previous two days in the legs. the plan was to do 4 efforts and to be honest was fcked after 3 and during the reps secretly hoped my time was slow enough to stop the session, but nope so off I set for a 4th, then as i had time did a 5th after that I was done. The 3 hards days in the legs were telling me to stop. so home I went. happy with the run in general.

    Time 1:05
    Dist 12.7k
    Pace 5:08min/km

    I am shagged this morning, what do folk use for recovery after sessions. was reading that slimfast is good, also looking into compression tights as I hear JB praising them

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    BennyMul wrote: »
    I am shagged this morning, what do folk use for recovery after sessions. was reading that slimfast is good, also looking into compression tights as I hear JB praising them

    Hey Bennymul good work on the training.

    Different strokes for different folks and all that but if I have tough session and my legs feel wasted after I put on a pair of Compressport Quad and drink a High 5 Recovery shake made with milk.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Hey Bennymul good work on the training.

    Different strokes for different folks and all that but if I have tough session and my legs feel wasted after I put on a pair of Compressport Quad and drink a High 5 Recovery shake made with milk.

    Thanks for this,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Swim: 2600
    200 wu
    500 with pull buoy
    500 fist
    500 kick (300 with float - 200 on my side every 6 kicks swap side)
    200 catchup
    200 single arm (swap every 50)
    500 just trying to relax and swim.

    10min warmup
    main set
    3 hours
    HR 130\148
    avg power 181\1033
    Nor power 197
    watts\kg 2.3
    speed 27kph
    Dist 81.5km

    Time 1:32
    pace 4.44min/km
    hr 138\150

    Jan 9 - 15|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance
    Running|3|3:19 |39.97km
    Total|8 |11:00|192.94

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Swim - Tri club session
    Dist 2500m
    time 1:10

    200 wu
    25 catchup - 25 normal * 4
    25 kick and pull ever 6 kicks - 25 normal * 2

    main set
    8*200 off 4:00
    the fist 5 I pushed my self and swam them off 3:50 getting in around 3:40
    the last 3 I was shattered and stuggeled to maintain the pace, coming in around the 3:50 mark.
    my stroke went out the window once tied.
    as we were out of time and had to get out to let the masters in, we went into the public lane to do the warm down.
    the last 2 lenghts got brutal cramps in both calves (thankfully not at the same time:)) and can still feel 12 hours later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Bike - force reps
    my calves are still tender from the cramps last night (sore to touch)
    for the first time on the journey the motivation was wayyyyyyy down, struggled to get changed let alone get on the bike. but as is wrote in the archives of this forum HTFU.

    to break the boredom start watching American horror story, allows me to turn off the brain so off I set,
    10min wu
    3 * 5 sets of 25 seconds 2.5min recovery
    avg Max power for the sets 650w ( a slight increase again)
    never felt good doing these pushed hard but never clicked.
    left leg is stiff as **** and can feel it in pedal stroke the ankle is not relaxed and feels wrong.
    once I get the main session over with put on the next episode and spun the legs.

    time 1:20
    dist 30km
    Avg speed 21kph
    avg cad 66
    hr 119\160
    power 133\674
    nor pow 208

    at the moment Bolton is a doubt, a few things have popped up. I have looked at the hardman in Killarney, and if things dont go according to plan I will switch to that no point in wasting all this training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Swim: 2500m
    had planned 3K but was late getting out of work and didnt have the time to add it on at the end.

    plan was a simple pyramid
    100 - 1:53,200 - 3:56
    300 - 5:50,400 - 7:56
    500 - 10:30 (due to traffic which slowed me down)
    400 - 7:58, 300 - 6:00
    200 - 4:10, 100 - 2:01

    at times the stroke felt ok, and other times it didnt.
    I find my self thinking about it too much and dont relax,
    the last 300 was hard, upper body getting tired.

    I am starting to feel very tired so opted for a recovery spin, just spining the gears and keeping the hr low.

    dist 18.83km
    speed 25.5\30
    power 112\215
    Nor Pow 116
    avg cad 91
    hr 116\128

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    hill reps planned however didnt finish work until near 11 last night, and once done exercise was the last thing on my mind. let alone running in the sticks near midnight doing laps of a hill, I would be comitted;)

    Got a short run in during work,
    dist 7.5K
    time 36min
    pace 4:36min/km
    hr 158/158

    Swim: 45min
    500 fins, 300 with board and 200 on my side turing every 6 kicks
    500 (25 fist - 25 normal * 10)
    200 (25 catchup 25 normal)
    100 (25 single arm 25 normal)
    200 band
    100 paddles

    had a bit of free time so jumped on the bike and decided to try a test, to see where I am. not the best prep for an all out test, didnt take any gels, drink etc between the earleir sessions.

