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a log with no name



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I am starting to think you may be more than a middle of a bunch cyclist with some of those stats:), good session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    I am starting to think you may be more than a middle of a bunch cyclist with some of those stats:), good session.

    Thanks nice to get some positive feedback from time to time the size of the task if a bit daunting. , it was a good session, the power was a bit on the high side.
    and I am\was a very average cyclist.

    Had planned to get a midday run in, but due to a few things going pear shaped this didn’t happen,
    On the way home from work hit the pool, swimming is enjoyable yet still alien
    Swim : 2200m
    200 wu
    200 kick (trying to keep one shoulder out of the water 100 each side)
    100 Catchup
    100 Fist
    100 Single Arm,
    As I have been concentrating on sets, I wanted to just have a straight swim, to make Im still able.
    32min Straight @ ~1:02 \ 50m
    I lost count of the lap count but based on the average time per length work out at 1500m (I hope)

    After putting the youngest to bed, was all set to get my run in, when the weather turned very nasty, been a firm believer in “you can’t tell how bad it really is until you’re out in it” I open the back door and was greeted by horizontal rain, savage winds which knocked over a 40kg bag of coal, at which point I told myself to cop on, leaving where I am there is no street lights and it was dam dark so apart looking truly insane I felt it was dangerous,
    So changed again and on to the bike, where the battery was dead in the head unit, so no numbers to ride to, (someone somewhere was trying to tell me something) but since these logs have an ethos of getting sessions done no matter what I began
    So 45min later of keeping a nice tempo and continuous pressure on the pedals,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Missed the run during work and hard to bring the youngest to soccer, so the run was delayed.
    I wanted to get in a bike and run so went for a good brick session

    40 min of high cadence work
    5min wu
    35min of ramping up from 95 to 115
    Avg Cad: 99
    Avg Pwr: 200

    Got changed and out the door for a run,
    It was dam cold, and there was a brutal fog, and almost slipped on what I hope was muck from a tractor,
    the run its self was good felt ok and was happy with the pace

    Distance: 5.87
    time 40min
    Avg Pace 7:48

    Swim 1500m
    200 wu
    200 kicks with board
    100 sculling
    300 drills
    4 * 100 off 2:10 (splits 1:50, 1:52,1:51,1:48)
    300 wd

    30min core work

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Planned to do 3hours; ended up at 4:(
    Went down to cahir and as it was a nice day headed over to Mitchelstown, completely misjudged the distance, should have turned sooner
    The first hour was fine, as the spin went on the wind picked up nicely and turned direction, I truned left in Cahir I went straight in to it and did work too hard for the next 1.5hours, (avg watts 211; nor 220)
    For the remaining spin, the hr was elevated a bit - not sure if this was genuine tirdenss or the strap playing up.
    After skipping breakie and only 3 pieces of fruit for the spin I was getting close to bonking, but physically had a another few miles in the tank.

    Total time 4:05
    Distance 68mi
    Avg speed 17.1
    Avg Hr. 132
    Avg Pwr 190
    Nor Pwr 205

    Had to being the wee man to Basketball then a christmas party, so the run was left to a late one, and I really didnt want to go,
    But alas either watch Enda's speech or hit the road for a few very cold miles.
    so out i went, after about 3 miles the snow started and lasted about 20 min, after that there was hail stones,
    but I batteled on, and did get a few honks from passing drivers not sure if they were "fair play lad" or "ya fecking ediot" i leaning towards the latter.

    Distance 8:77mi
    Avg Pace 7:59 min/mi

    28Nov -04 Dec|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance
    Running|2|1:56 |14.64
    Core \ Other|1|0:30|
    Total|10 |12:09|134.1

    Total|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance mi\km
    Swimming|12|14:10| 14.3M \ 23K
    Cycling|10|16:55| 511.06M \ 822.29K
    Running|7 |10:47 | 103.68.4M \ 166.82K
    Core \ Other|5|2:50|

    Total|34 |35:21|643.06 \ 1034.66K

    First recovery week, and looking forward to it,
    It was been a nice 3 weeks training, only 1 day missed
    Now to see if this can be kept going,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Base 1 Recovery Week:
    Tri club swim :2200m
    100,200,300,400,300,100 off 2:00 all sets in with approx 15-20secondst to spar, beginning to get bad cramps in the calf (didnt get to finish the set)
    8*50 with fins
    200 wd

