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Migrants hold candle-lit march



  • Registered Users Posts: 7 3.5 mad Pajero

    30Min wrote: »
    Working for 2 years is nothing if you know that in the end you will be entitled to a handsome social welfare payment every week, no questions asked. Its a huge incentive for people to come here and that should never be the case.

    My neighbour in the flat up stairs (lovely lady), came to Ireland 7 years ago, worked for 5 and has been on the dole for the last 2 years. She told me outright the other day that she is never going to look (seriously) for a job and will stay here for as long as she can, on the dole, as long as she can. "I'm too old to be looking for work" she said....shes 49 :)

    If that's how our system operates, then more power to her. Its our own fault for having a system which is so easily open to abuse.

    Why not do your civic duty and report her to the authorities for not seeking work while getting jobseekers allowance? Because she's a lovely lady? Newsflash, she's not a lovely lady, she's a fukcing scrounger.
    All social welfare fraud should be reported immediately. You see these cünts down the pub, drinking their dole, child allowance and disability benefits, giving out about bankers and politicians and how they ruined the country. The irony is lost on these parasites.
    Maybe the question we should be asking! Why have we no Border Controls, The Garda are supposed to check these people coming in here, But the have no powers to stop the Sponging Nigerian,s. Thank,s to our GUTLESS GOVERMENT.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,659 ✭✭✭Siuin

    Maybe the question we should be asking! Why have we no Border Controls, The Garda are supposed to check these people coming in here, But the have no powers to stop the Sponging Nigerian,s. Thank,s to our GUTLESS GOVERMENT.

    Our spongers are all Nigerian now? :confused:
    BTW , =/= ' (and you don't need to use it anyway)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7 3.5 mad Pajero

    44leto wrote: »
    This was a sting protest organised by the emigration control people, they have netted 30,000 of them.

    So as of from next week there will be 30,000 less.

    I don't know much about our emigration services or efficiencies, I imagine it is poor. But we have other problems and very bad ones that get more my concern.
    We don't have any emigration services, It,s up to the Garda, Who just stand by with their mouths wide open

  • Registered Users Posts: 7 3.5 mad Pajero

    Hobbes wrote: »
    booboo88 wrote: »
    Migrants that claim welfare are not welcome.

    If they are paying the taxes, they are entitled to it.
    Not Non EU Spongers

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,659 ✭✭✭Siuin

    Not Non EU Spongers

    Why are 'European Spongers' more welcome?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,949 ✭✭✭A Primal Nut

    chucken1 wrote: »
    I wont/cant comment on European Migrants because I dont believe(I could be wrong)that the 30,000 are Europeans.
    Id speculate that most are asylum seekers who have had their claim refused.
    More than likely people from war torn countries.

    It's not that hard to get asylum accepted here. If it was rejected they probably lied or are not under threat if they go home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,568 ✭✭✭Chinasea

    The majority of the responses here are obnoxious.

    Just remember one thing, relfect back on only the last few years on how many migrants have been attacked, racially abused and murdered.

    Shame on Ireland the ETERNAL NATION OF IMMIGRANTS.

    "Some weeks ago (on Good Friday, in fact) a 15-year old boy was killed in Tyrellstown, Co Dublin. Toyoshi ****tabey was walking home from the swimming pool when, it is reported, he and a friend were subjected to a racist verbal assault. It has been reported that while ****tabey and his friend walked away from the scene, the assailants went to a house, acquired a knife, followed the youngsters to their car, and stabbed ****tabey in the heart. "

  • Registered Users Posts: 195 ✭✭andrewire

    Why doesn't the state punish those who give employment to these people? Many are probably exploited because they are 'cheap labour', have no rights, etc. The same one-sided discussion is common in America, where people talk about deporting 'illegals' but no-one mentions the ones that give employment to them.

    Expelling people from the country will not solve the problem. So, no more cheap nannies, cleaning ladies, etc. for yummy mummies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,058 ✭✭✭purplepanda

    chucken1 wrote: »
    Have you read post 16?

    So according to that website they have no longer a right to live in Ireland??