    8min spinning with a few spinup sessions, this was needed as the legs felt empty.
    5min flat out, - It has been a long time since I spent any time in this zone, and may be a while before im back
    10min spinning and stretching
    20min FTP test
    tried to pace myself through out the session, got to the 15min and increased the resistance to drive up the power and was swinging for the last 5min.

    Avg power 266.
    not happy with the outcome, the number has me 10watts below where I thought it was,
    not sure if the weeks volume and 3 sessions today had any impact, will retry in 2 weeks when im on the recovery week.

    at least I have a start point

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I would take that test with a pinch of salt on fresher legs you should see an improvement.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    3 hours Bike
    minding the kids so on the turbo. the legs were empty from yesterday and felt it through out the ride,
    spent a few min just spinning the legs.
    main set was riding at endurance pace with 3 im pace in there.
    20,30,20 min @200watts.

    Distance 70K
    HR 130/147
    speed 27.7/42
    power 181/339
    Nor pow 183

    Med run -

    dist: 20k
    time 1:46
    pace 4:59km/hr
    hr 130/150

    feeling very tired this week (even do volume was below where I wanted it to be) and it showed on the run, felt slugglish and happy to see home

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    at some stage yesterday my shoulder started acting up and is causing pain. I'm unable to lift my arm up above my head, so spent the morning trying to stretch it,

    had a bit of free time so went on a recovery run to add an extra session into the week and loosen the legs a bit.

    Dist: 8.5K
    HR 136/150 (not as low as I wanted it)
    Pace 4:57 min/km

    met up with RedB before the session and finally but a face to the name.

    started with 200 wu, and did struggle here with the shoulder was able to do it but there was pain every stroke,
    6 * 50 trying to lift the head to see where you’re going, found these harder than it sounds.
    main set was 2*100,150,200 off 55sec per 50,
    the 2*100 I was coming in at 1:55 and struggling, set off on the 150 and the further the set went the less power in the arm and pain increased.
    Stopped to stretch it and there was no relief, so instead of the usual battle on and possible make it worse or extend the healing time, I called it quits and got out.

    Was mighty pi$$ed off getting out as I hate not finishing a session, but will work on it and aim to get the session done later in the week,

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    BennyMul wrote: »

    Was mighty pi$$ed off getting out as I hate not finishing a session, but will work on it and aim to get the session done later in the week,

    Missing half a swim set is not going to damage things in the long run but not letting it go may have a negative effect...

    Hope the shoulder heals soon BennyMul

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Missing half a swim set is not going to damage things in the long run but not letting it go may have a negative effect...

    Hope the shoulder heals soon BennyMul

    Thanks, shoulder is feeling better this morning able to lift it up, a wee bit of pain but signs of recovery (hopefully)

    final session of Force Reps:D nice session but after 8 weeks I am slightly sick of them.
    The session strted off crap the batter in the head unit was dead, seems to be eating them at the moment, so took the one out of the HR strap and off we went, FA cup semi to watch

    5 min wu
    3 * 5 sets of 25 seconds 2.5min recovery
    avg Max power for the sets 677w
    the last set was below the other 2 and legs felt very tired.

    over the weeks there was a nice improvement in power starting at 439 watts average to 677w.

    after the last interval I stuck the garmin on the window to get ready for a run, spun the legs to free them up a bit. then off the bike on the hour and out for a short run, turning at the gate went to hit "start" and low battery popped up :( but it was only a short one so it should last, nope few min later nothing.
    Did a 2.3mile lap and felt ok, legs were tired from the bike but able to run
    run time 19min

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    was planning to do a long swim, however still have pain, thers is improvement but I was reluctant to stress it and set it back.

    Feeling very tired this evening and could not face the thoughts of doing laps of a single hill, so ran a draggy loop and ran all the drags hard,

    Time: 1 hour
    Dist: 12.9km
    Pace: 4.53

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Bike session: opted to watch sufferfest "the hunted" to give me something to do while on the bike.