    Did get some direction on my stroke, seems my arms are crossing the centerline and not fully extending, so I have something to work on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Base 1 Recovery Week:
    simple easy 4 and a bit mile run
    time 35in
    had planned a swim after work, however a few issues poped up and had to be worked and this put a halt to it, was not worried as I feel I needed a break
    so took my first night off in 3 weeks, felt lazy and paranoid over missing a day.
    was planning a Power test, however could not find the little clamp which connects the turbo to the rear wheel (sorry do not know the correct name for it), now it was there last week and the kids never touched it :D, so pulled out the rollers and tried it on that, was fine for the first 10min but as the effort began to rise the bike was moving around a bit and nearly came off, so after 10min know that I could not safely give it everything I called it quits and will do it next week before Base 2 really starts.
    total time 40min
    avg hr: 131
    avg pwr: 190
    avg spd: 20.69

    for the 10min
    avg power: 161
    avg hr: 156
    avg speed: 27.56

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Swim 1900m
    4*400 off 8:00
    first set using Pull buoys.2nd and 3rd normal
    4th with paddles,
    felt very odd after the buoys - like I was very slow, will look at position in the water.
    100 with fins
    tried not too look at time and just concentrate on my stroke,

    30min core work,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    could only manage a very short spin, so tested myself on a local drag.
    4min hard (was to be 5 but misjudged the drag and it ended to soon )
    4min rec
    10min hard: first 5min higher intensity than above, then the last 5 "flat out" the last min was hard, I felt in control, to enusre I was spent at the end 30 sec sprint. legs screaming at the end.
    the main downside of the day, I was chopping some sticks, and pulled a muscle in my back.

    Bike 1:15 (Total)
    Dist 19.6
    Avg Spd 16.6
    Avg Cad 63 (way too low)
    Avg Pwr 172/625
    Nor Pwr 212

    4min 1st effort
    Avg Pwr:277/368
    Nor Pwr:281
    Avg Hr: 151

    10min 2nd effort:
    Avg Pwr:284/3625
    Nor Pwr:284
    Avg Hr: 157/171

    Was very happy with the test, need to work on cadence,

    was uphome, so met the brother for a nice easy run, met at the top of killeshin and ran. it took a while to get going as the back was very sore, and the pace was easy so happy days
    the first 7 miles were all slightly downhill, and the last 3 miles uphill and a tuff enough drag, did get the HR going.

    Run 1:30
    Dist 10.38
    Pace 8:25

    Starting Base 2 tomorrow and suffering was to do a short run but the back is in bits so I am leaving it, I am to swim tonight so hopefully it loosens up a fraction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Total|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance mi\km
    Swimming|14|16:10| 16.9M \ 27.1K
    Cycling|12|18:50| 543.12M \ 868.99K
    Running|9 |12:53 | 118.36.4M \ 189.37K
    Core \ Other|4|3:20|

    Total|39 |51:13:00|678.38 \ 1085.40K

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Start of Base 2:

    Plan Run and Swim
    still have back pain so I left the run as I can hardly walk let alone run,

    Swim, 2500m - tri club session
    tried to stretch before the swim to ease the pain, it did help a bit.
    so based the session on comfort, if the pain was too bad then I would get out but thankfully it was ok.

    300 wu/
    2 * 100 kick with fins
    3 * 100 with pull\push ups at the end of the pool, this did put some strain on the back and was tuff to do.
    4 * 400 off 8min - First one was off about 20 seconds, second was under not sure how much by, the third I led and about 150m in got an unnatural cramp in my calf, (these have happened every swim for the past while and always after kicking of the wall) so I had to stop and stretch, finished the 400
    at this point the session was up, so i hopped in the the public lane to complete the set, and was approx 20seconds under the 8min
    100 wd

    I know I had a few problems with the set, but I think my swimming has hit a bit of a plateau, I am feeling more comfortable in the water and do not feel like I am fighting it, but it still does not feel close to normal yet.
    So I am going to book a lesson and see where my limiters are (my swimming or fitness)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    50 min Bike
    Turbo with front wheel lifted approx. 10cm off the ground.
    15min warm up, spinning the gears (well kind off)
    Main: 3 sets of 3 * 30 seconds force reps. 2:30 rest
    5 min rest between sets
    for the 30 seconds gearing was 53*14/13 resistance supposed to replicate 6% gradient.