    "• you came to Ireland to work with an employment permit and now your employment permit and immigration stamp has expired
    • you came to Ireland to study and now your permission to remain has expired
    • you came to Ireland as a tourist and remained in Ireland
    • you entered Ireland without the required visa
    • you are form a non-visa required country and did not renew your immigration status
    • you entered as an asylum seeker and had your claim was refused
    • you have been issued with a deportation order"

    Time for them to leave, they are not entitled to stay anymore & are here illegally.

    When hundreds of thousands of Irish people are leaving home to find work overseas I don't see why these migrants should be allowed to stay unless they have proven their case of asylum / persecution or otherwise. :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    Amazing really, the 'blow-ins' are out marching and the natives won't even get off their arses no matter how much they're shat on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,010 ✭✭✭ringadingding

    I know dozens of Chinese guys in the restaurant trade in Dublin.
    Came on a student visa for 2 years, they stayed illegally, work, pay taxes, rent accomodation etc and saving money to buy a house back home.

    These guys work with other peoples PPS numbers, even a few of them on one number, so they pay a shed load of tax.

    I feel sorry for these guys to be honest, they have kids back home, who they never see in the flesh, as they cant return if they leave, they are not entitled to anything if they lose their jobs, they normally are exploited by **** of bosses who know they have no other option. One guys mother died and he couldnt go to the funeral.

    I know its their choice, and I dont agree with it, i would rather be skint but see my kids growning up, rather than working my arse off as a kitchen porter for minimum wage and being a grown adult but sharing a bedroom with 4 others..... But they are not causing a great deal of harm, they are not an aggressive race from what I have seen and they are paying taxes.

    I would imagine these people make up a sizeable chunk of this supposed 30k.

    IBT 'Chinese - great bunch of ads'

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,784 ✭✭✭#15

    It's not that hard to get asylum accepted here.

    It is.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    I'm racist against idiots. Would rather immigrants than the people with such imbecilic, uninformed, unsubstantiated views here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭coolbeans

    If you're gonna spout hateful bile at least make sure it's not based on ignorance. I hate it when people don't know what they're talking about. Around here we call these people stupid. Hate all you like but back it up and don't spout ****e. For example; "It's not that hard to get asylum status in Ireland". This is unadulterated ****e. Look it up you dope. Try here
    And for the record I'm well able to hate as much as the next man. If you take the piss and fail to contribute positively I'll probably hate you but I'll base that hate on your tangible actions and not on your skin colour or nationality or intellectually lazy generalisations or what my drunken mate down the pub says.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 37,214 ✭✭✭✭Dudess

    coolbeans wrote: »
    If you're gonna spout hateful bile at least make sure it's not based on ignorance. I hate it when people don't know what they're talking about. Around here we call these people stupid. Hate all you like but back it up and don't spout ****e. For example; "It's not that hard to get asylum status in Ireland". This is unadulterated ****e. Look it up you dope. Try here
    And for the record I'm well able to hate as much as the next man. If you take the piss and fail to contribute positively I'll probably hate you but I'll base that hate on your tangible actions and not on your skin colour or nationality or what my drunken mate down the pub says.
    Yeh - "in my opinion" doesn't constitute proof.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Pamela Izevbekhai

    Howiya lads,

    Any chance I can come back?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,565 ✭✭✭southsiderosie

    Maybe the question we should be asking! Why have we no Border Controls, The Garda are supposed to check these people coming in here, But the have no powers to stop the Sponging Nigerian,s. Thank,s to our GUTLESS GOVERMENT.
    We don't have any emigration services, It,s up to the Garda, Who just stand by with their mouths wide open

    This is utter, utter nonsense. If you have a problem with illegal immigration fine, but don't pretend that Ireland does not have immigration enforcement or border control. Immigration agents are at ports and airports, and they even spot-check on the NI border: I was stopped twice over a 3-month period, and on the second occasion saw four young Asians pulled off of the bus and detained because they only had a visa for the UK, not Ireland. So please, just stop with this b.s.

    If there are to be complaints about the Garda and immigration, they should be directed at the fact that enforcement of the law is completely arbitrary when it comes to getting visa extensions, etc. Two people from the same country can go in with the exact same paperwork, employer, everything, and will get two completely different answers. My home country's consulate warned all of us about this and it is absolutely true in my experience. But if you don't believe me, talk to any Irish citizen who has tried to get a residence permit for their non-EU citizen spouse, or any non-EU citizen who has to cross their fingers before heading down to Wood Quay that they will not have to uproot their family and move because an immigration agent randomly decides not to renew their residence permit.