    Time: 60min
    Dist: 32K
    Speed: 32.21
    power: 198\392
    Nor Pwr: 217

    short lunch time run.
    Time: 37min
    Dist: 7.64km
    Pace: 4:51km/h

    Shoulder feeling better with less pain so hit the pool while the youngest had a swimming lesson,

    dist 2300m
    time 50min.
    started with a 100,3*200 all off 2min/100
    400 - 6::30
    1K straight - no idea of the time as I ran in to traffic in the lane.
    200 cool down

    Set off for 3.5 hours in the cold and wet, starting off I could feel the cold going through the gloves, got about 30min a bloody puncture.
    Stopped and took off the gloves and realised it was colder than I thought, out with the spare and put it in, at this point my fingers were getting sore with the cold, so trying to put on the tyre was a feat. got it on and started to pump and the spare was pinched :mad::mad:, so there was a few expletives.
    at this point I was shivering with cold so started again, out with the last tube, and put it in, and started to pump, and to add insult to everything else the dam pump broke, after 10min on the side of the road trying to fix it, no luck off home I set, had to ring the better half and ruin her lie in,
    This was the coldest I have been in years, even after 30min in the shower I still did not have the cold feeling out of me, spent the day with 4 layers on the upper half.
    A crap spin and was pi$$ed off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    I had to seriously talk to my self to get out the door, Feeling the last 4 weeks of training taking it toll on the body. Once out the door I did have a few moments where I thought of turning around, but kept gogin.`
    The first few miles were on the slower side, but got into a grove near the end, still not fast but comfortable.

    Time: 1:30
    Dist: 18.5k
    Pace 4.46min/km
    hr 139/165

    Last day of base 3 and then a recovery week, I have to be honest I am soo looking forward to the week, Bringing in the recovery week for Base 2 to Christmas week, and starting Base 3 early meant 4 weeks of hard training, the volume was not high but I did increase the intensity.
    only 2 days missed, 1 through injury and the other was family time.

    Jan 1 - 29|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance
    Running|14|13:24 |163.46km
    Total|34 |40:32|713km

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Tri Club swim,
    was late getting to the pool so missed the wu.

    started with 3 * 100 sculling drills,
    the one where you have the hands in front (not sure of the name) was an embarrassment, basically stood still in the water :o

    Main set: pyramid 1,2,3,4,3,2,1 with 10 seconds rest
    Not sure of the splits, felt ok during these was able to maintain the effort.

    As the session was over hoped into the public lane and did 2*500 easy, trying to concentrate on the stroke.

    Took a day off, whihc was fine except I ended up working till near 10, so the family really didnt get the benefit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    a second day off, and was starting to get a bit jumpy mad to do something, but as was yesterday work was mad so worked late, nice timing

    Plan: power test.
    $hit day in work, was late finishing as was 9 when I got on the bike,
    warmed up for 10min and power seemed slightly down,
    5min flat out to empty the tank, this went ok, slightly up on the last effort.
    Once done the drama started, had a erratic hearth rate for about a min, kinda of like missing a beat or two then worked to catch up. this freaked me out a wee bit (a story for another day). once this calmed down so did I. popped a Gel and finished my recovery.
    considered stopping but it had calmed down so make a mental deal with myself, if I felt anything I would stop.
    started the 20min of pain and start off at 270watts and planned to hold this for 5min, but I started to feel crap so much so I thought I was at around min 13into the test, nope 6min gone, so head down and kept going and got to 10 and was suffering, not pain of breathing just had no power, considered stopping but as any stupid person would kept going. from there to the 20min, mentally cracked 4,5 times and each one slapped myself and dug in again. it was a stupid thing to do the average for the last 5min was 235w.
    the average power was 250watts (est. FTP of 237w a drop of 6% on the last test )
    Just spun for 10min could not get the power over 100w.
    upon reflection, I am going to blame the follow (please correct if Im wrong)
    a crap stressful few days in work, drank too much coffee during the day 5/6 large strong cups Im praying this is what messed up the HR inbetween tests. a few days detox I think.
    Popping a Gel before the test I have never used one before a hard effort before only at endurance pace and this may have had some impact.

    all in all I wasnt happy (after looking over these I am rarely happy with the results of my training)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Evaluation run
    Approx 10min warmup,(was tight for time had a meeting to be back for)
    the test was simple 4 miles at a set hr, choose 160 was a fraction of a bit high and will drop it for the next test.
    to make the test repeatable I did 4 laps of the industrial estate. Got a nice stitch during lap 2 and stayed with me for the 2 remaining laps.

    Date | Mile 1(hr)|Mile 2|Mile 3|Mile 4| Avg Pace
    03-Feb |3:59(156)|4:07(156)|4:21(159)|4:24(160)|4:13

    500 wu
    400 CSS test: 7:30
    The time is an est, as I ran in to traffic on one lenght and the UL stop watch was off so I used the pace clock.
    felt good and was averaging 1:50/100
    4 * 100 very easy
    200 Test : 3:30
    averaging 1:45/100
    400 easy
    200 with band.