    The sets were good, all reps were tuff but I was able to hit the number each time. and could have done another 3 but this early in the base want to ramp slowly,
    average max power at the end of the reps was 439watts. and avg cad 53.

    I think the turbo is on the way out, I no longer have a 0 resistance, there is always resistance and there is no "easy" feeling, to allow you to spin between sets, (having said that its ~15 years old so owe me nothing)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    wasnt sure if I should go or not as ithe roads looked icy, but mentally didnt want to sit on the turbo for 90min, so the plan was to avoid the back roads and stick to the main one, so went slowly to the main road hoping not to slip, simple 5 miles out and back run(hate out and back :(), the out stretch was grand weather wise and was kinda sorry I wrapped up as warm as i did but when I turned it started to rain very cold water :-( at this point the gloves were put back on and I stared to freeze. the run its self was mentally tuff, the last 3miles felt like ages.
    I was still cold 90min later going asleep.

    Dist 9:93
    time: 1:21
    Pace: 8:12
    Nor Pace 8:04

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Was to be a brick session however the roads were like glass so in the interest of keeping my ankles in one piece opted for a good bike session.

    5min wu.
    2*20min muscular endurance with 5min recovery between sets.

    set 1
    Avg Power 215\243
    avg cad 88\106
    avg spd 24\25
    avg hr 141\151

    Set 2
    Avg Power 212\247
    avg cad 88\114
    avg spd 24\26
    avg hr 149\171

    the sets were fine, the HR on the first very steady rise, however on the second was slightly erratic, I did notice that it was higher and spent more time trying to relax to drop it down a few beats, so hopefully this explains the up\down nature.

    the difference between both sets was 6%. so either the effort was a bit high or not enough recovery (ideally looking for max of 5% drop)

    After the second was happy, took ~2min for the hr to return to recovery rate <108bpm.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Hey Benny have you tested your FTP yet or do you plan to/ Good for setting a marker, tracking improvements and adjusting your power zones?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Hey Benny have you tested your FTP yet or do you plan to/ Good for setting a marker, tracking improvements and adjusting your power zones?

    up to now was mainly working off HR, my thinking behind this was the lack of bike time over the year had my power down, and as my aerobic system was decent enough from the running, it was a better guage of effort; and hopefully the power will improve and stablise quickly enough.

    I did an FTP test of sorts; it worked out at 264W, so using this as a guage in conjuction with the HR. and using Np/Hr to track improvements in fitness

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    was hoping to get out of work early, however someone else had other ideas (on a Friday:()
    so was late in the pool, and never had the chance to look at the schedule to see what set I was to do, I was somewhat lost.
    so opted to do short 100's and just concentrate on stroke.

    wu 300.
    13 * 100 off 2:00
    all efforts were in around 1:50 (I did miss it twice as was held up behind other folk)

    total 1600m

    Went to go on the road, but the roads looked bad in places so decided to be a good boy and hit the rollers, pulled out the vcr and dusted off some really old cycling vid, ended up watching 96 Paris-Roubaix,

    total 2:10
    5 min wu, 2 main hours endurance
    avg pwr: 178\300
    nor pwr: 188
    avg hr: 130
    avg spd: 21\29
    avg cad: 90
    I did throw in a number of tempo effot's, I used the cobbles as a start\end point for these.
    slight dissapointed with the spin, the power was down about 10w,
    as the spin was shorter than I wanted or would have been on the road, got changed and did a 2.4 mi brick run.
    as getting changed the youngest decided to come and ride beside me for company so this was nice. and pushing him up hills is always fun and im sure it will stand to me ;).

    up early for a run and the roads looked brutal again, so becoming a wuss these mornings left it, had a birthday party after dinner so that removed that time, so after getting the kids to bed, got changed and was leaving walking out the door, decided against a 2hour run as it would have left me coming home at 11, and a potential divorce.
    so did 3.5 laps of a 2.2mile cct with a 1.3 mile drag (at the top of lap 3 turned and ran 1 mile back and re ran that section just to get in 4 climbs)

    Dist 8:91
    time 1:10
    Pace: 7:53
    hr: 143/162

    Only got 9 hours in this week so not happy with the volume, the intensity was up, did 4 hard sessions (1 swim\run, 2 bike), so happy there.