    Standing in front of an immigration agent is the most powerless feeling in the world, and if more people on boards actually had some experience with this (and I'm not talking about going to Spain or New York on holiday), then maybe they wouldn't spew so much ridiculous nonsense every time one of these threads comes up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,324 ✭✭✭Cork boy 55

    What is the rational or maths for the figure of 30,000?
    Is this just plucked from the air?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,324 ✭✭✭Cork boy 55

    What is the rational or maths for the figure of 30,000?
    Is this just plucked from the air?

    Found it!!

    According to this Oirish times news report in may 2011
    It's from the "migrants right centre"
    and it is based on and I quoate
    "The group estimates there are about 30,000 undocumented people living in Ireland, a figure which the group says is based on section 3 deportations outlined in the Department of Justice annual report 2008 and EU statistics, which point to a 0.4 per cent undocumented rate in the European population, and the group’s own data."

    So the Eu says that across the EU there is a 0.4% rate
    so if 30,000 is 0.4% then we have 30,000 illegals sure thats just plucking numbers out of the sky.

    then there is some 2008 DOJ estimate and then there is some
    migrants groups data whatever that is like to see that?

    It nearly 2012 now surely the 2008 report if it was ever accuarte is wrong :confused:
    I don't know, it could 3,000 or it could be 100,000
    I would like to see their data
    I find it amazing in small Ireland country that we have any signifcant illegal popualtion. If we do it's a failure of the garda and politicians
    No need for it.

    I think we should tighten up laws and control here to stop this happening again.

    As for those that are hear now and want to become regularised
    I would like to see more data on numbers and types of immigrants before I could form a full opinon on what is to be done

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,324 ✭✭✭Cork boy 55

    I would also like to see how the figure of 50,000 illegal irish in USA is arrived at.
    in 2012 I would say it closer to 5,000

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    Howiya lads,

    Any chance I can come back?

    Do a Cooper-Flynn?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,417 ✭✭✭✭Galwayguy35

    The sooner the whole immigration process is speeded up the better. Make a decision and if someone isnt entitled to be here then kick them out. And keep them out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,874 ✭✭✭EGAR

    as an Irish voter/citizen & taxpayer I would not presume to advise the US how to enforce their immigration laws.
    that is entirely a matter for them.

    Hahaha, bollox. Double standards come to mind.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    I would also like to see how the figure of 50,000 illegal irish in USA is arrived at.
    in 2012 I would say it closer to 5,000

    Where did you get the idea of 5,000 from?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,435 ✭✭✭wandatowell

    hahaha eating our swans lol

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,324 ✭✭✭Cork boy 55

    Nodin wrote: »
    Where did you get the idea of 5,000 from?

    Some random poster on made a case for it sometime back
    A irish guy living in USA or so he said.
    I don't have a link.
    He had some good points.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,573 ✭✭✭pragmatic1

    Anyone that comes to this country to contribute and respects our way of life is more than welcome imo. Its good for the country.
    On the other hand people that come just to sponge off the state can get to fcuk. The gravy train is over, we're skint.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    Some random poster on made a case for it sometime back
    A irish guy living in USA or so he said.
    I don't have a link.
    He had some good points.

    So somebody somewhere pulled it out of his arse. Another greatl leap forward for mankind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,874 ✭✭✭EGAR

    Awwwww, another lonely Xmas for the trapped Irish:

    But the illegal immigrants over here should burn in hell, seeing that they eat our swans and steal our wimmins - or was it the other way around?

    I can see how certain rules are applied. Ah sure the poor Irish in the US, never got a break and they work like dogs...

    Ah feck all the illegals in Ireland, let's deport them.

    Merry Xmas to you all, love thy neighbour and all that craic. And here was me thinking Christianity was more a lifestyle than a religion in these parts.

    And please don't forget to give a few Pounds for the starving black babies in Africa so you can say you have done something good.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,874 ✭✭✭EGAR

    My OH's uncle emigrated to the UK in 1949. I never forget when we talked about his experiences and he said:*I never knew I was black until I opened my mouth over there.*