    CSS Pace 1:55/100

    started to get cramps in the calves so called it quits and waited for the wee man to finish his lesson and played for another hour.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Simple 90min on the turbo.
    Felt good and well in control, there was a rise in HR however I felt this was due to the heat as the fan did f all, (or maybe it only felt like it)

    5min w/u
    80 min at lower level 3
    Time: 90Min
    Dist: 50K

    Main set
    Speed 34Km/h
    HR 146
    Power 209/346
    Now Power 213

    Med length run:
    Felt good from the off, nice and relaxed, at the end would have like a few K more, but dinner called.

    Time: 1:50
    Dist: 22.59
    Pace: 4:51
    HR: 138/159

    So that completes the 3 months of Base training.
    Happy with the training, would have liked more volume at certain times.
    happy with the consistency, intensity and ability to recover.

    The probelm I have at the moment, (well one of them) is I have no idea where I should be training wise.

    Bike,Run Progress.jpg

    Training load.jpg

    So about to start Build 1,
    Increase the Long bikes to 4.5
    Increase the long runs to 30-33K's
    Aims to improve FTP on the bike, (aiming for 5% improvement)
    add muscular endurance runs and swims to the list of training

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Tri Club swim set. 3200m
    400 wu
    6 * 50 with 12.5m flat out.
    400M Css test.
    3*400m 20 sec rest.
    Jump into the public lane to complete the set,
    300 wd

    The 400m test was ok, done in approx. 6:55 -7min not 100% sure was unable to see the clock at the end,
    Went out slightly too fast and seemed to slow down a bit from 200-300 felt like I was swimming through tar, just gave it everything for the last 2 lengths.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Was a late night getting on the bike, between doing maths homework, i forgot how to do fractions and excel dosent help. a few issues in work and playing XBox with the youngest, it was a hectic day.
    by 10 I was tired, in a bad humor and considered skipping the bike but knew I would regret it.

    so stuck on the next episode of American Horror Story and off I set,
    5 min warm up and then 3*10min @90-95% ftp with 3min recovery
    wasnt looking forward to them, but the difference in a week, they flew,
    and I felt good well in control, felt so good that I added an extra 5min to the last one, had to stop as it was late and wanted to spend time with the better half. I felt there was a few more reps in the legs

    Set1: 239w hr 139
    Set2: 241w hr 142
    Set3: 246w hr 147
    Set4: 248w hr 147

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    watch the next episode of AH story,

    time 40m
    power 179
    hr 128
    dist 22
    (need to calibrate the resistance on the turbo and was spinning to way to easy)

    put on some dry clothes and out the door, turned around and got a hat an extra layer, it was cold.

    Run 32min (
    Dist 6.97k
    Pace 4.39kph
    hr 145/156

    had to bring the wee man to footie, so had limited time in the pool
    200 wu
    the first K was 18min, at this point I questioned my ability to count so did an extra 100, slightly under 20min
    the next K flew by and total time was either 38.xx for 2k (or 2.1K if I could count wont count it do)
    I felt good, under no pressure, felt another K was possible at the pace

    Had a run planned, but work issue popped up and as Im still trying to fix them not sure I will get out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Had a bit of free time so went for a lunch time run, as I missed my session last night due to work, I got it in today.

    so out I went, and I had only a sort sleeved top in the bag, thankfully it was warm enough to get away with it,
    headed with no plan in mind, so did a warmup and then .5 hard, .5 recover
    I never pushed the hard part just lifted the pace to where I was feeling it, the recovery section was the same never really slowed down just eased off. felt good (fast pace was 6:30min/mi slow 7:20min/mi),
    all was good until I got back.
    had a shower looked at my phone and a number of missed calls from one manager, :confused: went back to my desk and got the look "where were you" and get on a call now please. Turns out a few things went belly up in Poland and panic buttons were pressed, thankfully 20min later the day was saved.
    note to self, bring phone, and if things look quite then its about to go mad

    Time 1hr
    Dist: 13.16
    pace 4.34
    hr 147/163

    Swim: 2200
    400 wu
    10*50 band - wow I nearly drowned, was able to get 3/4 way down the pool before swimming horizontal, was fine as long as I was moving, I did run into traffic and legs sank straight away. more youtube videos to try and understand how this is done.
    500 pull buoy
    500 paddles
    300 cd

    once done had another hour playing with the youngest,

    handy 3.5 hours (threw in 3 spares and a repair kit this time)

    Time 3:39:00
    Dist 100k
    Avg Spd 27.5
    Hr 126/148
    Pwr 189
    Nor P 206

    was aiming to get a short run off the bike, but did an extra 30 due to going right when I should have went left. once I got home work beckoned so that was that.