    Missed the mid week swim and never did any core, weights.
    I do need to get my self sorted here as I can make time for the other sessions but so easly can leave these ones, not good.

    Base 2 week 1:
    12-18 Dec|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance
    Running|3|2:52 |21.04
    Core \ Other|0|0:00|00
    Total|8 |8:43|90.34

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Last tri session of the year.

    total: 2300
    100m easy
    100m WU (50m superman, 50m FC)

    9*200m (Hard,Easy,Hard,Hard,Easy,Hard,Hard,easy,Hard)
    Hard with 40sec rest, easy with 20 sec rest.
    2*50 swimming in a group (this was not comfortable hard enough to swim without people on top of me :o)
    200 wd
    for the 200 hard, was not paying attention to the times, (the 2nd last one was approx 3:40\45 ish)

    Lunch time run:
    had a meeting where cakes and coffee were provided, and been the festive time it was, I could not say no, so to counter the extra calories, didnt do lunch and went for a run, could only manage 35min, as i had to be back for another meeting.
    stomach felt a bit weird, not sure if it was the cakes or the large coffee.

    total 33min
    dist 4.3mi
    pace: ~7:38min\mi
    avg hr 141
    55 min Bike
    Turbo with front wheel lifted approx. 10cm off the ground.
    10min warm up, spinning the gears
    Main: 4 sets of 3 * 30 seconds force reps. 2:30 rest
    5 min rest between sets
    for the 30 seconds gearing was 53*14/13 resistance supposed to replicate 6% gradient.

    average max over the 12 sets 452, (increase of 13watts from last week)
    cad 45

    nice set; felt good and strong, was aiming to hit at least 450w per set, one or two fell slighlt below it.
    did snap a gear cable during the 3rd set, thankfully i could continue.
    also need to change my pedales as when pulling up my foot was moving all over the place and not good for the knees

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    had a brutal day in this place, was late leaving (with more work to do at home) so feeling jaded on the way over to the pool, I didnt feel like any exercise and at the junction left to swim, right for home I took a right :o.
    and as soon as I was home had the guilty feeling of a missed session, so put the kids to bed, finished what work was left and hit the road for a run,
    and was so glad i did. (does not make up for no swim but at least I did something).

    the run its self was nice and I actually felt comfortable for a change. the pace was not savage but im happy with the feeling.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Ah the old guilty feeling when you skip a session, everyone gets it and sometimes it can be the bodys way of saying i need some downtime especially if life & work is busy!!

    Have you decided on logistics for Bolton yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Ah the old guilty feeling when you skip a session, everyone gets it and sometimes it can be the bodys way of saying i need some downtime especially if life & work is busy!!

    Have you decided on logistics for Bolton yet?

    I will be sorting out the logistics early in the new year. it still early in the training but not feeling confident, and trying to urge to go ballistic on the training. hopefully this is common.

    was my youngest birthday, 9 its a great way to make to feel old when the wee one is on his way to double digits.

    with all the activities with him it was late getting to bed and later for me to jump on the bike.

    the plan was to ramp the tempo from 2 * 20 min to 1 *45 (~215)
    so off I get and was feeling good apart from the fact that I had no real food, a McD's burger and a sandwich for lunch, got 25min into the session and the avg power was ~216w, HR was well undercontrol. and then asked to stop as the noise of the rollers was keeping the wee man awake and he could not get to sleep. so that was the end of that.

    not ideal, but that life i suppose.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    finished off the Tempo session

    felt good the whole way through this,

    time :60min
    50 min Tempo
    Avg Pwr 209\278
    Nor Pwr 213
    avg spd 23\28
    avg Hr 141\151

    Up very early and off for a run, skipped breakfast and hit the road, from the start I felt stiff and lacked energy, (do not think I fully recovered from the effort last night). worked too hard from mile 1.5 for approx 30min where the average hr was ~163 after that it settled down, the run overal was crap. and felt it was happy to get home.
    I have a feeling it was just down to tirdness and lack of recovery from last. I did wake up with a nasty coldsore this morning which I usually get when "run down".

    after dinner went for a 40 min cycle with the youngest, his first time on a road bike, and this was more stressful than the past week. on the first decent, he nearly lost it. out of the corner of my eye I saw the bike starting to wobble and my mind raced ahaed to a nice face plant the day before christmas (I would be in the good books). but he held it and thankfully stayed up right. I had to change my undies.
    Then coming out of a corner he decied to sprint and the gears slipped, he landed on his feet and stayed upright.
    the rest of it was thankfully uneventful, apart from changing the gears the wrong way on a drag and nearly snapping his knees.
    not sure if he will be joining me again for a while :)

    Time: 1:41
    Dist: 12.47
    Pace: 8:10min/mi

    Took christmas day and St. Stephens day off, (again the guild was getting to me on Stephens day but was having fun playing with the kids to said .... it.

    This week had a few hard sessions but the volume was way down.
    (Base 2 is not getting the volume I had hoped)
    19-25 Dec|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance
    Running|3|3:40 |28.04mi
    Core \ Other|0|0:00|
    Total|7 |8:30|70mi

    The youngest on the turbo, what father would not be proud.:-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    early morning run, again took abit to get going but was a slight improvement. on saturday.
    Didnt push the pace or effort as have a key bike session this evening.

    time: 43min
    dist: 5.44
    pace 7:56
    no idea of HR and forgot the strap,

    Force reps.
    10min warm up, spinning the gears
    Main: 5 sets of 3 * 30 seconds force reps. 2:30 rest
    5 min rest between sets
    for the 30 seconds gearing was 53*14 - turbo set to resistacne 9

    again improvment on last weeks - extra set added and kept above the target power.

    the average max was 471 (over the 13 reps, power stopped working on the 13 so the last was pure feeling)

    The max power was up 19watts from last week and 32 from the first week of these (439)
    so nice improvement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    BennyMul wrote: »
    ...for the 30 seconds gearing was 53*14 - turbo set to resistacne 9

    Nice, I've got some 30sec surges in my turbo tomorrow and may hammer a few to see what the legs have got

    What did you have to bribe the youngest with for that pic? :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    What did you have to bribe the youngest with for that pic? :pac:

    :) there was no bribe for that one, the next will be different.

    It was 9 days since my last swim, and ohhh is it a bad idea to leave a gap between them, felt dead for the first few lengths.

    500 wu
    2K straight (apart from a stop to stretch a cramp - the calf cramped up brutally and only happens in the deep end where you cant strand to try and stretch it out).
    the set was ok, upto the 1K I was slightly ahead of the 1min/50m the second was a fraction of a bit slower, had dropped 20seconds off the pace up to the 1500m, then cramp. the last 500 was on schedule the break probably assisted.
    400 wd

    total 65min
    dist: 2900m

    Got home and the family were at the shops, so bike out and did a simple 50min spin
    kept the HR and Power in recovery range, while keeping the >95rpm

    felt ok the hr did rise once or twice however a bit of concentration dropped it back down.

    was starving getting off the bike, going back to work and only eating a sandwich through the day was a shock to the system after the festive splurge.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul


    in my infinite wisdom I decided to go for a run, a sign this was a bad idea was when I struggled to open the door with the wind, but as so many on here say HTFU. So I did.
    The first few miles were grand, apart from the wind, then the heavens opened and within a few seconds I was saturated. Running through town the looks from the motorist all says “what a gobs****” and to be honest I felt like one, it was awful. Then came decision time as I had only had 30min done, the choice came go back and have a warm shower or continue. So like everyone else I went on.

    I tried to run on MP feeling, not looking at the pace or HR just feeling, and the pace was comfortable, a bit behind where I would have liked it but considering the weather can’t complain too much

    Time: 60min
    Dist: 7:38mi
    Pace 7:38
    Nor Pace 7:31

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hey bennymul, 7.5min/mile pace is not too bad lad'. Here is that your local run route? If so I don't live too far from you and I run a lot of that route fairly often too, Crescent, Ballycummin, Tech Park, Fr Russel Rd etc...