    The hardest session of the week, put the kids to bed, checked mail to make sure all was good, and started to get ready.
    Mentally and physically I wanted to sit down and sleep, I finally got off my ar$e changed and left. from the off i hated it small things annoyed the fcuk out of me, the hats too tight, ankle sore and there is a small nick on the hr strap, that leaves a mark on your chest and you notice it after, not tonight every step I felt it, :mad:, the better half is coming down with a bug and my throat felt sore, etc so all in all not a nice run
    didnt go as far as I planned but I went.
    time 1:22
    dist 16.91
    Pace 4:51
    hr 138/152

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    BennyMul wrote: »
    The hardest session of the week, put the kids to bed, checked mail to make sure all was good, and started to get ready.
    Mentally and physically I wanted to sit down and sleep, I finally got off my ar$e changed and left. from the off i hated it small things annoyed the fcuk out of me, the hats too tight, ankle sore and there is a small nick on the hr strap, that leaves a mark on your chest and you notice it after, not tonight every step I felt it, :mad:, the better half is coming down with a bug and my throat felt sore, etc so all in all not a nice run
    didnt go as far as I planned but I went.
    time 1:22
    dist 16.91
    Pace 4:51
    hr 138/152

    Fair play to you BM. Tough going. Nobody can do those ones for you and you can look back at it now and know that you're stronger. Nice pace and HR too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Tri Club swim.
    200 wu
    400 fins + float
    100 on side (50 per side)
    50 stroke every 6 kicks
    50 stroke every 3 kicks
    10*100 off 3min flat out
    times were avg. 1:35, which I'm happy with, did drop to 1:40 but pulled them back for the last few reps.
    700 cd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Took Tuesday off due to the day in it, looking for some brownie points:D

    Family went up home for mid term so I have some free time,

    4K ;) longest swim yet, and a number I have been looking to hit for a while

    400 wu
    16*200 off 4:30 most times coming in between 3:50 and :55, there was some slower ones due to traffic
    400 cd
    Now for some venting, why do slow swimmers insist on swimming in the slow lane and hold everyone up, I know im not fast but still breaststokers plodding up and down and the one who cant do a length.
    vent over:

    headed straight from the pool home, and on the bike to watch the CL
    legs felt ok tired.
    10min warmup
    4*10min sweet spot. had to stop after the 4th could not maintain the effort.
    stats: 239,239,238,227.
    total time 1:15

    quick change and a short run
    time 35min
    dist 6.4K
    pace 5:13min/km

    nice days training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Feeling tired just getting out of the bed this morning. I am going to have to start really looking at nutrition, I dont think I eat enough yesterday. JB mentioned it on a separate thread and my current approach is not working, I am putting too much emphasis on weight loss (which is not working) and not ensuring my body is correctly refueled for the next session.
    So after some research it is estimated my calorie expenditure is 1950 on a non training day.

    Anyway training
    Feeling tired and unable to hit a good pace, so didn't bother. I am still recovering so ran it at recovery pace. the HR was not there do.

    Time 1:15
    Dist 14.40K
    Pace 5:14min/km
    hr 138/150

    Got in the door and setup the bike, covered the watch and only looked at hr, decided to ride in recovery zone and spin the legs.
    Started with only doing 30min, when I got there, there was 10min left in the footie, so might as well do 40, then an episode of the Big Bang, so nothing else to do so the hour, got to the hour and had only 2K to get to 30K so 30min turned out to be 1:05

    Time 1:05
    Dist 30k
    hr 102/123

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Got up Friday morning and was finding it hard to swallow, and a slight head cold. aghh it will be fine :p

    2K swim
    4 *500m
    the first 2 were fine and flew past, they the arms fell off and struggled felt like swimming through tar.
    once I got the last one done out i got as there was no quality, and my stroke was gone to pot.

    had the bike ready for a nice 3.5 hours, however when I woke up my throat was raw and I was freezing, aghhh once again I said it would be fine, until I stood up, and the thumping in my head was brutal so back down, i got worse as the day went on, even took pain killers (i hate taking tablets) tried to do an easy turbo session but, was told to cop the f on and get better, cant argue can i.

    the amount of people sick at the moment was only a matter of time before it was spread.