    The rain and wind were fairly rotten alright yesterday. Not much better today either :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Hey bennymul, 7.5min/mile pace is not too bad lad'. Here is that your local run route? If so I don't live too far from you and I run a lot of that route fairly often too, Crescent, Ballycummin, Tech Park, Fr Russel Rd etc...

    The rain and wind were fairly rotten alright yesterday. Not much better today either :rolleyes:

    Hey thanks was happy with it after the weather, and this is my afterwork route, currently living in the sticks and hardly ever get in for a run :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Seems like ages since I wrote up the log and probably forgot most of it

    Fri 31st
    Swim, had planned to get out of work early and hit the pool, but as tradition kept up it was busy and not a hope of an early finish. but still headed over.
    as soon as I started I didn’t want to be there, had 0 interested in going up and down, but stayed for the hour, (probably the wrong thing to do)
    No idea on distance. can’t remember

    Sun 1st

    10miles and was happy with it, been a long time since I was really happy finishing a run
    Pace 7:25min/mi
    Time: 1:20

    Mon 2nd
    Started the spin not happy the power meter not working (didnt like that)
    had planned a nice easy spin and thats what I did

    Dist: 20mi
    Time: 1:15
    avg Speed: 16mph
    hr: 120/142

    Tues 3rd:
    Force hill reps
    unnatural weather, gale force winds and very wet rain. felt soooo stupid going for a run, (was in the inlaws and the looks I got said it all)
    15min trying to warm up
    6 * ~.10 approx 44seconds each
    apart from the crap weather this was ok, stopped on the 6th as the speed, form etc were gone and no point in doing it badly,
    dist 3:55 (would have liked a few extra miles here but the night that was in it)

    Wed 4th:
    wind had calmed down slightly from the day before so out I went, and decision time do I go easy and flat or up, so after deciding to go flat, I soon changed my mind and decided a lap of Mount Leinster was called for.
    off up the Corrabut and then 9stones.
    Felt good on the climbs, well in control, now did not push it and this could have told a different story. in my wisdom forgot that it would be windy at the top and dam it was brutal, the wind coming in from the side and had to lean in to it,
    Was a nice cycle, avg speed was slow mainly due to the mountain and wind (I hope)

    Distance: 31.95 mi
    Time: 2:12:01
    Speed: 14.5 mph
    HR: 123/153
    Elevation Gain: 2,045 ft

    Friday 6th:
    Longish Cycle:
    A really nice cycle, starting to get a nice feeling in the legs, a good bit to go but there is improvement in the last few weeks
    The main set of 3 hrs have an avg speed of 17.4 which im happy about, this included a long climb of 4miles not steep but still there.

    Distance: 55.06 mi
    Time: 3:17:11
    Speed: 16.8 mph
    Elevation Gain: 1,808 ft

    Saturday 7th
    Recovery Run:
    Distance: 5.44 mi
    Time: 42:47
    Pace: 7:52 min/mi

    Sunday 8th:
    PMP Feeling run
    had planned a longer run, but it was late I was tired and not in the form, body was tired I just did a handy 8, well once out I decided to push it a bit and did my std. 10mile out\back loop. Felt good the full lap wore too much and was slightly too warm but a good solid run, even felt nice in places happy with effort,</SPAN>

    Distance: 10.10 mi
    Time: 1:15:01
    Pace: 7:25 min/mi

    And that concluded Base 2,
    Happy with some aspects, cycling and running are slowly improving and feeling more normal.

    Im not happy with the total volume hit 32 hours training (35 in Base1). Missed 5 swim sessions, none during the last week.
    Managed to annoy the family with training (seems Im not the only one after reading some other logs)

    Starting Base 3 on Monday,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 10th
    Base 3 starting with a swim

    ok, been 9 days since I was in the water and not looking forward to it.

    so tri club swim:
    started with a 200 wu (shoulder was sore at the start)

    4 * 50 kicks with fins.

    then main set 16 * 100 off 2min
    was dreading these to be honest but felt good enough
    all came in approx 1:40-45 so happy
    600 wd (jumped into the public lane as masters started their sets)

    total dist: 2600m
    time: 1:05

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Convert those bike and runs into new money or we cannot take you serious as a triathlete, miles and mile pace is sooo last decade:)
    Good work and you seem to have some good pace on the run. Make sure you get the balance right with the family and training otherwise you might be going to Bolton on your own:)
